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MARCH 2025

Struggle For Power In Greater Idlib: Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham To Expel Senior Chechen Leader

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Struggle For Power In Greater Idlib: Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham To Expel Senior Chechen Leader

Muslim Abu Walid al-Shishani while leading an offensive in northern Lattakia in 2014.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has asked senior Chechen leader Muslim Abu Walid al-Shishani to join its ranks or leave the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib along with its militants within a month, several Syrian opposition sources reported on June 27.

Al-Shishani, whose real name is Murad Iraklievich Margoshvili, is a Georgian citizen. He reportedly fought against Russian government forces in the First and Second Chechen Wars.

The terrorist arrived in Syria to fight government forces around ten years ago. Today, he leads a group of Chechen and Lebanese militants known as Junud al-Sham. The terrorist group was formed by him in 2012. The group is mainly active in the militant-held pocket in the northern Lattakia countryside.

According to Bilal Abdul Kareem, who runs the On the Ground News outlet from Greater Idlib, al-Shishani had rejected HTS’ demands. This may lead to a confrontation between HTS and Junud al-Sham.

HTS’ move was surprising as al-Shishani was never a foe of the terrorist group. Junud al-Sham is in fact known to be a very close ally of HTS.

The move appears to be a part of HTS’ continuous efforts to solidify its grip over Greater Idlib. The terrorist group’s leader may be also worried about his own life following the assassination of his spokesman by Syrian and Russian forces earlier this month. Al-Shishani is allegedly one of the top terrorists wanted by the Russian Federation.


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If there was no Israel, none of them would be in Syria, and Syria was safe today.

If I don't steal it, someone else will steal it

100% accurate.

Marco Polo


Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo
Marco Polo

“amerikan LGBT VILLAGE”

Utterances like that match the negative stereotype that you perpetuate about yourself, alongside your cynicism and apathy. You throw the term “American” around like an insult towards non-Americans such as myself who never lived there, you don’t seem to understand how “Americanized” the world has become. Russia and China are becoming Americanized themselves, America has always been a judeo-Masonic entity to finalize the jew’s Luciferian objectives.

You defend the jews despite their creation of Cultural Marxism that includes but not limited to promotion of LGBT degeneracy. You revel in it and want to break us down out of jealousy.

They tried the same in Germany and Hungary back in the 1920s. Bela Kun promoted this and subsequently ousted, years before the NSDAP was elected to power and persecuted the jews for spreading LGBT and bleeding their country dry with crushing debt and domination over every facet of society.

3 Jewish Rabbis Explain The Real Reason For Why Hitler Didn’t Like Jews https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/3-jewish-rabbis-learn-why-hitler-didn-039-t-like-jews_ynPZBbbpT2ZYQPK.html

Cultural Alchemy Special Berlin Sin City of the 1920s https://odysee.com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f/Cultural-Alchemy-Special-Berlin-Sin-City-of-the-1920's-(Pre-:0

A New Spirit – Against Degeneracy https://odysee.com/@ponyboyrick:2/A-New-Spirit—Joseph-Goebbels:8

The Orchestrated Race War – The Jew’s Pawns Dividing The Non-Jews https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/the-race-war-the-jewish-pawns-dividing-the-goy-and-the-slave_XqzTLlxSpCtUrel.html

America’s Hidden History of the Heroin Pushers – Jewish Mafia & The Opioid Crisis https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/2297524697/America-s-Hidden-History-of-the-Heroin-Pushers—Jewish-Mafia—The-Opioid-Crisis

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo
Marco Polo

You defend these people, it tells me everything that anyone needs to know about you.

Jewish Rabbi Explains Why They Suck Baby Dicks https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/jewish-rabbi-explains-why-they-suck-baby-dicks_9NcYEsDw57NfA1l.html

Herpes Strikes Two More Infants After Ritual Circumcision (on the Sabbath 8 days after birth) https://abcnews.go.com/Health/herpes-strikes-nyc-babies-ritual-circumcisions/story?id=18890284

How Jewish American Pedophiles Hide From Justice in Israel https://odysee.com/@VerifyTheTruth:0/How-Jewish-American-Pedophiles-Hide-From-Justice-in-Israel:4

Feast of the Circumcision of Christ http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-genital-mutilation-of-jesus/



Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo
Marco Polo

If Russia and China weren’t controlled or allied with jewish supremacists, the “West” would not be headed in the direction its taking. This is ALL BY DESIGN! We clearly need a Spartan culture of sorts and emigration or imprisonment of all subversive troublemakers that work to weaken or tear down society.

Chances are if someone were to give Italian Fascism new aesthetics and dialectic, most (including you) would probably not understand it’s Fascism.

Dr. Walter Gross on National Socialist racial thought: https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/dr-walter-gross-on-national-socialist-racial-thought_isMkOb2NkspXCD4.html

A. James Gregor’s 1958 article on “NS & Race” https://odysee.com/@Didymus:4/a.-james-gregor's-1958-article-on-ns:a?


Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo
Marco Polo

The fact you are not receptive to any of this information isn’t the point, your Communist internationalism is one side of the jewish globalist coin; the other being .


Their physical requirements rivalled what you see in this Spetznaz demonstration to the public:



Russia and China still seems to hinge on the downfall of the USA to expand their influence, regardless of the deliberate effeminization of NATO armies by their puppet rulers who knowingly engineer our decline.


Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo

Jens – short for Yochanon – trying to historically deligitimize Syria is just the standard Zionist ploy since the Yinon Plan, for Greater Israel, of 1980’s. Mind you, when you have such flimsy historical grounds for any link to ancient Judea as the Eurasian Ashkenazim do, attempting to delegitimize the real regional history is sort of a psychological-pathological necessity – to numb out your own cognitive dissonance of living in a delusional fantasy.


he’d fit in nicely in trump country I reckon




The same “shishani” who has been killed ten times? BS news.

Marco Polo

You only that because you can’t prove me wrong. You conflate jewish thuggery with “White Supremacy”, if such a thing exists our jewish rulers wouldn’t be trying to wipe us off the face of the earth.



Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo

Georgian criminal-terrorist trash.

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