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Suicide Drone Hit Central Israeli Settlement Causing Blackouts (Videos)

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Suicide Drone Hit Central Israeli Settlement Causing Blackouts (Videos)

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At least two suicide drones attacked the central Israeli settlement of Herzliya, which is located around five kilometers to the north of Tel Aviv city, late on October 11, hitting a building and causing blackouts.

In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that the drones were tracked from the moment they crossed the border from Lebanon and fighter jets managed to down one of them. It added that it was investigating why the second drone was not intercepted.

From its side, Israel Police said in a statement that it had received multiple reports of shrapnel landing in Herzliya and its outskirts.

“Police officers and police bomb disposal experts from the district are currently on-site, managing the debris from the interception and conducting thorough searches to mitigate any further risks to the public. At this time, no injuries have been reported, although there is some damage to a building,” the statement reads.

Videos posted to social media showed a drone flying over buildings in Herzliya and what appears to be a failed interceptor missile impacting the settlement.

Hebrew media reported that the drone attack sparked a fire and left parts of Herzliya without electricity. There were also claims of the Reading Power Plant, some four kilometers to the south of the settlement, being hit. However, this is yet to be confirmed.

While the IDF said that the suicide drones crossed the border from Lebanon, Hezbollah has not claimed responsibility for the attack.

Hundreds of suicide drones have been launched against Israel since the outbreak of the war in the Gaza Strip last October, with a few being launched from the Palestinian enclave. Hezbollah was behind most of the attacks, with many of the remaining ones claimed by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and Yemen’s Houthis.

Iran also launched dozens of suicide drones during a large-scale attack on Israel last April. In addition, Israel claimed more than once that it was targeted by suicide drones launched from Syria.


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when israel strike 2700 mw nuclear power plant in iran, there will be very massive blackout across the whole iran with some nice and litle purple glowing known as chernenkov’s radiation. greetings from chernobyl.

Tom the law

spoken like one of a fascist idiots in israel.


it is only logical conclussion. i’m a realist. iran has no air defenses. as we know the mentality of the tribe, they retaliate and for each jeeeew killed the kill 1000 ragheads every missile that iran sent on israel will be avenged with 1,000 bombs. they dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on gaza alone. nuclear power plant is quite high on the list of targets in iran. 50thousands ragheads will die within the first week.


and thank you sf for censhorship of my comments once again . losers.

Joseph Day

iran has air defences


talking like illtertte . let zionistr scum attack iran . dimona will wipe out all zionist thugs at once


if you beanie wearing little kike kunts do that, you should put your heads between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye…lol

that will be the end of you


and when iran whacks dimona and the joo stockpile of ceeegars, israhell will be glass. figure it out already idiot. iran is massive. khazar occuüpied palestine is a sliver in comparison. go back to your old ghetto already where ever it is while you still can. the smart ones are already gone like the proverbial sinking ship jumping rodents they are.


hehehe, is urs, schlz, stmer and mcron going to make another round of visits and give hugs, kisses and console netty and urge and support him to impose their world order with more vengeance and retaliation with their mighty western weapons.


you know, the days of sms language has been over for more than 10 years. you can write words and names in full letters now.

Last edited 12 hours ago by M.Paraplu

it must be an old pager user who hasn’t exploded like many others.


finally, it’s become clear that these strikes on military bases in israel, while costly to the us, are easily replaced. however ukraine’s has taken all the wests tranformers and power repairs equipment. israeli power comes largely from 3 large power plants. there is no reason the jews should have electricity while committing a genocide..


true. if people of iran, lebanon, iraq, yemen, palestine and in part hopefully also turkey agree and unite in fight against the jews in the middle east, then even if usa “intervenes” israel will be wiped out and usa will sink in quagmire like from 2003 to 2007 in iraq. us was done by that moment, but then iran (via ali al-sistani) made secret deal with the occupiers and allowed them to stay in iraq and to..

