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MARCH 2025

Strike or Sabotage: Large Fires in Bryansk (Video)

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Strike or Sabotage: Large Fires in Bryansk (Video)

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On April 25, an oil depot on the outskirts of Bryansk caught fire. Earlier a series of explosions had been heard in the city. The fire broke out on the tanks with fuel and lubricants. The official reasons were still not given by the Russian authorities.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations published the following information on its official website.

“At 2 a.m. on April 25, a fire was reported on Moskovsky Avenue. Fire crews were sent to the scene of the call. Upon arrival, it was found that there was burning in the territory of an oil depot. The fire has been given a high degree of severity”.

The footage was later deleted. It is reported that an air alert was declared in the city before the explosions.

However, according to witnesses’ reports, in addition to the oil depot, there was a fire in another area of the city. Presumably, the 120th arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate caught fire. There is no information about that on state websites.

Firefighting is currently underway. The flames cannot be contained.

The explosion was captured with a CCTV camera. It looks like a missile or artillery strike.

No injuries were reported at the moment.

According to EMERCOM, firefighters from Moscow, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kursk, Orel, Smolensk, and Tula regions of Russia were involved in extinguishing the fire.

Suggestions of Ukrainian sabotage or missile strikes are spreading on social networks. Kiev has not claimed responsibility for the strikes at the moment.


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Mi sento profondamente amareggiato e deluso. Alla Grande RUSSIA queste cose non devono accadere. Se è suonato l’allarme aereo si è trattato di un attacco missilistico. A 150 km dal confine, un Tochka U, al limite della gittata, forse potrebbe arrivare. Ma gli S400 ed i Pantsir dov’erano? Bastavano anche gli S300 o i Buk. Si tratta come al solito di sottovalutazione del nemico o di cattiva pianificazione delle difese. Il SAS ha addestrato molto bene gli Ukri al sabotaggio, per cui non è da escludere, a mio parere questa possibilità. Certamente il danno materiale ed umano è stato ingente, ma quello d’immagine ancora più grande. Spero che i generali russi facciano in modo da neutralizzare i futuri attacchi, di qualsiasi genere essi siano.


Anch’io non riesco proprio a capire il gioco di Putin. Ho sempre avuto fiducia che lui sapesse bene pianificare le sue mosse e parecchie volte in passato una sua decisione, apparentemente illogica, con il senno di poi si era dimostrata una genialata. Ma adesso mi stanno seriamente assalendo dei dubbi. Ok, capisco che questa guerra non è quella stile Americana in Irak, dove buttano giù bombe a destro e manca e se ci scappa il morto civile pazienza, “danni collaterali”. Capisco anche che prolungare la guerra ed annesse sanzioni farà più male alla UE che alla Russia. Ma permettere un colpo cosi significante nel proprio territorio, gli fa fare veramente una brutta figura e mette in dubbio l’efficacia dei sistemi difesa (sui quali francamente e da tempo che nutro dei dubbi, visto che in passato sia gli S300 in Syria, sia gli Patriot negli Emirati non riescono ad abbattere più del 50%). Potrebbe però trattarsi di un attacco volutamente permesso, se non addirittura un azione “False flag”, per dare un motivo ad un raid diretto al centro governativo del Ukraina, come già minacciato in precedenza. Si vedrà.

G2 man

That is a very precise and well founded comment and totally corresponds to my usual analytical posts about the complete ineptitude and lack of leadership in Russia. The stark reality is that Russia is under attack by 32 NATO, EU and assorted lapdogs as far away as convict colony Australia. Putin seems to be incapable of making tough decision as Russia faces and existential threat as now NATO criminal hyena pack is emboldened to take the war to Russian territory itself. Unless, the Jew clown Kiev pimp regime is made to pay a heavy price it is only a question of time that Moscow itself will be attacked with the type of weaponry NATO is deploying in Ukraine.

It is NATO soldiers that are targeting Russia with impunity.


F35, artillery or Satellite space-earth killer.

G2 man

NATO is directly launching missiles at Russia and providing all the satellite, targeting and live intelligence and this attack on Bryansk was a major blow to Russian military failing effort in Ukraine as the evil Jew Blinken is so bold now as to say openly “that Ukraine will survive for ever but Russia will not”. It always exposes the real NATO agenda of destroying Russia and attain their final dream of controlling Russian immense resources. Putin totally underestimated his “western partners” who are about to carve up Russia. Even backstabbing pervert Turkey is now so emboldened that it has stopped any Russian plane from going to Syria. Russia is looking very pathetic indeed and much worse is to come if Kiev is not targeted. There are not over 700 NATO mercenaries in Kiev alone, and they are the ones leading the war against Russia and increasingly targeting Russia itself. Soon missiles will hit Moscow and other Russian cities if the Ukrainian pimp Jew regime does not pay a heavy price.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Ask clyde

But where is clyde? Sure he has a 4.5 D chess explanation for this… 🤣🐅

The Saint

All this coming from the guy who made up stories that he studied photos of Moskva and that the ship had docked in Sevastopol.


