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MARCH 2025

SOHR: Syrian Su-22 Didn’t Target SDF Fighters In Western Raqqah

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Even such a hardcore anti-government media outlet as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) does not support the twisted logic that the US-led coalition uses to justify its agression against the Syrian government.

SOHR reported:

“The fate of the pilot of regime’s warplane is still unknown, where its warplane was dropped in the southern countryside of Al-Raqqah, the warplane was shot down over Al-Resafa area of which the regime forces have reached to its frontiers today, and sources suggested to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights that warplanes of the International Coalition targeted it during its flight in close proximity to the airspace of the International Coalition’s warplanes, which caused its debris to fall over Resafa city amid an unknown fate of its pilot, the sources confirmed that the warplane did not target the Syria Democratic Forces in their controlled areas located at the contact line with regime forces’ controlled areas in the western countryside of Al-Tabaqa to the road of Al-Raqqah – Resafa.”

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Joe Doe

We know that, this was just american pretext to shut down Syrian SU-22. It is clear that Americans keeping safe escape corridor for the ISIS in direction to Saudi Arabia. The sad part is that Russia failed as good protector. Therefore, many countries will go in NATO direction or american alliance

Russell A Wilson

Russia has not failed its mandate is to fight terrorist not protector of Syria

Wahid Algiers

That is correct. But a fine aerial attack somewhere between Tabqa and SAA front lines on the SDF gypsies (= terrorists) could be the right answer.


If the SAA can prevent ISIS from fleeing then ISIS has to fight the SDF till the end and that will give the SAA time to grab all the oil fields. This desperate move by the US shows that that scenario is very very likely.

Gary Sellars

What an idiot…. as if Russia can somehow compel the US not to act like fucking cunts…. and we are supposed to think that this outrage will make “many countries will go in NATO direction or american alliance”? WTF????….

Milan Miljkovic

It’s getting increasingly difficult for media to cover the Syrian conflict while maintaining that ISIS isn’t a US ally


Yep, even a cursory look at US actions over past weeks, indicates it has all been about stopping the SAA from pursuing their offensives against ISIS in east Syria. The US have been basically having a giant tantrum and screaming, ‘no – the plan was for our paid stooges to ‘fight’ ISIS and then lay claim to all of east Syria for the US and GCC.’


The US was forced to form ISIS to oppose Iran /Syrian /Russian alliance after US withdrawal from Iraq. We would have left in peace, but Iran insisted on moving in, and we can’t have that, simple.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Iraqi country is Majority Shia and you accuse Iran for aiding when the US was aiding ISIS/Baathists supported by Saudi Coalition and Israel . The US moved in illegally and destabilized the region for its own nefarious purposes and had no intention of leaving Iraq in peace . The US just plain hates secular societies because they want to feel church lady special , and it is just that simple.


no mate, you’ve got it wrong, the DEMOCRATS want to overthrow secular societies, I think maybe because they can’t control them, that’s why they like Islam, they think they can import it, buy off the corrupt leaders, and then mix church with state to control the populace. Republicans( who actually go to church) could give a fuck less. It’s the godless democrats who are the social justice warriors mate, trying to compensate for the hole where their souls are supposed to go. And they lost the last election, which is why we are now actually going after ISIS.

All that said, nothing I stated was incorrect. First rule of having a reasonable discussion, is first address the other persons points as to their factuality before you ask them to recognize yours.

What exactly is “church lady special”? is that like a hasbara???


Regardless of Pentagon being full of dickwits, in the post ISIS/FSA/Nusra world Turkey, Syria, Iraq and indirectly Iran will steadily start squeezing SDF territory from all directions.Eventually USA will be “kindly” guided out from all of them.


Probably. If that happens this will eventually escalate to a nuclear war. Be careful what you wish for. The US will not accept a Russian/Iran dominated middle east with no US presence along with the destruction of Israel and Saudi Arabia and Shiite control of the world oil supply via the straits of Hormuz, which are the goals of Iran, Russia and Syria. If you think the US is going to allow that to happen you’re out of your mind. It will go nuclear.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why don’t the US stop meddling in other countries affairs before other countries decide to really meddle in the US and decides partitioning it woul be the best thing for the world . Thinking this is about oil is as stupid as it gets , there is no need for Middle East Oil in the western hemisphere. The goals of the US is that of a spoiled child who acts like a bully . The US can’t play in the Sandbox and will have to find it’s own sand box to play in everyone else is sick and tired !


