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SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

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We are pleased to inform you about another eye-opening report about SouthFront’s work released by the highest levels of the US government.

In early August, the Global Engagement Center of the US Department of State released a report entitled “Pillars of Russia’s Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem”. At least 13 of the 77 pages of this report are dedicated to SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence as a “pillar” of Russian disinformation and propaganda.

Please find the full version of report on the official website of the US Department of State: HERE

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

Click to see the full-size image

SouthFront also feels obliged to make some comments regarding the content of this brilliant investigative report dedicated to our endeavour. We do not think that our comments include anything really new, but it will be useful to recall the history of SouthFront’s creation and development.

SouthFront vs Globalists – Episode We Lost Count

First of all, we want to compliment the authors of the report. It has a very straight and useful logic: If some media organization has Russian citizens or people of Russian origin among its members, or, God forbid, other links with Russia, this media is beyond question spreading Russia’s disinformation and is controlled by the Kremlin.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

Setting the tone for the depth of the investigation, the part of the report about SouthFront starts by repeating tired tropes about the registration of the SouthFront website domain (southfront.org) by a Russian domain registrar Reg.ru. This is an open secret and we’ve repeatedly said that this was done intentionally in order to secure the domain in the case of an attempt to censor it. Recent developments demonstrate that this decision was well founded.

Then, the US State Department repeats Facebook stories created to justify the censorship of SouthFront’s public page with about 100,000 subscribers.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

The reports’ authors took from the  claims made by Facebook in “April 2020 Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior Report” what they thought to be the most important part: the allegation that SouthFront was based in Crimea, and used this allegation to associate SouthFront with another organization with a similar name “News Front”. This media organization is in fact based in Crimea and officially registered in Russia.

This cheap trick is presented as if it were the result of an in-depth investigation and itself a great revelation of SouthFront’s roots. Nonetheless, many of our readers and subscribers who have been following SouthFront for years well know SouthFront’s history and there has been no secret made of the fact that a few members of SouthFront are of Russian origin, from Russia or are Russian citizens. There are also members from other post-USSR states. This does not mean that SouthFront, as an international team of independent authors and experts, is based in Crimea or that the SouthFront Steering Committee is located in Crimea. This is a blatant lie and we are ready to prove this in court.

It is easy to see that SouthFront has always provided a platform for the various, sometimes opposing, points of view shared by our members, volunteers and contributors. SouthFront also freely provided its umbrella brand for authors and groups of authors, who share the main principles of SouthFront and stand against mainstream disinformation, global censorship and the enforcing neo-liberal, globalist world order.

The report states that the SouthFront account deleted by YouTube in 2015 included ‘crimeanfront’ in its name and makes far-reaching conclusions using this claim.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

This is a clear factual error. Even the screenshot used in the report itself confirms this by quoting the following words: “Our new channel is https://youtube.com/user/crimeanfront”. If that is the new channel, then it is only logical to assume that some other channel was deleted. Right?

So here are the actual facts: The channel deleted in April 2015 had the link ‘https://www.youtube.com/c/southfront’ and was removed due to a suspicious story with copyright claims by NATO-affiliated Nordic Films LTD.

Here is the message then shared by our friends, including The Saker:

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

After the deletion of that channel, SouthFront volunteers of Russian origin proposed using the already existing YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/crimeanfront. At that time, this channel already had a certain number of subscribers. Therefore, it was useful to employ it instead of creating a new one with a zero base audience.

Unfortunately for the US State Department investigators, the facts go contrary to their conspiracy theories. If the US analysts had really wanted to go into the matter and produce useful material instead of potential toilet paper, they would have found out that that YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/crimeanfront was not deleted in April 2015.

Of course, SouthFront Team is arousing fear among members of the Washington establishment. Nonetheless, the situation itself causes a sad smile.

The next part of the report is based on screenshots showing the redesign of https://www.youtube.com/user/crimeanfront and claims of some person insisting that he created Crimean Front that later became News Front. Using this, the authors of the report claim that SouthFront and News Front are somehow “at least began as sister organizations”.

