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‘Suicide Drone’ Targets Militant Position In Southern Idlib

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Late on June 18, a militant position near the town of al-Bara in the southern Idlib countryside was targeted with a suicide drone, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The monitoring group claimed that the drone was launched by Iranian forces. However, there is no evidence to back this claim. Russian forces are also known for operating different types of suicide drones.

A few minutes after the drone strike, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) targeted militants’ positions in al-Bara and the nearby town of Fleifel with artillery.

‘Suicide Drone’ Targets Militant Position In Southern Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

These strikes were likely a response to the militants’ repeated violations of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib. The ceasefire was brokered by Russia and Turkey on March 5.

A number of recent reports claimed that the SAA and its allies are now preparing to launch a large-scale operation in Greater Idlib. Nevertheless, there is still no confirmation from pro-government sources. Any future operation will likely be carried out to implement the March 5 agreement.


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There haven’t been nearly enough airstrikes against Turkish-backed ISIS/al-Qaeda positions in Idlib or anywhere else. Russian and the Turks have given them plenty of time to rearm and regroup. Syria should start putting those Mig 29s to good use against Ziowahhabi rat lairs over there.

Liberal guy

One thing is for sure as usual it’s a lose and lose situation for the wahhabis anywhere

Jens Holm

And where are trhe winners ?? You al are loosers and behave like that.

Liberal guy

Did u take ur pills fool u and ur insane blah blah blah

Jens Holm

Where are the winners ?

As told before, You can be sponsered by Right Wings in Europe as long as You only killeach other. As long as You do that, they wont come here.

Who are the winners? O only see loosers with no honor and respect for eacgh other mainly learned by religions and nationalisme of the worst kind.

Liberal guy

Who is killing each other?

Jens Holm

Anybody in Middle East.

Some will say, they undetrstand it very well.

We again has a Syrian case here in a danish refugee center, where 2 brothers has hit a police. Thats not allowed here too.

Iys about the family has no treaydd a 15 year old female well. She probatly try to integrate. Rhats the ususual thing. Syrians defend their no honor and no respect well.

Thats where I see the base for killings.

Liberal guy

Not all are like that ok u live in Denmark nice country

Jens Holm

Half of Our criminals in the streets and jails are muslims even they only are a few % here. Its the same in the womens protection houses.

But its true its a few muslims doing that but Syria is very much over represented. Vomen are nothing in that culture and they dont understand thats different here eve they see it works very well.

Most crime by muslims are against muslims too. Are refugees not comming here looking desperat for some peace, education, work and a good life.

They try to copy in the muslim Sunni into here as they were home – and insist.

That part should live, where acting like that is normal.

I will say that we get other refugees and none NONE behave like those hard criminal groups from a few well knpown countries.

Liberal guy


Liberal guy

Syrian wahhabi control areas women are nothing

Jens Holm

Its the same almost all over Syria. We have many good examples telling thats not true even from the Syrian parlament.

Jens Holm

You still is a no learner and dont understand much.

Assads hasnt those troops at all.

Turks also have more then 200 F16 and a few other things against the Syrian Open Air Museum.


Liberal guy

They also have u granna

Jens Holm

We are not involved there apart from killing 80 Assad soldiers at Raqqa by Our F16. We was obligated to support USA in that but hasnt supported Turks as all.

We have supported Tureks should not support and help ISIS and ceratinly not be in Syria and Iraq.

We are in Iraq only and as teachers and for logistics.

Liberal guy

Am just talking about u not the Danish army by the way my pet name danish

Jens Holm

Most people like me and us.

Liberal guy

Don’t feel about old holms comments he is our friend but just lost his logic because of old age hahaha

Jens Holm

I see it as Russia has some kind of arrangement with Turks as well as Assads. If Assads do attack with those Migs it goes both ways.

Here Assads anytie are loosers unless Putin can neutralize both.

