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Studying NATO’s “Hybrid Warfare”

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Studying NATO's "Hybrid Warfare"

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The NATO leadership is consistently introducing new ways of influencing its adversaries, be they real or potential. Today, there is a great deal of talk about NATO engaging in so-called “hybrid warfare”, while previously Russia, Iran, China and other NATO rivals had been vilified as states that carry out such activities. Actually, the term, similar to the concept itself, appeared inside the Euro-Atlantic bloc and provided for an integrated approach to the conduct of confrontation in the information society. Initially, the concept of “hybrid confrontation” or “hybrid warfare” was based on the “Warden’s Five Rings Theory”: leadership, system essentials, infrastructure, population and fielded military forces. Through this theory an image is created of the adversary’s stability, seen as the capacity of each individual element of the system and the connections between them. It is presumed that the most important or most vulnerable of these structural elements should be targeted from a distance. Engaging in direct armed confrontation is only conducted as a last resort.

Studying NATO's "Hybrid Warfare"

Warden’s Five Rings

According to NATO experts, the complex nature of non-linear threats complicates the task of identifying their sources, which are typically anonymous. The balanced combination of methods and means of asymmetric warfare complicates any operational assessment of the current situation, blurs the boundaries between war and peace, significantly complicates the decision-making process and the choice of measures to be used as a response.

The following are considered as forms of “hybrid” action:

  • informational and psychological operations against state and military command bodies, personnel of the armed forces and the population of the adversarial state;
  • information attacks on state, military and commercial computer networks and infrastructure;
  • a complete or partial disruption of economic relations, violation of transport communications, the introduction of an embargo and a blockade;
  • organization of protests of opposition movements and destructive actions through “agents of influence”;
  • carrying out armed actions and sabotage by special operations forces, terrorist groups, or irregular units.

The key principles of carrying out “hybrid warfare” are considered timeliness, surprise and secrecy. The initial phase of the conflict, according to the NATO alliance, is the deliberate and planned destabilization of the domestic political situation in the state through an aggressive information campaign.

Studying NATO's "Hybrid Warfare"

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In the context of the developing crisis, special operations forces are transferred to the territory of the adversary state with the task of taking control of key objects of state and military command, as well as information and communication infrastructure.

At the same time, large military drills are organized for the greater conventional armed forces, demonstrating the possibility of a large-scale military intervention.

In the future, it is presumed that an outbreak of hostilities would be organized, using the armed forces of the opposition, separatists, bandit groups and organized crime, in conjunction with the most active propaganda and information technology pressure on facilities of the adversary’s infrastructure.

After effectively  undermining the sovereignty of a part of the territory of the adversary state under control, measures are taken to legislatively consolidate its new status, change the political and territorial structure, and permanently deploy NATO units and subunits.

Despite the relative novelty of the term “hybrid warfare” itself (used within NATO since 2014, a bibliography on the topic can be found HERE), the development of measures and methods to exert comprehensive pressure on the adversary have been ongoing in the West for several decades. Since the late 1990s, this approach has been known as a combination of forces, means, approaches and methods of “soft power” for military and military-political purposes.  It later received the name, “NATO Comprehensive Approach” to guarantee security. The corresponding concept was approved at the NATO Riga Summit in 2006.

Studying NATO's "Hybrid Warfare"

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According to the concept and documents developed on the basis of the Comprehensive Approach, the plan is to achieve NATO’s goals through cooperation with international and regional non-governmental organizations and local opposition, as well as with criminal structures at every stage of development of the crisis. At the same time, military, reconnaissance, sabotage, and diplomatic tools are to be employed for the prevention of reaching the undesirable scenario of open conflict.

The most significant portion of the “hybrid” actions of the bloc is the information-psychological confrontation. Throughout all of their operations in recent years, NATO allies have continuously influenced their target audiences through psychologically sophisticated propaganda. The US and NATO seek to completely eliminate the “information vacuum” that could be used by the adversary state. When this isn’t effective, an overwhelming information-technology domination in the global information space is employed.