Please come for us, fuckers. Oh wait, you tried and now your shit is all fucked up. china steals all our tech, the euros finance riots and globalists try and influence our elections with Russia. I think maybe you ought to worry more about me and mine coming over and fucking up you and yours instead of you making bullshit threats to me and my country. In fact, why don’t you suck my ancient gnarled cock?


I think that ISIS ‘escaping’ to Jordan or Saudi Arabia is the biggest nightmare of the Yanks. They can’t fight in Saudi Arabia and ISIS would turn into a popular uprising very very fast.

Milan Miljkovic

Dear American followers Just imagine if Russians downed an USAF jet over NY city and advise it as a self defense. What will be your take ?


Even better would be a mysterious elevator malfunction on John McCain’s and Lindsey Graham’s jet the next time they are en route to Syria or Ukraine.


Unfortunately ‘might makes right’.


Well, that’s the underlying gospel of Islam, no?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s the underlying problem of being a Hasbara troll blame everything on everyone but himself .


Perhaps you have a learning disability. I blamed not everyone, i was rather specific and blamed not everyone, just terrorist muslims, you plonker.

as to what I might blame America for, you’ll never know, you’re too busy denyng simple truths for me to engage with a retard over and have a serious discourse.


Hasbara. there’s that word again…


The difference between politicians leading your country or statesmen. One looks at his/her own approval rating this week, the other thinks what his decisions will mean to the country for the next 20 years. Even if this has a short term positive effect (which I highly doubt) it will have a huge political cost long term. Since I’m not a fan of US international politics I’m very happy with this dumb move. I can’t imagine leaders of countries with US bases inside them filled with irrational cowboys not scratching their heads at times like these. The Brits are still complaining about a Russian spy being killed in their country but the West thinks shooting planes down in sovereign nations by forces that are there illegally is fine. By this logic the downing of MH17 would be totally justified if the Russians had done it (which I also highly doubt, qui bono). I would hate to be an Ukrainian jet pilot right now if this US logic is accepted internationally.


Well, the Russians said it was just, no? so why cry when we shoot down one little old plane? I do hope the pilot is alive and returned safely, though.


It is no cry, it is just a resolute call to speak the only language you understand: hard military power and a stream of coffins going back home over the Atlantic ocean


likewise, it’s all Russians understand. We’ll see if you have the belly to stick around as long as we have. I doubt it.


Russians are never aggressive. The Americans are always aggressive.

Now the Russian should supply some weapons to the embattled Taliban defenders of their homeland…


Americans don’t care about international law when it comes to Syria or Russia. Why should we? You don’t. we will not constrain ourselves by laws you yourselves do not acknowledge or observe. you want to commit terrorism against the US and our allies, and pledge destruction to Israel and cry when it doesn’t go your way? Please, go blow your nose, kid.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

why are you such a wet behind the ears noodle , stop you sound like some redundant Social Justice Warrior tinged with a Hasbara Trolls reasoning ,MUH HURT! MUH HURT! DAMN PALESTINIAN PUT HIS HEAD RIGHT NEAR MY BOOT ! Time for you to start presenting evidence to support your claims of injury , if not quit your whining .


DEATH TO SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS!!! seriously. what exactly is a hasbara?

I don’t hurt, I just think it’s hysterical to listen to these supporters of terrorism whining about Yankee imperialists. you want what exactly, a comprehensive list of atrocities committed against Americans by Syrian backed and other Muslim terrorists? i should waste my evening cataloging that which you know well is true? try that with some young schmuck who will give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you’re ignorant and don’t know better. as for me shutting up, try and make me. Don’t ever presume to speak to me in the command tone again, and that’s not a whine, boy.

I doubt you know anything at all about the history of the palestinian conflict. In fact I know you don’t, by your ridiculous rant.


