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SouthFront.Org Blocked By U.S.-Controlled Global Internet Supervisor

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SouthFront.Org Blocked By U.S.-Controlled Global Internet Supervisor

On the night of 18 August, the “international domain name registry” blocked southfront.org without any warning or explanation. Despite the fact that this organisation has been formally independent since 1998, it is actually controlled by the US Department of Commerce. What they have done is an unprecedented action in the history of modern information society. This is the American way of democracy, freedom of speech and the rule of law.

Dear Friends, the SF Team appeals to you

Through 10 years of its work, SouthFront Team has repeatedly faced blatant acts of censorship from those who seek to take down really independent media and suppress the truth.

However, on August 18, we experienced something never seen before. The domain of our website, southfront.org, was taken down (domain delegation was removed) on the international level without any advance notice and explanation.

Apparently, the removal of SouthFront from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other mainstream social media, the blocking of accounts and years-long discrimination campaign against our Team, including summoning our volunteers for interrogation by the FBI, have not achieved results expected by instigators of these censorship acts. Therefore, they have turned to desperate moves like this.

In light of this situation, SouthFront Team wants to thank to our fan club in the White House and among the globalist elites for such high recognition of our work.

We also wish to bring good news to employers of numerous offices of state and state-affiliated entities assigned to fight SouthFront. Your well-paid jobs are secure because we are not going to stop our work even in conditions of such unprecedented pressure. Unlike you, ordinary budget-suckers and turncoats, we do what we do at the bidding of our hearts.

The dogs bark, but the caravans move on.

southfront.press is our official domain now. We are glad to see our old followers and new readers here. 

You may contact the SF Team via: info@southfront.press, southfront@list.ru

We appeal to all our dear readers and viewers who care about the fate of SouthFront, with a request to continue your support using our crypto addresses:

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SouthFront.Org Blocked By U.S.-Controlled Global Internet Supervisor

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SouthFront.Org Blocked By U.S.-Controlled Global Internet Supervisor
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SouthFront.Org Blocked By U.S.-Controlled Global Internet Supervisor

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se pare ca southfront.org nu mai poate fi apelat din bucurești fara ceapa asta e folosim ceapa cenzura e mare violare a libertatii induviduale de a citi

jens holm

thats not censure.its stopping people having no limits.

John Wallace

pity the internet didn’t pull your plug. the clown still here.


the only good ukrainian is a dead ukrainian!


censorship of the ‘corporate internet’ has become the norm since the scamdemic ushered in this era of totalitarian government. if only this was a uniquely western affliction, but it isn’t. most countries fell for it, and those that didn’t had their leaders violently removed. the permanent damage done to supposedly ‘inalienable’ human rights, genuine rule of law `& democracy is incalculable but still growing.


but it won’t work. censorship just serves to devalue and invalidate the mainstream internet as a trusted source, just as the legacy media has become a laughing stock over the past three years. the knock on effects will be rapid and irreversible. it suited the corporate elites to have worldwide punters in the same goldfish bowl, being fed officially approved ants’ eggs, but a sizeable minority have now leapt out and are starting to seriously question swimming around in circles.


no, censorship works. you just don’t know about it when it does. if it didn’t, this war would have been over by now or the us-vietnam war would have taken longer, because this war has been a lot more bloody for ukraine than it has been for the us during the us-vietnam war.

even when you figure out the lies being told, there’s no easy way to overturn the narrative. the only way is to overcome it is to become more powerful than the censors before you or your tribe dies out.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
jens holm

its a sometimes for me. often the sites jo somewhere else.

jens holm

i agree. this a try to keep down.

we still has thieves and murdere too.

i see no mainstream medies. i see many and there are very differents.

in the much bigger lower level its even more wide spread´- everyting is.

we the worst in the higher selvel are potin and a erdogan. they are emner their medier and even close them too.

White Gandalf

since southfront got blocked at the highest level of the dns system, there is no way to unblock it via configuration of alternate dns servers. what users have to do is to enter the resolution manually in the “hosts” file on their computer.

to be able to do the latter, you should give users aid to do so. change the “success” default page to some texts giving a guidance to setup the hosts file (on windows as well as on linux and on mac)!

White Gandalf

and what you additionally should do is debug the migration to the new servername: the google captcha does not work with it: “invalid domain for site key”. so users which have got a hint for the changed servername have no possibility to post anything via the new servername.

Rick Jefferson

can you provide some detailed instructions? thank you. i get a 502 error when i try to post.

Eusèbe Le Zèbre

for me, the problem showed up only on android. now, i’ve installed virtual hosts through f-droid and added the following entries: southfront.org southfront.press right now, southfront.org is not recognized when the virtual hosts vpn is off, but southfront.press *is* working. just in case, i’ve also added these entries to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on windows.


glad to see you guys back

Pancho Pistolas

👍 bien chicos sigan así


youre winning.


pathetic of the west to try to silence the truth.

jens holm

your kind do even know what truth is.

you are forbidding to have contract they own in on en vitals. we in west lie the times and anything we show and says is made to potemkin too..