Last edited 12 hours ago by Gurki

..pump iraqi oil, smash iraqi constitution, install satanic rothchild central banking system in iraq etc. etc. in exchange for usa not attacking & bombing iran. a deal (with the devil!) that gave iran time, yes, but it was an evil betrayel of all the brave mujahedeen that had fought us invasion successfully for many years, and it was clear that usrael will attack iran anyway – only a little later then planned before.

Last edited 12 hours ago by Gurki

if these countries unite – even if just for a moment and resist the usraeli military assault as one block – then in the end they all will vastly benefit from that. because the usrael cancer will be eradicated and will no more be in a position to extort and forces its rules and prices upon the above mentoned muslim countries.

Last edited 11 hours ago by Gurki

but to achieve this they need to overcome the shia/sunni bias and hatred, and they need to purge and clean their own houses from traitors like for example current fake iranian president pesezkhian.

Last edited 11 hours ago by Gurki
arthur brogard

i cannot believe the arabs generally, if that’s an appropriate label, are any less intelligent than the israelis. i see many reasons for expecting the opposite: necessity, for instance, sharpens the wits and promotes imagination, innovation, entrepreneurship.

arthur brogard

and i cannot believe they are any less well versed in all the devious ways of warfare than the israelis with their phone bombing and such – not with a tradition every bit as long as israel’s of tribal/national conflict carefully recorded in loving detail as we dumb westerners witness in the record we’ve all seen: the old testament.

arthur brogard

i assume what is holding them back is icy cold careful deliberation and consultation between the tribes plus concern for the innocent: even israeli innocents.

but i fully expect in due time the combined arabians to completely excise the israelis from the middle east.

arthur brogard

this might mean jews. all jews. perhaps unfortunate if you are a ‘secular’ jew or a ‘pacifist’ jew or a ‘non zionist’ jew. perhaps unfortunate but i have little sympathy. if ‘jew’ meant genealogy alone then alright. sympathy.

arthur brogard

but no matter how you slice it, no matter what protestations, ‘jew’ means that religion, those motivations, those procedures, that overall ambition: apocalypse now, that inner thread of lunacy: we are the chosen people, and that constant pragmatic, practical evidence of ‘religious’ jew in effect, in practice: support for the synagogue, the community, the state all of which stand for all of that.

arthur brogard

their last line of ‘defence’ is to claim they cannot help it if they are designated ‘jews’, it is a matter or mere genealogy. mummy was a jews hence willy nilly… not my fault.

‘jew’ means judaism. simple as that. i don’t give a damn for your genealogy. to not be a jew you forswear that lunatic stone age cult religion and disconnect yourself from the cult.

arthur brogard

failing that you are a sectarian jew and legitimate target for this necessary ethnic cleansing which i suspect, feel sure, the arabs will impose. i cannot see how they can avoid it.

for the jews have sworn that they will do it to the arabs, in their lunacy and arrogance, they’ve sworn that.

what choice do the arabs have?


arabs have cowardice issues. we can all see. the question now is, will the real arabs please stand up. egyptian, jordanian regimes are looking very shaky

Last edited 11 hours ago by hasbarats

that’s an infantile statement about arabs.


when you decided to inhale gold spray paint vapors, you were headed down this path.


they should retaliate by booby trapping all the kippahs and menorahs.


tel aviv also known as hell aviv


iron doom making the desert booooooooooom. karma is wonderful to witness.


oy vey, moshe! we are done for! i’m getting out and going back home to khazaria! – wait a minute, shlomo, i’m coming with you!


it’s a start but they need to aim for telaviv on a continuous basis, notvevery now and then. it’s clear that drones and low flying objects can work without trigger the jews pride the iron dome. thus develop heavily loaded drones with lots of explosives, aim for markets filled with civilan jews and they will soon pull out their double pass ports and flee to better climes. the alternative would be 6 feet under!

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