You could have just compiled the list instead of your meaningless, self-pitying tirades.

I bet it would read like a Nazi vindication for the Holocaust, especially in the light of what you have been doing in Syria since Word War II.


you are a fool, you throw out words and phrases that have no meaning.


I am still waiting for the list. Can’t you just put your money where you mouth is, all of a sudden?

Which part of my assessment did you fail to understand?

Of course it has a lot of meaning, it is also taught at U.S. universities, and the courses are sometimes freely available, but I understand that they are probably hidden from you behind insurmountable intellectual obstacles, as they have a rather deep connection to things that you have apparently never come across, namely knowledge and education.


scroll up, been there for a while. see: holomodor, and indian wars.


Really, you are suggesting that the Native Americans were Muslims or of Syrian descent???


it’s too bad you’re so fucking stupid, we could have had some fun. we still may.

Like any real Russian, you have no respect for anyone or anything until you get punched in the fucking mouth.


It is predictably bad that you are so fucking stupid that when you get beaten up and hit your limits, you do not come up with arguments, but elementary-school-grade slurs, probably to “impress” the audience with the pinnacle of your “academic achievements”.


No, we do not want to commit terrorism, we just want to punish the terrorists and exercise the inherent right to individual self-defence and collective self-defence of the whole of peace-loving mankind by any means necessary, including a disinfecting nuclear strike against the scum who founded their cuntry on ethnic cleansing and genocide and now continue to spread it all over the world

After all, why should we constrain ourselves by laws that you like to wield against others but never abide by them yourselves?


Go for it. I’m always up for a good war against evil villainous wretched scum like you and yours. Russians are not peace loving, and neither are Syrians or Arabs. Warmongers all.


I do advocate for some serious cleansing along the Atlantic coast, the Pacific coasts and the Gulf of Mexico.

While I am concerned for the fauna and flora there, I conclude that it will be necessary the price that mankind will have to pay to keep the Earth habitable and peaceful.

You founded you cuntry on ethnic cleansing and genocide, then proceeded to terrorize the Americas with the Monroe doctrine and its Roosevelt corollary and after World War II you went global with your terrorism, because you are like a cancerous growth that needs to be irradiated urgently.

Russia does not initiate wars, Russia ends them.


Russians are the most conquered people on earth. your gene pool is so fucked up you can’t even figure out if you’re European or Asian. Communism and the soviet union are the most evil vile disgusting soul sucking form of govt ever to murder 70 million people. criminals. shameful criminals, real imperialists, oppressing and occupying half of Europe and Asia, ruining their lands that you exploited for their resources. real sick bastards.


The Russians are then the most resilient people on Earth.

But it is quite funny fo listen to such slurs form a genocidal group of mongrels whose gene pool is so fucked up that they cannot even figure out if they are from Europe, Asia, Africa, or the Americas.

Crapitalism and the United States of Aggression is the most evil, vile, disgusting, soul-sucking and, above all, genocidal form of government which has murdered 400 million people. You are the criminals, shameful genocidal criminals murdering the Americas, who declared their independence so that they could murder the indigenous people beyond the Appalachian mountains, slave-mongers raping Africa and war profiteering bastards raping killing, raping, looting, terrorizing and stealing from the whole world, because you are still the primitive brawls of the Wild West with a nomadic mentality, who exploit and ruin their lands and then move on to fresh pastures to exploit and ruin them, too, you sick bastards, who founded their cuntry on ethnic cleansing cleansing and genocide, built it up with slavery and traded in slaves even as the rest of the world fought it, and maintained your cuntry with theft through the international monetary system.


actually that was the english with the slaves, the importation of slaves was NEVER legal in these united states. we just kept the ones already here, then fought the bloodiest war in our history to free them. I was goign to say some nice thing about russians, then I read the rest of your bullshit post about some phantom 400 million dead and decided you are either an uneducated child, or an old commie. either way, not worth my time, but you have a nice day, and I agree russians are very resilient.

I promise, it’s going to be a great war we have, you’ll love it.


Regardless of the ban, you were smuggling them into the U.S.A. practically until the civil war.

