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MARCH 2025

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

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On January 9, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) conducted missile strikes on the US-operated Ayn al-Assad airbase and the US military HQ in Erbil city in Iraq.

Depending on sources the IRGC launched from 10 to 22 missiles:

  • According to the IRGC, over 10 missiles were launched and all of them hit the assigned targets. Iranian state television claimed that at least 80 “American terrorists” were killed in Iranian strikes. This number of casualties has not confirmed by any evidience;
  • The Iraqi military said that 22 missiles were launched. 17 of them hit the Ain al-Asad air base, including 2 missiles that did not explode, and 5 missiles hit the US facility in the city of Erbil. Iraq denied any casualties among its forces;
  • The US military said that 10 missiles hit the Ayn al-Assad airbase, a misile struck the US facility in Erbil and 4 missiles failed. The Pentagon, and later US President Donald Trump, denied any casualties among US or Iraqi personnel.

The available infomration indicates that there really were no casualties among US and Iraqi personnel, while the Iranian missiles successfully struck their targets. The advanced warning of the Iraqi side (that intentionally or unintentionally informed the US) by Iran is among the main reasons of this result. Therefore, the Iranian strike was not intended to lead to casualties among US or Iraqi personnel deployed at these bases. The pattern of damage caused to the Ayn al-Assad airbase also allows to suggest the missile warheads’ payload was much smaller than it could be. In this case, the strike was first of all a strong military (!) message to the US military and political leadership.

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

Click to see the full-size image

Iran’s semi-official Tashim news agency citing own sources said the IRGC employed Qiam (the range – 800km) and Fateh-313 (the range – 500 km) short-range ballistic missiles. However, photos and videos appearing oline demonstrate a bit different picture. According to them, that the IRGC in fact employed Qiam and Zolfaghar (the range – up to 800km) missiles.

Open data suggests that the missile launches were made from Iran’s Kirmasan province. One of the largest Iranian missile bases is located  near Kirmasan city.

Photos show the remnants of Qiam missiles. They do not explode because the Qiam warhead separates from the airframe before atmospheric re-entry:

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGE: @IranvsUsa2

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGES by @farhad965

Photos of Zulfaghar missile launches during the January 8 strike:

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGE: @imaMedia_org

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGE: @imaMedia_org

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGE: @imaMedia_org

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGE: @imaMedia_org

The Zolfaghar short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) is a variant of the Fateh-110 SRBM family. It was developed as a part of the campaign to improve the range and accuracy of the existing missiles. The Zolfaghar reportedly has a range of 800km. Iranian media reports claim that the Zolfaghar’s accuracy is within 10 meters.

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

Click to see the full-size image

While the Iranian strike apparently caused no casualties, the IRGC publicly demonstrated that they can peneterate US air defense using its domestic-produced ballistic missiles and electronic warfare systems (mostly Russian).

Satellite images and visual evidence from the ground demonstrate that the strike was preceise and caused a visible impact to the Ayn al-Assad airbase. The close grouping of destroyed targets serves as a visual demonstration of the accuracy of the Iranian missiles.

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

IMAGE: reddit.com/user/Bbrhuft/

Main locations of the strike:

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

Click to see the full-size image

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

Click to see the full-size image

The satellite images and the recently appeared video allow to suggest that aircraft tent shelters most likely were the main targets of the strike. So far, the appeared evidence does not allow to see any large missile craters. This contributes to the version that missile warheads’ payload was smaller than it could be.

Summing Up Results Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Bases In Iraq

Click to see the full-size image

The January 8 nation adress by President Donald Trump confirms that the US received and understood the message: Iran is capable of striking any US military facility anywhere around the Middle East and this strike will be effective. Therefore, the  Trump administration did not risk with a new war, declared the Iranian missile strike on its military bases a ‘success’ and limited the response to new sanctions and loud rhetoric about Iran-backed ‘terrorism’.

The question is how the US will react to a further pressure from local forces in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. The US assassination of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani, the Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, and other prominent Iraqi and Iranian officers led to a very negative reaction from the local population in Iraq. This negative already led to several rocket strikes on the area of the US Embassy in Baghdad. The most recent of these strikes followed Trump’s ‘peaceful’ nation adress on the situation with Iran.


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‘Harsher revenge’: Revolutionary Guards commander vows it’s not over after Iranian missile strikes on US forces in Iraq https://www.rt.com/news/477800-iran-harsher-revenge-us-strikes/


Iraqi Shia lawmakers further called on the US to let Iraqi intelligence services and media personnel into the base to inspect the damage for themselves and find out the truth about the aftermath of the Iranian raids.


The US will want to hide the results first.


They already have. There is no ground intel and only western supplied commercial satellite photos from UK. If this was a proper attack then the missile barrage should have been followed by a PMU assault on the bases. The USSR faced that scenario at Bagram, Kabul and Jalalabad repeatedly.


A PMU assault on the bases without government approval would have created great problems for the Iraqi Government. There may well be a time when this is appropriate, but that time is not now, I think.

The PMU is afterall a component of the Iraqi Army.


Trump : How many missiles you will fire? Iran : Reckon 10, is that ok? Trump : Its sufficient for the time being Iran : Where exactly should we hit? Trump : The bases we evacuated. Iran : Makes sense! Trump : We’ll give you the coordinates, so that no mistakes. Iran : DOn’t worry, we never do wrong. Trump : Kisses Iran : Byee

(taken from a caps in Turkish – translated – suspect original may be in another language)


It is still to early for mockery of that kind. If Iranians did even indirect arrangement with Trump than they have dishonored themselves just as much as Trump did. The full truth will surface eventually. For the moment “80 killed and 200 wounded” is hardly plausible (unfortunately). Smells like propaganda

Ashok Varma

I give benefit of the doubt, but this strike does not sound real. Iran obviously has the capability but there seems to be no will or there is collusion with US.


I always had respect for Iranians and I will not start now to talk about things I might regret. We need more valid sources of information before we conclude how the scenario has developed and why. And what are the real consequences of the Iranian intervention. 10-20 dead 40-50 wounded American’s can’t be hidden under the carpet. If there are no casualties at all it will be clear that something is not normal


I would agree. There is too much disinformation and things don’t add up.


As we have discussed before ,Z.P, the Iranians broadcast the strong advice for Iraqi’s to avoid US bases by at least 1000m a couple of days before the Iranian strikes.

Even the dumbest Americans would have realised they had to hide in a deep bunker of re-locate fast to another nearby country, which is what many did.


Why did Iran use only a few missiles?


Because the most important point to make at this stage was that Iranian missiles are accurate. Iran does not want war. Iran merely wants the US who illegally invaded Iraq in 2003 to leave Iraq.

It is clear now that the Iraqi people of all the various factions also want the US to leave and to stop plundering Iraq oil.


Keep in mind that the US created ISIS in Iraq and the Sunni tribes are very pro-US and funded by Saudis. Iran needs to work more closely with Iraqi resistance, like the CIA did against the Soviets during Afghanistan war. Iran has been very passive as US has hardly suffered any casualties.


The cowardly and highly illegal US act of murdering General Soleimani has actually united the many disparate Iraqi factions to the campaign to evict the unwelcome US and NATO guests from Iraq who , as always and even in post WW2 Germany, have abused their hosts and out stay their ‘welcome’ :).


I agree with your points, but Iran needed some tangible proof of a hard hitting response to show vengeance. If you can understand Farsi, BBC Persian service has an interview with the 91 year old Ardeshir Zahedi, (Shah’s FM) who even called general Soleimani a great patriot and a honest soldier of Iran.

Karen Bartlett

Why go out of your way to hear what the FM of the Shah (that murdering coward) has to say? Here is the situation from the present Iranian FM, and in English: //youtu.be/PyH6QmFmeZE?t=3


The leadership of Iran should perhaps reply to any internal call for a harsher response to the US murder with words such as :- Our beloved General was a man of strategic patience and he would not have wanted your lives to be put at risk in an act of reckless bravado against the Great Satan.

Our beloved General would have used the great weight of American hubris and greed to further isolate the Great Satan from its followers. This happening as we speak. ‘

That’s my view anyway :)

Karen Bartlett

“The Sunni tribes” are not pro-US nor funded by Saudis. Only ISIS, which is a fundamentalist Wahhabi sect, are funded by Saudis and others. Wahhabi terrorists kill Sunni Muslims as quick as they kill Shia Muslims and Christians. All the Arab counties know it, too.This is not a religious war. I’ts a CIA and M16, Israeli and Saudi Arabia inspired and organized war, in Syria and elsewhere. You’re muddying the water. Why do you say “disinformation” instead of “misinformation’? (That’s subtle disinformation itself.)