Liberal guy

Politics is even

Zionism = EVIL

This is the new Iranian hunting loitering drone and you will see more of these all over the place now. Iran is perfecting them and also increasing the loitering time and warhead. They are linked to the new satellites and provide live real time feed while tracking targets.

Liberal guy

The hts scums also have many drones all useless not a single one could damaged the Russian airbase and all were intercepted by the Russians there zio Yankee masters sure just playing with them

Zionism = EVIL

Well, the Zionist parasitic cunts have not too luck in Syria either as now almost all their Popeye and Delilah stand-off missiles are downed by AAA and Pantsir /Tor2 combination. The last Zionist cowardly strike on sleeping children proved very costly for them as Iran got hold of 5 Delilah intact and has created very effective countermeasures.

Jens Holm

Some might think Your chaotics is a great succes. Lira is no mpney anymore. Mayee You can Lebanose lira for it:)

Liberal guy

U fool just speaking non sense go to sleep hahahahaha

Jens Holm

Its like have friends like You. Its better to have enemies. 2/3 of all crime is comitted by family and affiliated too.

Liberal guy

Don’t lie u idiot

Jens Holm

Your chance to be raped, killed or knocked out is 2 of 3 at home.

Liberal guy

Ohhhh really I wish u were my bodyguard

Jens Holm

Ypu shouldnt trust bosyguards. They are affiliated.

Liberal guy

It’s bodyguards oldie and u were correcting my English of course I trust u am not talking about others

Jens Holm

Do Ypou think a buddy guard will do it:). Put a mirror in You sunglasses and watch Your behind and pockets.

Liberal guy


Liberal guy

Surely jolani and the fat Saudi coward both are nothing but zio whores

Jens Holm

I hope Your words show the limitations for Your language and not Your IQ. Alphonso

Liberal guy

Hi old bastard I thought u were dead it’s unglad that insane asshole like u is still alive

Liberal guy

Taking so much time to type granna

Jens Holm

Saudis took my arm.

Liberal guy

Ohhhh so sad don’t worry i will help

Jens Holm

It would save a lot of time, if You wrote less:)

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha u hv humor

Jens Holm

You certainly is and optimist:) It was 4 days of camping in a nice very green forrest. We will try fishing there this summer if we havnt forgotten to do such thing.

Optimism is to bring pots and pans for the catch too.

Liberal guy

Go to camping more

Jens Holm

I and we will. It depens on the weather and the garden. Right now its a lot of strawbarry fir the freeser nad enogh will make some good marmelade.

Thats why it was only 4 days.

Liberal guy

What about there formar so called caliph Abu bakar scum is he was dead in Russian airstrike in 2017 or something else surely I don’t believe that the Yankee scums killed him in 2019 like the drama they killed bin laden in 2011 in Pakistan.

Jens Holm

Is that the one tested in Teheran for spotted naked women? Men?

Liberal guy

Ur old ass is just like ur brain

Jens Holm

Thats right. I also use an unifying Loghitech mouse.

Liberal guy



Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), again why are they even bothered with in southfront, that group of London based jokers have nobody in the ground to fact check anything.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, two cunts on Mi-6 payroll spewing bullshit from a London low rent slum for their Zionist masters.

Jens Holm

Ha ha – And who pays Yours??

Liberal guy

Granna why u are here go to sleep u fool

Jens Holm

I work too, so I have to do things at home before that. Its normal here to have a work. 80% of the memn andwomen do work for money. Syrians and Iranians has unimployments of 50% among men.

Thats why so many are spendables and mercenairis.

Liberal guy

Ohhh 50 % hahahaha

viktor ziv

50%, but those are children, they are not suppose to work.


They are not even based in London but in Coventry, maybe in the back room of some kebab shop

Liberal guy

And uttering nonsense from there. I heard the bastards also works from dungeons

Jens Holm

It doesnt matter.

Liberal guy

Yes u r right because nonsense is nonsense what sohr scums says

Jens Holm

That too. SOHR mainly is not non sense at all.