And I say “regardless of that” because it does not make much difference regarding slavery and slave trade, whether it was international or “domestic”.

Your revered Founding Fathers, who were preaching freedom and whatnot, were fucking slave-mongers, and you have inherited this outrageous hypocrisy and made it part of your national and cultural*) heritage.

*) It is actually still debatable whether you have any culture at all. Some people reasonably argue that you have neither culture, not any department or ministry of culture. Others contend that “gun culture” is widely recognized in the U.S.A., while some others warn of a misunderstanding of terms, noting that what is widely understood as culture in the U.S.A., is more aptly termed an epidemic of violence and dumbed-down stupidity (sometimes called idiocracy), while still others correctly argue that indisputable traces of some culture have been proven to have existed in U.S. microbiological laboratories, probably as part of the sale of biological weapons to the government of Iraq.


whose land did we ruin exactly, and move on? where is the environmental wastelane we created? I know russia used eastern europe as it’s garbage dump and you so poisoned part of the old USSR with radiation nothing lives there no but wolves, and there are many abandoned and depopulated cities due to Rus exploitation of what they viewed as disposable europeans, but hey, whose counting, right?


The ones you looted from the Native Americans.

And it is finally getting to your own original point: you are non-agreement-capable bastards.

You made an agreement with the Native Americans, then you broke it, then made another agreement, which you in turn broke, too, etc.


“Over 500 treaties were made with American Indian tribes, primarily for land cessations, but 500 treaties were also broken, changed or nullified when it served the government’s interests.” http://blog.nativepartnership.org/treaties-made-treaties-broken/

“With more than 500 treaties already broken, the government can do whatever it wants, it seems”: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/11/21/1345986/-With-more-than-500-treaties-already-broken-the-government-can-do-whatever-it-wants-it-seems


Hey, when you’re right, you’re right, but have the decency to ammend your own fucking stupid comments, accusing the US of killing 400 million. But what else can we expect from ranting and raving Ivans.

Unlike Russians, Americans own their shit, their deeds. I guess that’s part of the burden of living in a democracy where their is free speech, unlike Russia who has nothing but a history of tyranny and corruption.

Pretty sad your golden age is when you were conquered by fucking Mongols.


No, I did not claim that the U.S: killed 400 000 000 people; I claimed that crapitalism did that.

You ought to have learned to read before you got to write.

Unlike Russians, Americans distribute their shit and murderous imperialism all over the world.

Pretty sad that your golden age came when you, genocidal mongrels, were murdering, robbing and raping the whole world.


Why is that sad? That’s when every ones golden age occurred, schmuck. Open a book.


Well, as I have been arguing since the very beginning: atrocities are the foundations of your “greatness”, Mr. SchmuckWar.

Thanks for such an open admission.


You’re welcome, Ivan Schmuckatelli


Thanks for proving what I have been asserting all along: the Americans are the enemy of humanity.


P.S. everyone knows Slavs are the real mongrels.


PS: Everyone knows that the Americans are the only mongrels, with no history or a sense of decency.


and just to be clear, I can come up with more people massacred by Russians in pograms alone in a single year than you can show me a list of Indians massacred by US troops.

to want to look at the depopulation of the hemisphere, thank the spanish, who where here and at it for almost 300 years before me people were even a nation. the job was largely done by the time the declaration of independence was written.


Oh, then by all means, try to come up with it.

After all, it is widely known that the U.S.A. surpasses all the genocide records, especially because the United States of Aggression murdered tens of nations and enclosed the rest of the victims of your land grab and greed into reservations.


you apparently have no idea what those numbers are, do you?


I correctly identified that they came out of your ass as you were mixing and making them up and jumping from topic to topic (the Soviet Union, communism, etc.), so I countered it with the death toll of capitalism.


I’ll humor you, because like all russinas, you are obviously lazy. …………………………………………………………………………..

