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MARCH 2025

Suheil ‘The Tiger’ al-Hassan Receives Award Weapon From Russian Head of General Staff (Video)

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Suheil 'The Tiger' al-Hassan Receives Award Weapon From Russian Head of General Staff (Video)

A screenshot from the video

Brigadier General Suheil ‘The Tiger’ al-Hassan, Commander of the Syrian Arab Army Tiger Forces, has received an award weapon from Head of the Russian General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, at the Hmeymim air base.

The Tiger Forces commander has also received a grateful letter from Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu.

Al-Hassan commanded an air landing operation and the liberation of El-Kder and the nearby area earlier this week.

“For the successful offensive along the Euphrates river, for participation in the liberation of the strategically important settlement Sukhna, as well as for command of the landing and the liberation of El-Kder, the Russian Defense Minister, Army General Sergei Shoigu awards you for the courage,” the Russian Defense Ministry quoted Gerasimov in a statement.

On Friday, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies made large gains against ISIS terorirsts in the province of Homs and now are working to neutralize a large ISIS grouping in the area of Uqayrabat. This became possible due to the successful air landing operation in El-Kder and the  liberation of Sukhna.

More about the Tiger Forces:

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He deserves this honour and much more.


He deserved it, but he is a gay.


Actually he has wife and kids


Yeah I know

Rüdiger Preiss

So what if he was? If you are born with one leg, does that make you less of a person? To the contrary, if he was gay he most likely would experience a lot more hardship than most of us and the more deserves this award!


” If you are born with one leg, does that make you less of a person? ”

Surely a person born without a leg would spend their lives totally ‘legless’ ? :)


Of course he deserved this. Maybe, he deserves more than this because of his battle records. I don’t care if he is a gay. Important thing is, he’s kicking jihadists.


If he was I couldn’t care less. But Arab culture does not look kindly on gays, so they learn pretty quickly not to look like one.

I’d say he’s more of an Arab Patton, carefully cultivating an air of flamboyance and bravery in the field that inspires men to follow him wherever he goes. He proves that in Arab military culture its all about the commander. If you have a good commander the unit will be good, a bad commander and the unit will be shit, no matter how well armed or trained. NATO soldiers who trained and fought along Afghan forces also noticed this.

The SAA should be very careful with this guy, as he alone is worth a whole division of crack troops. Probably even more. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Assad is also worried about him as well. That cult of personality that works so well in wartime could be a threat to him once the war is over. In the old Iraqi army under Saddam, generals that were too good and successful during the war with Iran had a nasty habit of dying in ‘helicopter crashes’. And one of the first thing Stalin did after WWII was post successful commanders like Zhukov to backwater posts, far away from Moscow.

Ice Icegold

nice point of view!!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I consider him more of an Arthur Currie in adapting to the changing battle situations and continually re- adapting tactics to meet the enemies head on.


Who cares whether or not he is a gay. He is the most successful man in the war and we all do like him for that.

Manuel Flores Escobar

ISIS & sunni terrorist,Kurds,Turks and US coalition looks like GAYS next to “the TIGER”!






c’mon man, I saw some images that’s why I wrote. I support him btw. He is one of my favorites.


What images??

Wahid Algiers

If you like sticking in asshole shit don’ t blame others.


Didn’t want to make you angry. I like him as much as you do, but I saw some photos of him kissing with some weird looking males. That’s why I wrote that.

That Guy

Show the photos here.



I have seen some other images too but can’t find them now.

That Guy

Ewww!!! That’s disgusting. I’m no longer a fan of him anymore. I’ve looked for some more photos of him being gay, i can confirm that he is at least bisexual.


Yes, he is probably bisexual, but I still like him as long as he continues to kick jihadi donkeys.

Wahid Algiers

It is ok Sephy, sorry, I only was upset about your words. He is a very good soldier. That is what Syria needs now and in future.


It’s sad but true, however, I personally still like him as I know wherever he goes with his units, they are gonna rapidly gain ground.

Samuel Boas



I guess it’s true because I saw some weird photos of him

Ivan Kumar

heroes of our time


Well deserved , victor of enemies of your country !


He is the Syrian version of the German Rommel.

Solomon Krupacek

rommel lost his war


I am referring to his military ability.