It is hard to dignify such a superficial investigation with a comment. Even when the SouthFront concept was being created and the like-minded group of people that later created SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence and evolved into SouthFront Steering Committee first got together, we had no links to the aforementioned organizations.

On top of this, the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/crimeanfront provided to SouthFront by volunteers was not linked to the aforementioned organizations. This is why they were not using this channel. Instead, SouthFront got it for free over 1.5 years after the developments in Crimea in 2014.

At the same time, there is no secret that in 2015 and coming years, SouthFront, an endeavour dedicated to the coverage of conflicts around the world, was covering developments in Ukraine. It’s easy to find this if one opens southfront.org and checks the category #UKRAINE.

As to the idea of the endeavour that later was named SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence, it first appeared in 2012-2013 and came about as a result of the rapid deterioration of the international situation around the world, especially in the Middle East.

The developments in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and Syria in 2014 became the turning point that led to the creation of SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence, the SouthFront Steering Committee and to the main foundations of our work: independence, the commitment to freedom of speech, human rights, and combating media disinformation and censorship.

Trying to link SouthFront with News Front, the State Department report ignored the obvious fact that SouthFront appeared earlier than News Front. This can be seen from the date of the creation of the first Facebook page of SouthFront, and screenshots shared by the report’s authors themselves. Therefore, there are two main versions:

1) SouthFront is an all-mighty Kremlin tool that influences other Russian ‘proxy sites’ and ‘disinformation and propaganda’ on the international scene, and its members are on a first-name basis with Vladimir Putin;

2) In the world of State Department fairy-tales, the use of the word “Front” in the name of an organization indicates a connection to any other organization also using “Front” in its name.

Conspiracy theorists may be surprised to learn that SouthFront is a largely volunteer organization with a regularly changing team composition. So, we want to seize this opportunity and inform the US experts about some realities of modern informational warfare and disinformation.

Dear friends, you may have failed to notice this, but in the modern information society, new network organizations work on principles that are quite different to those employed 10-20 years ago. Lies, double-faced policies and distortion of facts by government-funded media set the basis for SouthFront’s power and influence. It is a high time to understand that this concerns people around the world and inspires them to get an independent point of view.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

We can perhaps excuse Department of State personnel for not knowing that when one obtains a domain name via a domain registrar, the registration data shows the physical address of the domain registrar office. However, the inability to notice that SouthFront has always had a PayPal account with a .ru address and that this address has always been public and easily found on southfront.org is beyond our understanding.

Do the authors really think that if SouthFront Team members were to work secretly for the Kremlin or Russian intelligence services (for example, the mighty GRU), we would not have found the time to obtain an address through Yahoo.com or some other non-.ru service?

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

The next part of the investigation showcases 7 links allegedly confirming that SouthFront “directly aligns with Kremlin talking points and disinformation.” Since the launch of southfront.org, we have released several tens of thousands of articles, videos and graphic pieces. Apparently, the State Department staff spent a lot of time checking them to find these seven posts. In any case, SouthFront has never denied that we provide a platform for all sides interested in a constructive discussion, including the pro-Russian perspective.

It is also interesting to note how the authors of the document described SouthFront articles criticizing the internal situation in Russia and the actions of Moscow. For them, this is just a “tactic” to hide “an ocean of Kremlin-aligned disinformation”. However, if one employs this approach, one would have to find that CNN, the Washington Times, the New York Times and other outlets, which release critical articles about Russia, must also be a part of the sophisticated Kremlin-affiliated disinformation network.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

Joking aside, if one checks SouthFront articles questioning the actions of the Russian authorities or criticizing them, one would find hundreds of content pieces. In fact, it is hard to find a southfront.org article that would provide a solely positive view on the current internal political situation in Russia or on the actions of Moscow in the last 1-2 years.