Because no more were needed to make the point that IS bases are vulnerable, ergo all the Gulf states are vulnerable,


Immediately after the Iranian missile raids, reports emerged of an intense American censorship campaign aimed at blocking information on the number of casualties and the extent of damage from getting out.

The Al Mayadeen TV channel reported that the Americans have prevented Iraqi soldiers and intelligence forces from approaching the targeted air base.

Iraqi lawmaker Naim al-Aboudi, of the Fatah (Conquest) alliance, told the TV channel that the American-run section of Ain al-Assad had been completely demolished in Iran’s missile strike.

Another Iraqi lawmaker, Hassan Salem, of the al-Sadiqoun bloc, told the Al Forat TV network, that Iran’s missile attack was like an earthquake that inflicted damage to the US base and caused fatalities among the American service members deployed there.

The bodies of the slain American personnel had been transferred to Tel Aviv, he added.


True. It’s not sure the above images are accurate. It could be Iran helping the US to safe face (after they did) in exchange for no (actual) US response.


That is a logical conclusion based on evidence so far.

Karen Bartlett



US has a history of lies and disinformation. There was complete censorship after the strike. One of the Israeli Haaretz reporters was arrested later.

Twitter suspends Israeli reporter’s account after post on US casualties in Iran attack

Twitter has suspended the account of a journalist for Israeli newspaper Haaretz after he reported that hundreds of American soldiers injured in Iran’s missile attack on a US air base in western Iraq have been evacuated to a Tel Aviv hospital.

“According to reports received by Haaretz, a US aircraft carrying American soldiers wounded by Iran’s missile strike on Ain Asad Air Base, landed in Tel Aviv hours ago. Based on informed sources, 224 soldiers were taken to Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Hospital,” read a post on @KhJacki_E account on Wednesday.

It continued that Ronni Gamzu, CEO of the hospital, had reassured the US Department of Defense that “medical staff will attend the American soldiers as best as they can.”

Jack Khoury’s post was, however, deleted and the US-based social media platform deactivated the account.


Interesting news. thanks for the info. will look inot that.

It sure is remarkable what Iran did, casualty or not, even Soviets couldn’t do such a thing during Cold War.


This whole affair is somewhat staged. Iranian military is quite capable and the number of missiles and the three hour warning simply does not add up and then the Ukrainian Boeing 737 going down.


nobody mentions the earthquakes near Iranian nuclear plant that very same night (night of Iran’s revenge attack and B 737 crash). Heard a theory for those being underground nuclear test(s) by Iran as a threat to US, should a full scale war starts. Just a note.


Indeed, it was around 5.7 on the Richter and mostly ignored by western media.


Any indications why Ukraine??


not yet. I think the passenger list is the key.

Karen Bartlett

Speculative remarks are a dime-a dozen. Why would anybody in their right mind detonate a nuclear bomb near a nuclear power plant? What’s your source for this statement? “Heard a theory’?


just another conspiracy theory – I aint saying its true but I say not tobe ruled out.


Yes, quite agree. On the Ukrainian plane…US idiots are now saying it was a Russian missile that took it down…fired by incompetent Iranians paranoid over stealth aircraft. The Ukes said engine at first, now are hedging. Others (US ex-Mil) say it looks like a stinger did it…and look at MEK. Nothing like multiple scenarios to stoke the fires. Lucky that someone got a video of the plane as it destructed, but not just before.

Karen Bartlett

“Stoke the fires” of war, you mean? Why would anybody want to do that? Especially supposedly “mature” people?

Karen Bartlett

The Ukrainian Boeing was an accident. Everybody knows it. Unless it was an Israeli false-flag operation, of course, calculated to increase suspicion, doubt and rash acts of retaliation leading to war between the US and Iran. Israel is known for it.


” even Soviets couldn’t do such a thing during Cold War” What nonsense! Soviets were SUPER POWER and of course they could do that but the consequences would be WW3


However, as an old Soviet, I can tell you that USSR used kid gloves in Afghanistan and should have hit the Pakistanis who were the conduit for terrorism. They shot down our aircraft with CIA supplied stingers and even F-16 and USSR did nothing and eventually collapsed. Imagine if Iranians committed such overt actions in Iraq, what the US response would be?


You compare two completely different situation to make logical pirouette ! Soviets were stuck in Afghan quagmire and enlarging war on Pakistan would be EXTREMELY stupid (but feel free to be proud of your idea,like I care) The Soviet problem was Stingers + highly motivated enemy + on extremely unfriendly terrain. So they did the best they could with the army that was very slow totally not adapted on that kind of conflict ! They were structured and organized to fight only huge armies like themselves not peasants jumping like wild goats from one rock on another

I hope you are not in military since you know jack shit about tactics


No need to be petulant child. I perhaps know more about Afghanistan as you were still a stain. You children are obnoxious.


Whatever you know “old man” doesn’t serve you much because you seam to arrive on wrong conclusion often.


You ego driven kids don’t have clue about warfare and how things work. And then have hissy fits of vanity. Listen to your elders who have fought in wars.

Karen Bartlett

Total bullshit remark. Sounds like a Hasbara troll to me. You have the nerve to speak so to a possibly Iranian man who has suffered for years under US sanctions. You don’t know him, just like nobody here really knows you, only what you say. And what you say is telling me more than you’d like, I think.

Karen Bartlett

There goes the “mature” card again. An old troll is as bad as a young troll. So is an old terrorist, and no smarter. Why would anybody believe bullshit because it comes from an “old” mouth?


on another note; do you remember Rambo 3 – the movie where Islamic terrorists were good people cause they fought communists…US soldiers happily helping Taliban etc…

this US is the devil.

Karen Bartlett

You know, “old Soviet”, I’ve heard that name D’Artagnan before. It belongs to a cat on YouTube who is friends with a young Turkish guy named Walter Santi, which is also the name of his YouTube channel. D’Artagnan is his favorite cat.


you just confirmed what I said.


Interesting news. thanks for the info. will look inot that.

It sure is remarkable what Iran did, casualty or not, even Soviets couldn’t do such a thing during Cold War.


I looked into it and its interesting but I think – if Iran had in fact killed/wounded so many, Iran would mention such US lies and twitter story over and over, underlining these you mention above and also wld repeatedly mention that so and so many killed/injured as per their count but they seem silent on that recently and only talking abt new attacks. I don’t know, just thinking.


I thought as a mature and decent person you should at least have a look. I am also doubtful, such big casualties if real can not be hidden , like I had posted yesterday. But it is good to read all points of view and come up with your own conclusions.

Karen Bartlett

Even the Hasbara/Israeli government point of view? They’ve been nothing but terrorists since their inception. And please don’t play the “mature” card. I’m a grandmother and at least as mature as you. Besides, Elijah Magnier, George Galloway and John Pilger are all older adults and they don’t support Israel or believe Israeli propaganda (or try to get others to believe it) in the least. The young people would be the ones who would have to fight and die, after all, and their opinions carry weight, especially if they’re from the country involved, such as is possibly Z.P., and know the history of US perfidy in their country.

Karen Bartlett

D’Artagnan, why would you take at face value anything from Ha’Aretz? It’s an Israeli newspaper and is bound to be a propaganda arm of Hasbara and/or a gov’t mouthpiece. Israel would like nothing better than to stir up a war, with false reports and false flags, such as that two hundred and some US soldiers were wounded by Iran, between the US and Iran, and let both die for “Greater” Israel.And why would US soldiers, if wounded in Iraq, be flown to Israel instead of taken to Iraqi hospitals? Israel has been treating in their hospitals wounded ISIS terrorists from Syria, but that’s closer. I’m beginning to wonder about you. If you’re a Hasbara troll, which I hope you aren’t, you’ve been very clever.

Ashok Varma

The US army is living in very primitive conditions, even Indian Jawans (GI) have better accommodation. Also very strange that Iran with such serious missile power did not target American troops tents and barracks. Something is fishy.


From the article the only”serious” was Russian origin Electronic Warfare jammers that have made crucial difference to put out of use US air defense radars and missiles. Ballistic missiles are not difficult to shot down with proper,good quality air defenses. This only tells us that stupid Americans does not have Electronic Warfare counter measures and were stupid enough to even think about possible danger to have their systems jammed !

Ashok Varma

If you look at photos, they left a whole row of helicopters intact.


There was only FIVE effing missiles to hit with SMALL warheads while Iran has MUCH BIGGER missiles as an option!


