A series of strikes hit the town of Najha which is located some 15 kilometers to the south of the Syrian capital, Damascus, on March 23, amid renewed incursions by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the south of the country.
The Qatar-based Al Jazeera TV said that the strikes hit military sites and a housing complex for officers near Najha, adding that Israel was behind the attack. Nevertheless, Israeli Army Radio denied later, citing Israeli security officials, that the IDF was behind the strikes.
Ahead of the strikes video footage posted to social networks showed Syrian government forces transporting heavy military equipment, including ZSU-23-4 Shilka self-propelled, radar-guided anti-aircraft weapon systems, from the southern governorate of Daraa in the direction of Damascus.
Following the fall of the Assad regime last December, the IDF invaded the buffer zone adjacent to the Golan Heights in the southern governorate of al-Qunitra and established nine posts there. The military also launched hundreds of strikes against the country, destroying much of its combat capabilities.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last month that southern Syria must be completely demilitarized, warning that Israel would not accept the presence of the forces of Syria’s Islamist government near its territory.
Just a day before the strikes on Najha, the IDF attacked two key air bases in the central Syria governorate of Homs, one known as the T4 and another located near the ancient city of Palmyra. The military said that the strikes hit “strategic military capabilities.”
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, at least 12 government fighters were wounded as a result of the Israeli strikes.
Video footage from the T4 Air Base also showed the wreckage of what appears to be a Soviet-made Su-24MK2 fighter bomber that was destroyed in one of the strikes.
The recent strikes came amid renewed incursions by the IDF in southern Syria. On March 22, Israeli troops stormed the town of Umm al-Azam in the governorate of al-Qunitra and arrested four people. The next day, another force entered the town of Ma’ariya in the western Daraa countryside where it inspected several houses.
As Israel continues to escalate its operations in Syria, the country’s new rulers remain silent. Aside from a few condamnations, the governorate has done nothing to address the ever growing Israeli threat.
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warning: israeli stupidity right ahead
when the western media isn’t owned by tel aviv who forced western countries to heavily censor its media then will the west overcome its own “stupidity “.
spoiler warning: even if the jews eliminate palestinians today, they will still be miserable
they will never be happy .
they are already very happy with all the dying in gayza
your mother was very happy last night
what about yesterday?
kylling about a hundred palestains each day!
good times!
mushloms have a weak god.
that’s why they have lost.
keep losing mushloms!
no one dies like you under the rubble!
good job you focckking losers!
your guys are all dead…
you ufcking delusional leftist scum
and full on garbage schizoid multi-trolling right ahead 😄. southfront commentary must be something of a medium priority for the misanthropes
the jews at it again – time for the non-jews to finish of the criminal scum, the jews! now.
likud and oztma yehudit are the greatest threats to the jews, but they are not wise enough to understand the fact
maybe, but your guys are all dead…
so, the jews won again!
mushloms have lost and keep whining
you fockking loser!
this is true by their c rimes against the palestinians syrians and lebanese and their extensive crying out in pa in and hasbara trollling prosecuting those who speak out for better and fairer solutions and lies havent made them exactly loved by many of us who know what these b astards are doing. its time likud and otzma yehudit get a good punishment for their c rimes
they really need some new material and a better class of troll at the hasbara shitfactory. churning out the same old repetitive semi literate obscene gibberish day after day under multiple names becomes a little bit tedious after a while. but these chaps have to earn their shekel a line, i suppose. at least it keeps them off the streets.
otherwise they’d just be out spray painting swastikas on synagogues and vandalising jewish cemeteries to boost the fake figures of aipac and the board of deputies.
yawn… let me guess…
from the river to the sea??
how did that work out for you?
dead yet?
yawn … throw out the roman invaders! yahweh will lead us to victory! so how did that work out for you? cursed by your own god and scattered to the 4 winds! moses’ backpackers you always have been and forever will be!
countries like the zio regime and the jewsa always destroy themselves. they are far advanced on the path to self destruction. because they never know when to stop. similar historical cases are legion. in 1812, napoleon dominated the whole continent of europe. but that wasn’t enough for him, so he invaded russia. and more than 5 out of every 6 men he took into russia died there. a certain austrian gentleman was in the exact same position in 1941.
and 4 out of every 5 germans who died in that war died in russia. it is the old story of unlimited objectives and limited resources, pursuing insane fantasies of world domination. even in the unlikely event that the zio regime achieved its opportunist objectives in gaza and syria, it would just seek to expand further into jordan, egypt, iraq, saudi arabia. there is no limit to its ambitions. if the ukraine war came to an end, the jewsa would simply attack iran and china.
the irony of all this from the point of view of us citizens is that all this is completely unnecessary. instead of squandering countless trillions on endless wars for israel, they could enjoy free healthcare, education, excellent infrastructure, prosperity, and social cohesion, a switzerland writ large. israel could have achieved peace on very favourable terms for itself with the prosperity that would bring. but no, global domination beckons, and it always ends in tears.
i agree , austerity is the menu the greater israel project serves the world . why let people have prosperity when you can destroy them ?
good thinking!
now you are talking like a human being!
i think i’ll take a long vacation, when the strip becomes a spa like wellness zone
looking forward to the final extermination of the jihadist vermin.
gonna be huge!
let’s hope so!
irun is next on the list!
get ready to lose everything!
you ufcking loser!
yawn… more hot air from a tranny mushloms @sshole
hot air is tasty from my mothers holes when she finished with the goats stinkie nut sack
my mother likes goats stinkie nuts she make yum yum very good
we’re coming for iran soon…heheheh
come faster my mothers legs are open wide for the troopers
well now we know how important the existence of the deterrent of the resistance axis was before it was stupid enough to commit to a fight and lose in such a way that isreal is now unhinged and thinks its invulnerable and can do whatever it wants. thats the third time arabs commited to a fight against isreal and came out worse afterwards. its time they realise they just cant win this.