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Su-57 Fighter Jet Crashed During Factory Trials In Russia’s Far East. Pilot Survived

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Su-57 Fighter Jet Crashed During Factory Trials In Russia's Far East. Pilot Survived

ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich

A Su-57 5th-generation fighter jet crashed in a forest area in Russia’s Far Eastern Khabarovsk Krai (region) on December 24. The pilot ejected and received no injures. He was evacuated by a Mi-8 helicopter.

The incident happened near the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 111 km away from the base airfield, during manufacturer’s trials. According to the Eastern Military District’s press service, none of military units in the region have Su-57 fighter jets in service.

The incident is being investigated by a specially established comission. The human factor and a technical malfunction are among the main versions.

The estimated cost of a single serial Su-57 is approximately 2 billion rubles ($32 million). According to reports in Russian media, the crashed Su-57 may have been one of the 10 jets created to various flight tests.

Other sources claim that the crashed Su-57 may have been the first serial Su-57 produced for the Russian military. The first serial Su-57 that is intended to be delivered to the Russian Armed Forces by the end of 2019. If the delivery of the first serial Su-57 to the Russian Armed Forces is deplayed, this will become the confirmation of this version.

The Russian Aerospace Forces should receive a total of 76 Su-57 fighters by 2028.

In 2018 and 2019, Su-57 jets were tested in combat conditions in Syria:


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opet ja

I wonder how two engine jet can crash? Or it broke itself in mad maneuvers??!!


The latest prototype being tested after real combat trials in Syria use the new Saturn izdeliye 30 engine, currently in final stages of development, will be available after 2020.It is more than likely that is a engine debugging problems as the pilot had enough time after flame out to safely eject and was quickly picked by SAR helos. Accidents do happen on all prototypes.


That SU-57 is also prototype used only for testing engines.That early prototype didn’t have all bells and whistles regular model has and has only things necessary to fly and test engines



Russian weapons etc Rob lee is the best source

2 OPK sources tell TASS that the preliminary information indicates that the crash occurred due to a technical failure of the aircraft’s control system, likely an issue with its tail control. 12/

opet ja

That is logical. I mean rare situation is when both engines shut down. Problem with controls is more common and leads to destruction. Now there could have been problem with software or malfunction of some actuators.


But all that is written already in Sputnik and RT so why is he the “the best source”?!? What is so special about him? Because he uses Russian news outlets with Google translate (which is simple thing to do) or because he has some CIA insider in Russia, so he gets information firsthand maybe?


Two engined jets crash all the time. They’re high performance aircraft used in high performance high stress operations. After all, doesn’t matter how well you idiot proof something, the world is never short of idiots. And idiots are very creative at finding idiot things to do. And even the best and most capable of pilots will eventually run out of luck and make a mistake. They have to be on the game 100% of the time all the time. That’s just not possible. And Murphy has to be lucky only once.

The whole point of testing aircraft is to find potential flaws and fix them before they become operational. I guess the Russians found one the hard way. Sad, regrettable, but it happens. Too bad the MSM, which is clueless about military matters but LOVES to support wars, will probably spin this as a sign of how bad the SU-57 is.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Exactly my words! When planes fail or crash during testing, they are doing their job. The purpose of testing is to find the braking point.

In the mountainbike and motocross world there is a saying: “If you never crash, you never go hard enough”

Merry Christmas.


It is prototype jet used for testing only! And it just might be that both engines were “article 30” second stage prototype engines used for TESTING.


Accidents do happen in test flights, luckily the pilot is safe. The SU-57 is undergoing exhaustive real scenario combat trails in both Syria and the Far East and has generally been very successful. Could be an engine flame out that will be corrected.


I hope Russia can speed up the development. Other countries have started with 6th Generation development and the US has probably already in secret developed one. The F-22 is now 25 Years old….And Russia still cant finish yet a 5th Generation Fighter, Russia has fallen back in competition.