And why would Iran use a few missiles and then pass on the timing of the attack to the Iraqis who are totally subservient to the US and had already been implicated in the killing of General Soleimani by passing on the timing of is arrival to the US.


Why,why,why! There are too many “why” and no valid good quality information’s. So people can make their theories the way it pleases them.

For me everything is possible to come up as truth… at the moment we know jack shit! Even the photos can be PHOTOSHOPED I know I could do that in half an hour in Photoshop with no problem. So we know jack shit. Why did Iran use such small number of relatively small warheads. The only logical answer is to show off that they can destroy US base with no problem. But than they have LOST GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to really do that. Because next time Americans will be ready with much better defenses! So WHY did Iranians do that ?!! No answers on any “why”


Simpatico. I am quite baffled, Iran obviously has the capability but the outcome is not that convincing.

Assad must stay

I think they are going to draw the revenge out for as long as they need to until US is completely gone from the region, so this could just be the first “slap”


I would hope so. Like I have posted before, Iran’s support for insurgency in Iraq was going well until 2009, then the mullahs stopped it to negotiate with a criminal regime like US and that gave the arrogant Americans a chance to settle down in Iraq and start looting its oil. The copper plate IEDs introduced by General Soleimani were working very well and taking a huge toll and the all stopped and now we have a totally crazy idiot like Trump. The Iraqi and Syrian resistance needs to be revamped.

Karen Bartlett

Maybe the outcome was simply to show the capability. I believe anything more would have led to inevitable war, Trump having shot off his mouth about it as usual. This way the US military generals got the message and delivered it in no uncertain terms to Trump, such that he was forced to keep his mouth shut regarding further attacking Iran and could still save face. Anyway, I hope that’s right.


Because a massive attack would have placed Trump in a straight jacket in order to be forced declare war on behalf of the Military Industrial Complex in the US and Israel, I would think.


I had a quite long dissertation on this, but realized it was a waste. This is beginning to appear more a media war than anything. The US military may have gotten a message, but the American public just got more snow. Some Iranians claims 80 killed, with absolutely no proof. This was done to assuage Iranian demand for blood, there were no deaths. In the US view, there was no downside to killing Soleimani. This response, while being informative to the military, is widely viewed as very weak, the threats of a ‘crushing response’ as laughable. There is some movement of US troops to other venues…is this real or not? Is it permanent or not? As it is, it appears the Iranians and the US military had more contact and ‘negotiated’ the response. The Iranians agreed to not kill anyone, which would have made the deal problematic, and the US agreed to leave certain bases…my view only. We saw the Iranians keep their word, when we see US forces leaving certain bases, then we’ll know what the US gave up. The rhetoric from both sides serves a purpose, saving face. Let’s hope the Iranian ploy of not killing American service men results in the reward of the US leaving. But don’t bet your last dime on it. If you want to gag, go to Fox and read the articles and comments. Trump is not going to suffer from this, on the contrary, he is already using this in his remarks to his base. The (so-called) anti-Trump US media? That’s a sick joke.


Per d’Artagnan…I have not seen the thing about Khoury. This would not be surprising…the US did much the same with the victims of the Liberty attack. Time will tell, but I would give creedence to it until proof either way. If true, this cannot come out to the US public, as Florian posted. This still does not preclude an arrangement. The Iranians may just have demanded the blood that the Buffoon was nice enough to offer up.


I agree with you , with the additions that whatever the US public thinks is a minor detail for the US deep State, and as for Trump being re-elected, he is that best ambassador for the US that has ever been ,in my opinion.

The greed of the US Empire of Terror is even making US vassals angry. Historically this period of Empire is one where the military costs of Empire begin to outweigh the profits of plunder. The vassals themselves are then further squeezed for their Tithes in a period of decline and this causes civic unrest . When civic unrest is then coupled with the venality of the ruling warlord clans chosen by the US to administer the vassal states , it is a toxic brew of decline, in my humble opinion.

It is fair to say that a large proportion of Americans ( and all other nations) are indeed rather stupid, but then so are sheep, and the only value in a sheep is to fleece it whilst it lives and eat it when its dead.

Karen Bartlett

The US media always cheers when there’s a US attack in the works. They’ve been infiltrated and paid for years by the CIA.


True; look up Operation Mockingbird…


“…..This response, is widely viewed as very weak…….”. But it is the first time a behind the lines US military base has been hit from distance since WWII. US foreign soil operations rely on these bases entirely. If these are vulnerable to missile attack, that would leave only the navy and distance air force bases (Italy, Turkey, Diego Garcia, etc) to attack Iran. So a land invasion is off the cards and also a risk all US military bases in the Gulf region are put out of action. So the message is still a powerful one.


I should have been more explicit. I meant the view/story exposed to Americans. That and the general view of Americans that believe the MSM. Neither of these views are accurate, but this is the public perception, pushed by all parties (in the US) involved. The military on the other hand is quite aware of the points you make. If the American public knew about, say, 80 deaths and 224 wounded as reported by some, the publics reaction would be quite different. So far reports of other death and casualty numbers are unknown by the vast majority of Americans. No casualties, Trump can back down, casualties, trouble for Trump. Sorry for the confusion.


Yep agreed. Keep up good comments zman.


The answer is because the Iranian leadership has the responsibility for an entire nation and population. For them, it’s not some sort of ‘war game’ as it might for you. Think of the well-being of the people, of families, children. You will not throw that away. The message has been received; but peace cannot be thrown away for the sake of some juvenile attitude.


100 %respect your point. This is one of the best comments I have red recently but still ! What if US use that attack on US bases for some bombings or cruise missile attacks against Iran in for them opportune moment ?! How much will be in that situation worth your logic ?!

It is GOOD to be honorable with people who have their word and dignity but HOW TO DO THE SAME WITH LOW LIVES without putting in danger the same children and civilians?

Karen Bartlett

Iran was following international law, as mentioned in the first comment. It doesn’t matter if the country, in this case the US, committed an illegal act of murder under international law. Iran is still, by their limited response, on the right side of that law, They can’t be faulted as having broken international law, as can the US Now if the US stupidly does something to escalate, Iran will still be in the right if they retaliate further. Keeping international law matters to some counties, such as Iran and Russia. https://youtu.be/PyH6QmFmeZE


Karen Bartlett you have given by far the best answer to my question! And this looks to me like good answer,the right answer, that is also acceptable to me! Thank you!

Karen Bartlett

Why, thanks! And Z.P., you’re very welcome.

Karen Bartlett

I think Iran probably has good defenses in case of attack. It seems logical, since they’ve been in danger of attack for a while now.


There are a number of trolls who do nothing else except down vote ‘considered comments’, others down vote anti-Zionist comments, perceived anti Russian comments or ones they do not fully understand and then they are those who may not like you and they do it out of spite. I myself have at least 3 down-voters, not sure which category they fit into and do I give a shit?? In the beginning, I would have liked to know. Now, I just think to myself “what sad creatures slithering around in the DV sewer keeping themselves concealed like Golum”, precious may yet reveal their their cowardly deeds.


I at times have awful Orwellian thoughts about all of this. Yanki strike on Khan Sheikoun and the follow up after the next FF in Ghouta little or no damage with few or no casualties. The lead up attacks, Big Brother goes on a rant everyone cheers then all goes quiet when it is revealed that they have repelled a huge attack from the enemy. Then they launch a successful attack on the enemy… et cetera, so forth and so on.


What are you trying to say? In few words if possible…


What they did was very effective politically. Killing US soldiers would have given US warmonger-class plenty of fuel to fan the flames of a bigger war. No, this was a good way to do it. US military planners are full of headaches today (the neocon zionists don’t care of course). With this kind of accuracy all the Iranian missile force needs is the intel.


You know what they say from early days of civilization: “Life for life” ! Iranian top general is irreplaceable and deep wound i Iranian pride. Can it heal with staged attacks? Truth will get to the surface even in Iran…

You are exaggerating success FAR TOO MUCH. Since all US air defenses were jammed completely by Russian origin Electronic Warfare . Next time US will be much more ready for that kind of attack. So Iranian missiles will have great probability to get shot down next time(if there is next time)

Karen Bartlett

If the US doesn’t have the technology to defend against EW, they will have to develop it, if they can. That takes time.


