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MARCH 2025

Summing Up Tiger Forces Operation In Northwestern Deir Ezzor Countryside (Infographics)

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Last weekend, pro-government forces, led by the Syrian Arab Army Tiger Forces, conducted a major push against ISIS in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside.

The Tiger Forces and their allies liberated the entire area northwest of Deir Ezzor city, including the key town of Maadan on the west bank of the Euphrates River.

In total, government troops took control of 44 villages and towns as well as destroyed 19 HQs, 6 weapons depots, 17 car bombs, 269 cars, 7 battle tanks, 4 artillery pieces and 13 armoured vehicles, according to pro-government sources. The Tiger Forces and their allies also captured 6 battle tanks, 7 artillery pieces and 3 armoured vehicles.

Summing Up Tiger Forces Operation In Northwestern Deir Ezzor Countryside (Infographics)

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MD Ranix

kudos to the russian led coalition for a series of well thought resistance strategies against the illegitimate terrorists


Are there legitimate terrorists?


well, SDF considers itself ligitimate, then there is nusra, usa, israel, holland …


russia, china, north korea, saudi arabia, qatar, iran, turkey, india, pakistan, myanmar


Russia doesn’t stage coups in other countries or throws them in the chaos, US and EU do that for a living


Bullshit!!! Russia did several times


when was the last time ?




more than 20 years ago, US is still doing it to date


what are you saying, coup in ukraine was a western one sponosored by us and eu, lol Chechenya is a part of rus federation, there was no rus coup in 1994, there was a western sponsored “rebellion”, which sparked war, 1999 dagestan, lol, dagestan is a also part of russia, there was also no coup in georgia back in 2008, there was a 5 day war, which georgia has started, congrats , you are typical american, twisting things around , and indeed fuck you and and fuck usa , usa is much worse, is piece of shit country that ruins other countries for own benefit, there was also no coup in afghanistan you fucking retard, we were invited like now in Syria, we have buil the whole infrastructure there, there war started there, because you, americunts have started a fucking pashtun uprising there, man , stupid americans , really , it seems that you’re just poking in arse for “facts”, i thought it was your politicians only, obviously your whole nation are a bunch of fucking retards IMHO, start the war already , dumb fuckers like you should erased from the face of this planet, fuck , how stupid can one be.


Sure buddy, just keep on loving putin and you did not read it right, i wrote interventions for most actions, that is not a coup


Putin or not, my opinion about US would be the same, like i said Chechenya and Dagestan, that’s whitin our borders, Georgia, they started war with us by killing our peacekeepers and whatever, bla bla I did misread you last sentence though, sorry for the rant.


Its within the borders of russia because they are not alowed to leave. But the fact is that all of KAVKAZ was taken by the russian empire by BRUTAL force, including genocide. The russian version of colonialism


Oh, but first they came to us, and did that to us first, if you go back in history you can find that, and later we did that to them and now we live together, after the sovjet union common people in the central asia, in countries like Uzbekistan, begged us to stay, their leaders wanted us out, they couldn’t wait to get rich, but i’m getting off topic here, same with the majority of chechens and dagestani, some warlords wanted to created a caliphate in chechenya and dagestan, with western support and saudi arabia, saudis have supported both sides of the conflict, giving money both to Russia and chechen “rebels”, sending fighters from jordan, actually many countries have participated in this, turkey, georgia, giving the mercenaries free passage through their countries and setting up training camps for them inside their own countres, etc etc.


Yes you are right that before the russians took over the muslims in kavkaz, turkic tribes like the tatars and others invaded russia. This is my point all the time in most of my comments, people make the same mistakes and kill eachother all over the planet. I hope this could finaly stop but the us economy relies way too much on the weapon industry. One of my best friends is a putin fan and we argue a lot. have to admit though, that putin’s speech at the un in 2015 was a very good speech. The trump speech was a disgrace for humanity


I’m not a Putin’s fan, in fact i’m not really someone who likes govmnt’s, politics, normally i never pay attention to the idiots. You also will never see me running around wrapped into a flag or taking part in rallies or demonstrations,lol. It’s not so much economy relying on weapon sales, it’s more of keeping competition down by proxy wars and revolutions and yes they do earn a lot but they also have to spend a lot on bases and gear. If all countries sit down and talk or take their arguments to the non biased courts, yes there can be relative peace


And completely ignoring my statement about the usa, silly guy Fuck fuck fuck that is your way of communication because deep down you are frustrated and know that russia is not a perfect place and putin is a dictator and a mass murderer (and so are many other political figures)


Lol, dictator and mass murder, according to who, lol, that’s just bs spread by our adversaries which they use to keep others on a leash, oh don’t do business with them they are bad , etc etc , i’m not frustrated at all i was pretty happy until some fucks have staged coup in ukraine and threw my life into turmoil.


well i am sorry for that, really! and i know that things have not improved at all in ukraine since then. Although my colleague went to Kiev this summer and liked it.


I bet he liked the girls, lol, cause there is really nothing else now, all of my relatives have moved to Russia. Thousand of people are arrested for their point of view, the prisons are full with what they call separatists, an ukranian journalist Kotsaba have been arrested for calling the war a civil war instead of war with Russia, he has been to EU parlement with his story but they aren’t doing anything, the whole country is being decimated and sold for profit, youngsters in balaclavas running around intimidating people who dare not to agree with govmnts point of view, in short it has become a shithole and the western governments , like for example Netherlands are financing anti russians tv channels and radios in order to keep the hate between the ethnic groups alive.


