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MARCH 2025

Su-35S Multirole Fighter Aircraft (Infographics)

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Su-35S Multirole Fighter Aircraft (Infographics)

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The Su-35S is a single-seat, twin-engine, supermaneuverable aircraft, designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and built by the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Plant.


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Servet Köseoğlu

unit cost:83-85 million usd…Great wall hobby 1:48 su-35 87 usd.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/70e19102b49ae08ffea846a05c062e279b6bb65e3ef8df432f07f12d619287b4.jpg

Lone Ranger

According to Wikipedia… But actual price is around $50-60million per jet.

Антон С

“Wikipedia” is no the source at all. It’s better to search price of big contract. China bought 24 planes for 2,5 billion dollars. 100 million is the landmark for export price with spare parts, missiles and training pilots in the same contract. Cost for the MoD is 1,375 billion rubles in 2009. It’s 43 million in dollars for that year. 2016th – 50 planes for over 60 billion rubles. Almost the same price. But twice less in dollars, because dollar grew up twice in 2015th.

Zionism = EVIL

The latest SU-35S is without doubt the best 4.5 generation non “stealth” fighter/interceptor in the world and in capable hands it would prove the king of skies. It would be great to see it in skilled Iranian hands as that would be a game changer and cardiac event for the dumbass Americunt losers, unlike selling it to worthless cunts like Egyptians who could not fly a kite.



Iran can’t afford it.

Zionism = EVIL

Really? with second largest gas reserves and fourth largest oil reserves, and largest industrial base in the region ROFLMAO! and Egypt that is starving can “afford” it ?


Egypt is not under sanctions. Venezuela is the number one country with oil reserves. Reserves is not sales mate. Don’t get me wrong, Iran has a quiet strong economy, very self sufficient, and large internal market as well. But that economic power is in PPP, due to the sanctions the nominal power is low. And unfortunately for Iran purchase of weapons (or anything) for another country is based on the nominal value of the currency. For example Iran can but 10 bullets for 10$, while could potentially produce 100 bullets for the same 10$. Iran should rather invest to be able to produce those kind of jets in future.

Zionism = EVIL

I know what you were saying, but there is a lot of disinformation about Iran spread by the Americunt and Zionist arseholes. Iran has weathered the sanctions and also keep in mind that Russia and all nations view arms sales from a strategic national security perspective, and money is secondary. I believe that Russia understands the threats it faces and will sell Iran most weapons. Nations don’t send 20 generals to each others capitals to play chess, there are some serious military sales and strategic pacts in the works. Another problem has been that the Iranian theocracy ignored the airforce for a long time due to their own insecurity after the abortive Nojeh coup. Only now the mullahs are waking to nuclear and technical needs of Iranian armed forces.


Another point on current air force development is that while Iran is getting better in drone technology, would be better to invest there for future, than continue chasing big powers but never catching up. Yes, drone doesn’t perform the same role as piloted jet, yet. But the keyword is “yet”

Zionism = EVIL

As an engineer, I can tell you that Turkey and Iran have as good a industrial and technical base as any, but the problem is that until now they don’t cooperate due to archaic political thinking. The west developed a coordinated military doctrine to keep everyone weak until now but that era is gone and you see more Eurasian cooperation, especially in large nations like Turkey, Russia, Iran and even India.


They do but still lack in R&D, hence the innovation is lagging behind. Its not that the scientists are better in one continent than the other. The cooperation is on different level. For example a Finnish theoretical physicist discovers something, a Swedish one discovers its application. A British engineer makes a prototype. An American makes a product. All with the grants of their universities, sell the right a company and a product is produced with right of all those countries for uninterrupted supply. I don’t think any of the countries you mentioned can brag about similar level cooperation. So by sheer size all those countries are acting as one in terms of R&D (not always of course). And as an engineer you must know better than me how important R&D is.

Zionism = EVIL

You nailed it. Since the industrial revolution that has been the case, only now China is catching up in R&D and another issue is that English language has dominated science, medicine and technology and western block has benefited from educational exchanges and innovation. But now there is a serious Asian challenge and it will take some time, but the laggards will catch up as they become richer.

cechas vodobenikov

cooperation? US invents very little, although adept at stealing—30% of scientific contributions in the past century written in Russian….China no surpasses all in many respects….u overstate the “cooperation”….it is no accident that there are many Chinese and Korean students at Tomsk State Univ…. theoretical physics, engineering, computational chemistry—journals all publish in many languages…available to all the incentive in the USA is not to innovate but to stay in business, hence the huge military budget that enriches military corporations–lockheed, Northrup, mcdonnel Douglas etc…the f35 is one of many scandals that derive from this corruption



Servet Köseoğlu

eh we helped you at sm-1 case…

cechas vodobenikov

true iran produces high quality steel—they train first rate physicists, engineers they do enjoy a huge positive balance of trade with many nations. they trade in national currencies w China, Russia, North Korea. They use crypto currencies and banks in UAE (500,000 Persians) etc to circumvent sanctions—this could be true w Azerbaijan, Turkey (as reports state)…

Lone Ranger

Actually they can. Obama gave them back a $130billion from their frozen assets.


damn, really? I must have missed those news. do you have the link?

