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MARCH 2025

Still Charlie?

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French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published two cartoons about the Russian passenger plane crash in Egypt. The cartoons are an insult to the memory of the victims to Russia’s deadliest air accident in history, which took the lives of 224 people.

Is this a feature of the democracy and the freedom of speech?

Are you still Charlie?

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Still Charlie?

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Still Charlie?

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It doesn’t matter. The “Je suis Charlie” movement did not have anything to do with people agreeing with the views of Charlie Hebdo. Most people in the movement do not consider it aa good move to drawcartoons of Muhammad. The people in the movement don’t consider it okay kill others because the organization they work at offended your religion. Besides cartoonists, one of the people killed in the attack was a maintenance worker. After the attack, many people in Russia stated that they considered Charlie Hebdo to “deserve it”, stating that they did not consider it acceptable to insult other people’s religions. If one of your relatives got shot when they were doing maintenance work for an organization, the acts of which you oppose, would you consider that they would deserve it? You would not: you would consider it an unjust act of terrorism. That’s why people said “Je suis Charlie”: not because they agreed with insulting others, but because they consider it unacceptable that insulting words are met with the murder of 15 people. That’s why people stand by Charlie Hebdo, and it has nothing to do with whether what the journal says is acceptable or not.

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