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Su-30SM Supermaneuverable Multirole Fighter (Infographics)

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Su-30SM Supermaneuverable Multirole Fighter (Infographics)

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The Sukhoi Su-30SM is a supermaneuverable multirole fighter aircraft. It was developed by Russia’s Sukhoi Aviation Corporation for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions.


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Ishyrion Av

I’d like to buy one! Very beautiful aircraft!


Cash up front. Please send the payment to…..me. I’m not much of a scammer.


Do you have one in dark grey? My email is http://www.India,IWantaAnUpgrade.com. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8bb02f7bd9e80dcb9d2c6062ef456a1474ec0a5bd68db7d6d2bf8f413981afeb.jpg


I’ll get a couple cans of spray paint. Any RAL you want. That’s a beautiful bird!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

earlier Indian versions of SU-30 beat USAF F-15s 90% of the time in simulated beyond visual range mock engagements. SU-30MK to be exact. SU-30SM is much newer with upgraded radar, radar warning receiver, countermeasures, signals intelligence, etc. SU-30SM SAP-518 electronic jamming pods are more powerful and effective than the dedicated electronic warfare EA-18 Growler’s AN/ALQ-99 jammer pod

Toronto Tonto


Jacob Wohl's Nose

reality is hard to accept when you’re a kike, I get it. tell me, what military tech does canada produce of their own? oh that’s right, Nothing :)

Ishyrion Av

He is not canadian. He is a goy without country paid with shekels.

John Wallace

I doubt if any nation accepts him as their own but he has certainly deprived a village of its idiot somewhere . Stateless because he has the IQ of lint as he forgot to pay his brain bill. The wheel is spinning but the Hamster died or left for someone with a measurable IQ .

Luke Hemmming

Oh god I love your comebacks. You sir are a legend! ?


Money poorly spent then it would seem, as the guy is just a troll, and not a very good one. If you’re spending Uncle Sam’s currency (and we all know who pays Israel’s bills, you’d at least want to spend it on people who can actually influence people, not behave like a 12 year old.

David Parker

Which he stores in his nose.

Toronto Tonto

A lot more than you can comprehend fool.


Lol, more than he can comprehend? ????


Canada? They don’t even have an army worth mentioning.

Luke Hemmming

And that’s all you can say? Hmmm man of many words there with that reply.

Simon Bernstein

FALSE! those indian SU-30MK had an advantage because the F-15s were NOT able to use their AIM-120! had they used those long range missiles, the F-15 would have won at least 90% of the time. Get your facts straight russkie troll. And the most advanced electronic ECM are on the F-22, F-35, EA-18 Growler and AC-130. the russkies still use jammers from the 1970’s!

Ishyrion Av

Those jammers from 70′ are from the same family who managed to redirect all of the Tomahawk fired upon Syria. Take care next time maybe they will be redirected upon Tell Aviv.

David Parker

I would love to see everything Israel shoots at Syria, Iraq, and, eventually Iran being redirected to Tel Aviv – city of sexual degenerates – and to IAF and IN bases! The shock on their faces as they got their own medicine would also be priceless. They are so used to killing with impunity they would shit their pants if they had time before they were blasted to hell.

Ishyrion Av

Yes, this is something I’d like to watch too. After all, is like falling in the grave you dug for someone else.


HaHa you think US/Israel are the only ones with long range missiles on their fighters.

Luke Hemmming

Well mr bumstain those jammers from the 70’s you mentioned certainly worked well against the USS Cook back in 2014. Crippled an AEGIS equipped ship and convinced 27 officers to resign as they felt helpless and scared that the russians were capable of doing this to them leaving them like a sitting duck in the middle of nowhere with a big red target on it during duck hunting season.


Which jammers from the 70’s do the Russians use? Of course, just like in the West, many of their weapons and EW system programs have their roots in the 70’s or even earlier, but when we talk about modern EW systems fielded by them, SAP-14 and SAP-518 were fielded in the mid-2000’s, while L-175 (Khibiny) only started operating on Su-34 in 2014. Khibiny-U for the Su-30SM only started in 2015. So, exactly which jammers from the 1970’s are you talking about?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Get your fact straight:

1: AIM-120, no matter the variant, is NOT a long range missile, its a medium range missile.

