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MARCH 2025

South Korea Sends Forces To Strait Of Hormuz In Response To Detention Of Its Tanker By Iran

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South Korea Sends Forces To Strait Of Hormuz In Response To Detention Of Its Tanker By Iran

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On January 5th, South Korea said it had sent military forces to the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, after Iran seized one of its tankers.

South Korea’s foreign ministry said on January 4th that a South Korean chemical tanker had been seized by Iranian authorities in the waters off Oman, and demanded its immediate release.

South Korean forces stationed in the Strait of Hormuz have been dispatched to the area, the ministry said in a statement.

The Choi Young, a destroyer carrying members of the Cheonghae anti-piracy unit, arrived in the strategically important area, as officials in Seoul sought a diplomatic solution to the standoff.

Officials stressed there were no plans to conduct a military operation to free the crew of five South Koreans, 11 Myanmarese, two Indonesians and two Vietnamese, according to the Yonhap news agency.

“[The destroyer] is carrying out missions to ensure the safety of our nationals,” foreign ministry spokesperson Boo Seung-chan said.

South Korea is also sending a delegation to Iran to seek the release of a tanker seized in Gulf waters by Iranian forces.

“In the earliest possible time, a working-level delegation led by the regional director will be dispatched to Iran to try to resolve the issue on the ground through bilateral negotiations,” South Korea’s foreign ministry spokesman Choi Young-sam said.

The South Korean foreign minister, Kang Kyung-wha, did not comment directly on rumors that Tehran had seized the vessel to pressure Seoul into releasing billions of dollars of Iranian assets frozen in South Korea as part of US sanctions.

Kang said her priority was to “verify the facts and ensure the safety of the crew members”.

She added:

“We have been trying to figure out what happened through the Iranian embassy in South Korea and the South Korean embassy in Iran and are continuing to make efforts to address the situation.”

Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei rejected allegations that Iran’s seizure of the South Korean vessel amounted to hostage-taking. He said it was South Korea that was holding $7bn of Iran’s funds “hostage”.

“We’ve become used to such allegations … but if there is any hostage-taking, it is Korea’s government that is holding $7bn which belongs to us hostage on baseless grounds,” spokesman Ali Rabiei.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said that it had seized the ship, which has a gross tonnage of 9,797 tons, after receiving a request from the country’s Ports and Maritime Organization, which was acting on a warrant issued by the coastal Hormozgan province’s prosecutor’s office. Hormozgan is situated along the Strait of Hormuz.


The U.S. State Department, in a statement to South Korean news outlet Yonhap, has now also called for the immediate release of the Hankuk Chemi.

“The United States is tracking reports that the Iranian regime has detained a Republic of Korea-flagged tanker,” a State Department spokesperson said, using South Korea’s official name. “The regime continues to threaten navigational rights and freedoms in the Persian Gulf as part of a clear attempt to extort the international community into relieving the pressure of sanctions. We join the Republic of Korea’s call for Iran to immediately release the tanker.”

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) also said that it was monitoring the situation.

Currently, it is unclear how it will transpire, but tensions are at the boiling point with the US, Israel and now even South Korea joining in against Iran.


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Seven billion dollars is certainly not a small heist, so “sanctions” now includes robbery. South Korea should know better.

catalin zt

The anglo-jewish MAGGOTS,paedophiles ,capitalists, genocidals are robbing the World for 4 centuries at least least!!!!!!! All for their own benefits on the others slavery,pain and death! Death to the anglo-saxonkhazarian empire with cardboard legs!!!! Amen!

Jens Holm

Osmans had slavery until 1923 and the Lausanne treaty.

Fokus should be at the slaves of today and who are slaves in Your belowed region as well users.

Arch Bungle

So what?

catalin zt

Jens, danish horrid race with colonial execrable past,big pile of criminal records,white perverse and pervert,need to remaind ur short memory of the “special” white scum race u are all that ur “country” is absolutely NOTHING else than an murican CIA outpost on the front with Mama Russia and ur “people” are some of the most racist SCUM in the vassal Europe my dear ! Full stop!

Just Me

The Danes are Nazi criminals with an inbred criminal population.


Iran is shaking in their boots…mighty S. Korea navy is hear… Iran should detain that destroyer as well…..

Jens Holm

South Korea actually buy 10% if the Iranian oil.

