Barcelona police sealed off a warehouse said to be housing the ballot boxes for the upcoming independence referendum, more police deployed in the region.
On September 28, the Guàrdia Urbana force seized almost 10 million papers relating to the upcoming ballot, amongst them voter lists, signs, and paperwork for counting votes. About 16,000 school and university students took to the streets of Barcelona demanding that the vote go ahead, BBC reports.
The Spanish government deployed more state police to maintain order and prevent the vote taking place, Reuters reports citing Spanish Interior Ministry.
Madrid has vowed to shut down the plebiscite, as Spain’s Constitutional Court decided that the vote is breaching the Constitution.
The dispute between the regional government in Barcelona and the Spanish government has become increasingly bitter in recent weeks, with several high-ranking Catalan officials involved in organizing the referendum arrested, and mass protests in the region’s capital of Barcelona and other towns.
Despite the detractors, Catalonia’s separatist government is set to go ahead with the referendum on October 1 aimed to decide whether the region should split from Spain.
Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont says he intends to defy Madrid’s orders and has called upon Catalan citizens to “defend democracy against a repressive and intimidating regime” by going to the polls to vote as planned, as reported by CNN.
Catalonia is a wealthy region in Spain’s northeast. Although it has its own regional government (Generalitat) which already has considerable powers over healthcare, education and tax collection, it still pays tax to Madrid, which some politicians argue is distributed unfairly.
Catalan nationalists argue that they are a separate nation with their own history, culture and language, and that they should have increased independence.
Be careful, this people are islamists friends, in the demonstration for refugees, guess wich syrian flag they had? The rebel. And in the first line. http://elmunicipio.es/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/banderas-islamistas-manifestacion-refugiados-barcelona.jpg http://cadenaser00.epimg.net/ser/imagenes/2017/02/18/internacional/1487435016_023906_1487435095_noticia_normal.jpg
That fake Syrian flag makes my blood boil tbh
They are also anglo-zionist suckers!
It’s tiem to Spain and Portugal to wake up, why are you on NATO when anglo-saxons were and still are the worst enemies of latin people?
your president is cia-agent. make order at home. go and shot him.
Do you keep up with brazilian news?!
Temer is hanging by a thread, ig he is not impeached he will just remain in office until next election, completely powerless.
And he is aligning more with China and Russia than USA, USA gives us no advantages.
the question is: could buy china the rest of mine, or not? becouse the reason why was removed the last president (lula?) that brasil planned to sell 49% of mine for very rare metal (i dont remember, ehich). it is strategis. and the yanks wanted, too. but china simply offered more money and brasil decide to sell to chinese. and then came the impeachment. if he sold that mine to americans, washington fullfilled the aim and is satisfied.
It was Dilma, and the impeachment was not for a petty mine, it was because the leftist scum indeed destroyed our economy, even the traditional corrupt politicians saw they would lead us to the state of Venezuela.
of course, she was corrupt. as everybody before her and fter her. this i latin-america. but the infos gave the yanks
The impeachment was not for corruption. but because PT ruined our economy to get reelected… if it was just corruption the parliament would have done nothing, and indeed, they are all involved, the entire parliament is falling like a house of cards, it was not a coup.
oke, i read somethiung else in european media. but you know this better.
The leftist narrative is mainstream.
i think, leftists are important in brasil. there is giant social injustice. but use also right elements in economy. they piss on buildig of the economy. and also would be good to slow down the population explosion. this is also reason of problems.
There is a fundamental difference between eastern socialists and modern south american leftists, eastern socialism createa functional society, even if through brutal ways, southamerican leftism only depletes all resources and destroy all aspects of society. just look at Venezuela.
They even faked their own attack in Barcelona by using these Muslim Brotherhood cultists as these Catalan pretenders are more Zio-Cultists they are all foreign emigre to the region and fake as the sidewalk is long.
These Fake Syrians are from Aix-la-Chapelle in Germany they carried out the Terrorist attacks recently in Spain under the shadow of German and US intelligence was these Muslim Brotherhood supporters. The leader of the local cell Abdelbaki es Satty who was an Imam until June is alleged to be involved with the Terrorist cell in Spain.
Catalonia is a pro-islamist pro-immigration pro-EU bolshevik socialist cesspit. It’s capital is Barcelona, here is it’s nutjob feminist mayor Ada Colau pissing in the street. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c0f1101cd6d3991c563adaba1b9ec434d4fec8081b9921c8ab71cc3215a74f55.jpg
She did that while holding a cigarette how butch of her to piss on a road paid for with Spanish tax money, the highlight of a politician,who will face criminal charges of corruption.
Catalonia do not pays taxes to Madrid. They pay taxes like any other region in Spain. Catalonia is one of the most wealthy regions in Spain, and like Madrid, another wealthy region, pay more that what receives. This is called solidarity and wealth redistribution. Rich regions pay more than they receive. Poor regions pay less.
That is like that in every Socialist country , but the elite like your politicians pay very little taxes and abuse the system like leftist see it as their right to abuse, as they are the most likely and commonly the worst abusers.
Yes. That is true. But with or without Independence. Puigdemont party (CIU) has several processes opened with justice for corruption in Catalonia. And is not precisely a lefty party.
Spain is not a socialist country but if you have to invest in roads, train, etc, poor regions will receive more in infrastructures that wealthy regions. Same way, eastern countries in EU receive much more than northern or central Europe countries that are fully developed.
Socialism the further you get away from the center of Europe the more right wing it seems but the Socialist platform is always there.
Spain is a shitty country, is called Spanishtan! Always asking for democracy in Venezuela, Syria, Libia, Ukraine but they are ruling like General Franco dictator back to 40 years. Freedom to Basque Country, Catalunya and who ever that eant to be out of that fucking imperialistic corrupt kingdom
Most are foreigners who want freedom and besides it’s illegal , you do know that don’t you little Antifa-Fascist. They need to be out of the EU the failed project that it is along with Portugal seems that the US is the one pulling the strings for this anyways.
Foreigners? Yes, they are basque and catalans… never spanish. Thats the reason why they ask for a referendum… but dont worry, European Union, USA, UN and all the fucking World is with Spain so no worries. Continue asking for democracy in Venezuela and Syria but pushing your own people to eat stones. This is Spain, the most corrupt country in Europe.
And by the way… Spain is supporting the fucking myth of “rebels”… from Barcelona to Madrid that gave an award to the white helmets. The desinformation of the people is brutal. A shame.
Over half the people in this crowd are all foreigners and please don’t say it’s the Spanish govt has been the problem, this squarely falls on foreigners who came to Spain and corrupt officials there. They are more interested in the greater EU project than the Spanish govt is in it.