Well KB the best (anti Electronic Warfare) anti- jamming measures is to secure perimeter surrounding the base on at least few miles with the patrol’s and few choppers in the air since that EW jamming system was not so far from that base. Used by pro Iranian militia and activated in exact moment when the ballistic missiles were launched. They’ve been working hard eversince that incident with Arleigh Burke USS “Donald Cook”few years ago and they have eventually come up with some “solution” that they have put to use already. Something like re enforced protection of GPS, a stop gap till they create full “bullet proof” solution non penetrable for any kind of EW jamming. Did they test that new system against Russian jamming in real life situation I don’t have clue . But I am sure that they are already using something to what extent or to what effect that remains to be seen…


Well KB the best (anti Electronic Warfare) anti- jamming measures is to secure perimeter surrounding the base on at least few miles with the patrol’s and few choppers in the air since that EW jamming system was not so far from that base. Used by pro Iranian militia and activated in exact moment when the ballistic missiles were launched. US Army have been working hard ever since that incident with Arleigh Burke USS “Donald Cook” in BlackSea few years ago and they have eventually come up with some “solution” that they have put to use already. Something like re enforced protection of GPS, a stop gap till they create full “bullet proof” solution non penetrable for any kind of EW jamming. Did they test that new system against Russian jamming in real life situation I don’t have clue . But I am sure that they are already using something to what extent or to what effect that remains to be seen…


Not part of civilisation although many people feel that! Life for life is vendetta based system out of which a civilisation has never grown and can never grow (shithadists are a good current example). Luckily most people’s sense of vendetta can be assuaged with some theatre. Life for life is not the same as right to self defence.


Oh yes it is “part of civilization”deep in our genes. But you like many others can negate that just like US feminist today try to totally negate role of the father as historic and biological “aberration”. Some things and principals have existed for thousands of years and no fancy, hyped LGBTQ “culture” can change that in jiffy. Since it is in our blood inscribed irreversibly.

Life for life is in some situations self defense. Specially when one has to deal with sadistic lunatics like US globalists. And it is ONLY approach that really works with hoodlums like US. The language of the force. “Life for life” is not vendetta based system but the most basic value based system. In other words nobodies life is more worthy than any other life Vendetta was just one of the methods not always logical or justified. When human being is violently killed you can put all your fancy words about “justice” and “civilization” but that will not bring that person back and no civil “justice” will ever compensate that loss of life. Not even close.


Agree that US globalists are sadistic lunatics, but when you start comparing me, I presume, to LGBTQ-feminists you are way off mark. Everyone has a right to self defence but that is not “life for life”. Forgiveness is the ability to overcome our tendency to revenge and vendetta. That is the only basis for civilisation, and revenge in all civilisations is channelled to the justice system, however imperfectly. We have no power to bring anyone back to life so we should not be too eager to deal death either.


Than you “forgive” I have no problem with that. And the”right to self defense” and war in general is always “life for life”as long as it lasts. No point to argue if you can’t see obvious about the war………..War is not to “forgive” but to kill. Yeah…I could write whole day examples about injustice of this so called “civilization” There is nothing civilized in this “civilization”. Only U.S. have killed tens of MILLIONS of innocent civilians since WW2 without ANY public condemnation and they still kill civilians with their drones every day!!! So much about “civilization”. “We have no power to bring anyone back to life so we should not be too eager to deal death either.” Why are you telling me that when US is doing that on daily bases without even being in war?


If true… They have staged “revenge”and that is “good”?!?

They have tricked their own nation who was overwhelmingly for the REVENGE of beloved Iranian general. How pathetic and self-humiliating.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

Why? It’s simple. Iran is weaker than the US so the idea is taming the US and eventually expelling Americans from the ME, not pushing the US to a full attack on Iran which would be most destructive. Iran wants to win its confrontation with the US, not to provoke the Americans. And to win, the tactics used in the present attack on American bases was the smartest. Most likely Americans will leave Iraq and Syria, and that’s what Iran wants. Killing a few hundred random American soldiers would be irrelevant. In fact it would be counterprodictive. I wish people would realize that feelings of revenge are useless in any war.


I do not agree. The “feelings of revenge”are extremely important for the motivation, but as long as “revenge is served cold”it is productive.

Yes of course I can understand all that. The only problem is that it is not what Iran is serving to their own public. If that is the true than all this is just SYMBOLIC with hardly ANY damage inflicted. A pure theatrics, STAGED would be revenge.

Yes they are winners in way, by doing what they have promised but only in APPEARANCE. But most defiantly they are not the moral winners and they know that!


look child, we the realists and experiences from the first minute knew, there will be no iranian revenge, there will be no war.

you and similar your soulmates, who are undeveloped children, living in bloody PC games virtual reality, are simply not able to understand the real world. therefore you will be permanently unsatisfied. later you will take drugs and shoot childran in schools. so it is.




They did the job! So that should be enough as an answer to your question. But WHAT did they destroy and WHAT were their targets ?!?


From my old senile recollection, I believe it was to “avenge” the murder of their top general :) but not a single US soldier lost his life if the US reports are to be believed and Iran has not provided any evidence either.


Yes You can as failed expatriate (why would you glutton in somebodies problems if you have accomplished anything in your effing France!) have your fun. So have your 5 minutes of joy. Trouble is growing for the West every day bigger Your time of trouble will come soon enough.


I too old to get emotional and try to analyze events based on real evidence. I have visited Iran on numerous occasion and also understand the nature of the mullah regime. Their only aim is to stay in power and that also suits the west. Iran is a very rich and smart country with immense potential.


Humans tend to cling to power and Mullah have good excuse in supporting theocracy. So it is not for their sake but for the Allah. While they also try hard to oppose TERRORIST U.S. and give Iran much better future than U.S. have prepared for them.


I was in Tehran a few months ago and the mullahs were in real trouble as the young Iranians want more freedoms and then they were repressed. This is a gift to the mullahs by the arrogant Americans. Now Iranians are united and all segments even the nationalists from the Pahlavi era loath the US and that is why I am finding the Iranian response quite baffling, even though it is very brave and did expose US as a “PAPER TIGER” like you say, but I believe after speaking with a lot of people today and reading blogs, that the Iranian public would want some real revenge. Blood for blood.


US color “revolutions”are already global banality. Soon chickens will go back home to roost ! A pay back time! US is on the verge of civil war.

It is absolutely normal that Iranians want “revenge” since US have been pissing in their soup for decades already.


from which part of russia do you come, bro?


tales ….


You are badmouthing Nobody here knows the true facts 100% so you are only badmouthing Iran.


I have never badmouthed Iran, but am not a fan of a harsh theocratic regime that has hijacked a popular revolution and made life a misery for the average Iranian. Why start a nuclear program if you are not going to make a bomb? and suffer such harsh economic sanctions? it is very illogical. General Soleimani was a good decent man and he looks like being sacrificed in vain. The US is too arrogant.


“harsh theocratic regime that has hijacked a popular revolution” You are fill of it! It was US who has used force to remove democratically elected Iranian president! And impose their puppet, sadistic dictator. So would you kindly shut up please? Why start a nuclear program in Pakistan; IsraeHell or any other place and not to Iran while threatening their existence in the same time? For that you should ask US first about their proliferation of nuke tech. Do they decide life and death right or wrong? I do not think so! They can only try to impose their will but nothing more than that ! You are slimy hypocrite! General Soleimani was not afraid of death and as Iranian patriot he is helping Iranian interests even with his death by unifying Iranians against US, IsraeHell terrorism.

Karen Bartlett

The recent protests in Iran, incidentally, were instigated and organized by MEK (or MKO), backed by the US (CIA and NGO’s). Just like the protests in Hong Kong. It is the severe US sanctions on Iran which has “made life a misery for the average Iranian”.


Believe THIS:https://blogfactory.co.uk/2020/01/09/israeli-reporters-account-silenced-after-post-on-us-casualties/


1) How do you know the photos are accurate and not doctored? 2) We don’t know what acutally happened


That is a rational point and I have been wondering and looking for real evidence, especially in the days of every person with a smartphone. How come no Iraqi or US personnel filmed this attack?


I’ve seen a video from US soldiers who filmed the attack and the funny thing was they seemed to be cheering the missile strikes. it was on VT.


1) How do you know I do not consider that as one of the options?!!? I do not know if they are doctored like I do not know many other things ! 2) Yes “we don’t know what actually happened” but we can at least try to understand what has happened and why.


so, no vendetta

the mullahs lied


91 year old Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s last FM is also perplexed.


US military base was HIT with Iranian MULTIPLE missiles with NO U.S. RESPONSE !!! US is officially PAPER TIGER !


That is a FACTUAL statement as not even Soviets or China could ever openly target US bases. US bombed the Chinese embassy, killed many diplomats in Serbia in 1999, and all China did was to send a protest note. US forces have been killing Russians in Syria openly and no response. Iran’s move was audacious to say the least.


