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MARCH 2025

Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night

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Last night, at least 20 rockets were launched from southern Syria at positions of the Israeli military in the Golan Heights. The rocket was reportedly aimed at the following Israeli targets:

  1. A HQ of the border brigade 9900
  2. A HQ of the border brigade 810
  3. A technical and electronic survey facility
  4. A HQ of the EW jamming facility
  5. A communication and transmission facility
  6. A helicopters airfield
  7. An outpost at Hermon Mount
  8. Alpinist unit HQ

The Israeli side accused Iran of conducting this attack, which some experts viewed as Teheran’s response to the recent Israeli strikes on the T4 airbase in Syria where some Iranian servicemen were killed.

Some pro-Russian Telegram channels spread a following pic as an example of the damage caused by the rocket shelling. It is fake.

Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night

For example:

Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night

In response, the Israeli military shelled positions of the Syrian Arab Army and the National Defense Forces near Hadar and Khan Arnabah in the southern Syrian governorate of al-Quneitra.

Later Israel carried out strikes on 35 targets across Syria, including areas in the southern part of the country, the Damascus countryside and the province of Homs.

An Israeli map showing the alleged locations of the strikes on Syria:

According to the Syrian state-run news agency SANA, the Syrian Air Defense Forces intercepted tens of the Israeli missiles “preventing most of them from reaching their targets”. However, a part of the missiles hit “a number of air defense battalions, radars, and an ammo depot”.

The Lebanese military said that 4 Israeli warplanes had violated Lebanese airspace at the same time when Israel was carrying out strikes on Syria.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman claimed that nearly all Iranian infrastructure in Syria had been destroyed.

“We will not allow Iran to turn Syria into a frontline base for activity against Israel. This is our clear policy, and we follow it,” he said. “If we have [missiles] rain, they will have a flood,” he sid. “The Iranians attempted to attack Israeli territory, but not a single missile hit Israel. Some fell in Syria, and some were shot down by the Iron Dome. We have hit almost all the Iranian infrastructure in Syria.”

The US publicly supported the Israeli actions.

“This just further shows that the Iranian regime cannot be trusted. Israel absolutely has a sovereign right to defend itself and we support them in whatever efforts they have in order to defend themselves,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News. “Again, I think this activity and this action is just further demonstration that the Iranian regime cannot be trusted and another good reminder that the president made the right decision to get out of the Iran deal.”

The current escalation took place following the May 8 announcement by President Donald Trump that the US is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

Syrian troops and parts of the intercepted missile:

Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night

Videos and photos of the missile strikes and interceptions:

Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night Summing Up Facts And Versions: Israel-Syria(Iran) Escalation Last Night

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Pathetic can launch only 20 rockets… even Hamas can do better.

John Chartrand

Israel claiming that Iran only fired 20 rockets is proof that this was a false flag. The Iranians are not ignorant. They know if they fire on Israel that it would cause a backlash so they would have done much more and made it worth their while. Also, Iran would not use Syrian territory without Syrian permission because the Syrians are not ignorant either and they know that if Iran fires from their territory that Israel would hold them responsible and would strike their positions also.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I agree. I was expecting Jews to be leaping into dumpsters for protection. And instead all I got was more Zionist victories destroying Goyims. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DXSaImrWAAI4Kwv.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DXSaImmX4AA42N4.jpg


Those 20 rockets did a good amount of damage, but of course Israel is going to deny it. They even ban their journalists from publishing any pictures or information about damage or casualties on the Israeli side.


Decent moderate reporting, but quite frankly if failed, like, 5 out of a 10. Maybe, here, you yried too covrr too much, at the expense of failing to buttress the many areas reported on.

Angelo Cinarelli

Where are the S300 promised by Russia? You can stop Israel only if you talk same “language”, you have to shot down any military jet entering in Syria. Israel is a venom snake worst that Cobra. I hope one day it will burn to the Hell.


Israeli jets did not fly into Syria. They did fly over Lebanon. Look at a map as to where Russian S400 are to protect their air and naval bases.


Real Anti-Racist Action

Putin and Benjamin was doing a photo op 2 hours earlier. Putin was told what Israel was going to do, and Putin had no objections. This photo was taken the same day as Israels mass assault upon the Syrian people. http://sheldonkirshner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Benjamon-Netanyahu-and-Vladimir-Putin-in-Moscow-e1518364279163.jpeg


Not defending Putin but how would he be told what they were going to do as the attack was initiated from the Iranian/Syrian side and Israel then responded.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Because Israel started their new era bombings against Syria on September 6, 2007 and has continued bombing them ever since. The SAA rockets into Israel was a response, a ‘reaction’ to Israelis original ‘action’ Cause and Affect.


Cause: IsraHelli Bombs on Kids playing on a beach:


Effect: 4 Dead Kids aged between 9 & 11


Hello Nexusfast. This is not some tit for tat thing, it has had wheels since the Israeli attack on T4. It didn’t start yesterday. I wish well to you.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Putin is just another shekelstein. Ru$$ians are bunch of zioslave pu$$ies.


There is Baron Von GoatBanger again, how are you Fuckface? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b9da795ac4a95f41f43536a3463ed8d95734a3489173f7d8959a38213d1f8652.jpg

Baron Von MuleBanger

Didn’t you block me paid troll?


I unblocked you Again because I have Declared War on you Khazarian Hasbara Bitches…my list is still growing Cunt…

Baron Von MuleBanger

Declared war on me? lol You are a paid troll and you get paid in shekels. Spineless cunt.