È un attacco con F35 oppure, più probabile, artiglieria con munizioni guidate (i nuovi pezzi forniti dagli occidentali di recente). Ma occorre il GPS e telemetria satellitare quindi l’aiuto degli USA. Inutile nasconderci dietro una maschera, la guerra è aperta tra Biden e Russia. Al di là della commedia dell’idiota che quotidianamente recita e che molti si bevono, Biden è un guerrafondaio incallito e pronto anche a scatenare la guerra nucleare se necessario.


Time to take off the gloves, Mr Bear.

Russia is a paper tiger



G2 man

Not sure about being a paper tiger, but as I have said before, Russian leadership is corrupt and inept beyond belief and unless they get tough with the puppet regime in Kiev, it is only a question of time Russian cities and towns will be targeted and invaded. Russian weakness is only encouraging a Yugoslav template on a bigger scale. Russia needs to flatten Kiev and all its bombing effort should be to totally incapacitate Kiev. It is 32 NATO and other assorted hyena pack that is targeting Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Agree. To hell with all this concept of “Ukrainians are our brothers, we don’t want to conduct a traditional style all out war”. The western media already depicted Putin as the slaughterer of innocents, so let them have it. If they would go all out, this shit show could be over in 1-2 months, otherwise this will go on for years to come. But I still have a theory, that nothing seems as it is and that there is still a pervert master-plan behind it.

Billy Bob

The house negro Lloyd Austin has said that NATO aim is to destroy Russian infrastructure.


Yes… as you all mentioned before, russians are no rasists…

Ashok Varma

Russia is fighting NATO and other racist western scum from Australia to Nazi Denmark and unfortunately not using maximum force needed to win. NATO is now directly targeting Russian infrastructure.

Mordor is done

The next strike should be on Moscow, 9 May.

G2 man

The level of indecision and ineptitude Putin is displaying that is a very real possibility. Russians have no real strategy and the Russian population and military seem disinterested in defending their country that faces an existential threat. The Anglo-Zionist agenda of destroying Russia from within and without may succeed if Russians remain passive. It is a great humiliation for Russia that a paper tiger “superpower” can not even defend its people or land.


Putin is sitting on the toilet. He’ll introduce a tomato ban soon. Then S400 sales will follow to “partners”, not real allies. People on this site salivate for Putin. It’s the saviour complex that for years that deluded them to the corruption of this figurehead who is the enemy of Russia as much as it’s external ones – these troops just can’t see it lol

Billy Bob

Putin is retarded and losing the war against his NATO partners.


Overwhelming force saves lives – on both sides!

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we at least not Lost yet?

Russia is a paper tiger

Not falling from the sky saves lives, love the Spin though 😘


Lesco Brandon

More incompetence from Russia. Take the gloves off already

Mordor is done

Oops the bear has no claws. They were stollen by the oligarchs

Last edited 2 years ago by Mordor is done
Azov is not an Ukraine sea

Even Palestinian with homemade missile use to hit Israel protected by the best air defense systems

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Phase two already Started?


Thats awful far into Russia for a Ukranian missile to hit, they need to push their border security in a bit. I guess pulling ALL their forces from around Kiev has emboldened the Ukrainians’ and put them in range.

Mordor is done

Then they should go back around Kiev and dig more trenches in the red woods


Russians played into the hands of Anglo Saxons, who now want to use Israeli style warfare to finish off Russia. END GAME

Omas Bioladen

You sound stupid as if your head sticked shoulder deep into a jews areshole.

Mordor is done

Everybody calm down! This is part of Putin’s 4D chess game


Send some missiles to Moscow as well! The less Russians, the safer the world.

Mordor is done

Waiting for 9May

Omas Bioladen

You can’t make this shit up. How far will stupid Russians let these ukrop shits go? What an uneblievable and utter mess. Russia really is a shithole. I feel embarrassed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Omas Bioladen
NATO is laughing at you



The softness of Russia has only encouraged US and it’s NATO dogs to send more heavy weapons, intelligence data and even SAS special groups who are experts in provocations, false flags etc.

It may be that Russia want wait before their new Sarmats nukes are operational in fall but it may be too late then. The US are are actively making plans for a attack on Russia.

Russia are going to lose if they are too soft. Their citizens will turn into their government which is the what the US government dreams of, a regime change.

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88
helene matz

the yankfascists and their poodles in the collective west and their bum chums azov etc,doing what they are best at with compliments of al cia daa and fibbers fbi effing b y idiots


You are at war….. why would you leave your border wide open for attacks??? What???

