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SouthFront.org Is Under Attack

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SouthFront.org Is Under Attack



Early on April 5, southfront.org faced an attack that temporarily put the website down and it was not available for some time.

As of now, SouthFront Team has repelled the attack and restored the availability of the website.

The April 5 situation was not the first attack that targeted SouthFront in the recent days and it will not likely become the last one. Nonetheless, SouthFront is determined to continue its work despite the challenges that we face.

We appeal to all our dear readers and viewers who care about the fate of SouthFront, with a request to continue your support using our crypto addresses:

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SouthFront.org Is Under Attack

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SouthFront.org Is Under Attack

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SouthFront.org Is Under Attack

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Today the turbulent world needs the COMPLETELY INDEPENDET VOICES, but without your support, SouthFront is done for.

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This is a world war, and we better prepare for it that way. They are literally already in that fighting mode

G2 guy

You are right to some extent, the Anglo-Zionist nexus is waging a 5th generation propaganda war against Russia, China, Iran and any potential opposition. They are spending billions on troll farms, totally fake news and brainwashing their totally controlled populations into eternal hate for Russians, Chinese and Muslims in particular. However, in the wider world they are losing both the economic and propaganda war thanks to objective independent alternate media like Southfront, which is punching far above its weight and exposing Jew Bilderberg/Murdoch media lies. Southfront, along with RT, Sputnik, Iranian and Chinese media is reaching a fare wider global audience and that makes these Anglo-Zionists and the totally dumb and ignorant American racist lairs very uncomfortable. US and UK presstitute media is a complete joke with such absurd nonsense that even a lunatic would dispel.

Southfront should wear these pathetic cyber attacks and malicious campaign against it as a badge of honor for its success. The truth can never be shut-down, especially as the vast majority of global population of looking for real news not western totally idiotic propaganda, like Russia is raping the world and Chinese are eating our lunch and Muslims are out to convert the world. These western liars are beyond stupid and only alienate people. The so-called west is even having a hard time selling their nonsense to even Europeans as the Hungarian elections have shown. But, be prepared for more Russophobia, Sino-phobia, Islamophobia and to a lesser extent Iranophobia these days ( as they need Iranian oil and gas).

Kudos and respect for Southfront and best wishes for it to continue its noble work.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Mildred

I still believe you work for the US/UK agenda. You always push narrative towards Russia declaring all out war on Ukraine with scorched earth tactics.

I understand that sometimes, emotions get the better of us, but you always push for scorched earth tactics to be employed, which is exactly what the Western Powers want, but always fail miserably at achieving.

Because if they get exactly that, the demonisation of Russia would become a truth, not the fabricated lies that they currently and always have been.

Human life’s matter, even those who have been brain washed because it is reversible. Death isn’t, nor is doing to Ukraine what U.S did to so many eastern countries.

Last edited 2 years ago by -K7-
Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Yes but russia and allies will win!


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Last edited 2 years ago by Avy
The maharaja

Correct there is no point to any of it should you lose. In addition it often sounds like excuse for not having won in the first place. A self handicap if you will. In addition one could say go as far as not providing your enemies with cheap abundant energy that they use against you and another like not asking the POWs you fought for five weeks to pledge not to come at you again and stay home for the duration of the war. A few small changes in these areas would be useful.

No need for executions or scorched earth but just your standard common sense stuff. If you lose the winner will be allowed to say what ever they like about you anyway. True or not.

Florian Geyer

The US/UK and NATO mass murderers around the globe for many decades are seemingly in a mass panic of their own today.

The US/UK ringleaders of the Western cabal have always projected their many ‘sins’ onto their enemies, just as spoilt children do.

The FACT that South Front is attacked for posting a rational appraisal of the Facts is further proof that Truth is a powerful detergent that cleanses NATO lies.

Elohim Kosher Bar

The dying inbred, pedophile infested, and bought out / blackmailed Western Elites are losing badly. Petrodollar going bye bye. Thereby, western financial control going bye bye. And funds available for the Talmudic Tapeworm also going bye bye. Those AshkeNAZIs love their stolen shekels.

According to the West, ALL opposing opinions MUST be censored. We are entering the “Bagdad Bob” phase of western propaganda before the final downfall.

A little bird told me that a US General was captured in Mariupol.

Ashok Varma

The corrupt and racist west is losing the propaganda war and hence the assault on any free media. JAI SOUTHFRONT!

Nato is laughing at you

Look who s losing twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511382917712429056

Nato is laughing at you

More barbecue in Donetsk twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511334992827371522?s=20


You should go by the name “Rat is Fucking You”, it suits you better. On another note, 264/267 Ukrotards surrendered in one lot in Mariupol. I don’t know how many did in the night, where Sladkov was Video recording it. Plus, from NATO motherfuckers, French, German & British & “Neutral” Swedish military personnel are stuck in Mariupol, begging the Russians for an evac corridor. How funny!!! Suck it.