The COVID-19 disinformation part also shows no creativity. We have already stated this on previous occasions, but it bears repeating: SouthFront well understands that the COVID-19 outbreak is a sensitive issue. This is why our articles about the outbreak/pandemic always include links to sources and facts. The fact, which deserves special attention, is that SouthFront articles do not fuel hysteria and fear regarding the COVID-19 spread. We seek to objectively cover the situation.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

The report includes 6 examples of supposed COVID-19 disinformation. SouthFront releases about 30 content pieces per day. Articles, videos and graphic pieces dedicated to the COVID-19 outbreak make up less than 1% of the content released by SouthFront in 2020 so far. This is less than a statistical error. Nonetheless, the State Department report reads as if half of SouthFront content is ‘COVID-19 disinformation’ and most of the rest is made up of official statements by the Kremlin.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

The part of the paper entitled Niche Graphics Capabilities emphasizes the “professionally designed” SouthFront visual content. We, the SouthFront Team, want to say thank you to the Department of State for its high praise of our work. This will motivate us to even greater efforts in the field to produce even more high quality content.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

The conspiracy theory explaining the evolution and redesign of southfront.org’s side bar is a third rate fairy tale.

State Department investigators made several screenshots of the partners section of old southfront.org’s side bar pretending that its changes are something ‘strange’ and need ‘explanations’. It seems that far from everybody in the State Department spent time in university doing something useful. At least, we can recommend that they google “Occam’s razor”.

A small hint for State Department employees reading this article: Occam’s razor is the principle that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct.

Time is moving on. Life is a complex and variable thing. Conflicts start and conflicts end. The geopolitical game continues, the balance of power in different regions of the world changes. It would be strange to expect that the list of organizations with which SouthFront stays in touch or cooperates would not also change over the years. SouthFront has always provided its content for free, on the basis of the fair usage principle, without any paywalls. Therefore, in 2015, when the conflict in Ukraine was dominating the media and SouthFront was producing at least 10% of its content on the issue, there was one list of media partners. In 2018, when the US-Iranian conflict escalated, the partner list was already different, and included some Iranians.

Meanwhile, the website itself was redesigned and optimized and the southfront.org sidebar made way to create additional free space; for example, for the ‘MAPS & INFOGRAPHICS DATABASE’ banner.

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda

In the end, the content of the report just sinks into a conspiracy abyss allowing no chance for common sense to reassert itself. Likely in an attempt to link SouthFront to Iran or to the ‘bloody Assad regime’, the Department of State quotes a comment sent by SouthFront volunteers to Syrian Free Press. The comment includes a proposal to share videos with that blog, and is signed by SouthFront volunteers, not by the SouthFront Steering Committee.

This fact can only serve as a demonstration of the umbrella (franchising) nature of the SouthFront organizational structure. With the exception of facebook.com/southfronten, all the links mentioned in the comment are de-facto independent branches of SouthFront voluntarily created by groups of motivated people from different countries and affiliated with SouthFront only through their commitment to the SouthFront principles at that moment.

SouthFront is always glad to assist and provide consultancy help to people that stand up for freedom of speech and against the globalist censorship.

What is really strange is that State Department investigators failed to find the still existing independent branches of SouthFront in northern and western Europe. Probably, this could serve as another signal of the ‘depth’ of this investigation.

SouthFront Team is sorry to conclude that the Department of State of the world’s sole super power was unable to provide any facts to confirm their speculations about SouthFront being a front for Russian disinformation. Bogus stories, which have been circulating in various media outlets and think tanks funded by Euro-Atlantic structures for years, do not count. In reality, this likely means that the authors did no research of their own in the field and just copy-pasted and patched together already existing reports made by their friends from affiliated or allied organizations.

Thank God, the authors did not try to link SouthFront to supposed Russian meddling in the US election.

After such ‘high-quality investigations’ in this field, the Department of State would not even have a theoretical chance of saving face.

It would be interesting to get the reaction of the bosses of these staff members and of the leadership of the State Department itself, to find out what they think about such quality of work. It is highly likely that the group of State Department specialists that prepared the report presented it as an exclusive investigation that required a significant amount of time and financial resources.

Proposal to US Department of State

SouthFront proposes the leadership of the US Department of State expert help in the field of covering the work of SouthFront as a pillar of Russia’s disinformation and propaganda network. Exclusively for the Department of State, we are ready to prepare weekly reports about our work with a detailed overview of our content, links to the most interesting articles, videos and graphic pieces, and entertaining behind the scenes content about our work.

