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MARCH 2025

Strikes On Ukrainian Railways Threaten Military Supplies To Armed Forces

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Strikes On Ukrainian Railways Threaten Military Supplies To Armed Forces

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On April 26th, the Russian cruise missile hit a railway bridge over the Dniester River in the village of Zatoka in the Odessa region.

As a result of the strike, the railway track was damaged.

This is the only bridge that connects Odessa with the western part of the region and Romania. The destruction of the bridge will significantly complicate any transfer of weapons from Europe to Ukraine, as well as a possible advance of foreign troops in the region.

Strikes On Ukrainian Railways Threaten Military Supplies To Armed Forces Strikes On Ukrainian Railways Threaten Military Supplies To Armed Forces Strikes On Ukrainian Railways Threaten Military Supplies To Armed Forces

On April 25, 5 Ukrainian railway junctions were simultaneously hit by Russian missiles.

Russian high-precision missiles hit reportedly hit eight railway substations in Western Ukraine. As a result, railway facilities in the Krasnoe, Zdolbunov, Zhmerinka, Berdichev, Kovel, Korosten, Kazatin and Fastov were destroyed.

Strikes On Ukrainian Railways Threaten Military Supplies To Armed Forces

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The blows were inflicted on substations, without which electric trains cannot move. Railway communication in Western part of Ukraine was paralyzed. About 2 dozen passenger trains were delayed. By lunchtime the Ukrainian Railways services reported that they had managed to localize the problem. However, freight traffic was still stopped.

The vast majority of transportation in Ukraine is carried out by electric traction. As of 2020, there were more than 1,600 electric locomotives in Ukraine, and only 300 diesel locomotives.

Today, the bulk of military transportation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is carried out by rail, which is much faster and cheaper than mobile transport, especially given the shortage of diesel fuel throughout the country.

Paralyzing the Ukrainian railway transport, the Russian military command achieves the main task to paralyze the strategic transfer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is extremely important given the escalation in the Donbas and in the south of Ukraine.

If the strikes on electrical substations continue, 1,600 Ukrainian electric locomotives will not be able to move. They can only be replaced with the remaining 300 locomotives. At the same time, some part of the railway transport has already been taken out of service by Russian troops in the territories under their control, including in the Donbass, Kherson, Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions.

Moreover, Kiev’s Western partners also cannot help with the supply of European trains, since the track gauge in Ukraine differs from the European one.
If Russian missiles continue to strike at substations of Ukrainian railways, this will be able to significantly reduce the supply of weapons and manpower to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the front line.


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Should have done this a month ago…. still better late than never.


I agree….that should have been the very first thing the Russian army should have done. The reason this was not done is the fact, that lot of the Russian decision makers were on US payroll, or at least US assets/agents. There was/is a big purge in the ranks and thanx god for this, as without the conflct none of this would come to light.

Russia’s biggest enemy are traditionally people within their own governing structures, which had been infiltrated by the US. The Americans are fully aware, that the only way to defeat Russia is always from the inside, as it is not possible to conquer Russia through military means.

If they US/NATO terrorists are not successfull in organizing a regime change within the RF, Russia will emerge out of this conflict more independent and stronger than ever before. In this regard, this special operation is a blessing, as it will expose anyone in the ranks of the Russian Federation, whom is not working for the intetests of Russia.

flush goes the nation

Does Joe Biden get 10%


I doubt there are any Western collaborators within the Kremlin, or influential anywhere but facebook and twitter.

Abraham Lincoln

Yes Russia is wining in so many different ways and the Zio empire is losing. God must be on Christian Russia’s side against satanic Judeo Nazis.


F*ck all gods!! Finally brains and common senses are winning.


Russia also needs to disable all of the airports and runways so that NATO cannot airlift supplies of military equipment. Any truck convoys can then be taken out either by missile attacks or air attacks.

The maharaja

I like how they point out that this could “significantly reduce” weapons and man power being moved east. Whats next a story about how the Russian army has decided to have its soldiers shoot directly at their enemies . This tactic will greatly enhance their battlefield performance!


Hehe :-D

Hunter Biden

Hohol :-D


The Russians to to shoot quite accurately, pity the poor Uke soldiers that are forced to die for the corrupt establishment.


