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MARCH 2025

State-Owned Russian Railways To Leave €1.2Bn Project In Iran Over Sanction Threat

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State-Owned Russian Railways To Leave €1.2Bn Project In Iran Over Sanction Threat

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The state-owned Russian Railways is to leave a €1.2 billion project in Iran due to US sanctions, Interfax reported.

Russian Railways decided to leave Iran after the United States imposed sectoral sanctions on the country on January 10th [pdf]. The project launched in 2018 on the electrification of the railway line in the Islamic Republic was estimated at €1.2 billion.

“On January 10th, the United States expanded sanctions on individuals involved in major transactions involving construction, mining, manufacturing, and textiles in the Iranian economy. The group is taking steps to exit the project,” the statement by Russian Railways said.

Under the restrictions imposed by the United States, 17 companies from the metallurgical and mining sectors, as well as several entities registered in China and the Seychelles were subject to sanctions.

Back in May 2018, Oleg Belozerov, CEO of the company, called this Russian Railways project “civilian and not subject to US sanctions.” The start of the project for electrification of the Garmsar – Inche Burun railway line with a length of 495 km and routes to ports took place in July 2018.

Russian Railways noted that 85% of the project will be financed by an export loan from the Russian Federation, and the remaining funds will come from Iranian railways.

The company expected work on the project to begin in mid-2019 and will last approximately 4 years. To strengthen business relations with the Iranian Railways, in 2016 Russian Railways opened a representative office in Tehran.

“Sanctions are a force majeure circumstance, therefore, the matter will most likely not be resolved in court. The decision of Russian Railways is unpleasant from the point of view of developing the international engineering business of the monopoly, but objectively the only possible one taking into account risks,” said Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of INFOLine-Analytics.

The project was to increase the capacity of the line to 10 million tons per year and increase the maximum speed of trains in certain sections to 120 km/h.

It is possible that the project isn’t entirely concluded, since it is a significant one in Russian-Iranian cooperation. Currently, actions are necessary due to short-term risks, but in the long-term the project would be quite beneficial to both sides.

The Russian Railways decision appears to lack foresight, and shows that short-term interests are being pursued to defend assets that are currently present, as the company is owned by the Russian state. It probably was made by the leadership of the company, and was made not at the discretion of the Russian government, as it does, in fact lack foresight and appears to cave in to US sanction threats.


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Jan Lavicka



Yep…and realists. The US is still way more important to Russia than Islamist Iran.


Bullsht,russia builds great mosque,have 100,000 strong muslim military ready to defend! Kweers low iq is irellevant,facts are,you have no proof other than some lgbtq document!


The Russian government company bowing to the US Sanctions proves my point. You don’t even have a point. You have only either demented or drunk rants.

Jonathan Cohen

Abortion banning Iran, and Syria, but not Bahrain. HOORAY pro-choice US/Russia/China/N. Korea/Cuba/Turkey/Kurdistan!




I would think that senior managers in the Russian state rail company should have their assets and family assets audited world wide by Russian investigators immediately.

This affair stinks of US coercion and bribery.


LOL…by the same Putz Putin Government that told them to pull out of the Islamist Iran deal? And if you missed it, sanctions are meant to be coercion. What the “F” do you think they were about?


Guess what? You got nothing but low iq relevance:


The reason that you’re being ignored like Jens Holmes is that you’re a retard. Your English is better but your comments are full of lies and just as stupid as his. Trying to conduct a rational debate with a habitually lying idiot like you is a waste of time:

“Jake321 9 days ago LOL…your ignorance and delusions are really funny. The resolution you cite is from the UNGA which has no power over the UNSC and whose resolutions are not binding in this situation. So, no, the UNGA has zero power to override a UNSC Veto no matter how many non-binding resolutions they pass. Try to get the basics correct.

Jake321 3 days ago Again, dingbat, NO UNCS Vetos can be overridden.”

I posted:

“UN reports make explicit reference to the Uniting for Peace resolution as providing a mechanism for the UNGA to overrule any UNSC vetoes;[37][38][39][40] thus rendering them little more than delays in UN action, should two-thirds of the Assembly subsequently agree that action is necessary.”

– United Nations Security Council veto power –



Another of your ignorant, irrelevant diversions.


There’s nothing ignorant or irrelevant about. It’s truth that exposes the Jew evil that a malevolent Zionist miscreant like you shills for everyday.


The NATO Zionists have 40% to 50% of global gdp, depending on what numbers you use. Of which the US is about half of that. So that’s a lot of economic clout when they act in unison. Which frequently doesn’t happen. The NATO Zionist’s self destructive economic activity is following their self destructive military activity. Much of which is for Israel and Jews. The way to move things in a positive direction is to get rid of Israel and Jews so that the planet is Jew free.


LOL…if Jews were as powerful and diabolical as you and yours claim, you and yours would have been long gone. So your very existence proves you are full of crap, Adolf…or Igor as the case may be…not that it makes much difference around here.


Coming from a habitual Jew liar and false accuser that I’ve disproven repeatedly your nonsense is just more stupidity.

