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SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

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UPDATE 3 [31.03.2017 9:52 CET]: LAST DAY OF THE MONTH; The minimal needed budget has been collected. The collected amount [5119,75] will allow to keep the current level of content production.

If you want wactch long analytical video reports (like this, this, this and this) on a constant basis, please, help SF to collect the operational budget that allows to do this [6000 USD].

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

UPDATE 2 [30.03.2017 9:29 CET]: 1 DAY LEFT;  90% of the minimal needed amount has been collected so far

UPDATE 1 [29.03.2017 9:25 CET]: 2 DAYS LEFT; 71% of the minimal needed amount has been collected so far



Only about 56% of the minimal needed amount has been collected so far

3 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for next month


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SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

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SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April


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SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

SouthFront Is Short Of Budget To Continue Work In April

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If you want me to donate anything to SouthFront (and I have donated before), then:

1. Ban CIA and jihadi trolls from your Comments section; 2. Stop altering/toning down your photo coverage of battles in response to scolding from hypocritical sanctimonious “Western liberal” types, the way that you removed the photos of the dead jihadis in Eastern Ghouta a few days ago after some sanctimonious idiot called “Peter Lynch” popped up to scold you in a comment; 3. (Less important than the first two): Take some serious steps to improve the level of English usage (grammar, spelling, syntax) and eliminate ridiculous errors on your website.

Unless you do these three things, don’t expect any more contributions from me.


This is very fricking rude Spunkyhunk! I don’t think that this site will (tailor) their articles so you will be made happy. The comments section makes it very interesting.


agreed. there is info here that you literally cant get anywhere else right now


YOU are the one who’s “very fricking rude”, for butting in to attack me with this tone when I was addressing SouthFront editors, not you, about MY contribution to SouthFront.

“I don’t think that this site will (tailor) their articles so you will be made happy”

I was talking about not self-censoring their articles and photos to make arrogant sanctimonious “Western liberal” types happy – NOT tailoring their articles to make ME happy. If you can’t understand the difference between the two, then you have a low IQ.

“The comments section makes it very interesting.”

I agree; and I LIKE the comments section – that’s why I want CIA and jihadi trolls sent here to ruin it, to be excluded from it.


Sorry about that, I was in a crappy mood at the time. Correct that the trolls and Spamers can be quite bothersome at times.

The Bandalar

Yes, that’s brilliant. Ban people in the comments who don’t agree with you based on paranoid schizophrenic accusations of CIA involvement. That will really get Southfront far. The 20 remaining lunatics to roam the site will surely contribute enough to keep the doors open! You should be appreciative of this site. If you want your own deluded echo-chamber, make your own site.

PS: Yes, I work for the CIA… and the Mossad, and the Illuminati, so don’t even bother with the accusations, I confess to everything! Fucking tool.


“Ban people in the comments who don’t agree with you…”

I didn’t say “ban people who don’t agree with me”, idiot – I said to ban CIA AND JIHADI TROLLS who have no place on a website like this. ARE YOU ABLE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THE TWO, OR IS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOUR STUPID PEANUT BRAIN TO HANDLE?

“…based on paranoid schizophrenic accusations of CIA involvement”

Yeah, blockhead, that’s right – in a world with tons of DOCUMENTED PROOF (including from their own mouths and internal documents) of CIA/NSA/U.S. deepstate/other intelligence agency involvement in information warfare on the Internet – especially including trolling of Comments sections of English-language “opposition”, “alternate” or “enemy” websites – it’s “paranoid schizophrenic” to accuse obvious trolls on this website of possibly being….CIA trolls. If this really is your level of understanding of the current world and its information space, then you shouldn’t be opining or commenting on ANYTHING.

“The 20 remaining lunatics to roam the site”

Are you calling commenters on this website who are not CIA/jihadi trolls “lunatics”, dirtbag? That shows where you’re REALLY coming from.

“…will surely contribute enough to keep the doors open”

Yeah, I’m sure the CIA and jihadi “commenters” will really contribute a LOT financially (!) to keep this website’s “doors open”, once its regular readers have been alienated or driven away in disgust. IDIOT!

Speaking of which – how much have YOU contributed, or are planning to contribute, to this website?? I, for my part, have contributed to this website both in donations and as unpaid volunteer translation copy editor – what have YOU contributed? Let me guess…oh yeah, that’s right – a big fat NOTHING, probably!

“You should be appreciative of this site”

I AM appreciative of it – that’s why I want its Comments section to be free of the infestation of CIA and jihadi trolls.

“Yes, I work for the CIA… and the Mossad, and the Illuminati, so don’t even bother with the accusations…”

No; I DON’T think that you work for the CIA, the Mossad, or the (nonexistent) Illuminati – I just think that you’re an arrogant jackass with mediocre IQ, that’s all.


Dear friend, 1) All opinions are allowed as long as users act not beyond the bounds of decency (with some allowance for the general level of Internet discussions) 2) SF removed a photo with girl and dead militants because it was old. Our editor had made a misitake posting it because it was posted ny numerous pro-government sources. However, it was fake. SF always contributes efforts to check facts and remove mistakes 3) SF is a mostly volunteer, crowdfunded project. We do all what is possible to provide high quality military and geopolitical analyses and daily coverage of the conflict zones. However, our capabilities are limited. We keep this issue in mind but it cannot be solved by the wave of the hand. As to the donations: Everybody is free to donate or not. SF is glad to rely on the audience’s support. This allows us to stay independent.


i really appreciate all the work you have done and are doing and i will donate again soon


Sorry to bother you here, but islamofascist lunatics who advocate impaling people (on a cross) should be perma-banned no matter what. There is a troll Niyazov11 who’s doing nothing but insulting people, supporting terrorists, promoting racism and hate against Europeans, and white people in general, and especially Christians… I’m not some sort of a puritan fanatic, but c’mon this is just sick:

“you spermcolored Caucasian European inbred from the snow-capped mountain caveman who worships a cross.” “I won’t join ISIS which Assad and his master Putin rarely fights against that too only when he has been indanger of being overrun, I’ll join DACJ(Destroyers of Anti-Christ Jesus). If you think you and your heroes are so great, go join Putin Assad and waste yor time murdering people. After that I’ll take the cross and bury it in your behind so you can wait to wash your clothes in Jesus’ blood whike he bloodbathes the whole world. Then I’ll go and sleep with virgins (aka Jesus’ mommas)”.



nobody is perfect bro, sure this site has its problems but id rather come here for military/war news than pretty much any other website out there right now. its the comments from people who are very knowledgeable about what is going on, even you, that make it truly unique

Samuel Boas

Southfront uses perfectly understandable English, sorry we are not speaking your über high level of English.


I guess for your lowbrow taste, “understandable” English full of errors in your daily news site is more than good enough… Well, enjoy, man. Blessings to you!


Made 4e monthly subscription, will probably continue as long as site runs. Appreciate all the tactical/geopolitical analysis, pretty much outclasses by a wide margin anything I have seen elsewhere .


Thank you for the warm words.

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