Indian wars

Effects on indigenous populations

The 2010 census found 2,932,248 Americans who identified themselves as being Native American (or Alaskan Native), about 0.9% of the U.S. population.[1] No consensus exists on how many native people lived in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus, but extensive research has been and continues to be conducted.[2][3] Estimates on the population of pre-Colombus North America range from a low of 2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to 7 million people (Russell Thornton) to 18 million (Dobyns 1983).[4]

As the direct result of infectious diseases, conflict with Europeans, wars between tribes, assimilation, migration to Canada and Mexico, declining birth rates, the numbers of Native Americans dropped to below half a million in the 19th century. Scholars believe that the overwhelming main causes were new infectious diseases carried by European explorers and traders. Native Americans had no acquired immunity to such diseases, which had been chronic in Eurasian populations for over five centuries.[5] For instance, some estimates indicate case fatality rates of 80–98% in Native American populations during smallpox epidemics.[6]

The United States Census Bureau (1894) provided their estimate of deaths due specifically to war during the 102 years between 1789 and 1891, including 8,500 natives and 5,000 whites killed in “individual affairs”:

The Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number. They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. The actual number of killed and wounded Indians must be very much higher than the number given… Fifty percent additional would be a safe estimate…[7]


I got to hand it to you guys, you have us beat hands down when it comes to ethnic cleansing.

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р)[a] was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an officially estimated 7 million to 10 million people[11] (other estimates range as low as 2.5 million or as high as 12 million). It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.

During the Holodomor millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[12] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine[13] and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.[14]


7 million people killed by the Invisible Hand of crapitalism: http://www.pravdareport.com/world/americas/19-05-2008/105255-famine-0/


nice try mate, trying to compare a worldwide depression with a state engineered famine targetting a specific population. also, your numbers are bullshit. no 7 million people died during the depression, regardless of what some obscure quck says. even if it were true, your still got us beat by 63 million deaths, and thats just under the USSR alone. If we want to restrict it to the holonodor, iyou’ve still got us beat by 30 million. at this point though I think I am done with you, not because I haven’t enjoyed our time together, i really have, or because we disagree, but because, try as I may, i find i am unable to muster any respect for you as a man, your just a cunt who doesn’t respond to facts, and just jumps from one set of alternate facts to another. This, in the end, is why we will defeat you, you are a nation of weak minded cunts. Brave? sure. Physical courage? you betcha, n one doubts a Russians courage. in the end though, your minds are fucking mush, they cant adapt or accept new facts, unless of course it’s technology they’ve stolen from the west. You wouldn’t even have the bomb had you not stolen it from us.


Well, that was *your depression*—which you started and infected the rest of the world with it. In fact, you were the perpetrators and the victims ought to be ascribed to you.

My sole point was to drive the point home when you were talking about the acknowledgement and observance laws… when you yourselves have time and again have proven to be non-agreement-capable, not only in Syria but also throughout your history, in fact, your cuntry’s day-to-day existence has been based on such utter hypocrisy and double standards.

You a pathetic “nation” of retarded wussies who have basically never really experienced on your soil, except the one that you yourself made on your people.

I was anxiously waiting for some relevant facts from you, even as you were straying from topic to topic and covering your retreats in feeble-minded slurs.

And I am still waiting for that “comprehensive list of atrocities committed against Americans by Syrian-backed and other Muslim terrorists”…

I lost all respect for you when you starting pulling numbers of your ass (like “70 million” and whatnot) and I realized that the fun with you was nearing its end when the shit from your cranial cavity started coming out through your mouth and you could not respond with any argument, just ridiculous personal slurs.


Thus, according to Ward Churchill, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900 represents a “vast genocide…, the most sustained on record.” By the end of the 19th century, writes David E. Stannard, a historian at the University of Hawaii, native Americans had undergone the”worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed, roaring across two continents non-stop for four centuries and consuming the lives of countless tens of millions of people.” In the judgment of Lenore A. Stiffarm and Phil Lane, Jr.,”there can be no more monumental example of sustained genocide—certainly none involving a ‘race’ of people as broad and complex as this—anywhere in the annals of human history.” Read more at: http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/7302

P.S. Professor Ward Churchill was sacked after his astute remarks about the events of September 11, 2001.


sorry mate, we’re only taking responsibility for those Killed by violence since the US was founded, and that is less than 75,000, along with 35,000 whites killed by those natives. You might want to look at 2 conquistadors who killed 6 million between them, 3 million by Cortez ( through war and disease) and 3 million by Hernando DeSoto, who single handedly depopulated most of the united states himself, 3 million within 15 years by the diseases he brought alone. You have far more natives killed by Spaniards in any country in the Americas than you do by Americans in the United states, and that’s a fact, jack.