The key role is played by “Mainstream Media”. In this case, a model of interaction is used, the essence of which is the formation of a group of “privileged” media, all of whom are provided with priority rights in the coverage and interpretation of events. This is supported by the full technological power of leading information platforms such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Tweeter, etc.

Studying NATO's "Hybrid Warfare"

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Particular significance is traditionally attributed to the use of direct disinformation, distortion of facts, ridicule and other methods of information-psychological influence.

In the scope of the development of the concept of “hybrid warfare”, NATO is taking active measures to protect against asymmetric threats and to develop offensive asymmetric means of influence. In particular, over the past three years, NATO has revised its “Crisis Response System Manual” and its “Defense” plans. In 2015, the approved NATO “Hybrid Warfare Strategy,” focused on countering the methods of “hybrid warfare.” In accordance with the document, the main objectives of the alliance are defined as follows: timely detection of the “non-linear” threat and its source; convincing a potential adversary of the unattainability of the goals pursued by it, and the implementation of measures to ensure the internal security of the member states.

In the best traditions of the language of double standards, the terms “protection and security” hide the offensive nature of the measures being developed. At the Alliance’s summit in Warsaw in 2016, the Allies pledged themselves to the “Commitment to Enhance NATO’s Resilience.” The document recorded the intention of NATO countries to develop an “individual and collective ability to withstand the whole spectrum of challenges from any direction.” At the same time, special attention was paid to strengthening the civilian sector, including ensuring the continuous functioning of government bodies and the uninterrupted operation of critical national services, improving the security of critical infrastructure, and providing support to civilian enterprises and companies in the energy, transport and communications sectors. Thus, the entire civil and business infrastructure of the countries of the alliance members are interlocked with the military component.

Given the complex nature of hybrid threats, the difficulty of their identification and the devastating nature of their consequences, the leaders of NATO countries did not exclude the possibility of involving mechanisms of “collective defense” (Article 5 of the Washington Treaty [The North Atlantic Treaty]) in response to asymmetric aggression. Consequently, at the NATO Summit in Brussels in 2018, it was decided to form counter-hybrid support teams, which provide tailored targeted assistance to Allies upon their request in preparing against and responding to “hybrid threats”. In this case, “hybrid threats” can be defined as any non-military actions that run counter to the interests of NATO.

At the same time, the number of personnel that comprise the NRF (NATO Response Force) were increased from 25,000 to 40,000 troops. This included an interspecific NRF high-readiness unit (Very High Readiness Joint Task Force [VJTF]) numbering 5,000 troops capable of deploying at short notice, between 2 to 7 days. The concept of enhancing the NRF VJTF was revised in detail, a Joint Intelligence and Security (JIS) division was formed in the International Secretariat, and the NATO Situation Centre (SITCEN), which is part of NATO HQ, was transformed into a 24/7 operation.

Studying NATO's "Hybrid Warfare"

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An important role in countering “non-linear” threats is achieved by establishing capabilities in the field of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity refers, inter alia, to the activity of objectionable mass media. The main directions of development were formulated in the “Cyber Defense Pledge” from 2016. They propose the development of a cooperation between national structures in the field of information technology, enhancing and increasing data exchange, staff development, and education regarding relevant issues during operational and combat training. Cyberspace was introduced as a field of warfare. Additional multimillion-dollar budgets were allocated, for waging war in the new cyber domain between 2017-2020. In 2018, the NATO Council decided to establish a Cyber Operations Center in Monet, Belgium, the operational readiness of which should be achieved by 2023. The new coalition body is presumed to have a special focus on identifying the sources of threats in the information sphere.

In the interests of identifying actions in the information environment that are considered aggressive, NATO countries collect data on the use of telecommunication facilities and information distribution channels. At the same time, large-scale campaigns are launched to discredit objectionable media, including by employing technical and administrative resources and the introduction of strict censorship.