We are sure that these reports will be not less professional and entertaining than the paper described above. SouthFront’s direct assistance will also help Mr. Pompeo and his employees to avoid foolish factual mistakes in future (e.g.when somebody is not even able to read their own screenshot).

And last but not least, the State Department would be able to save hundreds of thousands of US taxpayer dollars. The US government would then be able to use these funds to combat the COVID-19 outbreak or help combat veterans.

Please, feel free to contact SouthFront via email: info@southfront.press

(SF’s comment: our previous email info@southfront.org was deactivated in 2023 because SOUTHFRONT.ORG DOMAIN WAS ILLEGALLY BLOCKED by the international domain name registry under pressure from our ill-wishers. MORE DETAILS HERE)

On August 5, the US Department of State also offered Russians $10 million for information about Russian meddling in US elections.

Taking into account the high level of regard for SouthFront work held by the US government, you also can contact us regarding this topic. $10 million would be a useful donation to SouthFront’s budget. The contact email is the same:  info@southfront.press

By the way, US government personnel know our email address very well. In previous years, we have received emails from them with proposals for fruitful cooperation.

As to the style of emails sent to SouthFront, we recommend that the staff of the State Department to contact their counterparts in the Department of Defense. They act and write much more professionally and are not too shy to ask about things that are interesting to them.

Using this opportunity, SouthFront wants once again to assure Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Department of State of our highest consideration.

Sincerely yours,

The mighty and intangible SouthFront Steering Committee

A brief look at the history of SouthFront’s relations with official bodies of the United States and the European Union:

P.S. Support the pilar of Russia’s disinformation and propaganda:

For security reasons, we currently accept donations only in crypto currencies. The actual addresses as of September 28, 2023 are here:


MONERO (XMR): 86yfEHs6pkoDEKCxc6MAnQX8cVHmzhYxMVrNuwKgNmqpWK8dDxjgGnK8PtUNJMACbn6xEGxmRauNTHJhUJpg9Mwz8htBBND

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

BITCOIN (BTC): bc1qgu58lfszcpqu6fd8l98m378wgzugyg9y93lcym
SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State
BITCOIN CASH (BCH): qr28d80s5juzv2793k5jrq59xrl5fxd8qg9h3zlkk2

SouthFront Sends Warmest Greetings To US Department Of State

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.press , southfront@list.ru

For security reasons, we currently accept donations only in crypto currencies.

For the same reasons, we strongly recommend to use ‘COLD WALLETS‘ for making donations to our addresses.

  • for BTC: https://electrum.org/#home
  • for BCH: https://electroncash.org
  • for XMR: https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/

To buy crypto you may use the following:

  • https://bittrex.com, https://www.kraken.com/
  • or services like https://www.portis.io/
  • or even this very simple exchange only service: https://prostocash.com/en/

If you face any problems donating funds to SouthFront, please contact us: info@southfront.press and southfront@list.ru


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they don´t know a thing about Soutfront.

Zionism = EVIL

Southfront is quite well known and established now and just needs to branch out seek alliances and broaden its contributors like Saker, Platos Guns etc an increasing alternate progressive media. Most educated people are fed of Zionist Bilderberg cunts lies and manipulation that is fed to the dumbass western brainwashed sheeple who can’t distinguish between Austria and Australia.

Антон С

“who can’t distinguish between Austria and Australia.”

Iran and Iraq. Or Kirgizia and Kazahstan. As Kerry (not a comic) said: Kyrzyhstan.

Zionism = EVIL

Palestine and Pakistan. I sat next to a dumbass on a plane just recently and the pig faced cunt kept on insisting on the Israeli-Pakistanian conflict. Seriously, after a few minutes I felt like slapping the dumbass. However, have mellowed in my years :)


On every global poll, Americans are ranked as the most ignorant. They are loudmouths, uncouth, most have not traveled or understand any language, with the exception of immigrants, vast majority of those are from the developing world nowadays. They traded their cesspools for a sinking ship. Most people from advanced economies now shun the violent, rude and crude US.

