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Su-57 5th-Generation Stealth Multirole Fighter (Infographics)

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Su-57 5th-Generation Stealth Multirole Fighter (Infographics)

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The Su-57 is Russia’s stealth multirole fifth-generation fighter jet developed for the Russian Aerospace Forces. Its main tasks are air superiority and attack operations.

On December 27, reports appeared that Algeria will become the first country that will receive the export version of the Su-57 – the Su-57E. According to the report by MenaDeefense, the delivery contract was already signed. Under the supposed contract, Algeria will reportedly receive 14 Su-57E fighter jets, 14 Su-34 fighter-bombers, and Su-35 multi-role fighters. The contract is allegedly set to be implemented by 2025.


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Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

FAKE NEWS! The SU-57 is NOT a TRUE 5th generation fighter jet.

1 – it has a radar cross section of only 0.1-1 meters squared which is the same size of a tomahawk missile or F-18 Superhornet! To qualify as 5th gen, radar cross section must be less than 0.01 meters squared! F-22 and F-35 have an all aspect cross section of 0.0001 meters squared! That’s the size of an insect on radar!

2 – does not have supercruise WITHOUT afterburners! F-22 and F-35 can supercruise faster than the speed of sound without using afterburners!

3 – the SU-57 does not have stealthy engine designs! the engines are completely exposed!

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

An F-22 Raptor can detect a 1 meter squared target from 400km away! Using the famous radar equation, the F-22 could detect a SU-57 (0.1m) from 224km away! Radar Equation (400km*(0.1m/(1m))^(0.25))

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Assuming the SU-57 can also detect a 1 meter squared target from 400km away, it will only be able to detect an F-22 from 40km away! F-22 has a 200km headstart in detection over the SU-57! F-22 wins!

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

F-35 can detect a 1 meter squared target at 150km, weaker than an F-22 radar. This means an F-35 can detect a SU-57 at 84km away, while the SU-57 can only detect the F-35 from 40km away! F-35 has a 44km headstart! F-35 wins!


Try to write in 1 post!


f35 can see an asshole from 5 miles away….

Wayne Nicholson

Buddy …. head to head comparisons of weapons are only useful for fan boy pissing contests like this …. they are otherwise meaningless.

The F-22 won’t be facing the SU-57. They will be facing networked land based radars, ship borne radars, space based radar and ir surveillance. Their adversaries will likely be SAM’s and SU-30’s as they try to achieve air superiority with the SU-35’s and SU-57 role being platforms for BVR missiles aimed at tankers and AWACs. Surely you must understand the concept of a layered defence and I doubt assets like the SU-57 will be in the most advanced defence belt.

The first thing the Russians are going to do is once they get intel that US planes are launching in mass is launch missiles at the NATO airbases. US engineers and sappers are going to be the critical link …. the question is going to be whether NATO aircraft can land anywhere to refuel and rearm not whether the F-22 can see and SU-57 at 150 km or 400 km


Those RCS numbers for F-22 and F-35 isn’t true, it’s more like a salesman hyping there product. In real conditions the RCS of those planes are much higher.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Not true, Lockheed engineers and actual aircraft physicists have confirmed these RCS numbers! It’s true! No wonder the Iraqi’s in 1991 and 2003 could not shoot down a single F-22, B-2 bomber, or F-117! The B-2 and F-117 flew thousands of missions against the Serbs, and only 1 got shot down! Serbians got lucky. No wonder the Libyans in 2011 were not able to shoot down a single stealth fighter or bomber either!


The numbers they use is the best they measured in lab conditions from best angle possible, it’s the lowest they could measure and not overall RCS. It’s not an reflection of real conditions. With other frequencies and angle it’s not even close to that numbers. Have you studied the Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD)? You do realize that one of the reasons why US stealth planes claims an RCS under 0.1 is because the Russians use 0.1 as the low number for the specifications of there radars and by claiming a lower number they sell it like it can’t be seen. To found defense projects in the US you need salesman tactics.