He actualy went to see architecture and liked it a lot. The people were friendly and honest.

You can call me Al

matt – you strike me as a bit of a to.ss.er.


i don’t care

You can call me Al

Good answer.


Reading is wonderful engage in it more!


It depends what one reads….

Gregory Louis

you didn’t name a country where Russia itself intervened in a country and staged a coupe

Tom Tom

U.S., nah, LOL. But Killary says so…

Boris Kazlov

Matt is a brain-dead yankistani trolling an alternative news site.


you mean a neo nazi friends site, when it comes to the comment section


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The US would take that crown I think Dutchnational. All too many Americans consider they have a divine right to invade whomsoever they please and Trump ( the deep state) considers the valid response a tiff with North Korea is the murder of 25 million North Koreans. A response that would create a radiation catastrophe for China and US allies in South Korea and Japan.

Tom Tom

Many Americans understand their gov’t has been taken over by globalist satanic elites.


Lets us hope many more do quickly as the alternatives are complete Debt Slavery or Civil War.


Satanic elites…..wow In my opinion there are no holy or prudent elites but mayebe i am wrong?


Rand Paul recently wrote that 30% of the N. Korean population died during the war. And that the US is trying to prevent the new S. Korean president from carrying out his efforts at a peace treaty.

This is why Americans voted against the ziocons in the last 3 presidential elections. Unfortunately they have a lock on the legislature with almost no America First candidates. They’re all anti American Jew sycophants.


General LeMay bragged that his air power had destroyed EVERY building in North Korea above the ground floor. The United States of America also used Germ Warfare during that conflict in 1953.

The Japanese germ warfare scientists who experimented with Chinese prisoners before and during WW2 were taken to America to teach the US scientists all they knew.


Absolutely, it’s appalling.

The days of the lying Jew media msm brain washing monopoly in the US, the most Jew infested place on the planet outside of Palestine, are coming to an end with the internet and alt media. Which is overwhelming the Jew’s ability to monopolize it. And as you can see from the treatment that Jew trolls get on this site when they have to deal with an even playing field.


In the Zio Trolls defence it is difficult for them to defend the indefencible ( British spelling ) , whereas we debate with the luxury of Truth and Reality :)


Dear Florian, are you really so dumb or you just play along? Do you really think that all people here that don’t sing your jew conspiracy tunes are Trolls? And why would any oganisation put (paid) trolls make comments between a small group of ziocon satanic conspiracy believers? What would the positive effect be for israel or the USA? Could you explain that please?


You should be asking the same questions to JewTube and Two FacedBook.


” jew tube” is full of anti jewish crap, and also interesting stuff like what Noam Chomsky has to say about israel for example. I don’t like facebook.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They all are illegitimate even the SDF and US so this fits with what he said, but he was making a joke about all being illegitimate forces in Syria.


. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png

Tom Tom


Boris Kazlov

CIA, Pentagon, NSA, Mossad, are examples of terrorists with a legitimate veneer.

MD Ranix

they oiginated rom the one and only illegitimate satanic entity on earth


In matter of just unfull 2 weeks LOL that’s very nice so may vehicles destroyed and if I may ask how many Daesh are dead in all of this ?!


Now one just has to hope they start to be more effective against IS east of the Euphrates river without bombing their potential allies the SDF.


Allies, hhahaha, those allies have got striped strings sticking out of their buttholes

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are just more Sock puppets for the CIA as the referendum is very illegal , think it was for Kurds to leave and become nuisances in other countries.


Who is ally ? didn’t understand I thought that you say SDF is Syria Ally if you said that Blahhh you are kid with no knowledge of nothing in this War. SDF allies, Haha they want to make Kurdistan in Syria with today started referendum in Iraq and you call SDF allies to SAA.lol my God


Iraqi Kurds are not Syrian Kurds , up until the US slid across the border from Iraq a little over a year ago , the Syrian Kurds and the SAA cooperated in the liberation of Aleppo and all across the north . But with the American presence , came the name change , and in effect an American take over of the Kurdish PMO’s . I would question whether there are any Kurds in the SDF down by Deir Ezzor , it is much too far south of ” their territory” . With the recent Russian disclosures , I would think those SDF are really just the ISIS from Raqqa , they had announced they had made a deal with the ISIS in Raqqa .


very impressive and fast, all my congratulations!


The big question is : after which terrorist group should they now go, ISIS or SDF-PKK?

Tom Tom

its one and the same now.


And how many rats ?

Len Zegelink

the kurds are the biggest rats .in iraq and syria .

Deo Cass

The Tiger Forces are wasted on this front. They should immediately be deployed to the vital Eastern banks of Deir Ezzur to reclaim Syrian oil and gas fields and prevent them from being stolen by the colonial US/SDF/ISIS imperialist coalition. That should be topmost priority. Other fronts can wait.

Tom Tom

Once the Russians and chinese have set up their nuke subs to attack off both coasts, then they’ll do that.


Awesome action!


Great update, estimates of ISIS deaths would also be useful.

martin aguilar

Fantastic !! go SAA-Russia-Iran go go go !!

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