I suspect these targets weren’t attacked earlier to minimize damage. Attacked earlier, and these power substations might be repaired and defended when major attacks in the East needed them destroyed.

Russia has won this war because Russian armed forces attack, defend, and move when and where they want. The Banderites can only retreat and suffer. It’s taking a long time because Russian strategy is to minimize destruction and death among ethnic Russians. Ukraine – NAYOYO strategy was to fight in eastern cities making the economic damage and civilian deaths Russia’s problem. Eastern cities and people serve as shields for Ukraine’s immobile army allowing the White West time to mobilize opinion and pump up supplies.

The irony is that it may have worked too well. Threadbare lies and manipulations have been penetrated. Memories of past US bullshit and attitude wafts past Southern Hemisphere noses. Iranian, Venezuelan, and Mexican crude supported the White West through both world wars, and received only poverty, contempt, and death squads in return. Asia, Africa, and Latin America won’t support sanctions that will only crucify their citizens, and enrich Texass oil companies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ricardo2000
Edgar Zetar

you should had captured Odessa one month ago and grab all the NATO weapons that comes into Ukraine by this bridge… now more than a month later you are bombing this bridge and cannot even get near Odessa, not mention capture this fortified city anymore. Russia lost their initial advantage already.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Marko from Romania

funny how russians did not know all this about railways 60 days ago …


They did even know that everything you destroy you must rebuilt. And it costs money. The same thing with the Azovstal.

Heavy Mellow

Nothing destroyed in west Ukraine has to be rebuilt by Russia but by nato and incurring costs on the enemy is the meaning of war.


Wrong — the Russians intend to move all the way to the Transnistra and remove Ukraine’s access to the sea. That bridge will need to be rebuilt by Russia. The areas in the NW, you are right, but the SW no.

Hugo Furst

the bridge appears to be damaged but not destroyed. The train rails look intact from photo. Might need another hit.


Here’s a story about Vladimir Putin. Putin calls all his generals into the war room and on the wall is a map of the Ukraine. Putin holds up an egg and says “this egg is like Ukraine”. He hands the egg to the first general and he says “destroy egg!” In a show of strength the first general crushes the egg in his hand and gets yolk all over the floor. He turns to the second general and says “destroy egg!” In a show of great zeal the general let’s out a battle cry and bites the egg and gets egg all over his face. He turns to his third general and says “destroy egg!” The general taps the egg gently on all sides around the rim of a bowl, splits it in half, scrambles it, fries it and serves it to him on a plate. That was the general that got the job.

I believe we are witnessing a new strategic doctrine. Putin is trying to win the peace (America’s largest failure to do since 1945) as he fights the war. Putin doesn’t win points by going fast, he can’t be promoted, he has the top job already. So he is cautious with his power. To be as clear as I can Putin looked at the defense of Ukraine and he smelled a rat. A fast war with strikes on utilities, cities and transportation was exactly what the West wanted. They had false flags ready to go throughout the Ukraine and all the suffering would be easy to blame on Russia. The west is full of democracies and they have to be drawn into war by thinking the war is the moral high ground and the right thing to do. A slow approach denies the west it’s moral authority to get involved.

The west’s propaganda war is the current target in this second phase. Russia will never win the propaganda war in western living rooms but it does not need to to complete its objectives in Ukraine. Putin knows that the average global citizen believes anything it sees on television as it slobbers on a piece of cheese on the couch. The person feeling anxious or sad in their living room is because of the televisions programming and he can’t control another nations tv programs. So he will beat the programming with boredom and thus a slow war. As the war stagnates the western world will lose interest and with the loss of interest the threat posed by the west diminishes. Thus he neutralizes his strongest competitor without fighting. His biggest competitor is not the US govt or the EU govt, it is the people of those countries and he plans to keep them on the couch. This gives him a pass to attack the Governments of western countries, which is a fight he can win.

Putin cuts off gas to Poland they cry. No he didn’t Poland said they wouldn’t pay in Rubles after the west went sanction crazy. April 22 was the day the bill was due. That’s been known for weeks. You don’t pay you don’t get gas. No moral authority the west can claim there, the Polish just get cold. The west is shipping tanks, planes, missiles, fuels and drones all by rail to Russia’s enemy. Russia blows up the supply lines. Hard to feel sorry for the west on that one too, Ukrainians just can’t travel anymore. Russia left Kiev a month ago. What’s the infrastructure like there? Well Putin left Ukraine’s government to take care of that one. Had he killed Zelensky the Ukrainians could only blame Putin. Who do you blame when the wind takes out a power line but the repairman never shows up?