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Best ste I know for informations about Nato is : Voltairenet https://www.voltairenet.org/spip.php?page=recherche&lang=en&recherche=Nato+manipulations&x=0&y=0 ==================================================== https://www.voltairenet.org/article206332.html

“Without disinformation, NATO would crumble”

by Manlio Dinucci




JPEG – 40.6 kb

Q: What is the result of the Symposium in Florence?

Michel Chossudovsky: The event was a great success, with the participation of speakers from the United States, Europe and Russia. We presented the history of NATO. We identified and carefully documented its crimes against humanity. And at the end of the Symposium, we presented the “Declaration of Florence,” a way of exiting the war system.

Q: In your introduction, you affirmed that the Atlantic Alliance is not a true alliance…

Michel Chossudovsky: On the contrary, under the appearance of a multinational military alliance, it is the Pentagon which dominates the decision-making mechanisms of NATO. The USA controls the command structures of NATO, which are incorporated with those of the United States. The Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR) is always a US General nominated by Washington. The Secretary General, currently Jens Stoltenberg, is essentially a bureaucrat who handles public relations. He has no decision-making role.

Q: Another theme you raised was that of the US military bases in Italy and other European countries, including in the East, despite the fact that the Warsaw Pact has not existed since 1991, and despite the promise made to Gorbachev that no extension of NATO towards the East would ever occur. What is the purpose of these bases?

Michel Chossudovsky: NATO’s tacit objective – an important theme in our debate in Florence – is to implement, under a different denomination, the de facto “military occupation” of Western Europe. The United States not only continue to “occupy” the ex-members of the Second World War “Axis countries” (Italy, Germany), but have used the badge of NATO to set up US military bases in all of Western Europe, and, thereafter, in Eastern Europe in the wake of the Cold War, and in the Balkans in the wake of the NATO war against Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro).

Q: What has changed in terms of the possible use of nuclear weapons?

Michel Chossudovsky: Immediately after the Cold War, a new nuclear doctrine was formulated, focused on the preventive use of nuclear weapons, in other words, on a nuclear first strike as a means of self-defence. Within the framework of USA-NATO interventions, presented as peace-keeping measures, a new generation of “low power” and “non-usable” nuclear weapons was created, described as “inoffensive for civilians”. US political leaders consider them to be “bombs for pacification.” The Cold War agreements, which established certain safety measures, have now been abandoned. The concept of “Mutually Assured Destruction,” relative to the use of nuclear weapons, has been replaced by the doctrine of preventive nuclear war.

Q: NATO was “obsolete” at the beginning of the Trump presidency, but now it has been rebooted by the White House. What relation is there between the arms race and the economic crisis?

Michel Chossudovsky: War and globalisation go hand in hand. Militarisation relies on the imposition of macro-economic restructuration in the target countries. It imposes military spending in order to support the war economy to the detriment of civil economy. It leads to economic destabilisation and the loss of the power of national institutions. An example – recently President Trump proposed huge budget cuts in the health and teaching sectors, and in social infrastructures, although he has asked for a massive increase in the budget of the Pentagon. At the beginning of his administration, President Trump confirmed the increase of expenditure in the military nuclear programme, launched by Obama, from 1,000 to 1,200 billions of dollars, claiming that this would serve to make the world safer. All over the European Union, the increase in military spending, coupled with austerity measures, is leading to the demise of what used to be called “the Welfare State.” Now, under US pressure, NATO is engaged in increasing military spending, and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declares that this is the correct decision to “guarantee the safety of our population.” The military interventions are coupled with concomitant acts of economic sabotage and financial manipulation. The final objective is the conquest of both human and material resources and of political institutions. The acts of war support a process of total economic conquest. The hegemonic project of the United States is to transform countries and international sovereign institutions into territories which are open for their penetration. One of their instruments is the imposition of heavy penalties on debt-ridden countries. The imposition of lethal macro-economic reforms serves to impoverish vast sectors of the world population.