Solomon Krupacek

but if lost … also battles … sure, he was great. but i hope, this syrian guy will be more successfully.


Rommel was dependent on Hitler to give him resources for a successful campaign to close the Suez. Hitler wasted German armed resources in the eastern front. The Russian command in Syria is not as myopic or removed from reality as Hitler was. The Russians are doing the same thing to ISiS as they did to the Germans, bleed them slowly to death.


Rommel was sent to Libya to prop up Hitler’s Italian allies, while he would concentrate everything but the kitchen sink on the front that really mattered, Russia. Rommel however was too good, sensed that the British were weak and counterattacked. Too successful, because at no point whatsoever did Egypt and the Middle East factor into Hitler’s plans and long term strategy.

Not to mention that Rommel’s forces were at the long end of a very vulnerable supply channel, further supporting Rommel made little to no sense for Germany. The Royal Navy had utterly beaten the Italian navy, the Kriegsmarine was in no position to transition into the Med and support the Italians. It would mean having to defeat the Royal Navy, then take fortress Malta, before increasing support to Rommel was even possible. It would mean having to divert resources for the one front that by now really mattered, the Russian front. And that’s excluding the fact that as Rommel advanced and his supply lines and problems increased, those of the British shortened.

All things considered and that Hitler kept sending him further troops and supplies and dispatched Luftwaffe units to Italy to attack Malta and Royal Navy shipping in the Med I’d say that Hitler did give Rommel way, way more resources then he actually deserved, for what was originally just a defensive mission. And a testimony to how much Hitler valued Rommel for his victories, and the PR it gave to the 3rd Reich.

If anything I’d say that Rommel has gotten way more press and importance in the West, because for a long time he was the most important foe of the British. But compared to the carnage of the Eastern Front Rommel’s puny Afrika Korps was a tiny unimportant side show. It’s Western preoccupation with Rommel that has turned the North African campaign into something way more important, which it wasn’t.

Solomon Krupacek

thanks for long and good answer.


Solomon, are you OK? You’ve become very pleasant, and personable of late.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many forget the Afrika corps were made of 50% locals and older mechanized light tanks, Rommel created the Defenses against which the allies had to take a great costs on D-day.


Before Hitler attacked Russia, he attacked England, the battle of England being a air war that Germany gave up a little too quickly. Invasion of Greece and Crete island placed Germany in good proximity to N. Africa; Germany was in an all out U boat campaign against England in the Atlantic, I am sure some submarines could have been diverted to the Mediterranean Sea to protect convoys against British surface ships. As far as the air cover against British air assets, I am sure if Hitler would have considered defeating the British in the Mediterranean Sea, he could have deployed enough Luftwaffe assets to atchieve air superiority over the Mediterranean. Events on the Eastern front started well in 1942 with German advances on multiple axis, one primarily to invade Caucasus mountains and cut the oil supply flowing north supporting the soviet war effort. A promising campaign which involved mobility and flexible defense lines turned into a nightmare due to a fixation of a city named after the soviet leader. In my estimates, if Hitler pursued a more balanced approach to defeat England wherever opportunities allowed, instead of only the Atlantic Ocean, he could have given Rommel the resources he needed to develop the North African front into a major axis of defeating England in Egypt and closing off the Suez Canal. Instead of channeling all available resources on the eastern front, on view of events in late 1941 early 1942, Hitler’s could have been more pragmatic about the Russian front and allowed his generals to fight with the same or less resources and stay viable in Russia. Instead of engaging in large scale battles, he could have allowed his generals fight a war of maneuver since the Russian steppes provided that opportunity, until Germany’s war production peaked and new equipment and divisions were deployed in the west or east. Germany having adequate air cover in the west could have protected its industrial base and possibly prevented the Normandy landing.


Hitler attacked the UK because he wanted to force it to the negotiation table. There was nothing he could actually do because there was not a snowball’s chance in hell that he could pull of a UK invasion. Even if by some fluke the Luftwaffe could force the RAF to withdraw from southern England, then what? He could still not invade as he had no real means to transport his forces and the Royal Navy could still sail forth from Scapa Flow and utterly assrape his collection of boats and barges that had been assembled. Meanwhile the RAF would recover and regroup up north outside of Luftwaffe range. All the Luftwaffe could do was terrorbomb British cities. But the British and Americans did that to Germany for years without much success either, and unlike the Luftwaffe, which was a tactical airforce, they actually had strategic bombers.