I get Paid in Gold Fuckface….$hekels suck https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e5cf1b93092708fc0158ea3b9381aa8ebba0b0358a93fb63d9e0f39d7bbed577.jpg This is the Work of your Khazarian Masters Bitch Made possible with American Taxpayers Dollar$$$

Baron Von MuleBanger

So how does it feel like to be a jewish shill?


he is a pathetic guy from the Netherlands with nothing better in his life then posting crap here

mules donkies horses :)

he declared war on you lmao hahahahhahahaahhahhahahaha now that i think about it we should make livikosfc and this tard fight

Baron Von MuleBanger

lol It would be a sight to see

mules donkies horses :)

the user livikosfc on liveuamap is the one who sends us hasbara if you beat him its like you have beaten us all

Dr. Pro Liv

He should have, but I will

Baron Von MuleBanger

Be quiet slav pig

Dr. Pro Liv

I have feelings that Russians have walked over your ancestors and castrated them. Now seeing you I understand why did they do that…..

Baron Von MuleBanger

I have a feeling nazis walked over slavic pigs and castrated them.

Dr. Pro Liv

Only Fuckface?! He is much uglier than that.


I’m trying to behave myself… there are a lot of decent people in here…

Dr. Pro Liv

And you are from where p u s s y? I’m sure your retarded country can only suck Russian d i c k together with you.


Hello Real. Perhaps President Putin had no objection to Israel sticking it’s hand into a running lawnmower. A good day to you.

Dr. Pro Liv

suckRussianDick you Western LBGT p u s s y

Tommy Jensen

Nethanyahu doing the Trump/Xi thing He meets with Putin while he is bombing all over Russia controlled area. Putin liked it……………………………………………..LOL.


Russia never promised such. They said “they were considering” and “had no moral objections” to providing the system. If jets are crossing into Syria, we’ve seen no claims that they were. There’s no question that they’ve launched missiles into Syria.


No choice but to think Putin is either a coward or owned by the Zionists,

Dr. Pro Liv

Why Italy doesn’t send something or why don’t you go there and help them?

You all are dirty Western hypocrites. You want to fight to the last Russian ! Why don’t you all go f yourself huh?!

Even Arabs fight on Israeli side and call that “Jihad” You are all such filthy hypocrites!

Thomas Wolsey

-Arabs fight on Israeli side and even call that “Jihad”-

10 years ago that would be impossible but now is reality. The world are upside down.

Tommy Jensen

We are advisors to how Russia could win a battle fight. If Putin just would follow my advises and recommendations he would win the whole geopolitical game.

But Putin dont wanna listen. As a child Putin only wants his own ways and therefore Russia and the world must pay a high price because Putin refuses to listen to my keyboard advises here in SF´s comment section. Sad but true.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I want so much for the Monotheist alliance in Syria of Alawites-Christians-Shia-Sunni to be able to counter attack successfully against atheist Israel! But sadly Israel totally won this round. What a super lame attack. 20 rockets = nothing. Should have been 200 to 2,000 within a single hour. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Da2DJ_PVQAAmN1I.jpg



Steve Bell

Not sure what the truth is about this incident, but a quote from Lieberman would be the last reference taken. A better picture is here: https://twitter.com/Brasco_Aad


Wait for the information to come out people.


This appears – appears – to be a vile act of betrayal by Russia and Putin himself – openly and deliberately hosting the Mass killer himself in Moscow.. Let us hope that all appearances are wrong and an explanation will be forth coming as the full picture emerges. But answers must be forthcoming if trust is to be restored. And I suggest more than a few Russians including Mr Lavrov, Mr Shoigu and the senior Russian command will be wanting the explanation as much as the rest of us.


Just got done saying this.Read all the boards/comments etc and its determined that ‘russia is cucked’ not that i use that language but that is what it looks like with him holding hands with netty in moscow and now this.


i think the us cayks are baiting him to use the s-300s/400s so they could have an idea how it works. putin will only use it if it’s really really needed


What constitutes ‘needed’. Have you seen the physical damage. The traumatic damage and the new lack of trust. So how much ‘needed does it need to be?


they’ll just know it when it comes


It came last night. Shoigu and the Russian General in charge of the Syrian question saw it days ago. So when is ‘needed’? A lot of dead bodies and wrecked infrastructure that was decidedly in need in the last 24 hours. Presumably they are expendable and mere collatoral damage.


i think you’re overestimating the damage done by the idf or falling for the propaganda of the idf that extensive damage has been done to the iranian bases in syria but i get what you mean. i don’t want to put words into the moth of shoigu but i know they just won’t let all their gains go to waste. another tactical nuke attack on syria would probably be the event when the needed comes.


The damage is the least of it. The deaths and the betrayal of trust is the problem.


you just don’t know how much i hate israel and organized jewry. we all are working for the destruction of jewish power in the world and your opinion and mine are all aimed at this obejctive.


I can tick that one. I am a nationalist and democrat.

Dr. Pro Liv

you are full of it… you have no clue about politics and above all Russia…


Perhaps you could let us have the benefit of your expertise then…. Then there is, of course, the viewpoint of one of the best known Russian commentators on the net…. but it seems you consider yourself his superior. https://thesaker.is/medvedev-re-nomination-this-does-not-look-good/

Dr. Pro Liv

Try again because I can read and it is written “Medvedev” As for expertise do I really need it ? I don’t see you being one at all. I never said I was an expert anyway. Just try to use some common sense with more or less success and that is already plenty compering to some here.