Meanwhile Russian tech competes with NATO tech but not NATO troops. Does the instruction manual for that drone come in Ukrainian? Put SAS and SEALS in without air and communication support and they are glorified infantryman. A million dollars per man to train a SEAL and we throw them away because their the only troops we can send in covertly. Now the failed Ukrainian government seeks 5-7 billion dollars a month from the west. Which is 60-84 billion a year plus all the military equipment we are giving. I thought the pentagons plan was to bleed Russia dry?

And in the middle of it all sits your average Ukrainian who knows his country can’t win but his government won’t surrender and demands he die for his country. Russian occupation looks good by comparison.


I’m not agree with you with the outcome of the actual situation…but however great and smart comment!

stephan williams

Thank you for taking the time to lay out your well-reasoned interpretation of current events. It was a breath of fresh air.

Don Krieg

I believe Russia’s plan is to draw more Ukraine troops + Nato into a trap. Notices how the russians aren’t encircling the Ukrainians in Donbass, they have been letting the Ukrainians in to reinforce the lines, spamming Nato weaponry and so on. But Ukraine simply cannot dream about winning in Donbass, Putin’s artillery is simply too overwhelming. Soon we will see the coup de grace being delivered, destroying most of Zelensky’s best troops, weapons confiscated and no troops to defend a Kiev offensive 2.0. But to do that you need to let them move into the trap, you don’t stop the enemy when he is making a mistake.


If you believe so.

The other interpretation is, that Russian don’t progress, because they can’t progress at all. It is more possible, since I hardly believe that they wouldn’t push UAF from city of Donetsk if would be possible in last 60 days. Or you think that it is part of Russian tactic to have civilians killed there in Donetsk every day.


Appreciating your comment a LOT. What do you think of packing Avostoval vents with dry ice bubble wrap and blocking the vents. The CO2 will go down like white cold smoke, make them short of breath and feel scared and creepy. It is not a chemical WEAPON, more of a chemical tool. Less harmful than teargas.


Your theory is rosy description of Russian blunder. It is how propagandist would excuse something. It works usually. But here we have big war. And it won’t really matter in the end who will be to blame. If it will be one winner and total capitulation on other side, the looser will be guilty for everything, if there will be end of war on some kind frozen situation, which is most possible outcome then each side will live with own truth. Now, back to evaluation of war till this moment… Currently Russia is still in much better position, but could achieved much more, with much less loses if would go “by the book” from first day. If Russia would conquer with 1 million solders Ukraine in first 2 weeks, the sanctions from west be much smaller and after 5 years everybody would forget about Ukraine. But Putin approach is most expensive one for Russia itself, because it is on every stage totally reactive. With such approach all advantages are lost all the time. Maybe judo fight 1 to 1 can be done in such a way, but big war newer. When you have advantage on front you have to exploit it, not hold on everything till opponent recover and beat you back. And kill your solders.

Last such event was hi hold up of Marioupol Azovstal conquer. Why to wait? Why to spare all this murders there? No need to loose lifes of own solders. Few big thermobaric bombs would destroy entire Azov there, He is meddling in military operation all the time and blocking progress. He also stopped everything in 2014. And in 2015 if wouldn’t Donbas would be free already then. But he has to “shine” and push for Minsk 2. He obviously newer really learn.

Hugo Furst

The railways can work for either side so it’s not always best to destroy them early in the game.

William Burton

About time. It was something I suggested Russia should do two days ago in response to the attacks on Bryansk, RF. Not only are Ukrainian locomotives of a different gauge, but a locomotive is something too heavy to transport by any other means than by rail. Unfortunately, the lack of railway transport will make the delivery of food very difficult, so it may cause the kind of famine that occurred in the Russian Civil War when anti-Bolshevik forces destroyed the critical infrastructure. The decision to bomb the railways may be an indication that the Russian general staff has made the decision to accelerate the offensive in central and western Ukraine. Incidentally, when I saw the headline, I thought that it was referring to Ukrainian labor strikes along the railway system: too much to hope for, I guess.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Burton

What nonsense you are soeaking. This food that they need, they can transport even with horses if is needed, lol.

