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“Space And Earth” Against Erdogan

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“Space And Earth” Against Erdogan

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Written by Damir Nazarov

The terrible tragedy in Turkey definitely falls under the category of political intrigue by the forces of evil. All talk about natural causes is ignorant and empty. There are a number of reasons why Erdogan is tired of imperialism and they literally want to get rid of him “democratically.” I mean the subsequent elections, which will most likely be the last for Erdogan in his political career.

The first reason for the earthquake strike on Turkey lies in the struggle of the green energy radicals (Biden and part of the British government) against the policy of dominance of hydrocarbons. Erdogan was proud that he had drawn up a plan to turn Turkey into a gas hub, but now you can forget about such ideas for a while. In fact, Turkey found itself in a situation of similar sabotage against the Nord Stream. It can also be added here that the Turks themselves tried to actively extract their oil, which of course is not beneficial to supporters of the introduction of green energy. Given the Turks’ attempts to extract “their black gold”, the “planners of the future world” could easily organize a catastrophe by creating the illusion that local oil companies were to blame for the earthquake.

The second reason for hitting Erdogan is flirting with the Kremlin. The Turkish president has repeatedly stated that “Putin is his friend,” and these words were supported by facts in the form of close cooperation in Syria and even in the Ukrainian conflict. As a matter of fact, Erdogan’s project is a gas hub. it would be possible entirely at the expense of Russian blue fuel. Then there was a story with Turkish supplies of spare parts for weapons of the Russian army. Thus, these reasons are already enough to create massive problems for the current president of Turkey. You can read more about Russian-Turkish cooperation here.

My opinion is that the most important reason why the forces of evil decided to destroy Erdogan is his soft position on Muslim regions inside the Russian Federation. Erdogan recently mentioned that his “requests for Tatarstan and Dagestan are being answered.” Of course, Washington and London would like Turkey to play a radical anti-Kremlin role in these regions in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, but Erdogan apparently refuses the Anglo-Saxons in this matter, so it is likely that this situation has also become one of the reasons for the artificial earthquake. Moreover, information about Turkey’s arms supplies to Russia could not remain out of Washington’s focus either.

It is obvious that Erdogan has played his role. Today, the same people (the collective West) who once rejoiced at his rule want to get rid of him. The statement of the head of the Turkish Space Agency shows that the republic has been subjected to aggression of a “new type” when weapons of the sixth technological order are used. The most disgusting thing is that, knowing about the attack from the outside, you can practically not prove the fact of aggression, since a completely new type of weapon was used, which was part of a whole combination in conjunction with the internal political component (the story of the postponement of elections) and economic problems (the infiltration in Turkey). It can be said that “organizational weapons”* were used against Turkey.

In the near future, we will see the purpose of the monstrous provocation that has occurred, and we should not be surprised if the new government in Turkey or the “renewed” Erdogan will take directly opposite positions in relation to the current foreign and domestic policy.

* – an organizational weapon is a system of procedures that allows you to reorient the policy of an enemy state in the required direction without the use of force.


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King Erdogans good side is that he has done well during his time.

But erdogans bad side is that he still allows kemalism to proliferate as well as kikesis and kikes, and this recent normalization is his last nail in his coffin (or a Deep Warning).

It is 100% clear that Germany, Japan, and Turkiye are under occupation by wrathschilds khazarian mafia, who are aided by both russia and china due to their (((precious))) victory day (for filthy (((juden)))).

filthy zionist jews cant side with BRICS or The Poor, and therefore brics is illegit8mate, oarticularly for harboring both filthy jews and lgbt faggots who need to be exterminated.


Kemalismus? Mustafa Kemal(Atatürk) hatte gegen die heutige Nato gekämpft. Die wahren Kemalisten würden nicht in der Nato sein. Als die Türkei 1952 in die Nato aufgenommen wurde, war Atatürk schon längst gestorben. Wie können Sie also von Kemalismus sprechen? Erdogan ist doch nur ein Show-Man. Der tut so, als ob er gegen Nato ist, aber es ist genau das Gegenteil. Er kämpft für die Nato. Wie sonst können Sie sich die Bayraktar-Lieferung an die Ukraine vorstellen? Erdogan ist ein Looser. Er hat die Türken in ikonomischer Sicht auf Afrikanische Ebene herabgesenkt. Der Türke verdient jetzt pro Kopf 360 Euro/Monat. Die die noch Erdogan wählen, können nicht mehr bei Trost sein. So verblendet wie die Wähler von Erdogan kann man gar nicht sein. Wie kann man seinen eigenen Armut mit Absicht wählen? Merhaba


kemal atachicken is a jew, and thereby all problems of Turkiye exist (because of this jew).