Антон С

“most have not traveled” Me too.) No need in traveling, there are many communication services. Few minutes ago I have seen live air from crimean beach in Feodosia. Thousands of live cameras worldwide, may be millions. Just stretch your hand and take information you need. People just lazy.


what do you mean by progressive media?

Zionism = EVIL

Progressive is term applied to anti-imperialist reformers who value human life and promote peace, equaliy and goodwill. Americunts are the opposite and worse than fascists.


Hello Evil. Thank you for your take.

That is not how they have described themselves to me, on the political operative level, when I lived back home in the US. In general the vision by them is very closley centered to ones own self. Some are concerned with community but, most are as you get in Congress; children of Trotsky. They want the money and power. Progressives were pretty much stamped out in the US prior to WWII but, unfortunately for mankind, they have come back with a vengence. My take on them. I wish well to you Evil.


I spelt austria heaps of times,it is true,I even believed in usa moonlandings then too!


Hilarious, only thing missing was an accusation of antisemitism, white supremecism and hate speech against SF. Maybe saving it for later.

Zionism = EVIL

The dumb inbred Jew cunts and WASP rednecks at Foggy Bottom are a joke, look at the fat stupid looking Pimpeo and their daily failures.

US Iran envoy Brian Hook fired by Trump as UN arms embargo vote looms

Hook’s surprise departure comes as Washington lobbies the United Nations to extend an arms embargo on Iran which faces a certain Russian and Chinese rare double veto. The termination of Brain Hook’s career abrupt as also sheds light on US failure in its efforts to stop Iran’s progress. Now a rabid Zionist Jew Elliot Abrams is replacing hook. Abrams as the architect of the Iran-Contra CIA debacle in the 1980’s and now a senile old man.

Assad must stay

Inshallah he fails miserably as well hahahaha

Zionism = EVIL

Last time this Jew cunts peddled drugs and weapons to fund the Contra terrorists with another fuckwit Oliver North and we all know how well that turned out. Now the ugly Jew cunt is over 73 years old and bald and senile. What the fuck could such an evil retard do to Iran? Zilch.

He was knee-deep in human rights atrocities. Let’s start with the most obvious point, which is that Abrams’ chief claim to fame is the death squads in South America and the murder of over 250,000 civilians.



Real cokhead that one,nothing a few rapid bitchslaps cant fix in a jiffy, truth be known,power to the the truth here on in,them vile weaklings,too easy,pfft!


The truth of the matter is that Southfront is an independent Russia based media organization which in a very short period has established a envious reputation as high calibre, independent and free media presence with a growing global audience. It has achieved greater results than even many large state sponsored media organizations globally. Southfront’s penchant for truth far surpasses Pravda or yesteryears. Russian people and people who value truth and objective journalism should be proud of Southfront and the discomfort of the US mediocre state department trying hard to control the narrative of a failed warmogering state that can not even provide basic medical needs of its wretched population. US misery is its own inflicted and can not be blamed on Southfront or any truthful outlet. The Jews and their exploitation and lies are the real cause of US decline and marginalization. Perhaps, the State Department should really become an equal opportunity employer.

Антон С

“Russia based” Really? I don’t think it’s russian. 1.It’s international. 2. Based somewhere in EU.

Ashok Varma

It does not matter where it is based. The US State Department is having problems with South Front et.al. is that it can not control or refute factual media. US is a mass surveillance police state where truth is not a respected currency.


Just like thy scam dolla=non respected currency here on in,must go gold backed!

Ashok Varma

Having the worthless unbacked dollar as a global currency itself is a scam. Technically now India has a bigger economy as US is in total decline. The dollar needs to be dumped by a basket of global currencies like Yuan, Ruble, Rupee, Rupiah, Yen and Euro (if EU survives). Germany should go back to the Mark too.