Ricky Miller

All programs suffer setbacks. A dozen F-22’s were damaged in a hurricane last year inside hangars because they couldn’t fly due to maintenance issues. Half a dozen $100 million airframes were write offs. This SU-57 was not a pre-production prototype. There would be no reason for a pre-pro to be flying from a factory base at this stage. This was the first serially produced plane and it crashed because of flight control surfaces malfunction in the tail assembly. This means, most likely, an error in serial production manufacture. The most likely cause: rushing to get this production line going and transferring two serially produced airframes to the Russian Aerospace Forces by the end of the year. Production will halt, the manufacturing process audited and de-bugged. The program will be delayed until about February-March and instead of 8-9 serially produced planes next year we’ll see a half dozen. A setback, but not unrecoverable. It’s a good thing that the SU-35 is a match for both the F-22 and F-35 regardless of what generation they’re all labeled. Ultimately it’s the Mig-31 long range interceptor which retains Russia’s bottom line security against stealth intruders. Until the Su-57 arrives in numbers surpassing 50 that will remain the case and maybe even then.

John Andris

Let’s not be dramatic. It’s a setback and a bit of PR damage certainly but not much else. My take- https://twitter.com/JohnAndris/status/1209406754230063106

Jimmy Jim

But the kikers won’t be happy with that.


Let’s behave like when a F-35 plane crashed, with restraint and moderation LOL

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen



F-35 is crushes of production “combat ready” model can’t be compared with this. This is “prototype” model of SU-57 used to TEST second stage engine for final production model of SU-57.

So NOTHING unusual that shit happens with prototypes. If you are ignorant on subject that does make you speak some sense when you talk to “experts” like yourself.

Karen Bartlett

Occupybacon is being sarcastic. And if he is on this site, supporting Russia, then he’s not an “Americunt”. You don’t have to hate all Americans just because the US gov’t is a terrorist organization. Do you control your gov’t? Neither do we.


He was laughing there. I cann’t see anything “sarcastic” in that, how can I?. Or maybe because I don’t understand you will explain it to me, huh? OK I am all ears to understand the sarcasm in comment (while laughing in the same time) I know that all Americans are not all evil. But it takes only to go on average site ( not to nationalist sites) like Yahoo news and find some subject on Russia (specially related to possible military conflict or weapons) to see to which point those people are full of arrogance and aggressive (and they are just average Joe type)


For what is worth I always respect when people defend their nation and their compatriots even when wrong.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Thank God the pilot survived, that’s all that matters, planes are always replaceable

Simon Bernstein

But the russkie economy is not replaceable. it’s literally smaller than CALIFORNIA’S ECONOMY. And this SU-57 plane will cost a lot of money. Russkies bankrupting themselves with a fake stealth plane that’s far outclassed by the American F-22 Raptor and Israeli F-35

Wayne Nicholson

“it’s literally smaller than CALIFORNIA’S ECONOMY.”

That’s a very astute observation considering California’s economy is the fifth largest in the world ….. comparable to Germany. Russia’s economy in PPP is just about that size.

The loss of a testbed aircraft worth $37 M USD is going to sink the Russian economy. You expect to lose a few aircraft during testing and Sukhoi don’t mark up their aircraft 2-300% like Lockheed do. They tend to have more concern for Russian taxpayers than US firms do.


If you missed it, Igor, you don’t build jets out of zucchinis. PPP GDP values stuff like zucchinis more than high tech like avionics. California is the fifth largest economic in the world based on real GDP. It is almost twice that of all Glorious Mother Russia. Damn, Texas and New York have greater real GDP’s than Russia. Russia’s real GDP is down there with that other past great empire, Spain. Yes, if Putz Putin keeps at it as if zucchinis are what counts, he and his failing RF will go the way of the Late Great Russian Soviet Union. However, I do like zucchinis.

Ricky Miller

Spoken like someone who has never been to Russia and can’t account for why Russia is building tremendous new housing around her major cities, new atomic power plants, new roads, rail and bridges at an astonishing pace. GDP is simply the value people are willing to pay for things and the U.S. market is sexy and ginned up. A bubble. Russia’s growth has challenges but is more stable..