Your “FACTUAL statement” is rubbish since distorts the picture totally. No top Soviet general was killed by US in terrorist assassination ever! China was some kind of world power in last 10 years at the most. But soon they will become new Super Power like USSR was.

In 1999 China was literally NOTHING comparing to US power while Russia was BANKRUPTED so they couldn’t help China there either even if they wanted (and they didn’t want) !!!

Killed Russians were “Wagner” private firm MERCENARIES paid by Assad !!! Their death has nothing to do with Russia and even less Russian army!

You are one biased IGNORANT Westerner totally indoctrinated with Western MSM bullshit you read! Do not waste my time ignoramus!


Temper, temper petulant child :) What are you in high skool?


Old soft d**k twat.


Not paper tiger. The U.S. gave Iran permission to perform this token strike to save face and allow the U.S. to look magnanimous.




“Proves?” ???


Are you echo chamber; why are you repainting my question? WHERE are the proves for your nonsense claim!? Proves please, or kindly shut up.


OH! You mean PROOFS. There is not a single person here who has “Proof” of anything. All we have is evidence and even that is shady at best. Have you ever heard the phrase “You judge a tree by it’s fruit”? By the way “prove” is a verb and “proof” is a noun because “prove” requires action and “proof” is a thing.


Thanks for the grammar I really need it…. So tell me about that ‘fruit’ as your “PROOFS” Why didn’t you get to the point to make an argument immediately from the start? Why are you wasting time and words?


Like I said, there is no proof, only evidence. LOOK AT THE FRUIT. Or if you don’t like Scriptural teaching then the old saying “The proof is in the pudding.” works as well. The U.S. was warned that the attack was going to happen which means collusion. Iran purposefully avoided hitting U.S. personnel which shows Iran was not serious about revenge and this was just for show. Both countries get to use their propaganda media to spin it in their favor. Why? Perhaps Soleimani a non conformist who was a thorn in both their sides. But that is obviously conjecture.


“The U.S. was warned” No shit! I want to see the copy of that “warning”. You are boring the shit out of me with your comment ! Please PROVIDE LINK or anything that can confirm your claims or DO NOT BOTHER ME at all. If by stating you think you can”create” the facts out of blue just because you say so you are talking to the wrong person !


Wow! You haven’t heard that the U.S. was warned? Hmmm. There are many accounts and most propaganda but the FACT that the U.S. was warned is undeniable. And the FACT that they were warned but didn’t even TRY to shoot down a single missile is another proof of collusion.



U.S. was warned IN GENERAL not on SPECIFIC TARGETS and timing ! Iranians did shoot those lousy missiles but without BANG …there was only FLOP sound in the distance. Yet nothing indicates collusion…cold feet or rationalizing in the moment of the battle can also be called “collusion”! Many things can be interpreted as “collusion”.


“U.S. was warned IN GENERAL not on SPECIFIC TARGETS and timing !” Proof? You see, it goes both ways.


Of course “it goes both ways.”! But it was YOU who started that bollocks story so it was up to you to provide the facts also. Who the you think is interested only in your personal opinion if backed by nothing? Nobody! Good bye!


Retired General Macgregor on Tucker Carlson. I would imagine he has more inside knowledge than any reporter or internet blogger. He said: The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack AND the TARGETS. I saw the interview on Fox YouTube channel yesterday. Look it up. And that is not the only report of such that I have heard.


Thanks. “Prior knowledge” is only possible by Iranian (deliberate?) discovering a secret to some Iraqi high positioned …And that was like telling Americans…. If that is true than “attack” is just face saving theatrics for Iran. And also possibility for both sides to get easy exit out of bigger conflict. Truth always comes up to the surface…. Sooner or later the truth about this will come up to the surface also..


Let us leave it there… the subject. I had enough of this..


Okey dokey.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

I just put him on ignore. No time for his bs.


good advice,thanks my friend


Everyone must remember Iran said it was the end of military attacks they have other options


They sent Trump a message he had visited that base last year they are telling him they could kill him if he comes back to the middle east


They could send him Tweet than… It would save us all from this false drama and theatrics,and Iranians would not have to waste those five missiles for such small effect.

Like US are total idiots and they didn’t know already the capabilities of Iranian missiles. All this was unnecessary.


Im getting a bit worried about the amount of bloodlust that’s out there i know the people that control US and isreal are monsters that deserve to be incinerated in a ballistic missile blast but i don’t think this struggle we all face will be solved through violence don’t get me wrong the militaries will play a role in this fight for justice but all out war is in nobody’s interest except Satan and his minions


The essence is in Chinese proverb: “By the flowers of the present we can recognize the fruit of the future” Iranian foreign policy has predetermined conflictual situation in the future. They have challenged not only passively the world “Master” Yeah “bloodlust “… And how about “backing ones words by identical acts”? One must not start something if one does not finish it in the same way. It is counterproductive. The result is always loss of the credibility (for those who see through theatrics). Nobody was forcing Iran to escalate anything against US and their blood thirsty assistant IsraHell. They could have stayed more in submission to injustice. It was their choice and their ambition not to. The terrorist assassination was direct result of that policy. They have challenged criminals and they got revenge from the criminals for their resistance. By forcing hand of US to show their primitive, violent, unjustifiable brute force. Iran got them where they wanted them and have shown to the world how dangerous criminals US can be. The only problem is now that they can not finish all in the same style without bringing more suffering to their population. Other option is to pretend and simulate “revenge”… They could always try to keep it low key resistance from the start. Despite total injustice of the sanctions, without overly antagonizing those paranoid criminals IsraHell and gangsters from US. They have chosen more pro active approach and danger that comes with that. US is falling super power but still dominant world power and as such they can still be very dangerous. Everything in life is in our choices and capacity to follow them all the way through.


I reluctantly agree that there has been a lot of hot air from Iran but yea they have chosen a more proactive approach and i am thankfull for that because if they hadn’t Isis would still be causing havoc in the region and ithink have kept it mostly low key i mean they haven’t directly (untill now) attacked the US despite extreme provocation they have been defending the region against US isreali proxys


You make it sound like Iran was only fighting ISIS…. But I will not try to nitpicking every word you say. So basically we have agreed with some slight differences in the angles to the same problem. Yeah depending what you call “low key”. Building Iranian bases and storing short range ballistic missiles in Syria (to attack IsraHell in the case of Iran-IsraHell war) was not “low key” Iranian activity at all. We all can hate IsraHell as much as we want still every country would react in similar way they did… Except that IsraHell was not only bombing Iranian bases but SAA as well with which I do not agree at all, of course.


And what other country has directly attacked a US military base in recent times i realise none of this is nearly enough to prove a great threat to isreali American power but it could lead to greater things


Was Russian top general killed or Iranian? And was that really Iranian “attack” or something staged to “save face” to both sides and create situation for both sides to get out of the conflict quietly? All I am saying Iran was having too ambitious approach from the start. They couldn’t really have followed with their acts what they were saying with their words from the start.

While if Russia is saying “NATO in Ukraine is our red line if crossed WW3 will start” . I know and everybody KNOWS that they can and they will follow through with their threat if challenged. That is my point.


A tweet would prove fuck all they have proved they can kill Trump if he comes back to the middle east


I was ironic Roland.




No need for that. It must be my limited comprehension of English. I don’t have clear picture of how to do certain things linguistically and my grammar sucks.


Can i ask where your from?


Officially I am from Eastern Europe. Slavic Orthodox Christian (I am not Russian) I prefer not to disclose more than that.


If English isn’t your first language i must say you do rather well getting your point across


Very kind…. Thanks. It used to be my 2nd language and now I am not sure if it is 3rd or even worse My English very rusty…and what is grammar …? :-)))

Rhodium 10

that photos are posted by pro western media.. they dont show images inside the base and damage!…that Heli could landed there after the attack


You are talking about gangsta warfare that the US practices. Fighting and dying merely for the purpose of fighting and looting the wealth of other nations.

Thoughtful defence warfare is the art of winning conflicts without fighting and dying too much, and with the minimum of infrastructure damage.

The aim of defensive war is for the gangland opposition to leave the field of battle and go home. After that comes the political phase.


US or any occupation force in history have ever left voluntarily. Trump has openly said that US will take Iraqi oil. There have been zero US casualties in Iraq for years now. US will not leave Iraq or Syria unless there is effective resistance. The Palestinians stopped resisting and lost all their land.

