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MARCH 2025

Suspected Assasinators Of Khashoggi Appears To Be From Close Circle Of Saudi Crown Prince

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On October 16th, unnamed Turkish officials reportedly provided the Washington Post with scans of passports supposedly carried by seven men who were part of the 15-person team suspected in the disappearance and likely killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The passports add to the public information provided by Turkish officials as it seeks to fill out gaps in the narrative of what purported after Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate on October 2nd. The Washington Post published the passports, but obscured the names and faces of the suspects, because it reportedly had no time to verify the people’s identities.

Turkey maintains that Jamal had been killed and dismembered within the Saudi Arabian consulate. It also claims that a 15-man team dispatched from Saudi Arabia played a major role in the killing. One man from the group is the head of the medical forensics department in the Saudi ministry of interior.

Turkish officials also reportedly confirmed that the 15 names reported in the Daily Sabah are the actual names of the suspects.

Saudi Arabian officials have repeatedly denied any involvement in the disappearance of Khashoggi. The Saudi side also allowed Turkish investigators into the consulate.

The Washington Post, however, reported that the investigators were frustrated by a lack of cooperation from the Saudi side, citing the long delay and the attempts to scrub the scene by bringing in a cleaning crew.

A report on the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel said the 15 suspects were “Tourists” who had been falsely accused.

On the same day, the New Your Times reported that four of the suspects had ties to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. One of them, with pictures provided, could be considered a frequent companion of the Crown Prince. “Seen disembarking from airplanes with him in Paris and Madrid and photographed standing guard during his visits this year to Houston, Boston and the United Nations,” the NYT reported.

Photos released by NYT:

Suspected Assasinators Of Khashoggi Appears To Be From Close Circle Of Saudi Crown Prince

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Suspected Assasinators Of Khashoggi Appears To Be From Close Circle Of Saudi Crown Prince

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Suspected Assasinators Of Khashoggi Appears To Be From Close Circle Of Saudi Crown Prince

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Suspected Assasinators Of Khashoggi Appears To Be From Close Circle Of Saudi Crown Prince

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Three other suspects are linked by witnesses and other records to the Saudi crown prince’s security detail.

The NYT also claimed that it has independently confirmed that at least 9 of the 15 suspects worked for the Saudi security services, military or government ministries. “One of them, Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, was a diplomat assigned to the Saudi Embassy in London in 2007, according to a British diplomatic roster. He traveled extensively with the crown prince, perhaps as a bodyguard.”

The Crown Prince and his father King Salman have denied any knowledge of Khashoggi’s whereabouts. The NYT reported that Saudi officials did not even respond to requests to comment on their findings.

According to reports from October 14th, the Saudi side was expected to release a report acknowledging that Jamal was killed in the consulate. The one to blame was supposed to be an intelligence agent who made a mistake while interrogating Khashoggi and ended up killing him. On the same day, President Trump floated the possibility that the journalist was the victim of “rogue killers.” However, the suspects’ links to the Crown Prince make it difficult to indemnify him from blame.

This all happens as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Saudi Arabia and spoke to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He was cited as saying that Riyadh is being treated as “guilty until proven innocent.” Something he had no issue with every time it happens to Moscow and Beijing.

Donald Trump has also urged against rushing to blame Saudi Arabia over the disappearance. It once again becomes apparent that the US will support its allies in the face of Saudi Arabia, similarly to how it supports Israel. Any humanitarian issues are easily and instantly abandoned when they do not correlate with Washington’s interests. Similarly to the incident when a Saudi airstrike struck a school bus and killed 40 children, the US will find a way to find an excuse for one of its key allies in the Middle East.

The US is coming into mid-term elections on November 4th and a rising price of fuel would not benefit Donald Trump. He also requires the finalizing of the $110 billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, pressuring Iran and cutting off the Islamic Republic’s oil exports would be night impossible without Saudi assistance.

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Poor Turk

Noooo, not the passports. Come on turkey, invent your own tricks, dont steal the passport from your “enemy” USA.

Gregory Casey

Sometimes, it just happens that one reprehensible regime, in this instance, Turkey is able to show, without fakery that another, at least equally and, most probably far more reprehensible Regime, in this case, Saudi Arabia has committed an egregious crime in the public space. Both Leaders of these Criminal Regimes, Sultan Erdogan and Prince of Darkness bin-Salman are now trying their absolute best to try and hoodwink or otherwise impress the Greatest Con-Man on the Planet


i read the other day that the lovely saudi folks are targeting the food infrastructure in yemen but not a peep from the msm , but then one fat connected fuck is killed and the empire goes nuts, sad times

Gregory Casey

Unfortunately, that is the case.


The Saudi killing covert squad has not only exposed in murdering of Jamal Khashoggi. The US, UK and their stooges Saudis and Israeli days are numbered now. Either they will become humans or they all will die. They have invaded hundreds of countries including Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. They have assassinated their leaders. Because US, UK and their allies said that this is a fun lets go and enjoy the killing of Muslims children with their parents. That is why God created Russia and China to defend his people from evils like US and their allies. Indeed God knows better.


Well China has done jack, but Russia and Iran are in the forefront of fight against US and Wahabbi terror.


The Saudi regime is a collection of murderous thugs that serve US and Zionist agenda. The British created this monster that is now being sustained by US and the west for its OIL. The headchoppers also play a devious role in dividing the fractious Arabs and sponsoring Wahhabi terror in the region and beyond.

Brother Ma

Yes. Turkey has shown the truth but only afterTURKEY ITSELF allowed cleaners into the Saudi embassy BEFORE Turkish investigators entered. Now why would you do that?