Q: What is now, and what will become the role of the medias?

Michel Chossudovsky: Without the disinformation broadcast, in general, by almost all the medias, the military programme of the USA-NATO would collapse like a house of cards. The imminent dangers of a new war with the most modern weapons and the atomic peril are not the sort of news that makes the headlines. War is presented as an act of pacification. War criminals are depicted as pacifiers. War becomes peace. Reality is reversed. When lies become truth, there is no going back.


Didn’t forget, NATO is US/UK devilish creation to colonised Europe after WW2 organised by UK/US deep Power to destroyed their main Imperial competitors !

Nato first victims is the Europeans populations !

Nato ancestor is the Muslim Brothers invented by the MI6 to play “Pyromaniac-Fireman” games to destabilise Middle-East for Colonial Pilfering’s Nato metastases is Al Qaida, ISIS and al ! ========================================== https://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II by Valentin Katasonov To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. =========================================== https://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html

Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe

by Andrey Fomin

Contrary to appearances, the decision of the United States to investigate a possible Russian aid to anti-European parties is not intended to protect Europeans from foreign interference. This is quite the opposite. For 70 years, Washington controls the West European politics prohibiting all forms of genuine democracy.

Karen Bartlett

And imo the trolls we see flooding sites like SF are not acting independently, but work for either Mossad or the CIA. If nothing else, they attempt to sow doubt as to the motives of non-NATO countries.




anyone in particular you have in mind – Z.P. maybe – he seems to fit the bill of paid squatter to a t.




Here’s a meme instead https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/310f98f17d413c70bce197ba183d71048eeaeba00de58728c26168ce05edc1dd.jpg


So you are Palestinian and not German huh you filthy bastard?!! Is that why you pretend to be an”expert” on Russia you filthy peace of shit?!!!


blahblahblah nothing much making sense out your clap trap!


So Palestinian called “verner'” ? You PIG ! You are even ashamed of your origins !


Your Pali terrorists will do what we tell them, or Gantz will make sure to turn Gaza into their graveyard.


Well, Well, Well… Hello there weakling.


Even the PLO hates your Hamas and Islamic Jihad, they occupied Gaza after we left in 2005. Over the last 10 years, Bibi has done everything he could to help Hamas in order to stay in power, soon we wil lget rid of him and Hamas. Two birds.


bla bla bla


Yeah “bla bla bla”, it doesn’t matter Issam sooner or later we will reach an agreement with the PLO. Islamists and Bibi will both end in the trash can of history.

Aleks Chernyy

Out of curiosity Mr. Zion, who is your employer? Are you an enthusiast with pro israeli views? Or a paid government employee? If later, then what is the scope and purpose of your presence on south front? Do you have a variety of names due to the numerous people in your department, or just as part of a strategy to make your opinions appear more widespread?


I don’t get paid and I’m not a troll, I’ve been here for a while. Why am I here? I can’t stand people talking shit about my country, even if you think you are right. I’m here to show you the Israeli side, or atleast my views. take it or leave it, the choice is yours.

Aleks Chernyy

I have pro israeli views myself, and commonly stand up to idiot conspiracy theorists, but your views are not merely pro-israeli. I have seen you argue in support of isis, al-qaeda, hts, and other organizations who are criminals, no matter where your support falls in terms of israel/iran/russia/syria/turkey.

I suppose you are welcome to your view point, but frankly, i do not believe your level of radicalism is supported even among israelis, that is why people think you a troll.