– America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars –



LOL…Next you will post from the Daily Stormer. But you just posted again so your claims about Jews must be false. Please keep proving yourself wrong.


You’re a truth hater spamming these threads with Jew lies and stupidity. If you disagree with what I post about Jew crime and evil. Then disprove it. You never have. That makes you a habitually lying Zionist mental midget.


You make the claims. So it’s your job to prove them not mine to disprove. That’s how it works, sport. You have never proved a damn one of your bigoted, anti-Jewish crap posts.


I’ve proven many of my claims with judicial quality evidence, quotes, screenshots and links. Including on this thread. Your denying that is an obvious lie. If you want to make a bigger fool out of yourself, keep typing and spamming these threads with more Jew lies and false accusations anti Semite who hates the Semitic Palestinians.


Nahhhhhhhh…you’re just an obsessive bigoted liar.


Doubling down on your lies and false accusations without proof just makes a bigger fool out of you. I’ve disproven you many times. You’ve never disproven me. You’re the habitual liar with the severe credibility deficit. Not me.


Sure, kid…


Are you getting senile or were you brainwashed from birth by blood sucking Jew pedophile mass cultists to be a pathological liar for your entire life?


You’re a depraved pervert shilling for a bunch of blood sucking Jew degenerates:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –



So? Again, if Jews were what you claim, you and yours would be long gone. So every time you post some more of your crap you prove you are wrong about Jews, since here you still are.


You’re the depraved pervert shilling for the blood sucking Jew pedophiles.


Prove it, sport, or apologize and STFU.


You prove it with your constant shilling for Israel and the blood sucking Jew baby rapers:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –



Nothing about the subject of the article?


The NATO Zionist’s self destructive economic activity is following their self destructive military activity. Much of which is for Israel and Jews. The way to move things in a positive direction is to get rid of Israel and Jews so that the planet is Jew free.


You go for it, kid, and collect your Darwin Award.


Then disprove it. You can’t so you won’t.


Yours to prove, not mine to disprove, junior. And you’re back to advocating genocide again. So why don’t you get on the front line and try to make it happen? Go join your butt buddies already collecting their Darwin Awards in their vain attempts.


There’s nothing genocidal about outlawing Judaism and closing the synagogues and yeshivas so that Jews and Judaism go extinct.

You’re the anti Semite claiming that what I’ve posted is untrue. That’s your claim, not mine. You’ve never once disproven anything that I’ve posted. I’ve disproven your lies and insanity repeatedly:

“Jake321 9 days ago LOL…your ignorance and delusions are really funny. The resolution you cite is from the UNGA which has no power over the UNSC and whose resolutions are not binding in this situation. So, no, the UNGA has zero power to override a UNSC Veto no matter how many non-binding resolutions they pass. Try to get the basics correct.

Jake321 3 days ago Again, dingbat, NO UNCS Vetos can be overridden.”

I posted:

“UN reports make explicit reference to the Uniting for Peace resolution as providing a mechanism for the UNGA to overrule any UNSC vetoes;[37][38][39][40] thus rendering them little more than delays in UN action, should two-thirds of the Assembly subsequently agree that action is necessary.”

– United Nations Security Council veto power –



Because you claim it, doesn’t make it so. The proof is in the pudding. In over 70 years, there is not one case where your claim has held sway. And hundreds of cases where what I’ve noted has held sway. And stop lying. You explicitly called for all Jews to be removed from the planet. That’s advocating genocide. Again, try it and collect your Darwin Award.


Your false accusations coming from a habitual liar like you without proof are meaningless. Outlawing Judaism doesn’t require killing anyone. Former Jews can go on with their lives without Judaism just like all of the other evil cults that have been outlawed and gone extinct over time.


Sure, junior. And what of all the millions who don’t want to be other than practicing Jews? You going to force them to convert? Like the Spanish Inquisition? Or maybe what the Romans did to the early Christians? Or Muslims did to the Christians of the Mideast? Anyway, under International Law intentionally wiping out a religion or culture is genocide. Don’t have to kill folk to be genocide, dodo. But we know from a very long history, that it always becomes mass murder. And even a numb fool like you has to know that. Oh, and than there is the reality that being Jewish is more than Judaism. Israel is the Jewish National Homeland, not the Jewish Vatican. How you plan to eliminate a Nationalism? Ask the British about that in terms of the Irish. You sure are ignorantly stupid in your bigotry, kid.


lol look at you kissing up to the jews. Did you get your dick sucked by a rabbi?



Nahhhhhhh…but you sure seem interested in those things.


The international laws against non lethal genocide obviously apply to what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians. But they don’t apply to an evil blood sucking pedophile mass rape cult and criminal organization like Judaism that needs to be outlawed for it’s crimes against humanity.


Nahhhhhhhh…Israel has made no attempt to outlaw Islam. You sure are ignorant.


“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. This is not a common designation, but it has occurred on occasion, typically after a cult group has been involved with a criminal enterprise. These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”

– Are Cults Legal? –



LOL…there’s not a word about Israel outlawing Islam in your link. You made a stupid false claim and now divert. Typical. You truly are demented.