Lets hear your critique then of ‘my common sense’ instead of abuse….

Dr. Pro Liv

Swiss born Canadian who lives in Canada at the moment is” the best known Russian commentators on the net” for you?!?

And how about any Russian from Russia as better expert on Russia than him?! Russia is full of Russian experts of Russia available in English also. But why would you look for them when you can have Canadian Swiss?!

You people from the West are such SNOBS and full of yourself that is disgusting. Thinking that you know everything so much better than the others. And you are of course up-voted by Western morons like yourself Who are also have no clue about Russia and like bitching about Russia. But still all the time calling themselves “friends of Russia”. You are no “friends of Russia” and you will never become one. So fuck you very much all for being “friends of Russia” !


Oh dear. Another unpleasant person who cannot argue on facts but resorts to personal abuse. Pathetic.

Raptar Driver

And you are full of Putin’s member.

EeeYepBlowing Whistles

If the EU and the UK’s lib lab con party’s are all pro open borders and let the immigrants all in – how come the lib lab con party’s faouured state Isarel do the exact opposite … Somebody has had the lib lab con’s over a barrel!


Everyone thinks it made putin look like a bitch.just being real if israel can get away with this and host ISIS camps in the golan heights then they have already won sadly. Whats worse is you know we are a month or two away from a direct regime change in Iran and nothing short of full russian involvement can prevent what will make iraq/syria/libya look like nothing. Oh and those old neo-con dogs are back barking about regime change in russia.

Promitheas Apollonious

i see all the hasbara trolls are back in force. Learn not to count your money, before the game is over. And is not over yet.

Real Anti-Racist Action

It seems all of this was over in 1948. Since 1948 100% of the ME has now been able to take away even one square foot of land from the Zionist. I have given up all hope, I now fully see the day when Zionism will rule to the Euphrates and parts of Turkey and down to Yemen and all of Iraq and all of the Sinai and into Cairo. 70 years of talk, 70 years of counter offensives, and the Jews dominate media, finance, international law. Public opinion, technology, and has now hijacked entire religions to serve Lucifer’s purpose. Iran was the last hope, and they needed serious anti-air help from Russia. Which never came. This is all over my friend. Israel defeated Iran and Russia in 1948, it has taken many sad sobs such as myself to this very day to see it. It is over, Israel has unconditionally won. Israels Kurdish proxies from the East will join up with IDF troops from the west. Damascus is over and done for. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DYWHTUBVoAAWTo-.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DYWHSkJUMAAdIB7.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DYWHSw-VQAAiwhM.jpg


It isn’t over yet.

No more loser talk.

Peter Bond

It is over, only idiots and hard core Islamist think otherwise, Israel has the backing of USA, west and Russia. Indians also have started to support Israel…not forgetting the thermo nuclear bomb that can turn any invading army capital to glass…while its muslims enemies are taking the piss, killing each ither and making each other weaker…just saying…what does iran have to counter? Am listening…. Get back to me when you have an answer…its a sad reality and Iran would lose if it still goes along with its idiotic anti-Israel rhetoric….just imagine an israeli-Iranian partnership… That would bring peace…and to the status of the Palestinians, samething Iran has with the Kurds, Palestinians should be assimilated as Israeli citizens or Iran and Muslim countries close by should embrace them and make em citizens! Win-win


But the Palestinians have been kept at arms distance by their Muslim brothers for 70 years. They keep them in camps and don’t allow them to integrate. They would much rather keep the Palestinians in perpetual agony rather than give up a thorn in Israel’s side.

Jay Sheehan

The Soviet Union armed the Zionists in 1948.

Jamil Abdin

With Me 262 from Czechoslovakia for example. The question no one can answer is, weather Russia is the same now. Somewhere (I don’t remember where) I read the opinion Putin is in control only of 50% of Russia. Maybe right…


I am going to laugh at You and Your 40+ accounts come winter. (liveleak?)

Ukrainians went against their own blood and they will get exactly what they deserve. How do I know You are Ukrainian? all You had to do was talk about approval ratings. The Americans will shower You with Unlimited Dollars they will make sure Your mom doesn’t freeze to death, they Respect You More than anybody else. You will survive =) maybe.


They used a Czech-made version of the Me109 ‘matched’ with a Jumo engine. They also used Spitfires and a couple of B-17’s. No Me 262.

Jamil Abdin

I thought they used the Czech version of Me262, the Avia S92.

Dr. Pro Liv

Me 262 from Czechoslovakia LOL :-))) ! What Ukraine has invaded 50% of Russia? I didn’t know that…..Well… No wonder with such pathetic NAZI d i c k s like you that Ukraine is so dangerous.


he is right, you are primitive cock

Dr. Pro Liv

coming from you that’s compliment you filthy mother F* AmeriCunt m o r o n from would be super power


You are a Prehistoric Cocksucking Snake

Raptar Driver

DR. LUBE JOB is on the scene, how do you like being trolled with nonsensical attacks? Great ain’t it?


Nice you must be Velociraptrix’ baby-brother…


No. This all leads back to ww1, the Germans had won the war, in 1917 but the Jews convinced Britain who in turn convinced the Americans to shed blood in a big way, the Zionists Promised Britain Palastine and in return the Americans where to defeat Germany. The Germans ended up paying into the Zionist System. The Russians where also targeted because they where building a Railway system that Challenged all of those expensive ports the British built up.

in 1948 the Situation was grim for the Jews, the British packed up and left the Jews to their own fate and Last I saw, the Jews where not using Russian airplanes, the Jews used American airplanes.