Assad Defeated Zionists

We need to give Ukrainians everything they want or Putin will win in Ukraine just like Bashar Al-Asad won in Syria. If Ukraine loses Putin will get away with his war crimes just like Al-Asad did.

Muhammad was a child molester

Ukraine is a failed state. Slava Ruthenia!

flush goes the nation

Corrupt failed state, to add.


You mean Sclava Ukraine?


How are you going to call the prophet a child Molester, you fool? Those are the words of the wahabis to destroy Islam name, just letting you know Orthodox Christians(Russia) and muslims(Shias) are really close.


Uncrovina will not exist – Russia will take east, Poland will take west, Romania will take the SV and Moldavia will take the exit to Black Sea… ucorvineans will be literally the neighbours next door to you…


Romania’s leadership is made of stupid self serving stooges to get anything from Ukraine. If Moldova proves to be as stupid they won’t get their former territory back neither.


what is the nationality and ethnic composition from S Moldova to the sea? would it work well?


Well in every war somebody win. And this is not Putin war, but war for independence of east Ukraine.

You do know that there is Russians speaking minority in Ukraine, which is majority there in east Ukraine? How would you deal with them?


Tunnels, listening devices, etc…

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC


Geopolitics Explained

That’s the argument the Poles used when Russia proposed to build a second pipeline overland through Poland even before NS1 was built.

The Poles said no, that Russia could plant listening devices in the pipe and even use it to send sabotage teams into Poland.

Poles aren’t the butt of jokes for nothing.


At long last! Double whammy would be the same treatment for the bridges of some of the strategic motorway junctions. Well, the russian bear seems to be in the process of waking up !


Well, the bear seems to take too long to wake up


For a bear getting out of hibernation, winter sleep, takes a bit of time you know. 😊

Hugo Furst

Knocking out bridges and rails can stop Ukraine supply but pose problems because they can be also used by Russia to advance, move heavy weapons, ammo, soldiers and food.


Russia did not want to stop food supplies in Ukraine. That is why they did not bomb the roads, bridges and rail before.


As they said for Russia there were always problem 2 things. Roads and fools. So this is why Russia in every war loose a lot of solders. They just have to do all the possible mistakes. Some of them really unbelievable.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Good!!!!!:keep hitting thise substtions and railways russua!!


Good move by Russia, do not mistaken Russia’s calculated, controlled actions for weakness. Russia has also started bombing railways in west Ukraine. Patience is a virtue and Russia is in no rush since their supply lines are so abundant plus they have an endless amount of oil and energy. NATO on the other hand is beyond desperate and it shows.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

Ahhh, don’t fool yourself. They were miscalculation and mistakes. It cost a lot of solders and civilians death. If this rails would be blocked 2 day much less weapon and ammunition would come to frontline and-or Ukraine. Also this shiny propaganda meeting in Kiev wouldn’t happen, through which Zelensky got a lot of support. You see, Nobody thanks Putin for that, because he order to not block rails. Somebody did, because otherwise every normal army would do it, first day.


Taking track out is short term , same as power points, bridges thats another story!


Some of the power transmission lines towers of the nuclear power stations, at a safe distance of 20 – 30 km away from the nuclear power station, could be taken out as well. Even just one demo probably will send the necessary message loud and clear.


The more the merrier 👍


Tracks can be taken out as soon as the are rebuilt without major long term damage. It is very effective form of war of attrition.


It’s a big target.


Taking out track- wash, rinse repeat…


Also Railway electric power station is hard to rebuild fast if they are hit. You need new transformations and a lot of wiring. Few month of work to rebuild. Probably Ukraine was just transponder the electricity from workable stations to damaged parts. This is why only light trains works. But if the Russians will hit remaining railway power stations, then transport will be blocked in large extent. But for sure, few bridges hit and transport is done for this year.


Very late. Difficult to understand why Russia did not destroy all transportation facilities much earlier. Not only some railways, also ports, airports, highways, and also general staff headquarters, ministry of defense, etc.


Also…consider that once Russia moves further east, they will need to use those roads and railways themselves…destroying infrastructure is a double edged sword, so they need to be very selective in that regard.