In Germany, Hitler well understood this, as well as all Imperial Japan and Ottoman Turkiye.

Its not for me to decide its Turkiye that needs to get rid of its kemalists and any faggots need to be burned.

Tommy Lee

Allowed Kemalism to proliferate? Dude, the Turkish state IS Kemalism. The only way to eliminate Kemalism would be to draft and implement a new constitution. In any case, Erdogan and his Islamist clique are prolific backers of terrorism throughout the Muslim world (there is a reason that the Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Egypt and Syria). Also, the tinfoil hat-wearing mental patient who wrote this article believes that, somehow, the Western powers can create earthquakes. Well, if that’s the case, the GG non-Western world. Whomever can create natural disasters is all-powerful, and it is thus futile to resist them. God only knows why they chose to use this technology on Turkey and not Russia or China, but logic isn’t exactly a crackpot’s strong suit.


Tommy Lee: Du rauchst zu viel. Was für Technologie denn? Haarb? Komm on. Die Türkei ist ein Erdbeben-Gebiet. Es gab dort auch vor 100 oder 500 oder 1000 Jahren Erdbeben. Während der Osmanischen Zeit gab es Erdbeben ohne Ende. Oder vor 100 Jahren gab es in Istanbul oder Erzurum sehr starkes Erdbeben. Es gibt in der Türkei jeden Tag Erdbeben. So war es immer. Das schaffen die mit Deine Star-Wars-Technologie? Du bildest Dir auch zu viel ein. Merhaba


Funny how the tinfoil hats are ALWAYS right and when their theories are given proof, the journalists involved are persecuted to the nth degree or murdered.


^tranny lee (((westerner)))

Ultrafart the Brave

You think one needs to be a mental patient to speculate on earthquake weapons?

The American HAARP facilities have been undergoing testing and refinement for some decades now, not just in Alaska but in Australia as well. They can indeed control weather systems with these installations, so is triggering earthquakes such a stretch?

You might be familiar with Nikola Tesla’s lightning experiments – if not, I suggest you go look them up and educate yourself. The Earth is a big resonant sphere – all it needs is the right stimulus to get it shaking.

As for why China and Russia haven’t been attacked in the same manner as Turkey, surely the penny must eventually drop, even for someone like you – these two nations have their own programs to control the weather and other aspects of the planetary biosphere, and are likely fully able to respond in kind if provoked.

Be careful what you wish for.


Consider the following: Kemal was a masonic jew groomed as an operative for the jesuits ( Rome ). Turkiye is run by a sect of covert jews who form a cabal ( same as Saudi Arabia whose royal family are jews ) Erdogan is a freemason who ran afoul of his handlers due to greed and ambition.

Porc halal

The islamist erdoggy dog is no better … actualy, he is hundreds time worse than attaturk was …

Last edited 1 year ago by Porc halal

You are right Erdogan is very corrupt

Freaka da Disk

Yeah, I mean making family businesses with a terror group like isis , its the lowest someone can go … he has innocents people’s blood on his hands.


The logic is simple genius: Russia and China have similar weapons with which they can retaliate. Further Great powers, and Turkiye certainly isn’t one, can retaliate commercially or are insulated from sanctions. Turkiye chose to sleep with evil zionist war dogs now she got fleas. Do some research : HAARP and other scalar weapons systems have been around since the late 1950’s and were pioneered by the Nazi’s during WW2. My father was an engineer who worked for both AVRO ( Arrow Supersonic fighter ) and the Atomic Energy Commission of Canada. Technology to cause Earthquakes is very real as is weather control. Perhaps you should hold your tongue and quit the Ad hominem attacks until you have gained some wisdom.


Hitler’s grandmother was raped by a jew, this is why he hated jews so much.

And thank you for bringing some factual information.

Isser Harel

Don’t read up on military and technology and it shows. The technology is patented oh uninformed one.

Buford T. Justice

Go have your head examined , Adolf , you’ve got problems.

Last edited 1 year ago by Buford T. Justice

f7ck jew, juden subhuman faggot.

jens holm

now Oxford proves our wind farms are stupid

Erik Nielsen

LOL………………that will be the day.


^degenerate desecration lgbt queer trans faggot alert.


Erik Nielsen

Erdogan has done well for his country. He raised up as a man since the failed coup and leave a mark in history as a respected President for Turkey.

