A wanted commander and spokesperson for Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Khalid Balti, also known as Muhammad Khorasani, was reportedly killed in the Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nangarhar.
According to several reports, unidentified gunmen shot him dead on January 10.
According to preliminary data, ISIS militants are behind the murder. On the other hand, the Pakistan’s intelligence services are also suspected.

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Khorasani was the head of the TTP’s Umar Media wing. He was appointed as the new spokesperson for TTP in 2014 after former spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid declared his allegiance to ISIS. He
Aged between 48 and 50, Khorasani’s real name was Khalid Balti. He was the TTP’s operational commander and the spokesperson for the group.
He was born in the Gilgit-Baltistan region in northern Pakistan. In 2007, he reportedly joined the Tehreek Nifaze Shriat Muhammadi in Swat.
He had close ties to the former TTP chief Mullah Fazalullah. He fled to Afghanistan and remained the TTP spokesperson after Pakistan carried out military operations in the erstwhile tribal areas.
Khalid Balti played an important role in TTP activities in Pakistan and took part in unification of different TTP factions. Being close to the 4th emir of TTP Noor Wali Mehsud, Khorasani was involved in several attacks on many innocent civilians and personnel of security forces.
I like to say fuk those morons who said “TTP isn’t linked to Afghan Taliban” you fuking apes. Or those people claim TTP and Afghan Taliban aren’t linked to Wahhabis in KSA.
They are linked. lol
Moron work on your English. How rtded are you? What the fuk do you think I said? Huh? Laugh at yourself all you want clown. Fuking learn to read English.
I don’t need any more autistic tantrums from you.
“autistic tantrums”? You can’t read and understand English… you are autistic that’s for sure. I get pissed when someone doesn’t understand English and tries to argue with me.
P.S. How many times have I told you to NOT RPLEY to my comments as you add nothing.
I don’t understand English or I don’t understand your basement dweller dialect? I guess it is the second.
No, you rtded fuk. I said TPP and Afghan Taliban are linked and you fuking said, “They are linked. lol”. Fuk off kid, stfu and grow up. Go back to school. What is going on in your head? low life Zion pig.
They are linked. Same organization and same ethnicity.
JJ345 Chris Gr will learn to use water to clean his backside first as it is very smelly
He just doesn’t read and want to be seen as the clown. I don’t understand him.
Says the Paki dalit!
Chris Gr You seem to over look who are TRUELY linked as you have smelly backside Told you to stop using toilet paper and use water it is very environmentally friendly And as Greek guy set a precedent
JJ345 Then can you confirm that BJP/ RSS with Modi are LINKED WITH NAZIS AND SO ARE zionist in occupied Palestine?
Modi is a slave of the West and he has gangs of terrorists. Is his party RSS with Nazis? Yes, RSS leader Ms Gol Walker admired Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement for steps taken to ensure “the purity of the race and its culture”. That is true, the founders of the RSS admired Hitler.
Modi also kisses Zion ass as well, to me Zion are just like Nazis because they doing what the Nazis did but to Palestinians now.
P.S. I don’t know why you changing the topic (I very much dislike people that do that), and if you are doing that again…just don’t reply to my comment/s. Thank you.
Iraqi and Paki jihadis at their natural habitat.
Why did you comment again? Kid fuk off, you can’t even read English. Go to school backward ape.
The rage of the basement dweller
Modi and Israel will pound you really hard.
I mean pounded through artillery
Terrorists killing terrorists.
A violent early retirement. Think of the bright side, there is now a new job vacancy. Job creation is always good for the economy.
Later on too. Less pension:(
Hip Hip. We are not there anymore.
Best regards jens Holm, Denmark.
I see the version of happyness and understanding among muslims well. Hip Hip.
Look at this yanqui dog. hip hop no one wanted you ugly ass there. You fuks killed your troops more than Taliban did, you fuking rtded fuk.
“37 soldiers have been killed in various hostile engagements or as a result of friendly fire, and 6 have been killed in non-combat related incidents, bringing the number of Danish fatalities to 43, being the highest loss per capita within the coalition forces.”
God help you Nazi fangirls.