Where have you seen my support ISIS or HTS? I’ve said many times here I view them like Hamas and they all need to die. Am I radical? I don’t think so. I just believe we should hit our enemies alot harder, I have no sympathy nor respect to Bibi and I blame him for making the IDF weaker. As part of the IDF, it hurts me to see us protecting Hamas / Gazans more than our own civilians. Our policy can only change once Gantz becomes the leader.


your existence is a trash can of history :D


Just becuase you hate us, it doesn’t mean we are going away Issam. It’s funny, I don’t hate Lebanese per say because many of them are seculars like me. I hate you shia fanatics who worship Iran like they are your masters.


damn, i like your sense of humor today. Nobody think about killing civilians and committing genocides, i think you should lay off twitter, you started to believe your own Zionist propaganda.

Karen Bartlett

Thanks, Issam. They seem like brainwashed kids, raised by the atheist Israeli state.

Gabriel Hollows

Neither Mossad nor CIA, too small scale. There are private companies and NGOs that are responsible for 90% of internet shilling.

Most notable among them are Shareblue, Applied Memetics, the Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF), among others. As always, they all work for the (((usual suspects))).

Karen Bartlett

Thank you, Gabriel. I know George Soros is in there somewhere, but I can’t remember the name of his NGO organization.

AM Hants

Open Society Foundation – Soros

The complete list of 200 U.S. organizations that have financial ties to George Soros… https://soros.news/2017-04-13-the-complete-list-of-200-u-s-organizations-that-have-financial-ties-to-george-soros.html

Open Information Policy (Integrity Initiative, Statecraft, Common Purpose) – UK Foreign and Commonweath Office. NED – US tax payer funded NGO, which has Victoria Nuland, Elliot Abraham, Anne Applebaum and many US Ambassadors on it’s Board of Directors.

Why do the Pro Israel-America Lobbyists, sponsor so many US politicians, yet, they do nothing for the people of Israel or the people of America?

Karen Bartlett

Thanks, AM. I’ll try to remember the “Open Society Foundation” by remembering that their aim is to open different societies to Western exploitation. As to your question, I’m sure the answer is that both the pro-Israel lobbyists and the American politicians aren’t interested in doing anything for the people of Israel or America, but only for themselves.

AM Hants

Thanks Karen. Take care.


Well my German friend “verner” is NATO-NAZI…which is normal thing for many Germans…. Of course NATO-NAZI… they hate Putin and Russia and they like to kill people… So it is only normal for him to do some trolling for NATO as well.

Karen Bartlett



Verner is not German, he is a Palestinian


OK thanks. That explains why he is such “expert” on Russia. B.D.W. you have nice Muslim historic name unlike that cockroach that hides behind false identity. I appreciate when people respect their own roots and identity and not trying to be something else.

Karen Bartlett

I do not understand how a Palestinian could troll for NATO!


The greatest lie about the Middle East is that the conflict is between The Jews and the Palestinians In reality the Palestinians are crypto Jews, and together with the other Jews they have a mechanism to suck wealth from the UN to fund their parasitic way of life. In the past we the Arabs were fooled into shedding blood for these useless parasites but we are over that now. Soon the rest of the world will understand that too Hopefully Iran will drop a bomb on Palestine and will rid the world of the menace of the Jews and the Palestinians, two birds one stone


Those are radical words. You almost sound like you hate them. This is the 1st time I hear from Arab talking like that about Palestinians. I know that Palestinians are genetically far closer to Semite Hebrews than many Jews in IsraHell. But still they are Muslims oppressed in total injustice by IsraHell so why are you so harsh about them? What did they do to you?! Are you saying that Jews are not taking their land persistently? Many of us know about Palestinians being true Semites (comparing to would be Ashkenazim Jew converts who came from Europe and were never in Middle East before)