You talking nonsense.

In frontlines or in 100km radios behind them, they won’t need any rails. They will need only roads and even for traveling by roads the air protection is needed. So, till war is going on Ukraine railway should be excluded by Russians.


Does Russia want the Ukrainian people to starve? NO. BUT if more and more weapons keep coming, he will bomb the rail again. NATO has to make the decisions whether they should allow the people to starve by constantly attempting to bring more weapons in.


Question posed in Ukraine Ministry of Defense meeting yesterday attended by Zelenskii and his CIA handlers: “What would Guaidó do?!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Snagger
Joao M...

A good start…

Joao M...



Thank you.



Dick Von D'Astard

The obvious next step is truck and road haulage stations.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Rusia debe seguir atacando las infraestructura del transporte ferroviario Ucraniano, las subestaciones eléctricas y las vías y cruces férroviarias, también debería atacar las principales rutas y caminos, puentes y convoyes logisticos que utilizan las fuerzas Ucranianas para transportar los suministros belicos que Occidente les provee, debería seguir el ejemplo de las Fuerzas de resistencia en Siria e Irak y el modo de ataque con IED y trampas explosivas en las carreteras. Esto haría que las fuerzas de Kiev en el frente carezcan de los suministros para defenderse del avance Ruso y de las Repúblicas separatistas en el Este, para ello Rusia cuenta con misiles de presicion, drones de ataque, municiones merodeadores, misiles termobaricos, etc.


Google translation from spanish into english :

Russia must continue to attack the infrastructure of the Ukrainian railway transport, the electrical substations and the railway tracks and crossings, it should also attack the main routes and roads, bridges and logistical convoys used by the Ukrainian forces to transport the war supplies that the West provides them, it should follow the example of the Resistance Forces in Syria and Iraq and the mode of attack with IEDs and booby traps on the roads. This would make the kyiv forces at the front lack the supplies to defend against the Russian advance and the separatist Republics in the East, for which Russia has precision missiles, attack drones, loitering munitions, thermobaric missiles, etc. 😊

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

What did Sherman do? He brought the war to the people that waged the war. The fact is, Ukraine put their troublemaking Jew in charge. Let them sit in the dark.


They should retaliate against the real decision makers in London and Washington.


Blackrock and Vanguard.


Russian mistake was to allow this bullshit from the day 1: NATO started with small arms and manpads to test the water, now they give them drones, tanks and artillery, and soon they’ll give them long-range missiles. If you give them heavy weapons to strike Russian cities you are definitely a party to the war.

Last edited 2 years ago by N007

You give these fools a inch, they go one mile


Russia’s mistake is thinking that the west is logical and reasonable. They didn’t consider that the west is filled with the new religious extremists, but their religion is wokeness, not Christianity. The religion of the west is the excreta of the Jews, a religion of minority and homosexual worship, a religion worthy of being erased from public memory. It would be karmic and universal justice if Russia nukes the centers of this degeneracy, and that would be London, New York City, Washington, Los Angeles and Tel Aviv.

Evil Empire

Tony Blinken and Zelensky perfectly represent this Satanic cult.

Karl Pomeroy



The Khazars decided to be Jews because they were the money lenders. They were not descendants of Abraham. The Khazars are satans chosen. The line of Abraham through Sarah has mingled with the line of Esau through Hagars children. Loads of the Jews became Christians and then many became Muslims. Abraham’s lineage and the descendants of the early Christians are the Palestinians, the Syrians, in the ME, Turkey…Catholics and Orthodox have more of the OT than the Jews have of it. They have chosen the awful Talmud over their prophets.


Didn’t the Russian military study the great William Tecumseh Sherman? Do I need to travel to Russia to explain it to them? Didn’t they read B H Liddell Harts book On Strategy or the Art of War by Sun Tzu? Well I did, and would gladly advise the knuckleheads in the Kremlin. The rail lines should have been severed right after they hit all communications and the electrical grid. You sever the nerves and communications first, and fight the muscle last, after you starved it by cutting supply lines.


Sorry, but I forgot the part about rounding up the Jews and putting them in camps. You can’t have Jews with no allegiance other than Israel running around in your country at war. Jews will always undermine a gentiles nations war effort.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Russia was not looking to wipe out all of Ukraine. But now that the United States’ NATO has become involved, Russia has no choice but to secure the whole of Ukraine.