Karen Bartlett

The Palestinians have not stopped resisting During the recent Naqba protests (last March) thousands of Palestinians demonstrated at the fence the Israelis have put up surrounding Gaza. Israeli snipers shot and killed hundreds of Palestinians and wounded and maimed thousands more, deliberately targeting women, children,journalists and medics who went out to help the wounded. Palestinian teenage boys used kites to sent fired-up “torches” into Israeli fields, and slingshots with rocks to bring down Israeli drones-and successfully. The Israelis were whining and crying about the Palestinian “terrorists”. The unarmed and starving and caged-in Palestinians are still resisting!

Peter Jennings

They are still digging for victory.

Karen Bartlett

Unworthy of you, surely. They have no choice. They are disarmed, surrounded by concrete walls, blockaded by Israel and therefore denied access to food and medicine, checkpoints at every exit from Gaza, arrested, tortured in prison, shot by sniper fire by the IOF when they legally protest the occupation. Palestinians live in the “biggest open-air concentration camp in the world” (Eva K. Bartlett). All by illegal occupation by Israel. Palestinians are in the right by international law. What would you do in their case? Give up?

Peter Jennings

Thanks for the reply Karen. Apologies for any crossed wires. My comment was in reference to tunnels dug between Palestine and Lebanon, with a British twist on the Dig For Victory theme used in Blighty during WWII.

The isreali regime have everything covered on the borders and tunnels seem to be the only way for Palestinians to acquire the means of protection, and other supplies without being attacked. The Palestinians have had great success doing this in the past.


The Romans left Britain voluntarily, the British Empire faded away voluntarily amongst a great gnashing of teeth by the Elite.

Both were forced by circumstances that were essentially a lack of money. The US is literally ‘printing fiat cash’ in a time when the petro dollar is losing its power.

If the US Empire Elite had not been so greedy and left a few more morsel’s of wealth for the people of the nations it has looted, the Empire would not be as universally despised is it is today.


I honestly hope that you are right. My life experience is that there is too much deception in the world and human nature makes out of many people liars. I just hope this is not the case


Excellent reply, Florian.


Thank you. I appreciate it from a person with a thoughtful mind such as you.


You’ve just described the thinking that is allowing the globalists to take over. You might as well repeat the mantra that “Violence doesn’t solve anything.” In the name of saving infrastructure perhaps Iran should just let the U.S. install another Shah to run things.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Another one, huh? Goodbye!


LOL. Sorry but I didn’t even see you in the room. But Good Bye. Don’t let the screen door hit you.


They have withstood 40 years of US and EU pressure when the US was arguably more powerful.

Iran today has a formidable capacity to inflict reciprocal pain on the US proxy regimes and Israel in the Middle east.


I don’t know if you are old enough but in the lead up to the Gulf War we were told how formidable the Republican Guard was and how they could inflict so much damage. And we see how easily they were defeated.


Your point being?


You really shouldn’t compare The Iraqi Republican Guard to the Revolutionary Guard, it stinks of ignorance.


Same hype. Militarily Iran is no more capable, to beat the U.S., in 2020 than Iraq was in 1990. The main difference/advantage is where Iran is situated geographically.


Wrong again dickhead. Iraq had a lot less capability in 1990 than Iran has now.


Better look at yourself when you start throwing out names. Idiot. Iraq was equal to or more powerful than Iran in 1990 especially since the U.S. had been arming Iraq to fight against Iran. The U.S. has a lot better capability than it did in 1990 retard. Iran is no where near the U.S. militarily. What a moron.


“Iraq was equal to or more powerful than Iran in 1990.”

Listen to me chickenhawk, this is the same military that was pushed out of Iran which hadn’t attacked a country since the 18th century. Iran didn’t have much aid, yet they succeeded in pushing them out. Comparing Iraq to Iran really shows your ignorance. Iranians are NOT Arab, they live in a mountainous region, and actually make their own shit whereas Iraq hasn’t made much of its own weapons in comparison. You could manipulate Arabs, but manipulating Persians? Lmfao, there’s a reason why the Shah was overthrown.

“The U.S. has a lot better capability than it did in 1990 retard”

Yet that same military couldn’t beat the Taliban retard, not to mention not one Iraqi wants them around and it won’t be any easier for them to linger around there. If you support war so badly, go ahead and enlist the day your idiot government attacks. Make your pal Trump proud.


“chickenhawk” LMAO. So what if Iran is now building some of their own weapons. If not for the destruction of Iraq they probably wouldn’t have had the incentive to come as far as they have. But even now they still fly F14 Tomcats since apparently their indigenous jet was just a propaganda piece. And YES the Americans did beat the Taliban. I guess you mean they haven’t been beaten since every last one of them hasn’t been slaughtered? Looks like you are the chickenhawk.


Apparently you don’t know what a chickenhawk is and judging from your response, it really shows your knowledge of things. Typical American


Typical liberal retard. Perhaps you should look up the meaning.


Typical laissez faire zio-fascist retard. You should look up the meaning.


Idiot. When did I advocate war?? You are a lying straw man who can’t argue based on facts.


Lmfao and denial is just a river in Egypt


See, you are a lying POS. Take your coward straw man ass somewhere else.


Look who’s talking Trump.


If the Americans did beat the Taliban, they would not have existed right now. Nor would they be begging for peace with them Go back to your fox news Billy-Bob


So America didn’t beat the English, Germans, Japanese, etcetera…????? They still exist you idiot.


Lol so does Vietnam, and your country lost. You are still missing the point you redneck fuck, the fact that the taliban have NOT been wiped out and still run around Afghanistan doing whatever they want, winning battle after battle, not to mention the fact that your beloved ‘Murica was suing for peace only proves my point.


I’m not going to continue discussion with a foul mouthed retard. Go tell your stories to someone else.


Ok, Mr. InbredTeabaggingTrumpfanboy.


Go away keyboard coward.


Make me


…and that’s why Russia keeps on winning in Syria.


During the era of the British Empire, the 1st thing that came into the minds of the elite when there was dissent in the colonies was to send a gunboat or a company of soldiers etc.

The US is just carrying on that tradition of repression in the though that the US is inviolate :)


The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis. “We’re going to send a gunboat!” to quote Peter Sellers



Robert Ferrin

Nothing fishy Iran let the Americans know what their missile’s could do, and by killing hundreds of Americans it would have created a full blown war with the danger of both nuclear powers going head to head.Iran just delievered a very public bitch slap to Trump and I’m sure other world leaders saw it,and saw it as such,U.S. prestige just took a huge hit that killing hundreds would’nt have accieved.Rack this one up as a plus for the Iranian side.!!!


Iran did not need 5 days to respond. this scenario was undoubtedly wargamed before, hence IRGC could have struck as soon as Soleimani was murdered, surprising the yanks and killing 100’s for sure.


I try to remain objective, but there is too much smoke and mirrors in this scenario.

Peter Jennings

It’s all very perplexing isn’t. The Iranian response almost seems like a damp squib compared to the anger, contempt, and promises of revenge. Perhaps the General was going rogue and was set up in more ways than one? Perhaps i’m going nuts?


“Perhaps the General was going rogue and was set up in more ways than one?” Yes! That is exactly what this looks like. This whole thing looks scripted.


definitly there is alot going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about it, soleimani was the head of the Quds force but not the IRGC.


Issam judging by funeral he was immensely popular. Was that problem for those in power or seen as something positive? Did he,.. was he, (as true Iranian patriot) having any differences with official Iranian foreign policy. Or with the methods that foreign policy was executed? In other words was there any motive to put him on dangerous spot since he was obviously known to be very courageous man and true soldier. So he didn’t hesitate to put his life in danger on the line of duty. Maybe just maybe somebody understood that as possibility to set him up and use his death as political instrument. A bargaining chip with Americans.. Was there any jealousy in IRGC commanders against him?


Based on what I’ve read about him in the past years, he didn’t get involved in the internal politics of Iran, and had good relationships between the conflicted parties, i.e: the new pro-western “moderate” government and the revolutionist who refused negotiation with the US in the first place including the supreme leader Ali Khamenei.

I highly doubt that someone was against him, he was a religious and down to earth person, IMO, he wanted to be martyred in the hands of his enemies, since he used to speak and cry a lot about his friends who all got martyred except him, I’m guessing that’s why he stopped caring for his security and didn’t care about being assassinated.

One thing that people exaggerate, is that he was responsible for the ME policies, which is a lie, the Iranian supreme national security council is the one responsible for foreign policies and the final decision is taken by Ali Khamenei, Soleimani role to apply those decisions, He only got popular till recently in the fight against ISIS. Here’s one example of that, Nassrallah said that Hezbollah visit Iran twice a year to meet with Iranian officials to brief them about the developments for the last 35 years and the one who heads and those meetings is Ali Khameini himself, Soleimani was one of those officials.