Wolfgang Wolf

unfortunately, RUS has not enough balls to take out the flying US camelfuckerfriends…..

Milan Miljkovic

The Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, since 19 June, has ceased to interact with the American side within the framework of the memorandum on the prevention of incidents and aviation security during operations in Syria and calls for a thorough investigation by the American command of the incident and the

In the areas of Russian aviation in the sky, all air facilities, including aircraft and unmanned vehicles of the international coalition, found west of r. The Euphrates will be escorted by Russian air and air defence aircraft as air assets “.


Russians are smart. If they would shoot down a plane in retaliation it would be one from the smaller coalition countries like the Netherlands where losing a plane would be a much bigger deal and also result in at least part of the blame going towards the US. (Not the Netherlands please Russians, I’m Dutch.)


If the Dutch were not there supporting the criminal cabal, they wouldn’t be in danger. Personally, I think they should take down any US friends aircraft. Maybe they would decide to go home. My family is dutch/german. I have no desire to see family die, but am disgusted with Dutch gov. sucking up to US and supporting NATO. This will be their undoing. Leave now! The Spanish did it in Iraq when they realized it was all a lie.


As a group we are pretty dumb and have almost no pride. If the Netherlands would be an animal we would be a suckerfish riding the waves sucking up to sharks at such and getting an easy meal.


and if Russia wasn’t supporting the terrorist Cabal, Assad would be gone and all this would be over.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

If US wasn’t supporting the Real Terrorist Cabal , The Towers would still be standing and no need to defeat ISIS or Al Qaeda . They wouldn’t have existed without the US in the first place .


You need to read your history, mate. They want to take over the world. God told them to. it’s in their book. They were always coming for us. Deny it if you like, but deep down you know I’m right.


The USI– The United States of Israel– Israel’s proxy is doing just what they learned from the cowardly israelis as to what the Israelis do to Palestine and Gaza: ignore all calls of the people of the world to stop murdering and slaughtering these noble people. They are very sick individuals and they do not like to lose. They are not alone losing but have lost whatever the hell they were trying to do. I just hope that this war does not escalate because of Israeli greed and American sick pride and stupidity. If it does, more innocent people will die and suffer, and the Israelis and Americans and their so called “coalition” will still lose. Slaughtering humanity is a business for the Americans– for the israelis, it is just the love of slaughtering the Gentiles, people who are not like them. After all, such directions are given in the Talmud, a book written thousands of years ago by some sick nut sitting on his arse in the desert and then brings his sick revelations to his just as sick listeners. The contents of the book directs the Jews to use us ( the Non-Jews) in anyway they see fit: rape, use of our body-parts, slavery, torture, murder . . . especially stealing our lands. That is what the agenda of Israel is all about– sick, sick,sick. By the way, killing Gentiles and ripping our their body parts is a one billion dollar a year business for the Jews. Go to– FBI sting: Rabbis and politicians of New york arrested for selling body parts, usually of Gazans and Palestinians . . . but believe it or not . . . also of their own soldiers who are killed while trying to kill Palestinians. It don’t get any sicker. They are the only individuals who have an anti defamation league, and a label — Anti Semitic–go figure. Thank God for Russia. Syria and Iraq will soon totally be free–and then the Golan Heights . . . Jerusalem . . .

Kamyar Shahmoradi

ussa is desparate to stay alive a little while longer. syria war is almost concluded in syrian favor. us lost turkey to iran. us losing eu to russia. dollar will collapse soon. and as it weakens and all the opressed countries stengthen and unite it will be a new era


SOHR standing against the US forces? Have I entered the Twilight Zone?

DJ Double D

The problem is that nobody takes Russia serious anymore. If you want to be respected and taken seriously internationally, you’ve got to act aggressively when other countries tramped on you. We don’t see that in Russia, so the beats goes on.

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