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Spain And Italy Are Slowly Gaining Upper Hand Over COVID-19 Pandemic

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Spain And Italy Are Slowly Gaining Upper Hand Over COVID-19 Pandemic

As of April 9 evening. Click to see the full-size image

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis in slowly fizzling in Europe as the two main pandemic hotspots – Spain and Italy – have demonstrated a downward trend in the number of new cases and deaths over the past week.

On April 9, there were 4,226 new registered cases in Spain and 4,204 – in Italy. In comparison, with 20,518 cases demonstrated by the United States as well as the previous numbers demonstrated by Italy and Spain themselves the situation became notably easier. Despite this, the numbers from Italy and Spain still demonstrate a relatively high death toll. For Italy, this is 12.72%, while for Spain – 9.99%.

In comparison, the death toll in the United States and Germany are much lower – 3.53% and 2.12% respectively. From the open data appearing online, it’s possible to make a conclusion that the formal death toll from the COVID-19 outbreak is becoming lower with the expansion of COVID-19 testing in the country. The reason is that with the expansino of testing authorities start counting not only critical cases that more often lead to fatal consequences.

Spain And Italy Are Slowly Gaining Upper Hand Over COVID-19 Pandemic

As of April 9 evening. Click to see the full-size image

Despite these positive tendencies in the global fight on the COVID-19 outbreal, the situation around the world still remains unsrtable. Furthermore, the coronavirus pandeimc and the erupted pandemic of fear become are damaing the already undermined economic stability around the world.


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The entire CONVID thing is just a lie. And the best evidence of that is that ALL the MSM speak with one voice, and even the hasbara trolls on here are lying in lockstep


Are you in lock down Vitex? Judging by your picture you should be.:) Great to see the curves coming down. Trump is now lashing out at the WHO like a petulant child, will this pandemic cost him the election? I for one do not believe in lock downs, am going for a snow hike at Blue Ridge.:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7dfa6932d38b4fcb87ed7e65758ad22166686cd37d86a17a2d3a0dfb04b50e28.jpg




Been hiking in many places on the Appalachian trail….used to have girlfriend in Roan Mountain Tennessee….used to drive a 67 MGB.


Good on yer mate. We’re in lockdown here. First thing they did was send all the university students home (which would be a great way of spreading the virus everywhere)


I would normally be suspicious as you are, but the Covid lockdown measures pretty much spans the whole political spectrum

Pave Way IV

The disease part is real, dude. I got it now and it’s completely kicking my ass. Stumbling around like a drunk when I’m strong enough to stand. Even then, hunched over – guts feel like that little alien bastard is trying to chew his way out. Splitting headache, like gallon of Canadian beer sized headache. Stiff – like rigor mortis stiff. Not much of a cough or respiratory problems yet, thank god, or else “it gets the hose again”. I just don’t move much so I don`t need to breathe much. No insurance, no meds, no quinine. I’m just grinding through like the old-timers did – lie in bed shaking and sweating.. Can damn sure feel the loss of oxygen transport.- a trip to/from the bathroom feels like I just ran a marathon – with one lung. I’ve taken to scrambling around on all fours like a f’king dog so I don’t crash into anything – or perform any unintended face-floor contact. I’m an otherwise healthy, fit guy. I haven’t had colds or the flu in years – and never remember anything remotely this f’cked up. Haven’t wasted my time getting tested because I feel like shit. I’m going to curl up in a fetal position on my dog’s cushion-nest-thing and take a little nap.


Please do not screw with the dog’s cushion, as this will only flatten it. If you are not felling well Pave Way IV. Please call !-800-WANT MY FUCKING TEST NOW.

Pave Way IV

I want the test that shows the virus came from Dr. Mengele-Fauci and crony’s off-the-books bioweapons SARS glycoprotein carrier program in Wuhan.. I know it came from Wuhan because the US specifically designed and developed the Wuhan BSL-4 lab for the CCP for ‘cooperative research’ = US bioweapons black site. I wonder how much the Chinese even knew about our real ‘side’ work there.


try rakia,vodka,hot garlic,heat kills the virus!