Free man

Russia is doing what is good for Russia. If the mullahs regime decided to commit suicide Russia doesn’t have to join them.




You know a lot about having nothing, particularly between the ears.


A devastating earthquake, riots, revolutions, epidemic sickness are considered force majeure circumstances. UNSC sanctions are also in that direction but unilateral sanctions from a country which you as a company have minimal dealing with are not. Specially for a country that itself is the target of similar sanctions and by considering the harm leaving the project inflicts on both Iran and Russia, the South-North corridor.

I doubt if the decision came from the government officials but even if it is, so be it.

A similar thing that happened in regard to Iran-Russia contracts was the S-300 deal, a defensive weapon system which did not breach any UNSC resolution yet the delivery was postponed by that excuse for almost 10 years. The result? Development of Iranian air defence systems. So, in a way, it helped us. Like so many other things which are denied from Iran based on the US sanctions and the result was a “Made in Iran” similar thing, from alloys and pumps to medicines and dialysis machines.


And you proved the effectiveness of your air defense system by downing a civilian airliner killing mostly Iranians. Got it. You go guys!


You know not of the deep state entitys dangerous to the peacefull world,Iran are heros!


Like their top general was a hero. Great, I like that kind of hero.

Luke Hemmming

Well it was very effective then wasn’t it? Imagine if that was IDF PLANES! “You light up my life”. Oy vey. Bwahahahaha.


They would have been wiped out before they knew there were IDF planes and missiles coming.


Businesses always move to protect themselves when a situation like this arises. Until they have the backing of both governments they will not act. It may be that a new company will be established, one that is not directly harmed by the US sanctions. It’s not fair to call them cowards. If someone was “brave” but destroyed the company in the process he’d be called a moron.


Either way the narrative just like other russian hoaxes has no official government comfirmation. excecutive orders can only be signed by trump,not the deep state (period)


Interfax is a privately owned Russian company and not the official Russian Government news outlet; until Maria or some Kremlin spokesperson verifies the claim then it should be treated as false news. Can’t see the Russians turning their back on Iran considering that they are allies.


LOL…only the official mouthpieces of the Government tell the truth about the Government? You must be kidding! When has Putz Putin’s Russia ever put Islamist Iran’s interests above its interest? And you believe Russia will put its neck on the line to support Iran if there is a conflict with the US? You are funny…


I suppose you have inside information to verify your statement. So enlighten us with your expertise of why Russia would pull out of the contract with Iran.


Can you read English? It’s right there in the OP this thread is based on. You are really funny.


Can you read the pdf mental disorderly clown,where is the official russian document? Even this order from usa is it signed by trump,fk no! FACT: NO OFFICIAL RUSSIAN COMFIRMATION FACT: NO OFFICIAL IRANIAN COMFIRMATION FACT: NO OFFICIAL USA DOCUMENT,IS THAT TRUMPS SIGNATURE? FACT: USA IS A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT: JUST LIKE FAKE IMPEACHMENT.


LOL…you’re triggered again it seems.


You are one serious low iq bot,deadset you neo-liberal kweers have severe mental ilness and chronic case of wishfull thinking based on lies,MEDIC!


Get away from that mirror, junior.

You can call me Al

I am not impressed Russia, you should have ignored the Yanks.


The world is so full of “should’s” that never take place.


Use your head!


At least I have a couple to use, JIMI. Sorry for your congenital inadequacies.


YEP…Russia is the unshakable ally of Islamist Iran and has such a strong economy it doesn’t care what the US can do to it. YEP…sure…



Jonathan Cohen

Gay neighbors save LOCAL SCHOOL TAX! and the WORLD!


Guess you failed out of elementary school before the class on the birds and the bees. KWEERS don’t have PERIODS. Try to get the basics correct.


Why does a depraved pervert like you shill for blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes infecting children with venereal disease?


You didn’t answer the question pervert:

Why does a depraved pervert like you shill for blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes infecting children with venereal disease?


When did you stop raping your kids?


Your false accusation doesn’t answer the question anti Semite. Why does a depraved pervert like you shill for blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes infecting children with venereal disease?

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –



LOL…more of your demented, silly redundancy.


You didn’t answer the question pervert.


Nor did you. When did you stop raping your kids and were did you bury them after you killed them? Now answer already!


You didn’t answer the question pervert. 1


Nor did you. When did you stop raping your kids and where did you bury them after you murdered them? Come on, answer already!


You’re lying. You’re the one who dodges the questions about your depravity andJew crime and evil. Your false allegations such as this that I’ve repeatedly pointed out only add to it and increase your credibility deficit and make a bigger fool out of you.


That’s a lie. I told you that you’re making false accusations. The proof of your Jew depravity is plain to see.


Prove it’s a lie.


Fake news: Usa placed these sanctions early january,no official comfirmation by either Russia + iran: Remmenber it’s easy to imply but much different to implement,Usa don’t rule Russia,unless Russia rules. Based on 0 evidence,high tide to bash the soros bots backing up this distorted story,where is the proof?

Jonathan Cohen

HOORAY! pro-choice Russia and N. Korea needs to abandon anti-choice Islam!

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