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Soros’ Speech In Davos: Greenlight For WWIII?

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Soros’ Speech In Davos: Greenlight For WWIII?

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George Soros’ words about “defeating” Russia and China are a major threat to global peace.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

In Davos, discussions on the Ukrainian conflict are taking over the speeches of some of the biggest names of the Western world. On the one hand, realists such as Kissinger propose pragmatic means to achieve peace and seek stability in international relations. On the other hand, representatives of globalist elites seem obsessed with the “need to defeat Russia”. This is the case of investor and philanthropist George Soros, founder of the Open Society Foundation.

In a statement on Tuesday, May 24, Soros said that Russian actions in Ukraine may start the “third world war” and that Western civilization, in order to “survive”, must defeat Moscow as soon as possible. Considering his influence at a global level, such words sound like a real threat to world peace, as they can be relevant in the decision-making process by Western political leaders.

These were some of his words about the current conflict: “Russia invaded Ukraine. This has shaken Europe to its core (…) The European Union was established to prevent such a thing from happening. Even when the fighting stops, as it eventually must, the situation will never revert to the status quo ante. Indeed, the Russian invasion may turn out to be the beginning of World War III, and our civilization may not survive it. (…) We must mobilize all our resources to bring the war to an early end. The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilization is to defeat [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. That’s the bottom line”.

Soros’ words seem specifically aimed at Kissinger, who a day earlier had defended the need for the West to work to regain the Ukrainian “status quo ante”. Soros uses the same words to say that this is impossible and that now only confrontation can prevent the Western civilization from dying. There is a clear opposition of perspectives in this debate, with Kissinger in the scope of realistic analysis and Soros visibly committed at the ideological level to the “need to defeat” the enemies of his project of “global open society”.

For the investor, Russia is not the only enemy. All political regimes that oppose some agenda of globalism would need to be defeated. In his thesis, Soros believes that the world was moving towards a global model of “open society” after the Soviet collapse, heading towards the universalization of the Western model of democracy. But that would have started to change after the events of 2001 and the rise of terrorism, which would have given a boost to totalitarianism as an international phenomenon. For him, Russia and China are currently the greatest totalitarian regimes on the planet and, therefore, the great enemies of open societies – and that “must be defeated”.

“After the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the tide began to turn against open societies. Repressive regimes are now ascendant, and open societies are under siege. Today, China and Russia represent the greatest threats to open societies”, he said.

Not by chance, he also spoke in Davos about the need to confront China, which, according to him, is currently promoting an “unsustainable” policy to combat COVID-19, which violates the principles of an open society and threatens global supply, contributing to a “great depression” that will affect the West soon. Soros did not speak in clear terms but hinted that the Chinese president has lost internal support and influence, which could be used by the West in order to neutralize the Chinese “threat”. Considering Soros’ previous actions in financing regime change operations – from the process of collapse of communism in Europe to contemporary color revolutions -, it is possible to interpret his words as a signal that he will use his power to try some actions of this type in China.

“What about China? Xi has many enemies. Nobody dares to attack him directly because he controls all the instruments of surveillance and repression. But it is well known that within the Communist Party, dissension has become so sharp that it has found expression in articles that ordinary people can read. Contrary to expectations, Xi may not get his coveted third term because of the mistakes he has made. But even if he does, the Politburo may not give him a free hand to select the members of the next Politburo. That would greatly reduce his power and influence and make it less likely that he will become ruler for life”.

It is really impossible to analyze Soros’ words and not be concerned about the future of world peace. In practice, he called on Western society to militarily confront Russia with full force and to induce internal pro-regime-change dissensions in Xi’s China. Soros speaks as if, with such attitudes, he was supposed to prevent World War III and the death of Western civilization, but any realist analyst knows what his ideas really mean. Confronting Russia and China will mean exactly the beginning of a world conflict, whose possible nuclear escalation would result in the death of the entire planet, not only Western civilization.

In practice, contrary to Kissinger’s advice, Soros appears to have tried to give a “greenlight” for Western states to confront their two biggest geopolitical enemies. It remains to be seen, between the two Davos’ speakers, who will have the biggest influence over Western governments.


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how the hell is this guy still alive


they don’t want him in hell…


I think he needs his three doses of mrna pronto.

Patricia Carswell

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Last edited 2 years ago by Patricia Carswell

By drinking adrenochrome

Vlad the Impaler

Organ transplants from murdered children trafficked from Eastern Europe, transfusions with child blood, adrenochrome.


Yep, and all over the world now, especially in the U.S. on the southern border.


I bet a lot of those children were Ukrainians. Delivered after uncle Hunter’s phisical examination. He got scared of the meat shop closing.

Last edited 2 years ago by aka22

Jews are evil and take a long time to die. look at the devil Kissinger.


Kissinger is evil but also logical. Soros is evil but also quite mad.