Hide Behind

There has to be and is in place a central leadership, one where the origins concepts for domination of all by using full capabilities in assymetrical warfare; and that core began in the US under the Regan- Bush Presidency and was titled Limited Intensity Conflict (LIC) Doctrine. Regans-Bush illegal, actually traitor,ous, actions of Delay of Iran Hostage Release and the Iran Contra scandals of Honduras and Nicaragua war, after Congress had stopped all funding and his illegal use of National Guard in a non declared war, all was exposed by popular media within US; and that is when they launched the takeover of all forms of media and telecommunications. Within US the populace had stopped the FBI, CIA and Naval Intelligence from overreaching surveillance beginning in early 1950’s, terms such as Mc Carthyism and Cointel may ring some US elderlys’ bells. Regans brain was already shot but Bush with his CIA background said and led the idea that IS Media was part of modern warfare tactics and mist be controlled. Their masterstroke used to hidesome but legitimize their activities in Central and South America was a program titled “War on Drugs.” Control of populace perceptions through media control and gave them ability to monitor and interfere with both citizens and buisness transactions on world wide scale; and the launching of what in essence was and still is a military operation release to public of the internet. Not mentioned in article is fact that not only must they gain entrance to all of worlds internet but that they need to put in place even stricter complete monitoring and control over their domestic subjects at same time. Sorry folks but US firms are not the true majors of such technology, no it is Israel and China, and US military has turned to them bigtime if not fulltime. Top 19 hardware and software firms have moved very large portions to Israel proper while working under contract to US military. Noted mention of interconnectivity to NATO based nations buisness concerns by author, so what was original Italian Fascism?

Karen Bartlett

Clinton also had a hand in the Iran-Contra affair: https://youtu.be/sDHOgFUS3Gc?t=1 There are more videos on this on YouTube under “Crimes of Mena, Arkansas”.

Hide Behind

Had lots of shirtail relatives, kissing cousins, bubba and rich good ok boys through a stepfather of way on back Arkansas settlers movers and shakers. My step Aunt was.a close friend to Bill Clintons mom and often worked with her through the poor to not so poor times. Often left out, I read.your reference book, is how and who were involved in the massive distribution networks to move tons of uncut cocaine, and.those were members of the wealthiest in a 4 block of states from grain to chickens, oil, .akor trucking firms and hundreds of smaller owner operators and rail or air shipping firms,and real estate developers. Remember it was 99.9% pure cocaine which was latercut many times. Tons of cash being launderedmthrough outfits like Rose Law firms, many banks in that 4 State block were not federal but private and State chartered, and blue yes never Piggly Wiggly grocers and put put golf course. There is a Southern Mafia of powerful government and buisness leaders that began in bootleg days and early oil boomers, and the CIA was notorious for using crime figures and organizations to cover their butts. Bubbas, good ol boy truckers were stealing around 10 % of what they hauled and using anout 20% of that themselves; so much so marijuana quit getting planted, n.as coke was thicker than fleas on an ok hound dogs ball Clintons original impeachment began by an investigation of the embezzlment of Federal HUD, Farm Home, Agricultural Farm Home Loans, Grain subsidies, and money Laundering its connections to Leyton 5 of John Glenn and Govenor MC Cains Savings and loan scandals, but due to Clintons ties with CIA and its Mena , there were actually 4 such Menas in South, operations, well well ow thee rest.

Karen Bartlett

Good Lord! It’s much worse than I thought. I’ll remember this if I ever want to take a vacation to Arkansas again, which I won’t. (I live in Missouri.)

AM Hants

The most significant portion of the “hybrid” actions of the bloc is the information-psychological confrontation… – reminds of the crowd running Atlantic Council and their mates.

Slightly off topic, but, same crowd, despite Ukraine being a non-NATO member. Check how the run the script and does anybody remember the English speaking mercenaries, over in Ukraine, back in 2014 and the girl, who was working with Saakashvili, plus, staging Larry Diamond videos, known as the Ukraine Girl?

UKRAINE – Ground Zero For The CIA Coup Upon America… https://www.brighteon.com/f54f59f0-58a3-4ffc-831f-a007846d3379

Why are the Atlantic Council/NATO so supportive of the Ukraine Nazi Party?

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