As for submarines in the Med, the Germans did not have enough to wage their current campaign in the Atlantic, certainly not to really cripple British shipping. Also at this point in the time the British had cracked the German enigma and pretty much knew where most Uboats were deployed. And the British had thoroughly sealed off the Gibraltar Straits, making any Uboat passage very risky.

Thing is, Hitler could not defeat the British militarily and he knew it. It was impossible to invade the UK, the Royal Navy was too big for the Kriegsmarine to defeat, and the investment needed in additional Uboats was just great. The British were already getting support from the Americans through lend-lease and the US declaring half the Atlantic as off limits to German Uboats, with the USN actually hunting for them in the Western Atlantic. Besides, defeating the UK was never his objective. He wanted peace and security in the West, but only as a means to his real goal, destroying the USSR. The Mediterean never factured into those plans. And if it did it would probably have brought him into conflict with Mussolini, who considered it his domain. He was perfectly happy to let Mussolini do so, if only the Italian army did not got its asses handed to them by the Greeks and British. Which forced him to move into the Balkans and Libya.

Could he have beaten the British by funneling all available resources into North Africa and let his generals hold on the Russian front? We will never know. But while Hitler has gotten a lot of bad press about his micromanaging his generals, we should keep in mind that history is never written by those who killed themselves in their bunkers, but by those who write their memoirs. And Hitler proved a convenient scapegoat for German generals to blame their failures on. It was German generals who objected to the militarization of the Rhineland, the annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland, and who were weary of Blitzkrieg and wanted to wage conservative wars in Poland and France. If it weren’t for Hitler picking Von Mansteins plan to invade France through the Ardennes German generals would have gone for a repeat of the WWI Schlieffen plan. And the one thing German generals were totally blind in and Hitler wasn’t was that Germany needed resources to continue the war. It needed oil fields to keep the panzers running. It needed the Russian oil fields. Holding the line on the Eastern Front and driving the British behind the Suez canal would not net Germany those much needed resources, but it would cost much resources.

And that’s excluding the fact that the Red Army had managed to survive the cataclysm of Barbarossa and was regrouping and launching counter attacks. For now the Wehrmacht was still the superior force, but who knew how that situation could change within a year? They were now in a war of attrition which Germany already lost once in WWI. Even the German advance towards Stalingrad and the Caucasus saw a different Red Army from 1941, withdrawing in good order, not letting itself be encircled. In that sense its willingness to hold Stalingrad against all cost offered the Germans a chance to inflict a crushing defeat that so far seemed absent.

No, once Germany had committed itself to the Russian campaign it had to concentrate everything it had and could to knock out the Russians ASAP and not waste time and resources on the inconsequential British. Who could never hope to attack Germany on the continent. Not without the US. And even that would take years before an Anglo-US invasion could materialize. Even the Western Allies knew this. The Americans were frustrated to no end in 1942 as they realized upon entering the war that there was no way in hell they could successfully invade France, not until 1944 and they had actually managed to build up the necessary forces and shipping. And thus they allowed themselves to be sucked into the British North African and later Italian campaigns, which they never really were interested in.


Had Germany achieved air superiority over the channel and north of the channel, the English fleet would have been unable to contend with the submarine and air threat. Yes I believe the Germans could have used a myriad of means to move troops across the channel and invade England. England was not ready for war, the Land lease program helped to some degree, American involvement in protecting the convoys helped the life line to remain intact in spite of tremendous losses in sunk tonnage. Advances in ASW detection blunted the German superiority in submarine warfare and blunted their effectiveness.

As far as Hitler, he had good ideas and bad ideas, it is synonymous to any dictator drunk with success that thinks he is invincible. Lessons learned from the campaign in France should have told him to go for a quick strike and try to finish of the enemy. He did that in 1941 with Russia, however, winter caught up with his effort and stopped his advance. Troops not having proper winter equipment contributed to losses and misery, that should have been an indicator of what happened to Napoleon, the Russians refused to fight drawing Napoleon deeper into Russia; when a battle was fought at Borodino, the Russians ceded the battle field and withdrew further. Napoleon took Moscow, the Russians burnt the city down with scorched earth tactics.