Maybe You are mixing Israel up with Portugal?


Remind us again of the man in US around 1962 who revealed all this. ok, found it – Benjamin Freedman: ‘http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm’.

John Mason

It is depressing and your comment bring on the tears….seriously though, don’t you think that the Arabs have a lot to answer for?


the israelis haven’t accomplished anything. even without the s-300s the syrians have managed to shoot many of the cayk missiles. the iranians did their part by hitting their intended targets. i even see some cayks hiding in the sewers. LOL! what pathetic losers you idiots are.

John Mason

Who are you referring to as the losers? If you’re going to make accusing statements then at least be brave enough and be specific otherwise you could mistakenly be labelled a zionist!


Israel survives because it controls the USA. To destroy Israel you must first destroy the USA. That task is in progress, but hopefully it will be fought with economics rather than the military. So don’t give up hope, help the cause buy silver, or gold if you can afford it.


Israel Survives because they control the banks and anybody who refuses to perticipate, the Israelis simply hire mercenary’s Americans, French.. they dont care who’s blood spills, and the Politicians they pay to get elected also do not care. You see, the Jews live off of dividends. You borrow 1 dollar but tomorow You must give 1.01$ back. Shame… they went and tried to exterminate the Whites… either all whites and Jews die or just the Jews. Shame they chose to pick a fight with the Undisputed Champions of war.


Yeah the Americans Greatest Massmurderers in Modern Times

David Parker

Not me. I want peace to break out. I will be the first to put a rope around Dick Cheney’s and Rumsfeld’s neck if I can. They were instrumental in the US destroying the Mideast and Afghanistan. Granted it was a CIA operation supervised by MOSSAD, but that pair was in on it too, for fun and profit. Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo I nominate for terminal water boarding. I volunteer to be their executioner. Even though I detest the thought of torturing people, an example needs to be made of these “high government officials” who are exempt from the statutes they hang around our necks. Hillary is just a bitch, I would stick her in a hog pen and let her try to live with them. If she gets out of the pen, she gets a bayonet up her ass just like her terrorists did to Qaddafi.


I’m in it the same Way.. Drag the Evildoers to Court and if found Guilty Hang them High…When Americans stop fighting for their Evil Government…. Wars will come to a screeching Halt… When a General looks behind him and notice there ain’t an Army…. I think he spontaneously loses his appetite for a little Warrin’… First Major step should be made in the U.S. Creating Awareness one of the most important things… As soon as 20% of the people know about the Lies that this Evil New World Order has Spread to do their fighting and execute their wicked plans… you’ll reach the Tipping Point, from their it won’t take long until the remaining 80% will know the Truth…Humanity could have Created a paradise on Earth… But Neverending Greed for Gold & Power produced only wars… In my opinion there is only Good and Bad folks…. No matter what Nation you come from…


Israel survives because of Rothschild money supply and control. And also, one of the top intelligence networks in the world, top military technology of advanced scalar weapons, nuclear weapons and implanted mini-nukes used to threaten other nations. In other words, do not underestimate your enemy.


You are a clown. Keep your mouth shut.


Hello Da. If we can put up with Mountain and Serious, anybody can say what they want here.


You are right… but can I sometimes kick’m in the Nuts?

Dr. Pro Liv

only if you do it at least twice…



Raptar Driver

LUBE JOB anyone?

Dr. Pro Liv

are you parrot or you have echo effect because your skull is empty?


HASBARA-TROLL ALERT: (name & shame shit-list) Congratulations! Thanks to you, Your Hasbara Brothers get Free Publicity..

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von MuleBanger, Jens Holm, Matt, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Joe, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Neil Barron, Toto Pinoccio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, Superfly, 888mladen
, Real Anti-Racist Action

Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ…

More Suggestions always More then Welcome Especially in times Like these VICTORY TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!


I think there is also a wanker called “Freeman”. I wouldnt call 888mladen a Hasbara. He sounds to me more like a Russophobe who believes Russia should have already punished Israel in Syria already.I am with him on that one. “Real Anti-Racist Action” is a Zionist neo Nazi who quotes articles from the “Daily Stormer” ..weird considering this blog is considered antisemitic but then again check out his name… A racist masking as anti racist.. The lowest in society..can hardly be considered human


I threw everyone on it that I didn’t trust from a recent Article… the List can Always be adapted…also when Hasbaras come up with good arguments…it is ok.. for they Create a Massive Flow of Info…From us all…:)

Moussa Saab

Please tell me your list of trolls, I can’t keep up with the them


It’s somewhere on this page… it became pretty long since Yesterday… and it is pretty adaptable so if new Hasbaras pop up they are more then welcome on the List.. they create New Accounts and All that… tryin’ to Hide their New identity… I can hardly keep up myself…they keep bothering folks in here… just chase them out or take down their Mask seemed to be the best option to get rid of these Lying Manipulating Rats… their BS takes away attention from the Good Info Reason & Argumentation…


little nazi tool


It is so Great to see all you ZioNazi Hasbara motherfuckers today… it looks just like you are All working for the same Company…yeah I love Exposing You Rats… I basically have spoken with everyone on the List… Says Enough Right? Colleagues? Different Lunchbreaks?

Dr. Pro Liv

Only half virgin for ISIS midget !

BTW your comment is total crap…


If so strong, why not attack? Why just skirmish? Answer: That’s the only thing they can do.