Антон С

It matters, if someone call it purely russian. Good if so, but it’s not from Russia only, it’s network from different countries.

johnny rotten

They have time and money to waste if they are so morbidly interested in SF, furthermore it is an indirect recognition of the quality of the work done by SF, congratulations to the answer full of irony, but perhaps they are characters who would need some good specialist, and because of their deep-rooted obsessions they will certainly have a hard time understanding irony, put in the bag and go on, life is beautiful also because it is full of extravagant people.

Jack Brown

I just subscribed to News Front. Thanks for pointing it out southfront.

Ashok Varma

Please share SF links with your friends and family. We need independent truthful open media.

Fleecing Rabbi

I am asking my whole flock to subscribe.


I don’t belong,sorry I doubt you’d fight me to the death on that too,but I will defend what must be defended or else what becomes of man who cant stand upright in faith as just? Conversely this is a multicultural unbiased website,certainly not the jews nor murdochs!


Indeed. Thank God for Southfront!

cechas vodobenikov

a true compliment—only idiots that cannot distinguish truth from fiction concern themselves w the source of evidence—if bugs bunny tells me pepper is spicy but Biden claims differently, will I believe Biden?

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, SF is punching far above its weight and hopefully it will start cooperating with other free media in the rising nations like Iran, China, Venezuela, etc, the Americunt Jew media is now worse than a joke as even the old fat orange geezer keeps on barking FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS. Bilderberg/Murdoch pimp media has zero credibility, the BBC is now an official Jew mouthpiece and Americunt newspapers are not worth wiping your arse with. South Front, Press TV, Sputnik etc are a breath of fresh air and a good place for open honest discussion without Zionist inspired censorship. The dumbasses are on a losing streak.

Trap Is Not Gay

Yep, I read Press TV (from Iran) as well after the ban.

There are two kinds of bans from internet, the staged ban to boost audience of well known shills like Alex Jones, David Icke, that bald man from Canada, etc and the true bans, ie. PressTV.

Gotta filter even staged bans from real bans in the age of controlled opposition and shills.

Ashok Varma

Canada banned Hezbollah’s al Manar. They are just a US toady.


Keep this up,have to buy you a case of beer,frgn nailed it,murdoch is another tax cheat!


Yes you are a Russian propaganda site, always attacking the U.S and Israel with your posts. It won’t make any difference, we decide our own fate not based on your lies and deceptions. The U.S will always remain the beacon of the West and Israel will always stay a strong power in the ME. If anyone tries to hurt American or Israeli forces, then they will feel our iron fist on their heads. When that happens, no propaganda on any Russian site can deny the outcome. If you’re lucky enough, you might get to see our response against Hezbollah when they make their fatal mistake.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH you dumbass teenage TWAT!

Ashok Varma

Go to some teenage gay chat rooms. Not the place for you and your lies.


I’m sorry Ashok, I don’t take order from a gay Indian traitor who loves Paki goat fuckers more than his own people. So forgive me.

Trap Is Not Gay

Fuck you kike




Hasbara has hired teenage trolls who are petrified of Hezbollah, even though this article is about the US State Department’s paranoia which is equally laughable.

Fleecing Rabbi

Good help is hard to find these days, we have economic issues. Children cost less.


I wouldn’t laugh so much, seems like my city is well more secured than yours, Antifa rioters can do whatever they want and no police to stop them. I wouldn’t mind if they targeted you, but I don’t wish it to the other normal American public. I hope the trainings they got from us would be useful against those left wing radicals.


The police don’t seem interested in your training. And with the protesters getting run over and shot on a regular basis. They think twice before getting aggressive with citizens.

Your training isn’t going to do you any good when you’re denied visas or arrested outside of your penal colony.


That’s what you get from generations of Jew media and cultural brainwashing and a dem party with 20% of their US senators and 15% of their US congressman being Jews. Which is why the US needs dejudification. Fortunately Republicans don’t elect Jews and half the population here has a low opinion of the degeneracy peddled by the Jew media and pols.


REIGHT WINGED/SOROS RADICALS YOU LOW IQ DEGENERATE IQ OF <70: Use your head,not the homosexuals dk,trooper:


iron fist? not even steel? what an idiot you must be…


On the contrary, I took some IQ tests that proved I’m above the average so sorry I outsmart you. Back to your hole rat.