ahahahaha, truth is a word incriminated in shithole ruzzia


this is the american way of democracy, freedom of speech and the rule of law. no its not. its only the sell out deep state’s puppets. un american assholes traitors who are doing this. which we are removing as fast as we can. the deep state and their puppets are freaking out big time. people are finally waking up to their bs of the fake pandemic, fake climate change agenda and siding with the wrong side in the ukraine’s special ops by russia who i stand with by the way. wwg1wga


the cancers of our society are becoming too pervasive to excise without risking the death of the american system.


check out real raw news dot com for the not so secret war going on against the deep state and their punk puppets and why they are freaking out. because americans, russians and other white hats around the world are kicking their ass everywhere and we are winning. wwg1wga

Stand United With South-Front

im sorry that sounds just like some hopeful bull***t, same as in my country, when all the patriots were saying, trump has a plan, referring to the so called q & a. and then later when nothing happened, trump is going to clean house, and remove thr swamp creatures and deep state officials, well now elite has him in jail! basically what im trying is that the elite won, look at all the idiots that got vaccinated and followed every china inspired mandate, their leaders told them!


asshole trump must be locked up


i was wondering if they’d finally scrubbed you guys. glad i found you again. i had to go to wikipedia to get your current url. (thank you wikipedia for directing me back to this nefarious russian disinfo/propaganda site).

Stand United With South-front!

its completely unbelievable the amount of censorship that has happened since 2020. now in the united-states we have rigged elections, and if you speak out against it, you are jailed! so called fact checkers telling you what you can and can’t believe online. the nazis that hide behind the health mandates, and the complete censorship of all dissenting voices worldwide!

Stand United With South-front!

when the united-states and its western partners do things like this, all it does: is show everyone who is it that you need to start paying more attention too! just like with what happened to rt, now i know to replace all of my western news channels with rt!

Last edited 1 year ago by Stand United With South-front!

editors note:- the globalist us and its cuckolded vassals have adopted a tyrannical aproach to information frequently engaging in beyond their own borders censorship whilst claiming to champion “freedom and democracy”. explained here is the latest effort of the us govt domainsnatchers their target for disruption and cancellation southfront.org


gleich mit dabei wurde newsfront.org gesperrt und ist seitdem nimmer erreichbar


ist ne gute sache, bitte allen ru propagandadreck blockieren und vatniks nach ru abschieben

Crazy Canuck

everything here is pro terrorist russian trash eh.

Stand United With South-Front

they don’t called you crazy for nothing!


wow every positive comment is heavily down voted now.

that’s how you know it’s a quality threat to media narrative continuity.

jens holm

they think to. more as they are raised to it. many got old pravdas newpapers in instad of milk they first yeats.

ussr has no tech to making robots. in stead they´”sovjet spendable clones and named they´m robotniks.

it a little town named robotnia a in tzar ekaratina 2 land.


my friends, as it is clearly written above, “this is the american way of democracy, freedom of speech and the rule of law”. may the lord god deliver us from this crazed mob that now seeks to devour what is left of humanity on earth! may god bless russia and grant it victory over all enemies. thank you russia!!! ps. every christian has an obligation to help russia and others with prayers


this is a direct attack on the constitutional freedoms of americans by our own government. how anyone could support the current regime is beyond me. what can we do to bring this information source back?


problem is, south front cannot complain about external censorship while it continues to moderate reader’s comments. after letting though thousands of pointless, often foul mouthed, and deliberately offensive so called ‘comments’ over the years (presumably in the name of free speech) it now feels the need to ‘approve’ views that might differ from its own. well, good luck with that one…


pretty sure they aren’t censoring anything


dns . . . imf . . . world bank . . . reserve currency . . . swift . . . the un, etc. . . . just one more item where us control must be wrested away.


so glad you’re back up, and strategic-culture too. now we need to free assange!


arrested by gaywad richard grennell installed by liberal warp speed murderer epstein guilty dershowshitz p0s israeli dingus slurping traitor miga trump

jens holm

thats not correct. as start you has to see western economic contraol a lot. thats private companies financed by the stocparted by loans. der er no state anyone can be owner byer stockings.

the danish company – novo nordisk” is the biggest in the usa insulin marked and now plundred people by ocempic.

jens holm

lego is danish is well know in the world.

i shipping its same thing. maersk line har more then 600 big ships and millions of light blue contaners. im small stockhold in it.

so its not about ancient state thing.

now go and take you cralsbeer beer – it allewed by your state. thats beer as good as any.

2023 – we are 2023


with its new domain name on some social media its not blocked yet , you are able to post links to videos or the website now , they have not blocked this new domain name yet , i suggest we help send links to get a higher view count for the website on wayward websites , but not anti-human websites as that would bring trolls as before. godspeed and good luck everyone.

Rick Jefferson

a big thank you to those who brought back southfront. well done!!!

andrew davis

glad to see you welcome back


alles übel stammt aus den usa


nein, aus dem größten dreckloch der welt namens russland


the digital services act in the eu will go even further in censorship. they will censor and force platforms to remove people their opinions if they are not in line with government narratives. search engines are way more censored i can find everything about the hunter biden laptop on yandex.ru including the torrent link and 4cgan article for example and nothing showing the truth on google.com

jens holm

you put the selection into on contact. we are not even.

most likely put western economy in the collapsed the engels/marx som we has no dollars next wek too.

too much has the reduced. thats not censurship at all. maybee you in a home andstate, where you do no cleaning too.

only the russians buy that, and they never read and write here.

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