Klaus meier

Wie viel will Shoigu noch opfern, eher er die Ukro Generale mit dem Nato Gesocks in Kiew angreift…? Der Sumy Rückzug ist völlig unverständlich. Chaos in Befehlskette oder auch Sabotage?


Ukraine has no capacity for such a precise attack . It looks like an attack with F35 and laser guided bomb.

Mordor is done

Biden announced that Pentagon will deliver to Ukraine weapons capable to strike inside Russia. People seem to forget very fast.

Porc halal thinks the ukropigs discreded it

Wtf! … what ADSs of Russia were doing all this time ?! …

hans raus

hahahahahahaha very good. Seems like long range missiles has been delivered by US and its just beggining. Next target will be russian arifields…..happy time for russian child rapists ;)


This is the SAS. How about undercover Russian forces doing the same in Poland ?

Mordor is done

Why not in UK or US?


Here in Poland we smell soviets for miles… Come and try – you will find death… 1921 – remember?


The Russian army is miserable and the whole Russian government is laughing at the world

Dick Von D'Astard

It was a special operation to pretend that Blinken and Austin are capable of propping up Kyiv for much longer. They can’t.

Dick Von D'Astard

Have the Russians flattened the U.S./UK embassy yet within Kiev, Ukraine by mistake? If not, why not?


Looks like the all Russia military successes in UA is a big lies. The same we can see in Syria, the big successes Russia military destroying ISIS and militias in Idlib and those groups are stronger by the day and the war still continue.

It’s very clear the Russia General Command is not up to the job and theirs’s incompetence’s shows NATO, Russia is paper tiger. This is huge invitation for NATO to finish Russia. This is why NATO is not afraid and openly sending more weapons’ to UA.

Russians leadership and military General Command putting Russia and Russians in danger. This is the main reasons West does not respect Russia or Russian

No One

Been thinking about this from day one, but Russia has been way too nice with Ukraine, and it really can’t afford to. Russia is fighting dozens of the most evil and corrupted countries by itself. I hope there is a proportionate response to this attack, anything else will be a sign of weakness that will embolden these demons.


Most evil and corrupted country, Russia will have to fight first is its soviet inner side…


Where was checkers grandmaster Putinyahoo when this happened?

My money is he was sitting on the toilet, sextexting with Bibi 😂


It’s difficult to defend Russian Armed Forces in this conflict.

It’s an absurd tolerating several attacks within russian territory. Almost a humilliation for russian sovereignity and its citizens that are supporting military personnel.

Everybody is losing fear of russian military power. Sorry, it’s Sad but true.

And it’s bizarre Russia doesn’t attack ukranian political centers, leaving Zelenski and his gang so calm and making daily propaganda. Furthermore, It’s a shame to permit so much flow of weapons from european countries, showing clearly a “proxy war”.

Russia needs to learn with Israel. There is not weakeness when Israel faces opponents in field of battle.


it is not difficult to comprehend the stupidity of you nazi hillbilly in USA


There is no one more chicken shit than Israel. They only fight when someone else does the fighting or there are women and children to kill. If they are so tough, why don’t they march into Syria and kill all Hezbollah. Love to see that…no more Israeli army.

The Saint

There’s a lot of bizarre and unrealistic screeching about this event.

It would be significant if events like this happened multiple times per day and night.

As it is, they are extremely rare and of propaganda value only.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Saint

Edit. True, but people here are emotionally charged and believe Russia should never be hit, lose a battle or WTF ever. This is war and shit happens. The west found a way to get past border security and used it. Who would be surprised if the SAS or other western forces were behind it? One sure thing is that Russia will retaliate, it always does, but with a cool head, not Rambo Hollywood style, which is the only way people here seem to think. There will be radar recordings and other ways to figure out how, who and why this happened. I would not be surprised if this was a message related to the group cornered in Azovstal. As with all the other ‘attacks’, this will not change the outcome of the war…but it does look really good on western TV…the Russians are losing, Ukraine is winning sort of BS. They’ll be in Moscow in a week…again. It’s all they got. I’d love to see planes, trains and vehicles hit as soon as they enter Ukr myself, but that’s just me. No more refugee crossing, no more EU visits, nada. Russia is fighting the best, largest and most heavily armed army in Europe and it’s supposed to be a cake walk? Even if the NATO were to use all their tactics and attacked Ukraine, they would lose, Rambo and all and EU would be a smoking pile. But the people back in Russia should not even notice that there is a war happening?

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

Yesterday multiple strikes, today multiple strikes.. Days ago the research institute that develops RU air defence with all special equipment, archives including dead scientists, and the biggest chemical plant in RU.. Yeah, it IS significant.

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