Lone Ranger



thanks, must have missed that

Zionism = EVIL

Iran’s non-oil exports near $11bn in five months: Report

Iranian FOREX reserves are $86 billion.

Lone Ranger

Technically it could be considered a 5th gen. The only thing it lacks is an AESA radar but it has more powerful PESA instead. It has EW capebilities, plasma stealth, super cruise, super maneuverability. Meanwhile the Flop-35 lacks supercruise, supermaneuverability and long range BVR missiles and its still considered a 5th gen jet…

Антон С

Su-35 is 4++ heavy fighter F-35 is 5– medium machine

And plasma stealth is just rumours.

Lone Ranger

Its a bit more than a rumor :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_stealth


F-35 is 5——- really

to the point that from announced “multi role” jet fighter has arrived to the point that jet is really not capable doing anything on its own but only as supplement aircraft to help F-22’s or F-15’s, F-18’s or drones to do their objectives, fulfill their tasks. That jet is SLOW FLYING COMPUTER and nothing else.

Icarus Tanović

It’s scifi.

Zionism = EVIL

ANTOH is right, it falls short of 5th gen, but is comparable in many respects.


Is this the one Chinese copied?

Lone Ranger

No that was the Su-27 and Su-33 the naval versiin of the Su-27. But they bought a bunch of Su-35s. Sofar they werent able to copy them.

Антон С

Even their 5th generation fighter uses our engines of 4th generation, because domestic engines has lower flight resource. You can’t copy sophisticated technology even having the full documentation.

Lone Ranger


Zionism = EVIL

They have not copied anything they co-produce it as J-11.


Lone Ranger

Best bang for the money.


Let’s buy some of those war machines. They’re simply great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zq3gkcubbc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC_eJrElLNk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vp0SMMXoZ8

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey in the long run would gain from synchronizing military doctrine and weapons with Iran and Russia. Even India is signing deals with Iran. NATO arseholes have no future and are being turned into an anti-Russia-China alliance of piss weak fuckwits.


It would be great indeed. Our navy and ground forces are relatively independent thanks to our defence industry but unfortunately the opposite is true for our airforces. Huge american dependence in that area. Cooperating with Iran, Russia and other Asian countries would be good for us both in the short and in the long term.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are untrustworthy arseholes, look how they fucked Pakistan in every war by denying it spares, even today the PAF can barely keep ten planes in the air at a time and had to buy the Chinese 3rd generation JF-17. Turkey is rich and smart enough to diversify. These cunts don’t like powerful Muslim states anyway and will backstab, the first chance they get.


You can not buy them without leaving NATO (sooner or later after that)

Join SCO where Russia, China and many central Asian Muslim (Turkic) countries are already members and also PAKISTAN is there member too! So you would be much more at home in ASIAN military alliance like SCO than in NATO where you ,have more countries opposed to Turkey than friendly countries

Servet Köseoğlu

bro ı told you..russian jets is not option now…(fantastic jets no question)..let me give you hint:ıf ı were you ı would focus on 98R6E ABAKAN…

Icarus Tanović

Stick to your f16 garbage.

Assad must stay

hopefully iran gets some


Send it to Russian speaking “libyan” pilots:))) They get downed in Mig29 too often.


The only reason the USAF were able to dominate Russian aircraft in the mid-80’s – 2000’s is because of the Russian spy Adolph Tolkachev https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Tolkachev#:~:text=Adolf%20Georgievich%20Tolkachev%20(Russian%3A%20%D0%90%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%84,CIA)%20between%201979%20and%201985.

Those happy days are long gone my friend.

And as for countries ‘stealing” technology … aside from paying spies to steal it that is … US stealth technology was developed from a Russian research paper.

That was a rejected technology … makes you wonder what technology they kept to themselves. Hypersonic missiles and working ABM may be a clue.


you missed the point. have you seen the latest video?


“have you seen the latest video?”

Taylor Swift? metallica? kittens chasing a laser pointer? What?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

For most of the interceptions of the Nato clowns in their spying machines the RuAF doesn’t realluy need anything more than MiG-21’s.

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