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Strategic Implications Of Syrian Government Forces Success At Border With Iraq

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Strategic Implications Of Syrian Government Forces Success At Border With Iraq

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On June 9, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allied militia groups reached the border with Iraq in the area north of the US-led coalition garrison at the village of At Tanf. This advance dramatically changed the strategic situation in southeastern Syria and de-facto allowed the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance to win the race for the border with Iraq.

The key goal of the US-led coalition actions near At Tanf was to prevent the SAA from linking up with the allied Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) operating in Iraq and to build a buffer zone controlled by Western-backed militant groups between the two countries.

The PMU is a major power in Iraq and an official part of the Iraqi Armed Forces. It’s currently conducting a large-scale operating against ISIS terrorists at own side of the border. The June 9 advance destroyed the US-led coalition’s plans.

The government forces deployed north of At Tanf also prevent US-backed proxies from advancing on the ISIS-held border town of al-Bukamal. While the US-led forces in southeastern Syria have never had enough manpower and capabilities to do this, the declared aim to retake al-Bukamal from ISIS was an important part of the US propaganda campaign to justify its illegal presence in the area.

The government deploymen north of At Tan may also be described as a response to actions of another US-backed force, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the province of Raqqah. The SDF had made a number of steps near Tabqah blocking the SAA from reaching the Raqqah provincial capital.

Now, government forces in southeastern Syrian forces will likely coordinate its efforts with the PMU in order to clear the Syrian-Iraqi border area and to move to al-Bukamal and Qaim. Iran will also be able to incease supplies to the Syrian government via the opened land route.

Some PMU member groups are already participating in the operations in Syria on the side of the SAA. Now, this number will likely be increased.

Strategic Implications Of Syrian Government Forces Success At Border With Iraq

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O yeah !!!


Now it’s time to roll over to the east…Deir Ezzor, SAA is coming to town !!!

John Brown

Now Iran should send at least 30 k or more soldiers to Syria via this land route to help secure this border area ASAP. Expect all ISIS near Palmeria and possibly the Kurds to be ordered by their master, racist supremacist Israel to attack Deir Azur and the link between Iraq and Syria at the border ASAP. The SAA in the Palmeria area should be ready to advance right behind them from Palmeria all the way to Deir

Azur so ISIS and possibly the kurds don’t have time to overrun Deir Azur and the Iraq / Syria border link before the SAA can get there. It may be a good idea for the Iraqi PMU and Russian and Syrian paratroops to drop into the town of Al- Bukamal before ISIS can hand it over to its Israeli master and USSA ally. Racist supremacist Jews always like to double down when only Goyims will die for them.

Tudor Miron

” Racist supremacist Jews always like to double down when only Goyims will die for them.” – yes, they do. But those Jahve loving levits also love to crucify (kill en mass) their own ordinary jews when Goyims become too nervous killing each other in the name of Jahve. That started from that famous “Sinai tour” and is still going on.


Zionists aren’t Jews, how many more times?

Solomon Krupacek

look you fool, you cen repaet lies 1000 times, will be not truth. goebbels lied.

zionists are 95% jews. 5% goys.


See the above.

Tudor Miron

OK, and who they are? I accept that levits and above are not Jew :) but saying that majority of zionists arent’s Jews? This is new to me. Mind sharing more details?


It’s simple really, you are a whatever, a Jew, Chris, Prod, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, etc if you follow the religion. You can’t follow any religion and be a zionist at the same time because zionism is a secular, fascist and antisemite ideology.

Bear in mind that sites like this are infiltrated by zionists, who pose as antisemites to discredit the site and to implicate posters in antisemitism. There are also a lot of Americans here who appear to think that racist definitions of Jewishness are legitimate or are also haSSbara provocateurs. Not all American posters are such tossers but there does seem to be a correlation, which might have something to do with identity politics or the commercialisation of education in the US, which appears to have gone further than elsewhere.

Tudor Miron

Let us agree to disagree here. First I disagree on zionism being a “secular ideology”. First of all – what is it: It’s just another instrument of what is called Globalism/NWO in this days. Very high in ierarchy but still an instrument. From atheistic point of view one can call it a process of concentration of productive resources of human race under control of a fiew. However, considering that official science has enough documented evidence of so called “outerworld reality” (where “outer” is referred as out of “normal” range of human perception) that it is reasonable to assume that the “chain” doesn’t end with simply money/power and this concepts may also be described as devil himself :) (opposite to concept of God), or “downward” spiralling YIN energy or Universe’s energy with vector of contraction (opposite to expansion of Universe). On practical level its a process of controlling and manipulating productive/creative energy/power of human race i.e. feeding from human race. It’s hard to call zionism secular, knowing how it is using 3 of the largest religions. It is largely based on Judaism. Christianity as we know it now… one may call it an export version of judaism for “outsiders/goyem” use (In fact “Biblical propject” is one of the most succesful instruments of enslaving mankind). Same with Islam – what we have now is actually far from Koran itself.

Antisemite? Zionism is no more antisemite than it is antihuman.

Zionism started as that famous “Sinai tour”. Someone ask yourself – what were they doing for 42 years in that desert that could be walked across in 3 weeks?

I could go on but may be later…


Oh no, please relent.

Tudor Miron

I added a bit more text under and within older text.


Some jews are zionists, some goyim are zionists. Not all jews are zionists, not all zionists are jews. Is that what you mean?