Hitler and his generals should have been aware after 1941, their situation in Russia was not favorable, and acted cautiously. The Russians applied the same tactics during both invasions, using the vastness of their country as a weapon against the invaders. German front lines became awfully long as they advanced deeper into Russia and prone to easy and decisive counterattacks.

Germany did not need the Russian oil in Caucasus for its war effort, they were getting all their oil needs from Romania and they were developing the technology of producing synthetic oil from coal. Their foray in Caucus was to cut the oil supplies to the Russians.

The bottom line is, from my perspective, the German goal of conquering Russia should have been scaled back after 1941, they should have reduced the length of the front line and adopted a flexible strategy of defense/counterattack, inviting the Russians to attack first, and delivering decisive blows to cripple the Soviet war effort (the Caucus oilfields) Also, wherever opportunities presented, they should have attacked English positions in the Mediterranean. Knowing well that the entry of US in the war in Europe was inevitable, they should have conserved their forces throughout Europe and significantly increased the size of the Luftwaffe for the coming air war. German war production peaked in 1944 in spite of the massive allied aerial bombardment that destroyed their industrial base. Just imagine, if Luftwaffe was at full strength in mid 1943, able to protect the German industrial base and severely interdict the Normandy invasion, while developing a new generation of weapons.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Rommel was not defeated silly. That is the same as saying that the 30 Spartans lost their fight (which they did) But they had the bigger picture in play. Rommel knew very well that it is probably a multi-hundreds of years war in order to liberate the indigenous European tribal peoples from foreign racist colonialist bigots. He did his part, and future generations will do theirs in order to liberate their ancestral home lands.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Spartans numbered 300 Companions not including the Sciritai which were from 1500-2500 non Greeks, which were all excluded from Greek games which had prevented a Greek army from participation as was the wishes of the council.

Wahid Algiers

Suheil derserves this award. No question. Issam Zahredine deserves an award weapon too when he will be freed in Deir Ezzor City/airport.


Yes, a great award, maybe a Tiger’s Claw. And Zahreddine really has been the Shield of the East, Holding Deir Ezzor for so long! Great men.

Solomon Krupacek

he will be the next president of syria


Would have no issue with this :))


What, some of the greatest generals ever lived, was Castrates, whatever sexual orientation, we have this days, dont reflect the truth at all, period.

And an country whom dont take care of their best, will loose in the long run, experience is worth much, much more than just theory’s, they know the land by now, and I ges they will get better when the equipment is more practical and better.

Intelligence is vital, and thats where I think the Russians are their teachers on, you can be much more effective when the intelligence is more precise, up to real time, what lacks is the organizational structures and experience in handle real time intelligence and deploy it to where its needed in real time, and all that makes your army much more flexible and dont need to be large. Like in the beginning, the poor soldiers didnt know what attacked, friend or foe, and the attackers wasn’t entirely sure on what they attacked, that is common in war theaters, but is based upon poor leaders ship and poorer intelligence, coordination non existing and internal communication, where nobody knew where to send anything/anyone, to the present is an miracle. The Syrian army have grown.

May the lord continue to enlighten This young man and bless His path.


DJ Double D

Do we know what type of loses his troops are sustaining. We hear about his successes, but sure with them come manpower and equipment loses – I should say great loses. How great he is as a commander sure will depend on how big or small those loses are.


Ultimately what matters most is accomplishing your objectives and winning

Real Anti-Racist Action

Israel has allocated a special task force to create an ‘accident’ or assassination to look like another party to kill al-Hassan. In a future war in Which Israel intends to grab more Syrian land Israel does not want to be faced with AL-HASSAN leading forces against the Israel invaders. Israel also fears if Assad were to die that the people may elect al-Hassan as the next Syrian president.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They will have the Lebanese National Resistance Army helping them out since , Israel would make a land grab from Lebanon. Don’t expect the Lebanese army to do anything with Samir “The Butcher” Geagea running them.


Congratulations and keep stacking the kills of rats.

Ice Icegold



May be this award is the one he will cherish for the rest of his life. great job. Slava Syria and Russia.

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