OK, thanks Issam! Now I am starting to have full picture finally. Now his death sounds, of more logical consequence. Since it was obvious that he took extreme risque, by doing what he did in his trip there, without any hesitation…


“Rogue” – that’s a big speculation. The general was in Lebanon as Nassralah said, he had nothing special to do so he came to see him and check on him and stayed with him a few days, Hezbollah always make sure to take care of his safety until he arrive to Syria. In a 5h interview of Nassralah a while ago, he mentioned that Qassem soleimani is the only one who deliver messages from Khamenei to the leaders, hence why the PM of Iraq said that he was scheduled to meet with him 8am that day to deliver him a message.

Peter Jennings

Cheers. I was just supposing. I meant no disrespect to General Soleimani or his achievements. There has to be a reason behind why the Iranian admin gave the General such a big hero send off at home, which gained them lots of PR, and yet the military response was lack-luster, and almost routine. The US assassination also ruffled a few feathers in nato countries too, so all-in-all worked in Iran’s favour.


The first Casualty of WAR is the TRUTH


For the moment I do not see any “truth”. The official report lacks the explanation what was the target and what was destroyed.. So no “truth” at the moment Just empty words and few photos that does not tell much

Arch Bungle

The reason you don’t see any Truth is that it was the first casualty …


They didn’t “kill” the truth they are just hiding it with secrecy, which is not the same.

Arch Bungle

I suggest you familiarise yourself with the concept of metaphorical expression in the english language. You are debating metaphors here while missing the actual meaning.


That “metaphorical expression” in this case was inaccurate. I understand English enough to understand the meaning of the words. Truth can not be a “causality” because it was not revealed fully in the first place. We have not been told all in details, about what has happened. The truth was not fully reveled because of military secrecy (and not because somebody wanted to distort it). “Causality”relates to something killed ,annihilated , distorted in any possible way…which here is obviously not the case. If you have something concrete and constructive to add pleas do. Since I always like to learn as non native average English speaker.

Assad must stay

Why farsnews says 80 killed, 200 wounded?


It is for domestic consumption as there is genuine anger in Iran. US assassination is totally criminal and no country has ever done that before.

Assad must stay

I read an Israeli journalist or someone also tweeted it but they deleted it and took it down


Because Farsnews is a propaganda outlet just like the mainstream news in the U.S.

Karen Bartlett

I have no idea and I’m not going to speculate about something I know nothing about.


they lie.

fot the own citizens.

Assad must stay

like western media? LOL


the governmental propaganda is the same everywhere :D


I think USA got off cheap, if this is all then US can just go ahead with more attacks now and not worry much. It’s one thing to “have capability” to do something and another to actually do it. By restraining itself in not making these strikes deadlier Iran showed that it’s ability to commit is doubtful. I think a 20/0 kill ratio is pretty good reason for zionists terrorists to keep on attacking but oh well.

Assad must stay

I think the attack did do alot of damage and deaths but US suppressed it very quickly from getting out. I think they may have also lied to trump and told him there were no deaths. Who knows

Karen Bartlett

Iran was careful to stay within the bounds of international law. If one neglects to obey international law, then one is no better than Mr. Trump or the gangster MIC of the US.


I don’t know about “international law” or how it applies to when you’re dealing with USA who breaks it at almost every step but having the moral high-ground alone won’t save you from USA’s terrorism, it didn’t save many of their other victims. You need a proper physical, strategic and psychological deterrence for that.

Luke Hemmming

From VT. IRAN WARNED IRAQ 2 HOURS before attack commenced. Iraq informed US. Troops battened down in hardened bunkers. In erbil the US consulate was the target but Iran deliberately avoided hitting it according to US officials. Something that is not avoidable is the FACT that Iran possesses high accurate missile capabilities and this was demonstrated to the US. As some have mentioned Iran could have easily launched earlier and surprised the US killing servicemen but did not. That is why I’m going with the idea that this was to let everyone know that Iran can and will do severe damage to anyone in the region that wants to try and take on Iran. Kudos to the Iranians for showing up the Yanks not only in missile technology but also in diplomacy by declaring the escalation was over for now until if the US tries again. Following UN charter article 51. Now that’s how it’s done. Take note of this Israel and US.


Yes, even the Houthis with their meagre supply of missiles, have caused havoc at Saudi parades, military bases etc.


I’ll go with this theory…makes sense.


Sad, but probably true…. No revenge at all. Toady everything is turned into calculation, politics and TV show. How pathetic. Everybody is just pretending something.

Luke Hemmming

Yeah like hasbara trolls pretending that iran is a backwards failed state that cant defend its self against the almighty power of israel… cough… cough…or the USA pretending it can kick Iran’s azz anytime or NK’s azz or Venezuela’s azz or…do I need to go on?


Here, there is two max, Twitter is infested with them. even the less informed people joins them and claim they know everything xD.


Yeah, for some reason ALL the Americans i’ve seen online (left, right, center, but especially left) assume they know everything about the middle east when two weeks ago they couldn’t even point where the actual middle east is on a map LOL.


No you don’t. But I am old fashioned guy who believes that there is time for everything . And I have impression that time for talks and empty threats has passed already for too many times…Now is the time to finally get down with it. Time to bring that fight up and resolve all the problems in only possible way. Time to show those motherf***ers that they can’t terrorize and kill forever just because they think they are more powerful !

Karen Bartlett

The people most effected by war are unarmed, defenseless civilians, mothers and children, old people. I think Iran is taking this into account much more than Trump and the American war hawks.


It is very difficult with criminals in life KB While everything is easy everything is possible with honest decent people. Easy to agree, easy to resolve, easy to forgive and be forgiven. With true criminals that want everything you have including your freedom and even your life …It is very difficult to agree anything with them, or to resolve with them. Because there is betrayal in everything they do. So one can’t make peace with those people or trust them in any possible way.

Karen Bartlett

True, but one has to consider the civilians in countries with a criminal government. I think Iran is doing this. I’m not saying they should trust the US gov’t.

Xoli Xoli

Zip and Piss stop scaring people with rubbish nuclear war of yours.We are not scare of your nuclear war.Both with your nuclear depots we will bomb you bloody double face USA agent.

Mehmet Aslanak

Iran knows Trump was not consulted to kill Iraqi & Irani generals. So they want to prevent the war like Trump also does. Trump thinks sanctions are working while ruling elite guided rebel generals in Pentagon thinks they are not working.

Rhodium 10

Iran have attacked the base and the assets where US drones launch its attacks!..beside both are in Sunni&Kurdish zones

Karen Bartlett

It’s not a war between Sunni and Shia. It’s all CIA/M16 and Israel/ Saudi Arabia instigated.


Mullahs are dicks, huh, why dont we talk about a shithole like Norway and our regin of Haggs from Hell, like the never ending show of corruption, nepotism, the raw contempt the hags have on their own people, counteless thrown in jail because of incompetance and downright stupidyt humped with lies, desite and hate of the poor and the week. An politics that is taking our resources and gives them to some few people and foreign corp, bilions given in tax releases witch is taken from the poor and pensioners, an AGW cult that is destroying our nature while the same f…. whines about biodiversity, to alowing little children to learn about anal sex, etc an nation in free fall, moraly, and our coulture drowning. And thats because they are Khazars, the same scums of this earth that runs ISISrael, Norway whom is rotten to its core, our MSM is even worse than the Moronikans, PC-infested like Sweden to the bone marrow and runs hate campagnes against their own people, and do whatever the Yankikes say, incl foreign poltics because they are cowards, nothing but spineless f…. creeps. And now we have an Defence Min. from Båtsfjord, (heihei, fra Kirkenes) huh, nei dæven, en Båtsfjord væring, en hjernedød slog-punkere, like mye møkkahue some de fra Oslo, gud helpe oss alle. huh I could go on for an very long list but ends it here. eh….. thats why I dont bother to dive to deep into whatever others do, wipe your own doorstepp first before you open you f…. mouth, son.