Stop writing this trash, Larry. You seem to be incapable of understanding that if an engineer working for Lockheed, Grumman or the US DOD published accurate RCS data in the open he would not get fired – he would go to jail! The numbers you quote come from journalists and enthusiasts who take statements from various public relations departments such as “RCS as small as a ball bearing” and they determine an equivalent RCS number as a best guess in the obvious absence of published secret data. Repeating your claim over and over still does not make those RCS numbers any more accurate. And this does not even take into account that RCS is highly variable as a function of frequency, aspect and various other factors.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

need I remind you that in 2011, Libya had the largest most sophisticated air defense network in all of Africa. They could NOT shoot down a single F-22, F-35, B-2 bomber or regular plane for that matter


Maybe because there was no F-22 or F-35 deployed to Libya in 2011.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Except the B-2 bomber was, and never got shot down by Libyans! In fact the B-2 destroyed dozens of Libyan Air Defense pieces! Now go back to being an antisemitic little viking! all you Scandinavians sided with the Nazis anyway in WW2, it’s because you’re all german at heart and german genetically. The SS had dozens of swedish/danish/norwegian divisions. And guess what? They were all defeated by the US/British in France in 1944! Then they were imprisoned by the allies and sent back to Scandinavia! Mazel Tov

Gary Sellars

Hahahah… he’s an “antisemite” because he debunks your nonsense propaganda, even when he doesn’t invoke any racial slurs?

How very Jewish of you, crying out in pain as you strike another.

Begone filthy termite. I look forward to the day when your disgusting race (actually a collection of different races under a common fake history and racist ideology) no longer draws breath.


BS. In 2011, Egypt had a much more sophisticated air defense network than Libya. Furthermore, although Libya’s was large and extensive, it was by no means modern. They relied almost completely on SA-2, SA-3 and SA-5 for their fixed systems, with mostly SA-6 and SA-8 mobile systems (and the last two may not even be relevant, considering their ability to target an aircraft flying at B-2 operational altitudes is questionable – depending on exact missile version fielded). The rest were all short range shoulder launched stuff. The Libyans didn’t operate any of the modern post-Soviet Russian systems, so the B-2 experience in Libya is no more relevant than the F-117 experience over Iraq in 1991. Only you could know why you mentioned the F-22 and F-35 in your post – probably in the hope that no one would notice the date.


don’t feed the troll, nothing good comes out of that

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

I’m just telling the truth. The Russkies can’t afford to build a real 5th gen stealth fighter. That’s why they built a half-ass, malfunctioning rusty bucket!


It’s genetically impossible for you to tell the truth.

your trolling is weak Mr. Wohl, russian plane is so bad that you have to make a thousands posts about per day…

Gary Sellars

Fuck but you are STUPID to the core. I guess that comes from a life of LYING and believing those lies.

1 – US RCS claims of 0.0001m2 are BOGUS. They are measurements in lab conditions from direct fwds on the aircrafts axis and at the precise frequency at which the RAM gives optimal results. Its not typical of all-aspect performance over a real-life radars operating spectrum.

2 – The izd-30 engine will give the Su-57 supercruise, and all initail serial models will be updated. BTW the F-35 is only capable of low supercruise and only for a short time due to overheating issues

3 – The engines are not exposed. Serial models encapsulate the engines within composite cowlings, and despite US agitprop, the compressor fans are not visible from frontal aspect, faked shopped photos notwithstanding.

Go and crawl back under your rock you filthy lying nation-eroding termite.


The Su-57 number that you keep quoting comes from a very old Sukhoi patent application. It is not a measured number or even a design target. This has been pointed out to you before.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Bogus! F-22 can spot the SU-57 from 224km away! Meanwhile the SU-57 can only spot the F-22 on radar from 40km away. Before the SU-57 pilot knows what’s happening, an AIM-120D will be speeding towards him!


Jacob, are you using the image of David Wohl for one of your accounts? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/41fdca2ea1b2b4376ee912533b57bab6eefdd7870ddf064645c505259e3a59da.jpg

Gary Sellars

Its OK, they regularly suck each others cock. Young whores often seek out sugar daddies.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

To all you Russkie trolls and antisemitic fanboys on here who LOVE the SU-57 fake stealth pile of junk! Take a look at the radar equation! It’s confirmed that an F-22 and F-35 can detect the rusty SU-57 at much farther ranges! AMERICA WINS! Sorry Russkies! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c03a58e0601b316eb59c6cb57d90f7235faceac27ed298ac744a41eb4ed255c7.jpg

Black Waters

I’m starting to see that you are not even jewish, are you a Raytheon PR guy right? It all make sense now.