Liberal guy

And why so

Jens Holm

Most things seemes to be verífied even they are not all over Syria.


Imbecile stop spamming.

Zionism = EVIL

The rent in Coventry is even cheaper. BTW as I had said the poor Indians lost 63 dead and China has released the last 10 captured. I have some photos but they are too gruesome of the poor Indians.

China frees 10 Indian army soldiers following Monday’s deadly clash between the two sides, Indian media reports say. China has released 10 Indian army soldiers, including at least two senior officers, it seized in a high-altitude border clash in the Himalayas which left at least 40 Indian soldiers dead, media reports said.

Liberal guy

Our old friend Holm does not belive anything we say

Zionism = EVIL

He is insane and just wants attention. Most people ignore his spam and it does not make any sense.

Jens Holm

I dont blame You for having learned fx Your history in school as You have. But for all of You its highly biased creations of the worst kind, which certainl need corrections back to what has happend during time and registrated by others almost day by day.

Turks dont know the history of Turkey and even the Osmanns as they are are were at all. By that its very hard to understand that there was great powers before them and Osmans wasnt up to Vieanna and almost kept.

They dont learn how Omanns kept their Empire and it wasnt only the Tirkish upperclass, which was deciders, but also many other well educated people.

So I tell and do blame the ones, whcih deny well wrotten facts.

Its exact the same for Assads, Shaes, Kings and like that.

I again see Kurds climbing down from a tree in Zagross mountains spreading out. I read Turks are Mongols from China – if so how many 1000 years ago was that.

Assyrians were bigtoo an for many 100 years, but were they Assyrians. No they was not. The Assyrians was the dominating ones but affiliated with many others.

So I need the facts and people understand, that most of us has been very mobile during time.

12.000 years ago there was no danes. All was ice. So where was we. We also can see people today livig north of us ,mostlikely lived, where we grow corn and have cows and sheep.

Thats what I vlame You living in the old days and even fight about things, which never existed made by Nationalisme. I can understand old days, but today You can get everything in ltters and pictures for free by internet. Well Yopu do pay for internet, but it cost nothing compared to books.

Liberal guy

So actual kia is much higher

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, if you are in India, you will soon see the released soldiers. It is quite sad actually, the Zionist arselicking cunt Modi should not have pushed the Chinese. They have handled it quite well in terms of deescalation. I am surprised that most of the dead Indians are from the south like Kerala and Tamil Nadu etc. They are unsuited for this type of high altitude warfare, Gurkhas are more suited. Perhaps, the northerners from UP, Punjab, Maharashtra etc don’t join the military anymore. Hardly any Sikhs.

Jens Holm

DE- escalation. The Chinese has taken 1/3 of Kashmir:(

Liberal guy

So in reality its 63

Jens Holm

Locations says nothing nowerdays.

Its about its a realiable source and the background for it is not Coventry but a a well known polyical refugee of Syria.

By that he has connections and a network.

It doesnt matter if he is a Hawai Girls eaten ananas every day in Honolulu.

I have same sources as You. So its about using them.

Jens Holm

They have better acces to data then You have. Using “London” makes no sense. You are in the old days or worse.

Compared to most others the SOHR is a most reliable source.

Liberal guy

Its just as reliable just as ur own insane brain

Jens Holm

I have followed several spurces for years. I know who You can trust some, a lot and never. But all are looked at as mabee fake.

Liberal guy

Sohr is not fake those bastards reports very less kia which in reality is much higher


I see a Kub-bla

Jens Holm

Half of Anatolia and the Bagdad Khalifat ended in 1258.


“A number of recent reports claimed that the SAA….” which reports? does any one have at least one for this poor man?

Jens Holm

If You read the first part its written as ” no evidence…”. So rapports also are love scale tellings, whcih might be true or not.

If true its the first sign for an attack we do see. If not its fake.

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