2: Whenever the enemy gets a radarlock on you, you will get an audiable tone and your RWR will light up, and the longer away the enemy fires Fox 1´s or Fox 3´s, the more time you have to evaid it. A radarlock is nothing more than a very focused beam of radioenergy, like panelantennas on celltowers. As soon as the missile rocket burns out, it loses energy, and since a missile does not chase you, it intercepts you, every move you make, it have to overcompensate for; the further away, the bigger the compensation have to be = every movement eats away energy that can not get back, disadvantage of a rocketengine. Thats why BVR fights are often decided by whom can fires there missiles from the highest up and at the fastest speeds. Dogfights are the complete opposite.

3: The AC-130 is not, and never have been, used for EW, the “A” in the name should, even to you, indicate that it have nothing to do with that, the EC-130, now thats a EW plane, dedicated for that exact purpose. The AC-130 is very good at pounding enemys that cant shoots above the horizon line, ie. no AD.

4: Putting ECM in a F-35 kinda takes away its LO design, since the source of the countering energy will make it locateable, and take away that alledged LO capability, as when it carries external ordnance. Oh, you logic did not tell you that when putting “dumb” stuff externally on a LO frame, it takes away the LO capability?

5: Funny how 70´s jammer then is able to jam and take over “cutting edge best ´merica hightech super duper” designs. That tells more about the designs they countered than the jammers, or does it?

All the above is common knowledge for a person with more than wikipedia “knowledge”, so by saying what you just said, acknowledge that you actually dont know anything about the subject.

David Parker


Brian Michael Bo Pedersen


Ceasar Polar

I think you should watch the Khibiny jammer in action over USS donald Duck (coock)


Enjoy you kike. And fear the Russians.

Simon Bernstein

US could have used AEGIS to drop those russkie scarp metals at ANY MOMENT. They showed restraint! :D

Ceasar Polar

Are you stupid or you are trolling around ? USS donald Coock is AEGIS enabled. Your so loved AEGIS was blackholed and totally blinded when the Khirbny was activated. RIP ZioNazi-scums.

Simon Bernstein

It’s radars were never blinded. That is a lie. SU-24 does not use Khibiniy nor was it even equipped on the plane! See the video again, there is no electronic jamming pod installed on the wing tips! Jeez, I’d believe it if there was proof but there is no proof. Look here https://defensesystems.com/articles/2017/05/12/fakeew.aspx

Ceasar Polar

Despite US propaganda, Khibiny was well well in action against USS donald duck.

Here is a picture showing you the location of the jamming device on the SU-24, its location is NOT the same as the SU-35 place for the EW system, it comes under the wing and not at the edge of the wing like the SU-35. I have marked in Black for you to see where they are. I also added a picture of the fly-bys with the Khibiny system well visible UNDER THE WING.

Go away you filthy liar!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/343e3b76a18523c3b443ba9cf10a278721ef6bc6745de6b1c4521c03b83f95a5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ef66213b446f6f1726c91e73814965a4e93b250d569cbf872cc7738bdfbc184e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93eb425f18cfabf6d5d65c2ca6978926f0da710408f0a4217016c9718e35cb8e.jpg

Simon Bernstein

those are fuel tanks

Ceasar Polar

The slim tiny thing is the Khibiny, the large oval thing closer to the center is the fuel tanks. Leave already you zioNazi PRICK!

Ceasar Polar

Here is the screenshot of the fly by by thefuel tank is marked in green, the Khibiny is marked in black. Leave you filthy ZioNazi prick! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c7927fa1433b5391e18683047ab6befadba9f01eab2645538df7fbd31aca42b0.jpg

David Parker

What evidence is there that these SU-24s were doing anything but practicing intercepts? I have seen dozens of comments that the Donald Duck was jammed and that the crew was ready to jump ship at the next port, but no confirmation of anything except that really neat low-level airshow. The crew enjoyed that as much as I did, watch them wave. It is a beautiful fifty-year old aircraft (1967), capable of Mach 1.6, and still functional today against surface craft. I have no doubt they could have sunk the Donald Duck right there in their own back yard off their southern border.