Arch Bungle

Wrong, imbecile. Lie harder. Check your facts.


he’s a little middle eastern shyster all about Iran…..lol

Emad Irani

yes, without paying the money

Great Khan

Iran brother STRONK!

Just Me

The South Koreans have proven to be grand thieves, and like all gas stations in high crimes areas, Iran should implement pay before you buy policy. The South Koreans need to buy up for their shameless theft and Iranian naivety in believing that these criminals will have any honor.

Black Waters

Those thiefs need to pay.

catalin zt

People of the Nations don’t bring in your system the capitalist-fascist POISON called “vaccine” let the two MAGGOT races to be innoculate namely jews and anglo-saxons an the World will be free soon of WHORES, PAEDOPHILES, CAPITALIST-FASCIST MAGGOTS,FEUDALISTS,CRIMINALS AND GENOCIDALS! AMEN!

Rhodium 10

Pirates sending “Anti Piracy unit”….

Joe Bloggs


Kenny Jones ™

Anti piracy unit without anti missile defense, it’s just a show, they will release it


Frankly, South Korea is an occupied Kimchi fart of a puppet regime and their 15 midget soldiers on a rust bucket Hyundai frigate is hardly going to make a difference. Infact, they are sending a large delegation to Iran to negotiate some sort of compromise.

Just Me

Unfortunately,. South Korea has acted like a pirate and thief. It has stolen $9 billion of Iranian oil and not paid at all. In the real world it would be considered grand larceny. It is a shame that the South Koreans have no shame or even basic ethics.


Lol what is it poor South Koreans? The American’s are making you pay for them occupying you so now u have no money? Gotta steal Iranian money now? Pathetic worms.

Jens Holm

Its not like that at all.

Arch Bungle

Yes it is like that exactly. Check your facts, idiot:

“President Donald Trump signaled that he wants South Korea to pay more than what Seoul is already paying for U.S. military presence there. Seoul and Washington are currently negotiating a new Special Measures Agreement, a mechanism specifying how both countries share the costs of stationing some 28,500 American troops in South Korea as a deterrent to North Korea. In the last one-year, cost-sharing agreement, Seoul agreed to pay roughly $900 million and in negotiations for the new one, they had offered a 13% increase on that number, Reuters reported earlier this month.”

What a dumbfuck you are.


What else is it jens muhammad holmy of Morocco?….lol

catalin zt

Another asian small will* murican vassal asset my dear !

cechas vodobenikov

South Korea requested assist from mommy; US too busy being seduced by Israel

Jens Holm

No factschecking again. Should we blame west and the jews or what?

Arch Bungle

You’re the fucker who doesn’t check his facts. see my responses earlier you dumb tool.

Just Me

He is retarded and just posts for effect in some bizarre language that is incomprehensible. Danes are an ignorant lot, but this idiot is a benchmark in idiocy.


No we fuckin blame you for being Iran obsessed you little shyster.

Just Me

We should definitely blame the Europeans, Jews and now South Koreans for theft though. One has to pay for goods, you can’t steal other people’s resources, goods or oil. This is not the era of East India Company or European racist slavery colonialism.

Assad must stay

Hahahhaa south korea is a US bitch

Jens Holm

If so, You should wonder why.

Before that they more or less were Japanse slaves. Today they are not Chinese slaves but helped to that by USA.

Arch Bungle

Why? Because they were butchered into submission, that’s why:

“The No Gun Ri massacre (Korean: 노근리 양민 학살 사건; Hanja: 老斤里良民虐殺事件; RR: Nogeun-ri yangmin haksal sageon) occurred on July 26–29, 1950, early in the Korean War, when an undetermined number of South Korean refugees were killed in a U.S. air attack and by small- and heavy-weapons fire of the 7th Cavalry Regiment at a railroad bridge near the village of Nogeun-ri (Korean: 노근리), 100 miles (160 km) southeast of Seoul. In 2005, a South Korean government inquest certified the names of 163 dead or missing and 55 wounded, and added that many other victims’ names were not reported. The No Gun Ri Peace Foundation estimated in 2011 that 250–300 were killed, mostly women and children.”

… and the list goes on.


Just like you muhammad jens holmes meyer? a shyster of Morocco no?……lol


They are like a Bruce Lee tribute act.

Assad must stay

Hhhaahahahhaha too funny!

Kenny Jones ™

*Laughs in C-802*


South Korea should pay its bills & this wouldn’t happen!


