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Sudan Military Claims It Thwarted Coup Attempt

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Sudan Military Claims It Thwarted Coup Attempt

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An attempted coup was thwarted in Sudan, spokesman for the country’s armed forces, Taher Abu Haga, said on a state television broadcast.

“It turned out to be a failure. The people must resist it,” al-Mayadeen was quoted as saying by a representative of the Republic’s Transitional Sovereign Council. He added that the tanks blocked the road to the Omdurman Bridge in Khartoum next to the parliament, now the situation is under control.

More than 40 officers have already been arrested, according to Al-Jazeera. The detentions continue, negotiations are underway with the rebels. According to the channel, the organizers of the coup are supporters of former President Omar al-Bashir.

“The army said it was still containing the area where the arms depot is and that some officers were still inside,” said Al Jazeera’s Hiba Morgan reporting from Khartoum.

“They are negotiating to hand over their weapons and come out,” she added.

“They [the army] say that interrogations with the officers they have already arrested will begin shortly but, again, we are waiting for that official statement from the Sovereignty Council and the military,” said Morgan.

A high-ranking local source said that intelligence helped to avoid negative consequences – the putschists were being followed for a long time.

In April 2019, a military coup took place in Sudan, triggered by massive popular protests that began in December 2018 against the backdrop of a deep economic crisis and declining living standards. Al-Bashir, who ruled for 30 years, ended up in prison.

At the end of August of the same year, the head of the transitional military council, Abdel Fattah al-Burkhan, took the oath as head of the Sovereign Council of the state, and Abdullah Hamdok became the new prime minister.

The army and civilian authorities agreed on a transitional period for large-scale political and economic reforms.

“The question is not why there has been an attempt for a coup, the question is what are these officers trying to achieve,” Waleed Madibo, founder and president of Sudan Policy Forum commented.

“The legislative body was supposed to be formulated three months after the revolution, now it has been three years and there aren’t any signals that the civilian component of the government is trying to formulate that body,” he added, speaking from Doha, Qatar.

“It seems that there is a total lack of leadership and a total lack of vision that can lead the country out of this quagmire,” said Madibo.


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NicholasSand Sand


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NicholasSand Sand

great job

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