Jimmy Jim



Ya, sure.



Nothing the sharp end of the sickle can’t fix,always remmember the eye is quicker than thys fist! On the contary,you are a liar=non power(period) Can’t ever win (peace)why?Too weak with bullsht,like the rest of them null and void wannabe coksuckrz,and cia/deep state loser bums! You have mercy to look up,rest assured the day arises,one may die like a flog or wisen and live:


Zionism = EVIL

Every SF article and post is read by every western inbred intelligence agency as the cunts are losing the propaganda war and people now read alternate media.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

It is not about the truth or lie (they are interested in truth only until it serves to their purposes). The new “truth” is the correct narration of Orwellian Ministry of truth. And the worst nightmatre to “correct narrators” is a source of data they can’t control. The information from Southfront proved to be correct several times compared to western fake news outlets. Great job Southfront.

Fleecing Rabbi

If the whole machinery of the US government is focused on discrediting a small independent crowd funded website rather than deal with the pandemic then American decline is beyond redemption. Mazal Tov!


Maybe they should arrest their #1 true enemies,being demonazicratic/nwo/zogs, instead of waiting for cataclymic self evolved destruction,protecting such evils? These fools are not very smart,they just think they are,smarter than reasons,no!

Zionism = EVIL

Russian and Iranian citizens are receiving text messages hyping a $10 million bounty the US State Department has offered for information on anyone interfering in US elections on behalf of foreign governments. Desperate much?

Pave Way IV

Is that $10 million for every AIPAC name I submit? Hell, I’ll be rich! Ah, no need to be greedy though. I’ll compile a list and divide it up between everyone. And Thank You US State Department for recognizing continued Israeli interference in and direct attempts (shekels) to influence our elections. This is a good start. Sanctions next!


State Department has as much credibility as a Jew York pimp.

Ashok Varma

US is in irreversible decline and a recent poll showed that half of its people would leave for another country if they could. Many Indians are even returning home due to the US economic collapse and racism.

Americans Continue Giving Up Citizenship at Record Levels Reports Census Bureau.

Assad must stay

I wonder what they think of our comments hahahaha

Zionism = EVIL

Well my friend, the comments are a representation of what the vast majority of the world thinks of the narcissistic Jew controlled stupid violent ignorant cunts. Organizations who care about their reputation and quality spend millions to get this type of honest 360 degree feedback. I am lucky to have lived a charmed life and experience a lot of people, nations, travel, went to the best schools, experienced a multitude of cultures and languages in my lifetime so I am doing these surveillance state inbred retards a favor on how the world has changed, and they need to get with the program. For 75 years post WW2 these racist inbred WASP ignorant arseholes and their Jew masters have been deluding themselves on their “chosen exceptionalism” until Iraq, Katrina and now the Pimpeovirus blew that wide apart. AmeriKKKa is now an absolute shithole and any objective person can see that. It produces nothing but hate, racism, wars, weapons peddling, drugs and lies. Even their EU vassals know the truth, but the thin skinned idiots try to ban the truth and that will be their undoing. No one in the world fears, let alone respect such retrograde morons. That is the only truth.


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…………………..➤➤➤➤➤➤ ???.?ou??sh.????

The word → ? ← not add in the web address


Keep pissing them off with the truth,shout you a beer!

Ashok Varma

Me too :)

Ashok Varma

In a relatively short time Southfront has come to the fore as a reputable beacon of truth, which is obviously unsettling the American propagandists. Kudos to SF.


US and its Zionist masters are in a corner globally as power shits to Eurasia and the narrative of sheer lies does not wash with the masses now. A picture is worth a thousand words.





I think that Southfront does a good job. And that people in the US government read it to avoid being undereducated on important issues.

And to guage public opinion on a properly moderated site that doesn’t unfairly restrict opposing points of view. This is something that western sites like Infowars, Veterans Today, Antiwar, Brierbet, etc., all of which I’ve been blocked on, or regularly had comments deleted from, lack.

Usually about Judaism or Israel. And when the truth can be told without interference. Jews and Zionists fair poorly here. Or more often are no shows. Because they know that they’ll lose.