Pave Way IV

Neighborhood ‘expert’ said radish vodka or horseradish vodka. He couldn’t remember which one


Sorry to hear that, I hope the symptoms subside. If you have vitamin D take 50,000 IU a day for a few days as it has been proven to reduce the likelihood of acute respiratory infections (https://www.bmj.com/content/356/bmj.i6583). (Yes, 50,000 IU, not 5,000 IU. You need more than a maintenance dose right now, and 50,000 IU is safe as long as you’re not taking it for long periods of time – we’re talking weeks or months, not days.) It’s not a cure, but it will likely help. Also add a few grams of vitamin C per day if you have it.


Don’t know why that link isn’t working. The title of the paper is “Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data”.

Pave Way IV

txh, bbar. Already take D


Please get well!

Pave Way IV



Sounds pretty grim. Reach for the willow bark tea or aspirin for the fever and inflammation. Get into a steamy environment – even a hot shower will do it – to help with lung congestion. Works like a nebulizer.

Pave Way IV

Thanx. Liters oft tonic water all I have access to for a while. Everything smells like pork for some reason. Don’t particularly like/dislike, but rarely eat Pork anyway. Family rarely cooks it. I could be source – evil pig toxins exiting body. Shower worked great as nebulizer, but that congestion mostly resolved.

I think I’ll go back to sleep for a weak or two – that usually does the trick, one way or the other.


There is truth in the proverb “feed a cold and starve a fever”

Pave Way IV

To your point, Vitex – I do NOT know a single other person – friend, relative or neighbor – with 1) the seasonal flu or 2) COVID-19. Seems odd – maybe that’s just here. Everyone within five miles does seem to know about my sorry, disease-infested ass (gossipers, i.e.internet v0). Occasionally hear of someone I know with the sniffles or coughing and/or self-isolating, but nothing like the bus that hit me. They’re usually up in a couple days.

Trash pickup is on Mondays, but the garbage truck has been circling around the block today for some reason. They stop by if they see anyone outside and ask how I’m feeling. Seems suspicious.Besides, they were carrying Tavors. No wonder my f’king garbage fees are so high!

Frederick Lochbihler

Get well. We enjoy your bitching.


What is real is the large number of dead doctors and nurses. In communities in our state, over 500 medical personnel were sent off because they are demonstrating symptoms of the virus, in just one city. When this thing is still going strong months from now, the hype will not be whether or not it is fact or fantasy ……. the shock will come when people wake up to the fact that the medical community world wide was gutted, thereby making round 2 so much easier to do much more damage. Good luck all.

Lazy Gamer

Not to mention the release of new viruses.


Intelligence is aware of the nwo/soros bip weapon methods,the other day they blew up many renta cars armed with the weapon ok,now lets see which other troll assumes satan has the upper hand!

MeMad Max

It reinfects people that have “recovered”…

This is THE doomsday virus….

Pave Way IV

Pork smell won’t go away! Took a shower, washed hair, brushed teeth forever, fresh clothes and I still smell burnt, greasy pork. Checked on old folks – they’re breathing just fine and not engulfed in a smouldering fire. It’s 8:00 AM here, but this smells way different than breakfast sausages or ham. It’s kind of a horrible rancid, lingering oily smell, like a burning animal minus the sulphur (from their hair). Kind of like how a burning human corpse would smell in a municipal garbage incinerator when they fire it up from a cold state. Sulphur fume scrubbing works from the start, but the acrid, oily pork smell doesn’t go way until the combustion chamber and flue are hot as hell. Commercial crematoriums recirculate the exhaust – if they’re working right, you can’t smell a damn thing. If not, human BBQ stink.My whole neighborhood smelled like it for a while, but it won’t leave the house,.

Minneapolis really hasn’t been hit hard (yet) – 25 recently deaths. Nothing that would rate dumping citizens in the big municipal incinerator, unless they’re lying about the count and throwing half-dead in there to open up hospital beds. You know – for the important people. Could be truckloads of import corpses from Chicago and Detroit – Minneapolis is a ‘sanctuary city’.

I don’t know – something weird is going on around here and the BBQ Pork fest the last couple of days adds to the mystery. I hope I don’t become an involuntary ‘participant’.

“Hold still, PaveWay… STOP F’KING RESISTING. Get these restraints on your hands and get in the bag. We’ll take care of the rest, you f’king ‘patriot’ You’re a vet, aren’t you?! Here, you get a little US flag sticker on your body bag. Thanks for your f’king service.”

Pablo Sanchez

Hey Paveway IV, really sorry to hear you got Covid. Please do get well as your insights are very valuable to all of us! That, and you seem like a great guy!

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