David Parker

There is no way on earth Israel is going to break out of the land it controls right now. No way are they going to take over Lebanon. Hezbollah kicked them right back over the border when the IDF tried it last time. Hezbollah is experienced at fighting without air cover or massive artillery or tanks to back them up. The IDF is not. If you are afraid of Israel doing anything other than air strikes, then sleep well. They cannot, they simply do not have the means even with all the free weapons they get from the US.


Iranian IRGC has changed the unwritten Arab equation and has hit back at Zionists and given them a bloody nose as the photos and videos posted by Hezbollah media and SANA show. The Zionist defence minister has called for de-escalation but President Assad says that any attacks from now on will be get a SAA response. Zionist ammo dump burning and the ELINT at Mt. Hermon destroyed.

Hisham Saber

Good, the Zionists only understand force. This is only the beginning, Israel is going to have to get used to a serious Iranian presence in Syria , Iraq , Yemen and Lebanon. If they miscalculate, the Zionists are in for a big, terrible surprise.

Tommy Jensen



The Iranians where doing so good… This is a Setup and the Russians will, without question have to calm things down.. I question if they can convince America and Israel from taking full advantage of this blunder. The Iranians potentially set the Russians up real good… assholes.


Iranians are in Syria for good and knowing Persian psyche for 3,000 years they don’t back out of a fight, the Zionists are in for a very rough ride as the SAA is now also on a high and Hezbollah has just announced general mobilization. The Zionists are kissing Ruski arse to save themselves. You have to respect the Persians, they sure have cajones.


Please Understand and Study Russian history regarding military history. Iran may be tough but the Russians need to have full control of the Situation.

I am very sorry if this ends up sounding condescending, but please Understand. it is one thing to get beaten up by the Iranians and a completely different story if the Russians, or Americans or the Chinese decide to do a violence.

The Iranians are Friends of Russia… I love a good fistfight to… but Maybe… The Iranians are tough but the Russians bring experience.


Your comments here sound incoherent and naive at best. Stop pretending to understand things that you clearly dont

Hisham Saber

The Israeli’s, U.S.,U.K, France and GCC are walking right into a trap laid out for them by Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, whom have millions of footsoldiers waiting for Khamenei’s order. Plus, Iran has every square foot/meter of Israel mapped out for ballistic missile bombardment, saturation style, should the Israeli’s or anyone decide to go nuclear.

Thomas Wolsey

Sadly foot soldiers can’t do much when they not have a proper anti air cover. Rocket barrage is a good idea but Israeli air force can hit the rocket platforms. If Iran not figure out how protect their military stuff from air strikes withdrawn is the best option to avoid pointless deaths.


It is a good thing Iran is taking Independent, Strong, Countermeasures to confront any agressive behaviour… in Their-or their Allies’ Direction…IsraHell is just like Omaha Beach…

Promitheas Apollonious

are you hallucinating?

What r u smoking… anything good?


Hopefully this latest Israeli action aimed at assisting it’s head-chopper friends on the ground will help Russia with it’s decision to enhance Syria’s air defenses. Only when Israeli jets start getting shot down en masse will the terrorist state of Israel finally learn that there’s a cost to the terrorism it supports.

Tommy Jensen

Next time Israel do an attack on Syria like this, we in Kreml will seriously consider the pre-paid S-300 to Assad. Israel should take notice on that and that this is a signal. That we in Kremlin will be thinking it.

Pave Way IV

Another list of Israeli sites targeted (from Alahednews)

– Main military center for technical, electronic reconnaissance – Border brigade headquarters: Photo gathering 9900 unit – Main military site for electronic interference – Main military site for ears-dropping on wired and wireless networks in the western mountain range – Telecommunication centers for communication and transmission systems – Observatory for precision weapons unit during ground operations – Military helicopters heliport – Regional headquarters for the military leadership of Brigade 810 – Headquarters of the leadership of military brigades in Mount Hermon – The winter headquarters of the special ice unit

Seems like a pretty long list for what was reported as a Syrian MRLS response. In any case, if the Syrians are actually taking out Israeli jamming and SIGINT sites in Mt. Hermon/Golan successfully, then that’s pretty significant. Then again, this is a list of what they aimed at, not a list of what was hit/destroyed.

Promitheas Apollonious

as I said …………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN1AtzLrW4Y

Abe Manhattan

hehe, its time to stop reading fakenews.iran.org. No actual missiles hit israeli Targets. 16 missiles didn’t even cross the boarder, and the other 4 were shot down by Israeli defense. Good try though.

Tommy Jensen

All Israel targets in Syria were hit with precision strikes and all Israeli airfigthers went home safe and without a scratch.




Don’t it.


It is now becoming apparent WHY IsraHell launched IT’S criminal attack on Syria. SAA in their mop-up operation in Southern Damascus have discovered tons of IsraHelli manufactured ordnance. en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13970222000405

Promitheas Apollonious

yes i know and you are right.


Israeli land thieves and small kids butchers will be soon deported to Europe. Europe should ready. If Europe don’t take their own Israeli land thieves back then Israel will be deported to Mediterranean Sea from Palestine.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Ashkenazi-Jews come from the Khazarian-Empire which is present day Turkey. After the Huns invaded the Turkish lands pushing them Ashkenazi-Jews to invade indigenous European tribal lands. Then the Jews went to work killing European babies and trying to replace Europeans. They do not belong in Europe, they belong back in Turkey where Ashkenazi-Jews originate from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHXQFt4dySY&t=3s


Khazarian Empire is present day Ukraine. And everyone who reads this site knows that.