Ceasar Polar

The video shows the SU-24 marking and simulating a bomb unload on USS donald duck. Which an amazing show for the world to watch. The crews were in panic mode, they went on the deck because the radars were blackholed. You can hear them say “monitoring and tracking”. Even a US General admitted that Russian jamming technologies are creating black holes for US radars and AEGIS.

Ceasar Polar

True. Needless to speak of the Khibiny Jammer that created a black hole over USS donald duck (sorry Coock). Here is a video of the marking of the 2 SU-24’s that were only equipped with the jammers and nothing else : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qJFnDfvUVGc

Or this one :


Russia makes weapons to kill, the US makes weapons to make money.

Jan Lavicka

Russia makes weapons to defend people, the US makes weapons to make money and mass murder.

Ceasar Polar

Weapons are supposed to kill, no shame about that. Sometime to defend people you need to “kill” bad people with guns. And Russia does it at a decent cost. ;)

David Parker

As the entire crew wishes they could let it all hang out in those Su-24s!

Toronto Tonto

Are these the same or similar wonderful units that keep fallin off ole smokei HA HA HA .

Ricky Miller

The SU-33 is the navalized version of the SU-30. The Admiral Kuztnetsov certainly showed her age during that deployment but I’ll bet she’ll be back, rebuilt and better than ever. At least she could make it to Syria and back. America’s new LCS ships and Zumwalt destroyers keep having to get towed back home. And the newest U.S. Carrier the Gerald R. Ford can’t move it’s planes around, has catapaults that refuse to work and is now clocking in at $13 billion, more than 3$billion over budget, and counting. The Russian Navy, having to live within budgetary means, has much to teach the U.S. Navy about returning value to taxpayers.

Toronto Tonto

Your fuked that was her only and longest trip HA HA HA HA HA HA , china built it they have two of them that are mint shape , Russia cant do fuk . lazy drunks .


Just accept it Tonto. Europe doesn’t give a shit about your beloved Ukraine. They just want to use it as buffer zone, and the Ukrainians as cannon fodder. It’s over, time to go back under mother Russia’s wing.

Ceasar Polar

Solomon Kupek, you are working without pay, last month you were fired. Why are you still lurking here for free ?

Ceasar Polar

And the “electromagnetic” elevator doesnt seem to work either on the USS Ford.

John Wallace

Your ass must be pretty jealous of all that shit that comes out of your mouth , I understand that as you suffer from microphallus and have a predilection for bescumber but really it is better you keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a total fucking idiot instead of proving it. I wonder if you can die from constipation. Only because you are so full of shit . I believe with a little effort you could go far and when you do please stay there.

Toronto Tonto

You sir rock the verbal diarrhea like a champ that works for the chef . EH

John Wallace

Pleased you are happy and pray tell me your mother never sat on another wet dream as another sibling would be too much to suffer. You should tell us all you know , it will only take a second. You never said if you lubed the dildo stuck up your arse so if we hear you squeak as you walk we can get the fuck out of there.

Luke Hemmming

Lol nicely said. I love the last sentence. Thou he says these things to get a reaction from people.

John Wallace

I know . He is just like a 12 yr old kid with his mindless dribble , in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he was 12 yrs old although I know 12 yr olds that offer much better insight and thoughtful comments. I would think a marathon wanking session would last more than 2 seconds providing he could find it suffering from microphallus as he does.


Wow! Well said!

John Wallace

Tonto at his day job . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cdb925654a495cc7ec5e6e20fe2f2925441ea9e0a42efb14e24e4d48826cec6a.jpg

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Strikes me that the 2 seat Su-30SM is the ideal command jet for the S-70 Okhotnik. https://www.graphicnews.com/en/pages/39179/MILITARY-Russian-S-70-stealth-drone

Ceasar Polar

Beautiful Killer Bird! Worth every penny of the $37M price tag. Comparing to over-priced F35’s that can’t even performed as promised. Plus 2 F35’s already crashed one in Japan, one in Florida. Turkey should be taking notes for their next order batch.

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