Why not send the $7 billion instead?

Arch Bungle

That would make too much sense.


Because that would mean they’d be doing the right thing and we don’t want that now do we

Jens Holm

As usual people are no factschecker. South Korea gets 10% of its oil from Iran. Things are not as infected morons write here below in their own created deep throat dark state.

Arch Bungle

I checked your facts:


“SEOUL, (Reuters) – S.Korea imports no Iran crude oil for November and a year ago, preliminary data from Korea Customs Service showed on Tuesday. The world’s fifth-largest crude buyer imported a total 9.3 million tonnes of crude last month against 12.4 million tonnes imported a year ago, the data also showed. Final data for South Korea’s crude oil imports last month will be published by state-run Korea National Oil Corp (KNOC) later the month. The KNOC data is considered the industry standard for South Korea’s oil imports.”

Turns out you’re stil the same idiot you were a year ago. Some things never change.

Q: How do you know Jens is lying? A: He is typing …

Jens Holm

You are kind of correct. South Korea only import 3% from Iran instead of 10% in 2012.

But telling its hostility says nothing. This does:


But how correct are those numbers. USA has declined its dirty oilproduction and South Korea go to, where they actually are owners and co owners. Here its true sanctions do their job. Fx South Korea is Co owner in dripping Syrian oil production. Here they gets nothing.

I was not lying. I made a mistake as well as I always admit mistakes, when they are real.

Sout Korea is not hostile as buyers for Iranian oil. They are forced to by USA.

Arch Bungle

Lie harder.


I give Jens some credit for doing some research and being coherent in English on this topic. Actually a nice surprise. :)

Arch Bungle

See, this “everybody gets a prize”, “partial credit” shit is what turns modern education systems to dirt.


well you never know about iranian crude since they’ve have been commingling it with iraqi crude after loading the iraqi stuff in a ship to ship transfer. say 1 batch iraqi heavy commingled with one batch iran heavy. hard to see from above and new bill of lading for the entirety issued and custom in south korea in on the deal. more difficult with the money in dollars.

Arch Bungle

If you never know, and all you have is the official stats then anyone claiming to know 10% based on obsolete numbers is lying.


it’s a well known fact that iran and iraq cooperate and iran’s oil is shipped as iraqi oil and commingled with the iraqi stuff. very little. maybe 25%, is straight forward iranian barrels mostly to china (for obvious reasons) some other barrels are blended in other stuff of similar grades, heavy/heavy, light/light etc and shipped to say india, or south korea or japan. yankee-twats know about it but can’t do much about it, except fostering uproar among the takers of the iranian oil.

Arch Bungle

Regardless, that has nothing to do with the numbers Jens fabricated, which are a lie because of both intent and accuracy.

Potato Man

LMFAO if they dare do anything Iran can just remind Korean that they are in ME not in Asia….for whatever reason if i remembered correctly there are Korean apes in Afghanistan as well, under US…yup they sure are just the dog of US.

But let be fair here they poor dogs trying to save face LMFAO we all know they can’t pay Iran because of US and if they don’t do anything they look like a shit in their people eyes.

Jens Holm


Lone Ranger

South Korea has a good sense of humor for sure ?


the quickest way out of this snafu is for south korea to pay up what they apparently hold in their banks – Iran’s cash. not much to it. wonder how they got their choi young destroyer so quickly to the Hormuz, anti-piracy work they claim possibly in preparation of the attack the exceptional morons are trying to arrange for and on behalf of the jews in palestine -how I miss the days when the exceptional morons minded their own business

Arch Bungle

Their American colonial masters won’t allow it.


the ship, hangkuk chemi, built some 20 years ago and a dwt of 17000 tonnes has a rest value similar to the scrap value. small fry towards what the south korean have stolen from Iran. they need to high jack a fully laden ulcc under korean flag and steer it into some place where the jews in palestine’s eyes can’t watch.

Me&Myself None

Great move by Iran. If Iran keeps going like that, I may remove them from my coward list soon.


the ship, hangkuk chemi, built some 20 years ago and a dwt of 17000 tonnes has a rest value similar to the scrap value. small fry towards what the south korean have stolen from Iran. they need to high jack a fully laden ulcc under korean flag and steer it into some place where the jews in palestine’s eyes can’t watch.

Icarus Tanović

Rofl! South Korea sending military? What a joker.

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