Dr. Pro Liv

Rusophone Ukraine will be no country for Jews… Once Ukraine falls apart that part will go back to Russia like Crimea did. As for Jews they all can go to IsraHell where they belong

Raptar Driver

Dr. PUTIN’S LUBE JOB just trolling again, how nice to grace us with your nonsense.


I absolutely agree with you. China needs to step up. Russia only steps up when they can financially or territory gain for it. Russia offered the Libyans help but only if they allowed Russian Bases all over Libya and signed deals for the Oil and Gas. Hafter said no – and UAE and Egypt have backed and sorted it. Syria needs some allies. They have been fighting the exact same Terrorists with the exact same Terrorist Leaders in Libya as Syria. Arabs have to pull together. Once Saudi, Egypt. Gulf Countries back then the other Countries capitulate – France for example is in opposition to the UK in Libya.


China is really upsetting me. But then historically they don’t engage. China never has. Russia has just sorted the Rosneft deal out and got rid of the Glencore. We’ll see what happens.


They will go to the true Jewish homeland, New York.


Hey general Suheil Now it is right time to trow all medals you received from Russia. Look my general-while you are receiving medals and honor from russians, they are talking with israel how to kill you… oh my general don’t be a full… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05bb57c94f5d022f673ca306dbcfa2e26173721d51de5b4cf900a3dffe0ecd70.jpg

Dušan Mirić




Dušan Mirić

Не Селеш. Левински.


Speak Serbian and whole world would understand you !!

Dr. Pro Liv

lucky for him to have such prudent and wise prick like you….

I suggest that he pulls you out of his a$$ now and than so that you can give him some cracking advice’s like the one you just gave….

how about to disguise himself in Conchita Wurst or even bearded nun (Israelis haven’t killed (officially) any nun’s yet…for now)

Raptar Driver

Look it is DR. PUTIN’S LUBE JOB, how wonderful!


What’s new? The ziomafia is really pushing for a full-out conflict. They think that they will scare the sane with a few missiles or they’ll win a war that they already lost. Their existential threat comes from their own doings. Your fears, israhell, will materialize at the right time.

Real Anti-Racist Action

This statement has been repeated for 70 years. And today Israel is 10,000 times stronger then they ever were in the 1950’s. Why are these words repeated when the opposite of this wishful thinking is happening? Can the Golan not even be liberated? Can the farms of Lebanon not be liberated? So far not even enough dirt has been liberated for even a cow to survive on. Even I have grown tired of this talk. SAA will spend 100,000 SAA lives fighting ISIS, cause they did not want to spend 100,000 lives against Israel 10 years before the Israels ever created ISIS in the first place. Now SAA has lost 100,000 anyway, and they never even challenged IDF. Why are the people of the ME distracted by things that do not matter? At least Israels stay focused and deliver blows. SAA has had decades. SAA surrendered their chemical weapons without even using them. Israel would never be that dumb. Israel would use all of their chemical weapons before ever giving them up.


Go upvote yourself! We know who you are. I do not communicate with semi-humans and I do skip all your comments.

King Tudor777

He’s telling only the truth. There’s no hope for Syria, the Arabs lost the war against Israel. Iran should only keep Israeli attitudes under control. But they can’t win, Iran should fight Saudi proxies, not the state of Israel. It’s a reality that Israel will never be defeated, since it’s had American support for decades. Unfortunately, we won’t see a fair two-states solution, and Palestine will suffer at Netanyahu’s hands.

John Mason

Sorry to have to admit it but it does appear that way.


Truth…what is Truth worth these Days? Many Lies & Disinfo… as for at least the last 70+ years, Fuck Disinfo.. Fuck Lies…


as since people could talk, they could lie, you never lied?


Telling the Truth is Honourable… though not many People will like it…

Hisham Saber

Defeatist talk. Israel was defeated in 2006, with total air superiority, 75,000 troops and two armored battalions. They were routed by 45oo Hezbollah ‘regulars’, as Hezbollah had its best troops, special forces and commandos stationed north of the Litani Line. The Israeli’s were totally routed. And Israel even discontinued the production of the Merkava MBT (Chariot of God). What a joke. Israel will be no match, the sioyboys of the IDF, who are essentially exchange students from the U.S., who are only ggod at shooting unarmed Palestinians. But when faced by real soldiers, they cry like babies. I still remember Israeli’s crying when they got spanked in 2006, it was on TV.

The Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, IRGC, Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces and auxiliaries are battle hardened by 7 years of urban, rural and desert warfare, invaluable experience the IDF can only dream of.

This war is just getting started, be patient. Israel is going down. Believe it.


a two state solution is not fair, only a one state solution, non zionist, non religious is a real solution


I blocked him a long time ago, it saves space on the site and wasting one’s time reading plain cr*p.


IsraHell surely deliver blows by Killing Kids, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8fd212554d43b6e4cb2c0e07450316ae9f6c25b4748613f1b70c942d154393c.jpg They’ll soon Burn I hope…

Hisham Saber

Israel got spanked by Hezbollah, a militia, in 2006. The Tshahal suffered a great defeat.

4500 Hezbollah regulars routed 75,000 Israeli troops and two armored battalions. And at that time, Hezbollah da its best troops, special forces and commandos north of the Litani Line. Imagine if they were at the border.

The Israeli’s even discontinued the MBT Merkava (Chariot of God) production after the 2006 debacle.