Come to think of it, the James Bond movies weren’t far off the mark with their Evil Geniuses


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Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn

they’re on the same team. So is Elon Musk, etc.

Jimmy Saville - F***mason

Soros has zero compassion about anything: he is a true Sociopath. They should pick apart his brain and examine it after he dies to see if he has that malformation in his brain that can cause psychopath behavior. It’s ACTUAL science.


He’s a Jewish billionaire, that’s how. Jews back each other up. They are sending the strongest white men to fight and die on the front lines. Win-win for Jews.


Brzezinski and his patron Rockefeller were not Jewish, Soros only walks on their footsteps.

Also Kissinger is as Jewish as Soros and pretty much similarly old.


Both Kabbalists (mostly Jews) and Freemasons (mostly goy) are allied together, under satan. Kissinger/Soros are on the same satanic globalist team.


It’s spelled C.A.P.I.T.A.L.I.S.M.

There’s no “globalism”, even if there is indeed “globalization” and is even older than Capitalism proper.

All of it involves other agents than those you mention, we, serious people, call them “the bourgeoisie” or, if you prefer, “the 10%”, “the owners”, “the patrons”, “the entrepreneurs”, “the investors”. Or to be more precise their upper echelons: the 1% or Upper Bourgeoisie.

Some are Jewish, many more are WASP (like Musk and Gates, for instance), others are Latin or even Indian, Nigerian, Russian and Chinese. Many are of mixed background and most of them don’t care about that, only about being personally rich and powerful and well connected.


Maju, Musk is at least half jewish. Are you aware most Western elites like Musk and Gates are also transgenders? These Babylonians are rather queer. Actually they pursue the goal of a technocratic masonic global government and money is only the means to the end. The end is total power over all of humanity and Earths resources. We commoners cannot let this happen. Freedom matters.


You guys are obsessed with Jewish ancestry, more than the most racist Jews themselves even. It’s crazy, moreso when nobody can say with certainty that he or she has no Jewish (or whichever other ancestry). Hitler himself was somewhat Jewish, at least that’s what his DNA very strongly suggests, most likely his paternal grandfather was an affluent Viennese Jew who either raped his grandmother, who was his maid, or had an otherwise illegitimate affair and disowned anyhow mother and child, Hitler’s dad. In terms of ancestry we are all Jews (or whatever else, especially in terms of European intertwinned ancestries and the unavoidable pedigree collapse, look up this concept if you’re unfamiliar with it: we are all descdendant from Charlemagne and his most lowly slave with extremely high probability).

Judaism is a religion anyhow, Jewish is whoever follows Abraham and Moses, and that means Christians (very clearly just another Jewish sect) and Muslims (a Christian sect with Arab flavoring). The only relevant descendants from ancient Jews are the Palestinians, if you go “racialist”, those are the only true Jews, all the rest are impostors.

Musk is defined primarily for being a rich heir of Apartheid South Africa ***WHITE*** emerald capitalists, he’s absolutely part of the WASP creole (colonial) elite, that’s what defines him (and for this purpose white Jewish English-speakers in a formerly English colonial territory are WASP and intermarry with other similar WASPs generally).


FYI Rockefellers are jewish, so is Bill Gates. The West has many covert jews who pose as WASP’s. The real religion these freemasons practice is Luciferanism, BTW They all answer to the Ventetian Black Nobility wwho own the Vatican and run the Jesuits, MIC and ALL the countries including Russia and China. All the world is a stage and the true power remains in the shadows. Read Dr. Anthony Sutton or try Jay Dyer for a deep dive on this. Hope this helps. BTW The Saudi royal family are covert jews as is the top ranks in Turkey the masonic former Young Turks.


Jews have a knack for being underrepresented at cemeteries for soldiers, but overrepresented at the top of the American and Ukrainian government.


Soros is a total Wall St asshole. What does that mean? It means he totally supports neo liberalism, i.e. the total privatization of public services like healthcare, education, electricity, etc. and also the total elimination of government social programs to benefit people. His entire aim is to convert ALL goods and services to publicly traded corporations traded on the major stock market indexes. Employee benefits and entitlements must be eliminated, so that quarterly profits for shareholder’s go up at their loss. This is the so-called ‘open society’ that asshole Soros wants for us. ‘Open society’ is Orwellian double-speak. There is nothing ‘open’ socially speaking about Soros’ plans; rather his ‘open society’ is a dystopia for everyday people who will be wage slaves for billionaire capital firms such as Amazon, Wall Mart, Home Depot, etc. People like Soros are public enemy #1. They are parasites, like American economist Michael Hudson details in his book ‘Host and the Parasite’.


Oops the book by Hudson is actually called ‘Killing the Host’, not ‘Host and the Parasite’, which is by Greg Felton, which is also most excellent and is about how zionists have taken over the power positions in Washington. To be honest I urge you to read both books, as both Hudson and Felton are gifted intellectuals with much expertise in their disciplines.