Russia is an economic mouse compared to China and the US. Get real.

Ricky Miller

Only in the false reality limited to GDP comparisons. For example, to try and support Russia’s economy and using money from a legal settlement I got this year I’ve been planning a trip to Russia. I booked a two bedroom apartment in St. Petersburg next fall for eight days. It’s in a high rise called the Skandi Klubb apartments but is run as a hotel. Total costs for eight days? The Russian rouble equivalent of $365. That’s not for a night, it’s for the whole week. I was shocked. I checked it twice. The whole week. In NYC, a building like that with space like that would be $1500 for eight days. At least. Both buildings have floors and glass and steel. They both have pipes and running water and WiFi. The total GDP difference accumulated by all the guests for eight days would make the Russian building an economic mouse by your reasoning and yet that’s just accounting. On paper, using currency valuations. The rouble buys more in Russia than the dollar does in the USA, that’s purchasing power parity. The Russian economy is smaller than the U.S. but it’s not a mouse to anyone. The real ratio isn’t 22-2 by GDP but in fact something close to 17-6 in purchasing power parity. In real production, manufacturing and actually building physical objects Russia is out producing the United States today. The U.S. has moved much of it’s manufacturing overseas while Russia still produces much of what her population consumes.

Wayne Nicholson

Good Lord ….

GDP and PPP are just two different measures of an economy. The first being the total value of the goods produced the other how much one can purchase in an economy. The relater to the SIZE of an economy not whether zucchinis or avionics are produced.

As far as what I think is your argument …. it’s hard to tell exactly what your argument is ….. comparing what California produces with what Russia produces is in fact making the argument that Russia’s economy is technologically deeper than Californias. Russia is like a vertically integrated company that builds an entire product themselves while California is like a shell company that subs out 90% of what they build and marks up everyone elses work.

Going back to your zucchini / avionics argument Russia has been economically isolated from the west since 1917. They produce their own food, mine their own minerals, produce their own energy, make their own drugs, aircraft, nuclear submarines, machine tools, heavy equipment ….. they’re basically self sufficient whereas California and indeed the USA depend on imported metals, imported electronic components, imported machine tools.

Unlike the 1940’s the USA now depends on worldwide supply chains which is also why you need to spend so much on a navy because without one the US economy would grind to a halt.


I couldn’t sup it better myself, thanks for the thorough, efficient, wide-encompassing response Wayne. GDP has always been the stalwart, staple sexy PR economic indicator that successive western and even more so American governments and their useful idiots such as the couple goons above feel the obsessive need to relentlessly push ahead on the public space like candy and literally shove down struggling US-taxpayers’ throats, in order to enforce the lasting idea of a continued American dream and miracle they should believe and be proud of no matter the fall of their disposal income and purchasing power in general. They totally miss the raw and less-than-relevant nature of its applicable parameters, as you quite eloquently reminded.If we compare GDP and global economic size Vs true industrial output + homegrown, and independent national production chain from end-to-end together with the basic elements such as advanced machine-tools, we find exactly… nothing. No correlation or analytical value of any kind translates into the real balance of power, it’s beyond apple and oranges. California + Texas even cobbled somehow together cannot possibly hope to come with Russian let alone US global consumer demands, heck the entire country cannot do this anymore. And aside from all of the above, one can find that Saudi Arabia’s Forex + Military budget massively dwarf that of Iran’s and on paper, by such limited, monolithical, one-dimensional logic, their army and technological prowess should be in the leagues of the top-5 powers in the world. They don’t come even close, have less than 5% non-petroleum related output and economic returns, 75% of their armed forces high-end material are manned by foreign entities and namely US personnel, no national tech powerhouses in any field with proven ability to operate without foreign firms and/or individual and investor, whereas Iran by contrast basically produces every kind of high-end asset by itself within the Petrochemical scope, military scope (for now in smaller number and lower-grade than their western or Russian/Chinese counterpart but short of fighter-planes pretty much boast 750+ military factories around main cities, allowing them to do R&D and produces their own IADS network with proven success, ballistic and cruise missile arsenal with proven accuracy, a growing light to medium-sized submarine and surface ship force with CIWS , Anti-Ship and Anti-air defense and attack means again with proven ability such as the 2006 quasi-sinking of an Israeli corvette the INS Hanit, its own T-90 derivation of tanks, APCs, Small-arms, Helicopters with FLIR and Helmet-mounted sights and controls, you name it), their civilian nanotechnology sector is right after South-Korea, it builds it own supergiant tankers, dams, gas turbines for petrochemical plants (no more than 6 or 7 countries in the world have that ability that comes close to handling the tech for fighter engines), they own excavators for building an underground metro and train network, their own optical industry with world-class lenses, to name only few.