The ‘soyboys’ of the IDF are no match for the 7 year battle hardened SAA, Hezbollah, IRGC , NDF and auxiliaries. No match , in fact nothing but a speed bump on the way to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


you escaped from mental hospital again?


Why are Hasbara Trolls always twisting the Facts? I waited a long time but Grats Snakeface! You Finally reached the Shitlist…


the shitlist is all the stupid neoonazis here, including their NSB helpers (you)


Nope on the Contrary the Shitlist is to Protect Freedom of Speech… Hasbara-Fucktards are taking over Good Conversations & Information by Pushing their Manipulative Bullshit & Lies whenever they Feel like it… if You came to Southfront for that… You came to the Wrong Place…


Je bent een zielig napratertje, ik heb je bijna nooit iets origineels zien schrijven en het wordt steeds erger, het enige wat je doet is dat achterlijke metier van dat zooitje NEO NAZI conspiracy mongooltjes kopieeren, ik dacht dat je slimmer was……


Denken mag altijd… wat jij wil… en net als je dacht dat je het door had… blijkt alles ineens anders…en inderdaad we leren van elkaar… en dat is ongunstig voor het bestaande systeem…dat klopt… ik ben al die Kankerleugens zat…tijd voor de Oude Garde om op te Rotten…


ja, dus toch ook een vuile leugenaar, dacht ik al…..


Jij bent niets anders dan een speelbal….


van wie dan? hahaha


Do you really think that your Wikipedia-Intelligence impress any of us?


ooh nu weer engels? wat een stumperd ben jij zeg


Yeah in English… that is the Language we Speak in here… So that everyone can read it…

Raptar Driver

And no one thought the Soviet Empire would fall without a war but it did.

John Mason

There could be a very easy solution to this: Assad tells his military to stand down, stop fighting the terrorists, let them have what they want the watch the Russians pull their finger out or they can kiss their bases goodbye and watch the terrorists with NATO attack Russia. Just a theory, doesn’t mean I believe it, but it is a possibility though to force Russia and Chinese to act.


terrorists never attack NATO/US or ISRAEL.

it is clear as day that Israel/US+Allies are protecting terrorists from SAA/RF/IR


We know that since the beginning of the war more than 6 years ago. Good for you that you realized about that just now.


Nobody threw a bone to you smarty. I replied to John Mason.






What a moronic idea.

John Mason

Yeah, it’s dumb isn’t it, yet your comment is even dumber.

Dr. Pro Liv

trust me he can do much better just be patient

Raptar Driver

DR. PUTIN’S LUBE JOB is on the scene.

hope springs eternal.

Psdt Putin is a visionary statesman and not subject to short term histrionics and flare ups. I feel Netanyahu’s trip to the Kremlin was to brief Russia and keep Israel safe. No doubt after last night’s attack on the Golan heights and Israel’s response, Russia’s war cabinet will be reviewing the situation minutely. Putin may appear weak, but i think he’s playing a longer game, knowing full well if Russia get’s involved with it’s heavy weaponry then it will be on like donky kong.

Java Ape Timelord

That is my take on this as well, I hope I am not proved wrong.


It is all Smokescreens we see… Peoples react with emotions… it’s all about the Common Thread: Are Russia & China for a One World Government & Banking System with One World Currency? Because if they are….A Bloody Worldwide Revolution would be a Good Option… if they are Not… then Russia will still be Allied with Iran and China to Take Back the Power on the Eastern half of this Globe & Kick Western influence Out…

Tommy Jensen

Both Russia and China are both in for NWO. China is a Board member of BIS. China has contracted Blackwater to look after OBOR while Putin is sucking up to Nethanyahu and “our partners”.


nice irony


A lot of hopeless fools in the comments with tunnel vision and short memories.

We will win in Syria, and capture our lands.

We will win in Yemen and destory the Gulf Monarchies.

We will drive the Americans out.

And then we will make the Jews rue the day they decided to take our lands.

John Mason

Maybe from your side but from where I am sitting you appear to be losing, big time. Before you go off accusing me of being a zionist troll or worse, a spy, well I am not but facts dictate not wishful thinking.

Java Ape Timelord

Are you related to Churchill? We will fight them on the beaches,….. sorry good speech anyway. I am certain Syria will win, I worry about the time it will take and the injuries and deaths that Syrians will suffer. God protect Syrians.


Bunch of bitches on their periods in this comment section. A few missiles are traded and before you know it people are questioning the work that has been put forward for the past years.

Thank God you patheyic cowards have no ppwer and no say. May Allah curse you, and fill your hearts with cowardice. May fear consume you. May you burn in hell along with the Zionist scum you pretend to hate.

Java Ape Timelord

I read a number of comments and quite frankly they appeared to be uninformed and just guess work.


According to fake Israeli propaganda they destroyed all Iranian assets and installations and that it will take a long time for Iran to recover. We should play along with that and say that if it’s true then Israel doesn’t need to interfere in Syria for a long time since Iran is pretty much no longer a force there.

Of course Israel won’t stop interfering because they’re lying as always.


Zionist scum have two choices, either escalate or back down, I am 100% sure they will lick their wounds and hide behind US sugar daddy. As the photos show the Zionists were caught off guard and got a bloody nose.


They are moving tanks to the Golan Heights.


I doubt that any missiles were fired at Israel. This was unprovoked aggression using lies as a pretext.


Yes, Israel has not presented any evidence of Iran attack (NONE), just the usual bla bla bla.


They don’t need to provide evidence, like in the Skripal case, or the gas attack in Ghouta, they just make it up, they control all the media, so the lies are treated as facts.