The Europeans said they want millions dead in Ukraine. Maybe just need to take out their military personnel.


obviously nazi CIA

Pancho Villa

so sad, no hillbilly references…

G2 guy

Hillbillies are illiterate and don’t know the whole alphabet anyway, so banning Z and V will make no difference. LOL

G2 guy

The UK military Brigade 77 and NSA has devoted thousands of hackers and trolls to shut down any truthful site around the world. The western paranoia and desperation is now so pathetic that the occupied German colony has banned the letter Z.


Why do anyone want to put SF down? What are they afraid of? 🤭

Elohim Kosher Bar

How about cleaning up the comment section? I suggest the following”

1) Limit ALL posts per commenter to three per day. 2) If posters from certain IPs continue to violate this rule, then ban / block that IP.

A simple and effective solution.

Ashok Varma

That is censorship and would be exactly what the west wants. SF is one of the most free media left. The trolls just burn themselves out. The number has decreased in the last few weeks anyway and that is why their sponsors launched a cyber attack to silence SF.


Don’t pretend there is no censorship on SF!

The maharaja

Well while that may not be the best solution to solve the problem there is clearly a problem. I do think the site would be far better if they did moderate to some degree the posts. If they are not of the topic or worse it simply takes from the site as a whole. It also takes from any legitimacy that the site may have when one looks at the comments from the readers. Makes it hard to take serious at times.


You can gfys too

Nato is laughing at you

How would Clyde feed his family then hahahaha


Poor ol’ Ukrotards. Universal failure.


No no i need at least 100 posts per day to afford my sugar bag!


Thank you. Sick of the I make 1000 dollar a day posts from the same guy


Just stop the ability to directly link and display pics. Tiered of seeing these 2 asshat nazi wannabes post their shit.


GFYS faggot!

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hope they let it around a bit more, still did not get enough teses, Pure comedy lololol

Nato is laughing at you

Imagine what would happen to poor clyde? How would be be able to feed his bastardo son if he s job is terminated?


Imagine what would you retarded mental patient do in your basement every day 20 hour per day apart from vomiting rotten crap here every day 24/7. Yeah, you would hang yourself in that shitty basement…


Glory southfront Glory truth.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace



We love you South Front, continue to serve truth and defy evil 😁🙏



Wojtek Polish Straight Edge Patriot

Do not support neither russian, nor ua propaganda ! War crimes on both sides…

Best for us Polish if crazy czeczen muslims meat eaters and neonazi azov kill each other completely ! And both “wariors” go now to hell for long, yamadutas are waiting for you both…

Both Russkie and Ukry govts controlled by jewish ! Wake the f..k up Neo before its too late … Both Volodymyrs did a staged war against their citizens ?

This is NWO war, on the expense of suffering civilians and stupid naive soldiers.

This is Kali yuga…

Peace on Earth, chant OMMM for brighter future.


It is also under attack by 2 or 3 paid or just insane (and definitely very stupid) pro-ukro trolls and nato-nazi bots. But you never ban them or remove their moronic and insane garbage.

Matthew Skellett

More power tooya SouthFront !!!! :-)

Lestat TheRaven

Go down just for a couple of days maybe that will shake em off Fqrs are hitting everything everywhere


Well at least we have Zerohedge that allows all opinions and critical thought to be heard!???

Edgar Zetar

Well, Intelligence services from almost all countries dislikes you are doing SF. Have you seen lately how many intelligence services writing in the comments section. I’ve seen Turkey, Israel, Ukraine, some EU countries intelligence agents commentaries in here lately. Great Job SF!.


“the men amerikans most admire dare to tell them the most extravagant lies; the men they most despise try to tell them the truth”. HL Menkhen CIA and nazis despise the truth


Keep going Southfront! Fuck the war mongering hackers! Kudos for your reporting.


The west want the internet to be just another bad daytime television channel with nothing to upset the slaves and worker bees.

Ironically Boris Johnson is appealing in Russian for the Russian people not to look the other way, just like he did when Iraq, Syria etc were being bombed back to the stone age.

Last edited 2 years ago by warblog

Please set up a Rumble account SouthFront thanks!


They have a bitchute channel.


awww did the west take down your FSB run propaganda machine, LOL


Nah…if they were actually being attacked by the “West” it would be a “full spectrum” attack and they would never be able to get back up. In reality, there is no US, or NATO, or Russia…there is only the NWO; and if the NWO decides to shut you down you’ll be gone, within hours.


so you censor comments then, so much for free press, sad LOL, if your so into the truth why not just admit the main source of support for this site comes from the FSB, a little digging turns up this fact easily, oh well enjoy your failing economy, looking foreword to meeting you on the battlefield for a good spanking.


les recomiendo abrir una cuenta en VK, alli no hay censura

Well wisher

Use some sort of DDOS protection service like Cloudflare, DDOS Guard

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