Erdogan is for Turkey what Putin is for Russia. May they live still as Presidents in many years to come.


Klar doch. Die Türken haben Sie Ihn satt. Eigentlich darf er gesetztlich nicht mehr an die Wahlen antreten. Die Opposition muss eigentlich gegen Erdogan rechtlich vorgehen. Er darf nicht mehr antreten. 2. Die Türkei ist zu Afrika geworden. Schaue Dir die Gehälter an. Weisst Du was ein Rentner bekommt? 5500 Lira. Weisst du was das macht? 200 Euro. Das tut denen bestimmt gut. Erdogan verdient locker das 50 Fache. Du heisst bestimmt nicht Nielsen. Bestimmt bist Du einer von den AKP bezahlten Leute, die hier aktiv sind.

Erik Nielsen

Nein. I only look at what Erdogan had been doing for Turkey, and I talk with Turks who praise their president for developing their country into prosperity.

The Turkish currency problem is not Erdogan’s problem but imposed Turkey from outside by the usual suspects. I am sure Turkey would be far more miserable as US/EU lapdog, than under Erdogan.

Is Ukraine doing better as US/UK vasal than Turkey?? Is Germany doing better as UK/US vasal than Turkey?? Germany risk to end up as Ukraine with your lapdog policy. Was Germany doing better under influence and paid by US/UK financiers during WWI and WWII??

Michel LeBlanc

Erdogan is a snake. Has always been one and will always be one.

He is one of the gringos responsible for the Syrian carnage. He profited alot personally from this syrian war.

I would welcome his policy change vis a vis nato and the west, but i would not praise erdogan.

He still has the blood of millions of syrians on his hands.


Absolutely agree and have used identical words to describe this vile bloody freemason scumbag. Let’s make Constantinople Great Again. Long Live Assad. Z.


Zzzzzz 🖕💨🤡…. ISTANBUL is great city already


I agree Erdogan is a snake but he will win election he will make cheat

Tommy Lee

The author is patently insane. Mr. Nazarov, please seek help for your obvious psychosis.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tommy Lee

as if a tranny lees life matters.

All westerners should cleanup their neighborhood of filthy jews and faggots before making comment anywhere else.


Last edited 1 year ago by JHK

Space and matter? Well, according to the ancient Greeks, space is but emptiness, and matter is but presence, so, there’s that… Also, the story seems to have evolved from DARPA’s decommissioned haarp weapon (8-10 months out of service), to ‘some sort of space program’, but, only to magically and gymnastically still wind up bringing Turkiye back into the empire? Is this the preamble to ‘them aliens did it’? Wow…


So stark ist Haarp? Dann beschreibe uns doch mal, wie Haarp, so viel Erdboden bewegen kann? Wie geht das? Ein Erdboden von min. 1000 km breite zu bewegen muss was ausseirrdisches sein. Sind das Wellen? Magnet-Wellen? Elektro-Wellen? Was ist das? Wie kann etwas so viel kraft haben, um 1000 km breites Boden zu erschüttern? Hast Du Physik gehabt? Kennst Du Newton? Dann zeig uns doch mal, wo dieser Haarp war und wo es aktiv war. Damit die Beweise sehen. Wo sind die Beweise?


If you read the link in the above article where it says “statement” and translate it from Turkish, it says the President of the Turkish Space Agency stated that titanium alloy rods the size of electricity poles were fired from satellites and penetrated 5KM deep into the ground along the fault line, thus triggering the earthquake. He has also seen engineering studies describing this project. The HAARP suggestion is something separate, other suggestions for the artificial cause of earthquakes are fracking, oil extraction and underground injected gas storage projects, activities which have been banned in some earthquake prone areas like Spain and Italy due to concerns over this. You could also look into Western oil companies in Syria as being a potential cause, secretly drilling into unstable geology on fault lines to trigger an earthquake.


All of the above that you said and add to that HAARP.


Seriously, Wow…






Look around numbnuts…

Erik Nielsen

If you call me a numbnut just one more time…………………..




It is only possible to have earthquakes of that power on the edges of tectonic plates. Instead of ascribing awesome powers to the USA you should instead ask if Erdogan had offended the Creator, who does have such power.


Just to restate:

1. Turkiyes achilles is kemalist secularism which destroys Turkiye from the inside.

2. Normalization with filthy jews (saudis and arab stooges like sisi, nasser, massoud, mosshead) is apostacy, and spiritual suicide.

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