Raptar Driver

Of course not, the Golan is not Israel.


Indeed, nevertheless, the fact Iran didn’t attack the Israelis is pertinent to the matter at hand.

Java Ape Timelord

Having read all that I can I get some confusing stories. Israel said Iran fired 20 missiles from Syria. From a Israeli media it stated that Israel fired first. Iran have stated they did not fire any missiles. Syrian stated they fired the missiles.

My feeling is that Israel indeed did fire some missiles then Syria returned fire. Who in Syria, I do not know, I suspect it was Syria, but may also have been Iran.

Manuel Flores Escobar

This night another packs of Iranian missile…until Israeli air force waste their air to ground missile!..Iran are testing his own air defense system deployed in Siria…Raad,ya zahra, Russian Tor M1….


that means, iranian terrorists misuse syria. kill them! all of them!


To the Hasbara, Humanity is coming and your screwed.

Java Ape Timelord

“… coming and you’re screwed.”


Putin is either a coward, a dupe or a Zionist owned puppet. What other conclusion can you come too?

Java Ape Timelord

None of the above. BTW it is “come to” Too is used for excess, e.g. too hot, too fast etc.


Thanks for the grammar lesson, I knew but had to, after your last correction. Grammatically correct is just about as bad a politically correct. You must go insane.

Java Ape Timelord

I do agree with your sentiments. Although I am not going to criticise Mr Putin after all that he has done to date, I will wait and see.

“politically correct” is a process of controlling your thoughts, words and actions, which is alien to your morals.

Grammar is just using correct rules of English, including the correct words. It can make your writing more easier to understand.

Richard M

“More easier”? LOL. Just effing with ya!

Java Ape Timelord

I am afraid I have been listening to too many people using these phrases. It tends to rub off.

You can call me Al

Before we all get out of control, what damage was actually dome, both to Styria and Israel (including the occupied Syrian Golan heights).

If the hooked noses are stating “The Iranians attempted to attack Israeli territory, but not a single missile hit Israel. Some fell in Syria, and some were shot down by the Iron Dome. We have hit almost all the Iranian infrastructure in Syria.”……… did they hit the Iranian infrastructure ? + if the missiles hit the Golan heights, doesn’t the above statement justify a meeting at the UN as they have admitted that the Golan heights are Syrian ?.

Java Ape Timelord

I have not seen anything that said Iran fire the missiles, and more to the point I have not seen anything that said they fired first, apart from what the Israelis have stated.

You can call me Al

Me neither.


To me, it is clear that Russia was in agreement with Israel of this attack, during the Bibi-Putin meeting. Israel says that this attack was in response of Iran attack but not evidence at all has presented and, even, the Israel newspapers do not say anything about Iran attack. So, Israel, as usual, is lying. The point here is that RUSSIA ALLOWED ISRAEL TO MAKE THIS ATTACK TO SYRIA AND IRAN FACILITIES !! and this is really amazing. Of course, Bibi told Putin about this attack.

Java Ape Timelord

Hi Gustavo, as I have not seen anything in the media about what Mr Putin and Bibi talked about then I doubt that we know. It is highly unlikely that Mr Putin would support the attack as it would go against Mr Putin’s plans in the M.E.

The rest of which you have written, I agree.


It doesn’t sound like Iran has been neutralized in Syria. Given the track record of their sponsored groups, I am pretty confident that the SAA and Co. were well prepared for retaliatory strikes by Israel. Syria and it’s allies have been involved in daily combat for years, fear went out the window long ago, it is all about discretion now. Israel of late is good for shooting civilians at a fence.

I was just thinking yesterday, before the dustup, how vulnerable the Israelis would be to even a couple of rocket trucks unloading on them. I awoke today and they have received much more than that. Further, I doubt that nothing on the Israeli side was hit. Despite supporting ‘information’, I am sure they received a butt load of shrapnel, in places it hurts. Why else would the counter strike be so widespread? Pssssst, looks like it has gotten expensive in the Golan Heights.

If Iran is doing what I think it is doing, now hitting targets of opportunity on the regular ( and boy it was stupid for Tel Aviv to station troops within easy reach for the sake of publicity and then announce it to the world ), the slow bleeding has begun. BN is not going to be a popular guy in the near future with bodies rolling back to the families and inventory being frequently scratched, no matter what kind of gas bag talk to which he subjects everybody. Welcome to the war Mr. Netanyahu. I wish well to all.


We have to sit back and think for a bit. Remember anything Israel says about Iran is either a lie or exaggerated. Israel has created the idea that Iranians are all over Syria . This is most likely untrue. Iran has a few Republican Guard assets in Syria but most of Irans projection in Syria is via Shia Militias and these are engaged in fighting ISIS and other terror groups. Here is what Israel does. It creates a lie and from this lie the debate begins. and notice how it creeps its way everywhere. People here are defending and others condemning the presence of extensive Iranian assets in Syria when the fact of the mater is the very thing they are arguing about is a lie. Another example is the nuke weapons program. Most people fall into two sections. Those that condemn the nuke program and those that ask why shouldn’t Iran have a nuke weapons program. However both sides agree that Iran has a nuke weapons program when there is extensive evidence out there and even an admission by Mossad that this isn’t true.


Hello Turbofan. Well stated and I agree. Time to step away from it for a few days and see what happens. I wish well to you.

Java Ape Timelord

I knew Iran had no interest in creating a nuclear bomb etc. It was against their doctrine.

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