Iran did an master move, totally “unexpected” and took a lot of people by surprice (incl me), and they the yankies and their friends from pissrael, now, dont even know how to respond because of this, and the warning just made it to an master class propaganda move, unpresedented to, and have shown the Yankikes and others that the narrative of stupid goat f….. dont fit on the Persians, and all tho I am not entirly certain the Imperial banana repubic will end their war efforts, its been halted and Iran have given the UssArmy something to chew on. And do notice the HasbaRats, and the silence of the scums of this earth, because it turned out that the entire region, aka the Arab nations, is slowly realising the fact that USSa is insane, corrupt, and now, butt naked. And I dont think Trump was alone, when the entire UssA Gov and Senate is raving loonies, and to then think this latest hickups and rants about Trump from the DemonCrauts is something viable or that the DemonCrauts in any way is more sane makes me doubt anyones ability to see whats right infront of your own eyes, to me, there is no difference, this Path to Persia was writen under the DemonCrauts and Obamalama the lord of Piss and Drones was/is equally evil, no difference what so ever. Because we are after all, despite some sympathtic people and their coments dealing with an insane nation, the UssA, and their 250 wars thru their existence.

The truth is, this was an yard stick moment in our history, and that for the first time in centurys, the Arabs have an opertunity to do something real for their own people, an paradigme shift, from economic to defence. Kick the Yankikes out, and from now on set the premisses for whats to come. Some of us have awaited something for years, and didnt even think realisticly that an shift of this magnitute could ever happen, dreamt yes, but nothing really fundamentally changed until this week. I hope the wars ends, and for us all, peace will reign. To justify the deaths of all the millions of martyrs whom died, from litle children to QS, let them not have died in vain. May the lord bless you all and bless your nations and peoples future.


Karen Bartlett

I agree with everything you said, except not all Jews are Zionists and IraHell is not the State of the Jewish people. There’s more where this came from, too:https://youtu.be/lm6_HU60usA?t=133


Sadly the entire western world is under the control of these monsters

Rodney Loder

Would have been better to do nothing at all.

Karen Bartlett

What is your expert opinion based on?

Rodney Loder

Psychology mainly, Iraqi politicans will sigh with relief and go with the strongest side, Ayatollah Khamenei’s decision to inform the Americans is reminiscent of Nasser’s expectation that the Iraqi politicians would support his Revolution against the West a complete delusion.

Iran just shafted any opportunity to keep Russia from supporting greater israel via KSA and UAE.

Iran won’t be taken seriously after this.


Twitter account of Israeli Journo suspended after Tweet about 224 wounded US soldiers arriving in Tel Aviv for treatment.



Someone is trying very hard to put a lid on things. I’m sorry but at least 15 ballistic missiles with HE warheads rain down on an airbase full of troops and there isnt even one single casualty ?, not even so much as a scratch ?, sorry but I dont buy it. One of the journalists for Haaretz posted on his twitter account that 224 wounded US servicemen had been flown into a hospital in tel aviv for treatment and the twitter account immediately got suspended. The journalist later claimed it was someone impersonating him on twitter but get this, the twitter account that got suspended which he claims was a false account was opened in 2013. O call bulls**t on the whole thing. This journalist got leaned on to retract his claim. Why is the pentagon refusing access to the Al assad airbase to the iraqis to see what the extent of damage was ?, if as they say the damage is minimal why arent they letting the iraqis in ? One iraqi lawmaker said the US section of the base was completely destroyed. The first casualty of war is always the truth, especially if you control global media. The Iranians state that 80 americans perished in their attack and roughly 200 more were wounded and I see no reason to doubt them unlike the lying west which has a proven track record of nothing but lies. I can understand the yanks desperately trying to keep a lid on this to save face but lets just think this through for a minute, a country that the US has been threatening for years openly attacks a US military base in the middle east and the US doesnt react ?, what are the chances of that ? The yanks havent reacted because they only ever pick on snall weak countries who are unable to defend themselves, if they could have attacked Iran they would have done so long before now and the fact that they havent up to now simply means they are unable to. Listen closely to Trump’s address to the nation he made, it sounded like he was addressing simple minded retards “our missiles are very big and very accurate” and then he said they were applying more sanctions on Iran, what sanctions ?, Iran is already naxed out with sanctions but I suppose they have to be seen to be doing something.

Karen Bartlett

I have never seen you comment on this site before. The first thing you mention, besides not “buying” the SF report, is the supposed Ha’Aretz journalist and his twitter account being taken down. Who says the US is refusing access to the Iraqis at their own airbase? And you said the “Al assad airbase”!!! Freudian slip? You mention “the yanks” twice-so you’re British, then? Why push that the “Iranians states that 80 Americans perished” etc. since SF says there’s no evidence of this? I smell another [new] Hasbara troll, putting out the hook, hoping people on this site will bite.


Some people like you are just totally brain dead and simply unable to think logically or even think at all. If I wss a “hasbara troll” as you put it I would hardly be defending the Iranians version of events now wouId I ?, simple logic which you seem unable to grasp and I have often posted on this site in the past just because you are unaware of that fact is not my problem, get a life.

Karen Bartlett

Definitely a troll.If it quacks like a duck, etc.


I’m sorry but at least 15 ballistic missiles with HE warheads rain down on an airbase full of troops and there isnt even one single casualty ?, not even so much as a scratch ?, sorry but I dont buy it.

this was the deal. similarly, when yanks bombed syrian camps.

inbetween today one boss of irgc claimed, they goal was not to kill, but cause only material damage.


Of course you don’t buy it

Thats because you’ve had your head filled with rubbish about how invincible the Iranian forces are!

Look at the satellite photos and see how many US helicopters they missed with these missiles which allegedly have CEP of 3 metres!

Then ask yourself why?

Why did they miss?

If the intention was to damage the US war machine why not actually damage something,i don’t mean a few tents either


From Fortruss :

“TEHRAN, Jan. 09 (MNA) – Missile attacks at one of the most important US bases in the context of “Operation Shahid Soleimani ” were the start of a major operation that will continue throughout the region, said Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

“Missile attacks on one of the most important US bases were the start of a major operation that would continue throughout the region”, he said, adding, “We didn’t seek to kill. We sought to hit the enemy’s military machine.”

“The assassination of Lt. Gen. Soleimani was one of US’ greatest historical and strategic mistakes,” Hajizadeh noted.

He went on to say, “We fired 13 missiles at US military bases in Iraq, but we were ready to fire several hundred missiles in one or two hours.”

“We thought it might take two or three days or a week if two sides did not practice self-restraint, so we had prepared several thousand missiles,” added the commander.

Stating, “We were not seeking to kill anyone in the operation, however, tens of people were killed and some were injured, which its statistics will be known,” he said, “If we were going to kill more, we could design the operation so that at least 500 military forces be killed, and if they responded in the next step, we would have changed our position and had no obligation to save the lives of US troops. We would have killed at least 5,000 in the second and third steps within 48 hours.”

Hajizadeh said, “We thought the Americans would attack, but they didn’t,” adding, “They were waiting for a slap in their face and they became a little calm when they faced it.”

Emphasizing that all of Iran’s missiles hit the targets, he said, “The Americans did not shoot any shot despite having ample facilities, they could not confront.”

The United States terrorist forces assassinated Lt. General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s pro-government Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) — better known as Hashd al-Sha’abi — in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport early on Friday.

In the first step of hard revenge on the US over the assassination of Lt. General Soleimani Iran’s IRGC force fired tens of ballistic missiles at Ain Al-Assad base in Iraq on Wednesday. Ain al-Assad is an Iraqi airbase that the US terrorist forces are stationed there.

Eros Alonso

A produção doméstica de mísseis americanos não funcionou,kk. Melhor comprarem anti-mísseis russos…. Nenhum míssil iraniano foi interceptado e foram duas salvas…. Foi um recado. O Irã pode sim atingir os EUA lá dentro. Temos informações de que um avião levou para a a Alemanhã mais de 200 soldados americanos feridos e que hospitais de Israel também receberam soldados feridos. Como os EUA não deixaram ninguém entrar na base bombardeada para averiguar, nem a ONi, não temos porque acreditar em Trump. Impossível ninguém morrer….. Estavam vazias?

Arch Bungle

Another outcome of this strike is that it can reasonably be concluded that last year’s strike on Saudi oil facilities were likely also conducted by Iranians … The same amazing precision, the same lack of response by AA /AM systems and the same apparent difficulty in tracing the path of the missile strike … Signature.

Arch Bungle

The most important result of the Iranian strike on US bases – the effect on morale …

“Several troops CNN spoke to said the event (al-Assad base) had shifted their view of warcraft: the US military is rarely on the receiving end of sophisticated weaponry, despite launching the most advanced attacks in the world. “You looked around at each other and you think: Where are we going to run? How are you going to get away from that?” said Ferguson. “I don’t wish anyone to have that level of fear,” he said. “No one in the world should ever have to feel something like that.””

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