The plan is to kill everyone except 500M and turn them into remote control human robots.

You will own nothing and be happy!


Exactly. Georgia Guidestones.


open nihilism

M from Romania

this shit soros does not intend to fucking die this century ?


My theory is they’re slipping life extension experiments in some of the Covid jabs. Ray Kurzweil wrote that life extension technology will come about in the 2040’s With old geezers like Gates, they want to speed that up so they are first in line for the life extension treatment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul

blood from kids


GDF-11 protein.


these old satanic farts think satan will win. Nope.

Dick Von D'Astard

I’d like to see Soros put on trial with the rest of the Nazi’s from Azovstal.


The Hungarian Death Camp “Guard” should have had a date with a nail gun or off the top of 30 story building…. But I didn’t even need to say it.

Testimony to what happens to ALL OF US when you ignore a war criminal that doubles as a banker that will pu$h it to the bleeding edge when he’s l0$ing his $hirt!

All I can say is that somebody better “put the lights out” on Vampire Soros before it’s too late!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The bigger issue is that he has sons who will take over the Soros empire, along with the various funding foundations they’ve created…which will continue to wreak havoc on good people around the world. The sons need to be added into the equation.


Agreed. And all of the banking elite including Larry Summers… Jamie Dimon… Lloyd Blankfein… Christine Legarde… etc.


You are correct – no matter how many evil assholes you kill there is always more ready to replace them!


That’s where watching your leaders carefully with dissent when it is necessary to find equilibrium and equity when they take more than they no they should. NO JUSTICE!… NO PEACE!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The entire bloodline of this cretin needs to go away.


The West can not even defeat Russia. I wonder WTF they are speaking about China?


The West is going to defeat Russia through a proxy no less, LMAO. World’s second strongest military? LMAOx2.


He’s lost the Script. Happens to people who thought they’d get their way before leaving the planet. Haste is from the Devil. Note the weird speechlet from Albert Bourla this very day.

Seems to me the Big Gang is starting to disintegrate.<

Wish them a much-merited destiny


The money printer cabal is just playing good cop bad cop. The end results of their machinations remains the same.

Tommy Jensen

Xi must go.


I am not surprised about Soros words. After all, Putin has put a price on Soros’s head.

Ivan Freely

Putin really do that? Seriously? I hope so.


me too….


Sorts and his sons! His sons are also involved in much of his work. This creature and his family are mass murderers front men for the Rothchilds


The nuclear war is inevitable. It will happen no doubt about it thanks to such imbeciles like this scumbag. The devils advocate…


Just die you POS


Is it the only ones they find to support the current narrative ? Henry Kissinger as : the good cop Georges Soros as : the bad cop The Russian Country Killer : a country can’t be found ! on Theaters 02/24 ! Wait wait ! They are preparing a Sequel ! An Island disapear on Chinese See , could our choc duo finaly point out a culprit ? Lethal Weapons with a bit less action … they’re more than 75.

Edgar Zetar

Soros in an emmisary and only represents a caste a breed, dont expect he could see any other pov where they are not the rulers and everyone else the slaves and serving their caste. Hope this iluminatis find their end soon, but they werent be welcome on heaven or hell for sure, they could live in the surface of this planet earth dimension thats why they have so much fear of death and want inmortality at all cost

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

“it’s too late baby, now it’s too late, though we really did try to make it. Something inside has died and I cant hide and we just can’t fake it”


Really, you take Henry Kissinger at his word? LOL. Not a chance. Just two goalposts moving in the direction they want. Kissinger was Klaus Schwab’s mentor for the World Economic Forum, which is meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week, and will meet off and on thru this summer to take over national sovereignty.

Funny how Bolsonaro understands this and says “no way,” but the world is heading to one world gov’t. War is one of the ways they’ll achieve their means to an end, the “phoenix” rising out of the ashes of WW3.

Yeah, Kissinger the good guy, hahahaha.

Boris the Belarusian

Didn’t Rasejski Svinje already start WWIII? Maybe China will join them soon so the Glorious United Kingdoms of Muricunts and Ukropisstan can fight the dirty inbred Russo-Mongol hordes and their Qing masters.

Love, Boris


now reported that due to massive demonstrations in hell Lucifer has agreed to create a new ghetto modeled after poopistan (USA) where super evil cretins, gates, Clinton, Sawyer, azob, Soros will be confined….jens failed intelligence test and will be denied entry


I remembered famous Malaysia leader Dr Mahathir said George Soros, this gay man, created havoc, and should be arrested and hanged.

So, now is the time to do it, get this evil out of the world, he is trying to incite WWIII causing millions more death.

Eliminate anyone with this intent on purpose immediately.


Russia has proven to be the biggest threat to peace and stability in Europe.


“decision-making process by Western political leaders” There is no such “process”, they simply execute their masters’ orders. Not unlike this fossilized mummy is their loudspeaker.

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