We already got Eight Wahhabi Folks to Waterboard….they’ll sing

1. Meshal Saad M Al-Bostani 2. Salah Muhammed A Tubaigy 3. Naif Hasan S. Alarifi 4. Mansur Othman M. Abahuseyin 5. Waleed Abdullah M. Alsehri 6. Thaar Ghaleb T. Alharbi 7. Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb 8. Muhammed Saad H. Alzahrani



you know what i think is really funny? As soon as the Mass Media presents some story that fit in your worldview, all of you swallow it like candy ;))))))


Nope…the Head & the Heart tells me…sometimes I have been wrong but in 70% of all cases I was right or very close to the Truth….or it turns out that I was wrong all along….they take a very long time for the Execution of their Plans…decades…


better use your more sophisticated part of your brain instead of the reptile part…


I’m pretty basic & primitive… what I’ve learned in recent years is the pure Treason of the Western Governments… their Crimes should be punished with Execution if found guilty by an independent Court… this is how Brutal their Crimes have been….Black & White…Good & Bad….keeps things simple…no concessions…


humans are like that, it all started with agriculture….


They Destroyed the Hunter Gatherer and his Habitat…Don’t want to live on the Reservation? You Die… we kill your food and Starve you and your Family to Death….Or Shoot’m Up…until none is left… Kill the Intelligent, Strong & Righteous Sheep…and keep the Brainless Ones… Breeding Sheeple…is what it is


yes they did, the biggest scam in history might have been the agricultural revolution

Geoff Griffiths

It is not agriculture per se, even Australian Aborigines have firestick agriculture to increase food supply. The problem lies in the Western model of selfish man, and then designing systems to facilitate that. Human nature is best seen in a nursing mother feeding her child. The rest is conditioning for exploitation. Permaculture is a nature friendly life enhancing system free of negative outputs. It is a lower state of consciousness to think of win/lose solutions. Win/win is the nature of the universe and God.


i believe permaculture is a collection of traditional techniques from diferent part of the planet, mixed with modern views….seems a western model to me and about aborigines, they are probably the main reason why australia is so dry, because of their interventions


Yes permaculture is a modern Australian system devised by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. No you can’t change the climate by burning every few years, but you can and they did change the vegetation.

Organic gardening has its roots in India, a British army officer detailed the methods Indians used to feed their large population without external inputs, and wrote about it.

I just tried to look up his name, but it seems the Americans claim they invented organic gardening in the 1950’s, typical.


Actually it started with religion.


not agreed


“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”(HL Mencken)


“They” are the Elitists… the One Percent that Owns Fifty Percent…


Who have made us serfs in this once Lovely Garden of Eden


Khazarian Banksters, ZioNazis, Black Nobility, Freemasons, Royalty, The Vatican…Everything on Top of the Pyramid.. the Whole Cabal…. Remove the Top of the Pyramid and you can create a different Society…Us the Scum better shake Hands Worldwide right?

Geoff Griffiths

Satanists, Luciferians, paedophiles, one and all.


who is “they”????

You are they.


So what happened to this guy, is there a time portal in the Saudi Embassy and he has gone back to the future? Please give us a believable theory as to what happened to him?

Albert Pike

There is a first picture on a German funny website – with good view on his dentals (so somebody may check with his dental records). Be warned – it’s in the commentary section from an guy named klauspeterkostag:


From his on the floor lying facial feathers – can’t say it’s not him – but the spooks will know…


Eyes turned upward – classic masonic symbol: https://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/origs9765550/8368512702-w630-h472-o-q75-p5/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-181016-99-393110-large-4-3.jpg


There were a boat load of them never released because they were much worse.


Not showing All the Pictures…? So they Tried not to Anger the Muslims to much…. so that means they were SCARED of the Consequences….they FEARED the response of the Muslims…..they were AFRAID of their Reaction…Not showing the Whole Truth is COWARDLY behaviour…because if they were BRAVE they would have showed them All…..right?


Saving face with the American public to maintain war support so the war mongers could get reelected was a big part of it.


We got another One: Mohammad al-Otaibi Saudi Arabia’s consul general in Istanbul… they Let him Flee back to Wahhabistan


From the Original Turkish Recording….

https://youtu.be/EwxPEoI2uTQ https://youtu.be/WJKbO4wbm7Y

Julian Clegg

Please do something constructive instead of posting rubbish.


And who are You? You passed by and thought: It might be interesting to say something…well feel Free to add something Constructive…be my guest…

Promitheas Apollonious

did he touch a nerve, or you just woke with a stick up your a*s?


Really funny how all of you guys buy this story….. As if erdogan is trustworthy :))))))

Promitheas Apollonious

you know when you assume something you always do, it just make an a*s of you.


I don’t care if you like me or not. I am not assuming, i am monitoring something.

Promitheas Apollonious

like you? You think here is a dating forum?

Lost your way, instead of going south you went the other way? Keep monitoring something then.

Harvey Swinestein



Let the gruesome details drop every day. Never chase revealing fetishes of the Terrorist “prince”.


they should lern from russians. about their poisons. :p

lene johansen

You have poison in your head . wanker




yeah, let us believe the insane sultan, yeah!!!


LOL, and you buy the al-Arabiya story instead? That two van loads of goons headed straight for the embassy while he was there and then got out of dodge quick because they were on a sight seeing tour.


Netanyahu isn’t a prince, he’s the fuhrer.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

how and why does turkey know all of this?


Supposedly they have the Saudi embassy bugged.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Lol that oughta.make em reconsider their relationship with them ?


They say judge a person by their friends. If you apply that to countries, who are the friends of Saudi Arabia? Israel, the United States and Britain. Scumbags stick together.


TRUMP and Bushes are such good Sword Dancing, Orb holding friends with the nicest or Is that richest of Head Chopping Camels.

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