It was a military operation to clear the Nazis out of Ukraine and to SAVE the people of the Donbass, NOT war against Ukraine and their people. Russia just wanted the forces of Ukraine to lay down their arms, surrender and to go home. Even in Avostoval, they cannot even surrender, they will not let the hostages or civilians go. Armed forces in Avostoval consider that they WILL be shot, by the Azov Ukrainians if they don’t remain in Avostoval to die, the Nazis in there with them and if they manage to escape, the Nazis from Kiev.


Please Putin. Let the first nukes hit the financial centers. Tel Aviv should be the first target with your biggest bomb.


No israel has no side in this war


Israel is posing as neutral, but their agents have filled most of the slots in the Ukraine and American government. Their blood too must be shed if this conflict goes nuclear if there is to be justice.

stephan williams

Are you trying to be funny?


I suggest you go to Hal Turners website where there is a film of Israeli military in Ukraine. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/


City of London and the stock exchanges, the Bankster centres like BIS. Vanguard and Black Rock own everything and are guilty of the crimes.


I am sure Rus force have many options in their reserve to contain ukr force. They pick one after another depending the situation on the ground. Verry soon goverment premises wil startl be targeted ,


Yes, as seen in other wars before this one, to cripple an army, you need to cut off its supplies and logistics pathways. Why Russia waited 2 months to do this is anyone’s guess.

My guess is that at first, they hoped for a swift victory. In this way, the hoped to preserve most of the infrastructure of the country intact because, as in the wise words of Lord Cornwallis in the Mel Gibson movie “The Patriot” (not actual quotes but similar) : “When this war ends, we will trade and have commerce with these people”.

I think they didn’t want to destroy infrastructure because they were thinking that after the war, Ukraine would be once again closer to Russia and Russia would invest in the country and so on. It’s much harder to invest or to do trade with a country that is utterly destroyed.

Last edited 2 years ago by RobinHood

Yaa but before the operation Rus intel would have known a,b,c about the strength of the opponent. We know NATO is there since 2014. What were they doing there. You know we are talking of morden war where technology leads every thing

Hugo Furst

It’s possible Russia didn’t destroy infrastructure (rails, bridges) early on because they though they could be used for their own purposes.


Russia wants the EU to rebuild Ukraine. A bit of it next to Poland.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

A shock attack with nuclear weapons against England from Russian submarines will cause the American Zionists to lose power over Europe.

The Europeans themselves will ensure that American bases are removed from their countries.

American-Zionist military bases have been there since World War II to exercise their destructive power and ensure that Europeans are their obedient slaves.

It remains to be seen whether the American Zionists will have a WW III that will also hit the American mainland and also annihilate Israel.

The UK is too small to use nukes on, without completely disappearing. The financial centre is where it would be most expedient for another nation to strike. Also our oil refining. That would knock us out. Fortunately, the UK is unlikely to have our people wiped out by a Russian strike, they are teddy bears who dont like killing. What airports and ports are we using to supply Ukraine? We are not exactly food sufficient here.


Are the NATO member states smart enough that they have taken the Ukraine war on their own shoulders? Do NATO member states feel safe now? I don’t think so.

Heavy Mellow

Russia is beginning to understand it came to a knife fight ready to box. Now that it is finally severing rail lines it is time to turn off power and destroy infrastructure forcing mass migration to burden its nato enemies. Russia should end all energy sales to it’s enemies instead of begging for their business. If Russia wants to be respected act like it.


Russia must blow up every bridge over the Dnieper!!!! Yesterday!!!

new york

russia needs those bridges later.


By your logic no bridge would be destroyed in any war. Why exactly then Ukraine army destroyed all these bridges around Kiev? Russia doesn’t need land across Dnieper. Destroying these bridges would be clear signal.


I severely doubt Russia will control an inch of territory in Western Ukraine even at the best scenarios.

So yes, everything west of Dnieper outside the Odessa and Nikolaev oblasts could be razed to ground for that matter


no, the western part from dnepr isnd strategic important for russia. but donbas, krimea and a corridor to transnistria is, and that schould be the final goal.


8 weeks ago

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