Gary Sellars

Fuck but you single-handedly debunk the lie that Jews are smarter than goyim animal spirits in human form…. LOL!!!


Do you really think no one reading these comment sections knows anything about radar and they will all think “look, big equation, Larry must be smart”? If you did know anything about radar, you would have known why posting that equation literally reveals your lack of knowledge. In short, the exact transmitted power (Pt in your equation) and the antenna gain (G) of the Su-57 are not known. The wavelength (lambda) is known only approximately until enough Su-57s have been encountered in theater and I highly doubt those countries operating aircraft with the ability to measure it will ever publish their measurements, just like the Russians never publish their ELINT gained on the F-22 and F-35 in theatre. Pmin for the Su-57 radar will definitely never be published by the Russians and simply cannot be determined without detailed insight into their radar and signal processing. Radar cross section (sigma) is not that stupid number that you keep repeating here and that many people have explained to you is not a constant since it depends on aspect, frequency and many other factors. In short, you have an equation for which you literally do not have a single accurate variable to substitute in and some variables (like sigma) you don’t even have a good order of magnitude for. You know, it would have been much easier if you wrote “I am Larry Rabinowitz, I definitely do not have a PhD in anything aerospace related and I don’t know anything about radar”. You are making a fool of yourself by continuously posting on a topic that you yourself have revealed you do not understand. Changing your persona every few months also doesn’t fool anyone.


Bravo, a comment of very high quality! A pity I can upvote you only once.


42 MILLION !?! Ha ha ha that is less than half a price of “flying brick” F-35 ! Everybody will buy this jet after Algeria ! First of all India and China, than Vietnam and Indonesia are also very interested. And after that the price of SU-57 will be so low that everybody who hates the NATO will buy at least few…to keep NATO animals far away from them. Even Syria will buy them to bomb Jerusalem and liberate Golan from terrorists!

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

sure, if they want a crappy rusty non-stealth 4th generation jet posing as a 5th gen “stealth fighter”, then go ahead. Buy it. Israel will destroy these SU-57 and make a fool out of them just as they did with the S-300, S-400, and Pantsir systems!


blah, blah, blah….

Gary Sellars

Lying to the goyim in the hope of gaining advantage? How very Talmudic….


Hey fuckwit! Most Israeli’s are from Russia and Ukraine! Soviet Union was run by Jews! SU-57 is likely a jewish plane! haha

that didnt really happen, what actually happened is that israel has been unable to do much in syria except launch long range glide bombs from really far away, and the jihadists in southern syria are just a bad memory now.

Daily Beatings

Cost benefit analysis. You can buy two or almost three Su-57s for the price of just one F-35. Add maintenance costs and the difference is staggering. Why pay a price premium of 290% when you can have 90-95% of the benefit for almost 1/3 the cost?


Not to mention that: SU-57 is air superiority a true multi role super maneuverable fighter F-35 is anti-superiority a true non multi role non maneuverable subsonic jet far inferior to SU-57 in just about anything that involves flying

Daily Beatings

This is correct, however in the areas where the F-35 is superior this advantage comes at ridiculously price point. Therefore the Su-57, like most Russian armaments, gives you excellent value for the money.

Aleks Chernyy

Its slow at mach 1.6, and extremely overpriced. but its not subsonic.


Practically it is. Since it can not fly super sonic ..not to damage their “stealth” skin that has tendency to get bubbles and is damaged by excessive heat due to the heat produced by super sonic speed !It is strongly advised to fly SUB-SONIC Inform yourself.


This miracle of Great Russia crashed in Khabarovsk region. Hm.

Gary Sellars

F-22 and F-35s have both crashed during development.

Nice try moron but stick to flipping burgers.


But … the *Su-57 is by 3 classes better. And already the 3rd crash from few peaces.


There has been one crash and one aircraft damaged on the ground following a fire. Which were the other 2 crashes that you are talking about?

Aleks Chernyy

Your comment is sort of stupid. So what? a plane crashed? it happens.