As usual, you don’t know what you are spouting about. To help educate you, GDP is the measure of the economy. There is real or nominal GDP which is most important in terms of a country’s power in relation to other countries. And then there is zucchini GDP otherwise known as PPP GDP. It is an estimate of the relative value of mostly domestic items like food. First, it is an estimate and not based on anything particularly real. And second, it indicates little about the relative strength of one country compared to another. However, if you like zucchini economics, you also have to compare not some arbitrary estimate of the value of an item but what percentage it represents of a typical person’s disposable income. On these real terms, even zucchini and often even potatoes are cheaper in the US than in Russia. Of course, more important things like high tech items like iPhones are cheaper in the US whether looked at by real GDP, zucchini GDP or affordability to the typical person.

There are a lot of “if’s” in the world. Without world trade which the US dominates, our economy would falter. But we have a highly developed domestic market. Our global military is the cop that tries to keep the global economy going, not just the US economy. (But then again, a very large part of the global economy is the US economy.) If the US kicked Russia out of the US dominated and controlled world financial, trade and currency institutions and markets, which Russia begged to be part of, Russia would go bankrupt in short order or the typical Russian would live like the typical North Korean.

Wayne Nicholson

Your delightfully quaint “understanding” of the subject may make you an intellectual around the cracker barrel in Butthole Arkansas or wherever the fuck you are from but this isn’t the USA ….. people in the rest of the world leave school with an education.

Ricky Miller

Moon of Alabama had an article yesterday that expertly deconstructed the Western myth about the size of Russia’s economy. Read it if you want to understand the bias in economic interpretation or not but the bottom line is that Russia’s economy is twice as large as it’s GDP suggests. It has to be adjusted for purchasing parity, which is why one can live comfortably on $900 a month in most of Russia and why Russia can build Atomic Icebreakers the size of WW2 battleships for $750 million dollars whereas the U.S. builds a 5,000 ton frigate for Saudi Arabia which costs $500 million. Russia’s economy, GDP and brick and mortar simply has less value on International markets but that doesn’t mean they have fewer bricks, food, new housing construction, etc.

Jimmy Jim

huh, what bout Kikerstan leech economy’s size eh? is that replaceable?

viktor ziv

nothing new from you. loosing interest in your posts.

Simon Bernstein

shutup, Russkie Troll whose probably over 300 pounds

Simon Bernstein

Happy to hear the pilot is ok. The Russkies need to cut their losses and abandon the crappy SU-57 program. First of all, it’s too expensive and will bankrupt the Russian economy. Second, it’s not even a TRUE STEALTH fighter, since it has only a frontal radar cross section of 1-0.1 meters squared (similar to the size of a tomahawk missile or F-18 Super-hornet on radar). And third, the SU-57 is no match for the F-35 or F-22. Oh, forgot to mention, NOBODY WANTS THE SU-57. INDIA REJECTED IT, CHINA REJECTED IT. EVEN THE MULLAH REGIME IN IRAN REJECTED IT. :D

Jimmy Jim

Kikers not REJECTING our tax dollars though!

Prince Teutonic

Now Russia will have to give big discount to Erdogun and Modi to sell it…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Just wonder whether the pilot was trying to perform the flat spin trick that the super jet can do in experienced hands?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXOsoXENrhQ T-50 Performing Flat Spin Maneouvers

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