Jimmy Jim


Fleecing Rabbi

Wahhabi gas?

Arthur Deodat Jr.

You can’t beat the truth! Look we put it it the flask. We OWE the truth. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91e9951e706c9293c2c4d4ec9bc07d9a8ff6b209fa3e1d3b07e8f377e76743e1.jpg


Indeed, US predicament is that anyone with an IQ over 70 can not believe a word that comes out of the third rate State Department or MSM. They have lost the Hollywood narrative with endless lies like WMD, baseless nuclear claims against Iran, demonization of Russia, China and propagation of Zionist crimes against humanity.


Why I reproach to certain cia comments by giving them 70iq score for intergrity(period)


A badge of honor for Southfront that has unsettled a multi billion dollar US government agency with its small crowd funded truth machine. It should be matter of great pride indeed, and the quality professional and well articulated SF response is worthy of a Pulitzer prize. Keep up the good work my friends.


Alot of truth and insight,not always but know whom power belongs to we the peoples,observant, not sour,devour,debt rotted to the core corporations on the fake dolla take as their nocandos:


Facts are stubborned, liards are criminal thief’s and killers !

US/Israel/UK/NATO are a hopeless dishonesty disgusting Caricature Carrion rotting the Planet !

Hopefully Eurasia will drown them to the gemonies, thanks Iran-Russia-China !

Tommy Jensen

It doesnt matter which links or funds or friends South Front have , as normal readers are only interested in factual news. Factual news is independent and neutral towards any interests, funding and power balance.

Zionism = EVIL


Russian and Iranian citizens are receiving text messages hyping a $10 million bounty the US State Department has offered for information on anyone interfering in US elections on behalf of foreign governments. Desperate much?

Reports of unsolicited messages talking up the cyber-bounties began pouring out of Russian cities on Thursday as residents who received them deluged their local news outlets with screenshots of the bizarre spam. A number of Iranians also received the odd messages Thursday night.

Ryan Glantz

Well done, SF! you’ve gained the ire of a corrupt establishment! You don’t get flak unless you’re over the target! I commend you, bravo, keep up the great work!


Tallest tree gets the most attention.

Антон С

“Using this, the authors of the report claim that SouthFront and News Front are somehow “at least began as sister organizations”.”

And Roussillon in France is part of Russia, almost same name.) “News front” is blocked on YT at the same time with ANNA.

Removil Pedro Mata

You don´t call yourselves as Clinton News Network (CNN), that´s why!!!!!!

Trap Is Not Gay

“National Security” = Licking Jew Ass



Thank You

Zionism = EVIL

If you include all the Wall Street Jew ponzi scams, the real figure is over $2 trillion. Why do you think Americunts are in the doghouse with over $32 TRILLION and growing debt and 120 million unemployed, homeless and hopeless. Every Zionist cunt in Occupied Palestine receives over $165,000 tax free per annum.

Tommy Jensen

The general Jew in Israel is poor. So where are all these money going? Black accounts.


Congratulation US of A, you saved the world… again

thomas malthaus


Something tells me Russian generals and admirals aren’t playing games.



Bottom line,don’t insult intellects,begotten rotted the the core,degenerate society,admit your fascism:


Truth hurts,but 99 of your liars brains accumulated report comes to nought agaunst the truth bearers:

So at the turn of the friendly card,enjoy the losing hands here on in,cia/demonic repressive sukerzz!


“…We, the SouthFront Team, want to say thank you to the Department of State for its high praise of our work. This will motivate us to even greater efforts in the field to produce even more high quality content…”

Congras to SouthFront for this new badge of honor!

Joakim Normen

How can they claim SouthFront tries to hide their Russian connection when their PayPal link ends in .ru? US logic only work on Americans because their school system is so bad.

Yngve Jensen

Looks like the IRA in St.Petersburg are going out of business


About something else entirely. When you insisted I was wrong, keep in mind:

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” ― William Paley

That’s why you “cannot be wrong”, or so you think… Just another jewish HasbaRat tendency.

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