Wayne Nicholson

The point of test aircraft is to drive them to their limits and get the bugs out of them. If they do their job right they are bound to lose an aircraft or two. Better get the bugs out now than blow sunshine up the bosses ass and have a whole production run with flaws.

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/426467 inferior US trash is 1 more proof of an empire on the verge of collapse—expected in less than 10 years celebrate

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Going to be a bit like ordering a Ferrari, you can place your order but it could be a long time before you see your pride and joy upon your doorstep. Has Russia got the production capability and capacity to produce the new warplane for both the Russian state and external customer alike simultaneously? Is the export version (Su-57E) going to be assembled in another country?


there is no export version

Gary Sellars

Of course there is, and the Ruskies have been openly promoting Su-57E sales, including a static display at the recent MAKS-2019.

Stupid liars like you always hang themselves in public by making nonsense claims that are easily debunked. What a loser :-D


Putin personally told, the Su-57 will be not sold in abroad. I trust him.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

“On December 27, reports appeared that Algeria will become the first country that will receive the export version of the Su-57 – the Su-57E. According to the report by MenaDeefense, the delivery contract was already signed. Under the supposed contract, Algeria will reportedly receive 14 Su-57E fighter jets, 14 Su-34 fighter-bombers, and Su-35 multi-role fighters. The contract is allegedly set to be implemented by 2025.” Just quoting the article.


im not sure i can believe this! how did it become 42 million? So the SU-35 is more expensive? How? it has the same engines but this one is stealth! WTF?? Sorry im not believing this until i see some proof!

and for all u SF fags! i like Russia! dont get ur knickers in a knot! im just wondering WHY is became cheaper! it was supposed to be 70million! The SU-35 is 50+ million! How is it so?

Wayne Nicholson

“How is it so?”

The question is what costs exactly are being quoted.

With any quote the devil is in the detail. You can’t analyse any quote without knowing what’s included or excluded.

Is this simply the invoice for a single aircraft off the line sitting on the runway or does it include delivery, development costs, simulators and training, specialized maintenance equipment?

Perhaps the initial costs reported by Russia were based on al the development costs divided amongst the initial production run and now since more planes are produced the development costs are divided among more aircraft?

Perhaps the real costs were reported to inflate the actual costs to potential buyers? If you tell the world your aircraft costs $50M and you ask a buyer for $70 M then it looks like you’re gouging however if you report the cost of a $50M aircraft as $70M then sell it at $60M your client thiks they got a bargain and you just put $10M of gravy in your pocket.

Could also be a typo or poor reporting.

I really don’t know what’s happening here but I spent my career analyzing bids all of which were written to put their price in the best light possible in relation to the competition while making the most money.


u could be right! but it also seems u are biased and making excuses on behalf of SF!

i have never seen one time where a claim was made that the SU-57 was 40 million! Perhaps its the stronger US dollar?

i means seriously! its equivalent is the F-22 raptor which is 380 million per plane! its shocking enough to say the SU-57 is 70 million! even thats amazing!

suddenly its 40 million? almost half price? WTF is going on!

im not accepting your analogy because its based on assumption! Saying an aircraft is 70mil then 40 mil is not how this shit works!

To halve the price u need to make x6 the numbers at least! not double, not triple!

RT, Sputnik etc etc have all claimed roughly 70 million FACT! Thats fuckin cheap for an F-22 Equivalent! But now almost half the price?

i dont believe SF anymore! So full of shit!

Tell u what, convince me, find one article outside of SF that states a nation can buy a SU-57 for 40 mil!


jesus now wikipedia is saying 42 million!

HOW??? i swear it was 70 million! how can they make this thing so cheap? Stolen tech?


SOMEBODY EXPLAIN THIS TO ME PLEASE!! $42 mil for a SU-57 (program cost only 8 to 10 billion) $83 mil for a SU-35


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b09a9f078083a96ea447836f4118065959daabf6c3f60ea3f7dd0708f291bc4c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dda44ac96c322bc3d4f306e4f126fa4dae4db54e5eb658171d7dc41e2b34653d.png

Remember the SU-57 is the equivalent to the F-22 Raptor! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d94c51033fa94fc8b37b7439b4a434f803a4a79f8042becbdea756e135a45431.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b967a59c9dafe3635435a3b649b2872074698fce902192ed8b2de1071cd64e9.png

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