George King

We may see the PMU sweeping down from Baiji West & South converging on Deir Ezzor using N7 South and N4 West to join up and create a cauldron to Al Qa’im pushing West forcing US/FSA/Daesh back into Jordan. Of course this would create another problem for Jordan’s participation so we may see the US write off/annihilate it’s proxies before they can enter Jordan. Not sure how the US can continue this Zionist agenda as Trump has oops! the base in Qatar………

Solomon Krupacek

This was 1 little battle. The SAA daily must show similar steps. This common masturbation is loughly. Americans will not give up. Now build airbase 35 km south of Kobani, tomorrow can take panorama roundabout from isis by paratroopers. This is war, guys. No emotion, only cold planning AND FULLFILLING of good plans. Btw., IF is true, that russians negotiated with americans, then this step was not heroic, but allowed minimum. the next weeks will show the reality. I wish the SAA finally begin big offensive, but for 3 weeks i only read about pouring of soldiers in hama, hom, daraa, …. and nothong happens This step was not THE BIG offense.

some news:


never underestimate the enemy

Robert Duran

you dont really understand the situation in Syria..Do you?

Solomon Krupacek

questions can put everybody.

ok, then explain us the situation, proffessor!


This is a valid question if you are prepared to share your wisdom and insights with the rest of us. Otherwise asking questions like this just looks like a slur. Sharing your insights and discussing them could be a valuable contribution to end the war of deception that has been waged in Syria for quite a few years now. So, let us know what you know!

Bill Wilson

The enemy is ISIS. The SAA pretty much ignored ISIS for the past several years since Assad was forced to purchase oil and natural gas from them. Very few SAA units are capable of taking on ISIS or anyone else, which explains why Assad’s forces take forever to get anything accomplished.

Tudor Miron

Bill, with all honesty and no offence intended. We don’t need MSM lies here, my friend. If you trust those it’s up to you but we don’t buy them here. My only advise will be – start looking at broader picture and actual facts considering actual timing of the events. Actions and consequenses on the ground rather than declarations and blatant lies. MSM can say anything they want but “one can’t make a bullet out of sh$$t” (c)

andy l

The US ignored ISIS for years & only made token strikes against them. Remember the huge convoys of oil tankers back & forth with Turkey. Nothing was done until the Russians stopped this. The US has targeted Syrian infrastructure, roads & bridges. It has allowed ISIS to escape on numerous times by providing access corridors. Look at Raqqa when Isis escaped from the city & were heading towards Deir Ezzor. It took the Russians to stop them. Anyone can see the US policy is to use these militants as proxy foot sodiers against Assad.

Rüdiger Preiss

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher says it. They are daylight war criminals!

Solomon Krupacek

you are right in fact, that saa is weak. but i think, it was not ignored. look at palmyra. simply assad had lot of other enemies closer then ISIS. thats all.


Yeah, lose Aleppo and lose the war or lose control of a piece of desert for a bit. Not a difficult choice.

Rüdiger Preiss

Bill ~MSM propaganda victim Wilson, How about you look at these maps before you blubber some BS? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/62238574b5ed605560493c65ef7d78da7c136ead1839659dde94bb9742761851.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

grosse schande, dass noch nicht die ganze latakia befreit ist!!!

Wahid Algiers

Genau Solomon. Über die türkische Grenze werden Idleb-FSA-Einheiten versorgt.

Solomon Krupacek



First downed Israeli jet in max 1 week.

Solomon Krupacek

i bet 1000 USD against ;)


I hope the Syrians and Iraqi forces knows whom they are up against, the devil him self, the uISISa. Never underestimate their willingness to slaughter and back stab, been done since they where created. They have no morale nor cares, other getting their reality to be the only one. Like the Philippines, where of course, ISIS pops up, and the uSISIa sends some advisers, making sure Philippines continue to kill each others, and have even feed the very same beast they claim they are fighting, Caucasians, huh, magically.

One day the people must realize the ugly truth, the Pirates on Potomac, in the District of Criminals, in the Imperial banana republic uISISa aka wankeestan, are full blown psychos, bat shit crazy, evil and have an religion called Greed,aka cancer, greed/cancer is good for us, hallelujah. Peace, yeah, when everything in front of the generals are turned into dust. They are terminally insane and evil. Just look at Trump and Co latest “tough talk” aka spraying everything down with bullshit, witch is of course, some obscure part of an deal, huh and the incestuous relationship with the bonkers Saudis. And somehow, this baffles me, the wankees wants us to believe their bullshit, even when it is so lame, do stupid, dragging reality backwards thru their own assh…… and claim this time, we “state” Twitter, the truth. Dunka, dunka.

Iraq have an situation a but better than the Iraqis, and have resources to help Syria, and lock of the areas, since they are loosing land and people, and I think the war is basically over, whats left is what will the scums in the imperial banana republic uISISa do, because Iran is still looming in their sights, dont forget that, because Israel says so, and as long the White Hoes is spreading but cheeks in Saudis, because of them been their assh…… And I agree upon the narrative of PMU may be as we speak, sown into the new narrative since reality’s on the ground are changing, will been pimped as an “Iranian Terror Org” or something like that, nonsense of course, but still, along with infusing the Kurds, where their last resort in this crashing war, will most lightly be about in the coming days, but you know, an psychopath always blames the victim, and have no shame when it comes to simply lie, about everything, all the time.

The Syrians have shown their worth, you have me deepest respect and I with you all the way.


Airtorn Mentha

Tambien pueden construir una carretera alterna a al-Tanf. En la ruta conquistada por el EAS

Panthera Pardus

It is a great success but At-Tanf enclave could be an issue, the so called “rebels” could be easily supplied via the puppet government of Jordan.

Wahid Algiers

“Some PMU member groups are already participating in the operations in Syria on the side of the SAA.” That is music in my ears.

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