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Suspected “Ninja Bomb” Strike Kills Three Militants In Syria’s Afrin

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Three militants were killed in the noon of December 7, when an alleged drone strike targeted their car in the Turkish-occupied area of Afrin in northern Syria.

According to local sources, the militants were traveling on a road in southern Afrin, when their SUV was struck with a precision-guided munition launched from an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV).

The strike didn’t cause any explosion or collateral damage. Local observers speculated that the U.S.-made AGM-114R9X Hellfire missile was used.

The AGM-114R9X Hellfire, dubbed Ninja Bomb, is armed with a kinetic warhead with pop-out blades. Deployed in secret since 2017, with existence revealed in 2019.

The slain militants were first identified as members of the Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sham Movement, due to a security ID of the group found in the strike scene. However, a spokesman for the group denied this soon after, claiming that the ID was forged.

Later, the Step News Agency claimed that the targeted SUV belong to a smuggler who is known for working with ISIS. According to the agency, the smuggler, an ISIS commander and his personal bodyguard were killed in the strike.

A photo of one of the slain militants revealed that he was wearing an explosive belt, which is very common among ISIS commanders.

Suspected “Ninja Bomb” Strike Kills Three Militants In Syria’s Afrin

Click to see full-size image.

Earlier this month, an Algerian terrorist Abu Ahmad al-Muhajir, who worked as a trainer for al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Greater Idlib, was assassinated in a similar fashion, likely with a Ninja Bomb.

More details about the incident, including the identity of the slain militants, will likely be revealed soon. This could lead to the side responsible for the strike.

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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



GPS tracker in or attached to vehicle? Suicide belt, never leave home without it.

John Wallace

That must be great riding in the same vehicle as an ISIS Commander. Driving through a town and a crowd runs out across the road to get to a bargain just announced from the Minaret at the end of prayers. The Commander thinks they are about to get attacked and presses the button on his suicide belt.. And who says advertising doesn’t work.


That is their ticket to enter the virgin palace in hell. I wonder what book they have read, to be brainwashed like that. I have read and studied several holy books, even in the Quran no Muslim will go to heaven if they commit suicide. I wonder what magic has been shown by the CIA and Mossad to them. It can’t be money, you don’t need money if it ends up just to blow yourself up.

Jens Holm

Thats not correct, You can be treated nicer by Gabriel by dying for support of Islam. Same kind of thinking as giving extra money to the mosque helping poor, education and like that.

The magic for the contracts joining ISIS is, they are promised to die for something. By that they are importance and never will be treated as soendables – as Assads do.

The contrast in military matters normally is: retreat, stay alive and You can fight again. SDF do that.

So its about how You see things. FxI so many times has seen people writing here Kurds “are running away”. Thats according to old days fighting correct in west too having words as cowards and dishonor in it.

But Kurds most of the time has retreated in already organized way and also here and there has runned way. Suicide by staying and being kiled for nothing is no option even that happens too.

I have no Islam paragraf to relate to. But it is like that and You also can dispute about it.


Oh my…. You are very funny and very stupid at the same time. Hahaha. Before blaming other people’s opinions, you better learn it yourself first. Here…. Sone Quranic verses

“Don’t kill yourself. No doubt Allah is merciful and anyone who does so, will be pushed in fire. And it is easy for Allah.” (An-Nisa: 4:29, 4:30)

“Don’t’ kill yourself with your own hands” (Al-Baqarah 2:195)


Chatting to his mum on WhatsApp

J Ramirez

US cleaning house?

Shy Talk

Have they got their missiles that precise, they can hit you from km’s away with a flying knife

Jens Holm

Thats right. But they have to find the hiden targets first and those weapons are very very expensive.


If it not explode then there must be lot of remnants ….. Simply some kind of hardened steel blades which totally ripped the car cant disapear without some evidence

As I read from rebel sources that Assad using imploding warheads – this looks as one of them :D

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Pretty soon USA and Israel will do this against Shia Generals like Qassem, and the Syrian mass murdering generals like Tiger Force Man!


Shia the only Muslims that allow Jews to live side by side peacefully. & Israel makes enemies of them. Well how f*@#$) up & misguided is Israel ? So when the Sunni world decides enough is enough & decides to unite & attack from all sides Israel has just pushed the Shias to join in the massacre and it will come. not if, but when ? And its people like you that push the envelope.

Jens Holm

Looking at the muslim Empires dont show that. Jews and chrisitians has lived paralell there unless they have uprised.

It seemes You not even know where the Sunis lives. Most of that world has no relations to any part of that conflict apart from some sanctions and statements.

You also forget, that Shiits are very different in religion, etnicity as well as where they live. Here Hesbollah insist they are some doorstep and of course are treated like that – with shoes.


Soleimani is the world’s greatest Commander – unlike Fake Jew IDF commanders who couldn’t even lead 60 000 IDF troops to victory against 2000 hezballah guerillas.

Thanks to him (and Idiot Israel’s Oded Yinon plan to invade Iraq and Syria), Iranian empire has now includes Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Without invasion of Iraq, Iran would never be knocking on Israel’s door.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

you wish, antisemite

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

USAF superiority

John Wallace

Pity your beard didn’t get caught in an electric juicer then you would really know about red jelly mush is close up. Plus it would be as funny as fuck. Why the beard ?. Is that so they can wipe their cock after you finish sucking them off.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

get lost ya antisemitic chump

John Wallace

Come here for no other reason but to stir the shit , what do expect. An invitation to a wanking party in the showers at Auschwitz.

Jens Holm

Whales Ass is here again.

John Wallace

No Jens . It is “Happy times are here again ”

Happy times are here again The skies above are clear again So let’s sing a song of cheer again Happy times are here again

John Wallace

What’s the matter Larry . Did I interrupt your copy and paste propaganda bullshit comment on every article . Don’t think it is Larry Ph.D More like VD. No not venereal disease , you have have sex to get that , but verbal diarrhea . You are talking a load of shit.


He is Jacob Wohl a.k.a. Simon Bernstein and Avi Schwartz. He even admitted that once on liveuamap.

Jens Holm

If so, parts of his brain is washed well. I disagree with You.


Why should parts of his brain be washed well? He once described himself as intelligent, handsome and successful: https://isis.liveuamap.com/en/2019/29-november-the-sdf-backed-by-the-coalition-carried-out-a

Jens Holm

Yours is even worse. You forget Auswitch made it, and thats because Jews say NO MORE.

Thats what You get. As outsider I always has wonder why some little dot i the whole musloim world from Marocco and Nigeria to the southern parts og the Philipines, can be that important.

John Wallace

What has an Aussie witch got to do with it Jens. I suppose you have a tear in your eye like me because Caroline is retiring and she comes to see me for the last time after so many years. Oh you do realise there is a thing on your computer called a spell check. It would help if you used it so we might be able to understand what the fuck you are trying to say instead of the complete gibberish we get. Have a nice day Jens and do spend some of it LEARNING ENGLISH.


Jens and Larry, not the brightest Hasbara academy graduates.


Oh please you Polish Ghetto rat – 100% Khazar Fake Jew pretending to have semitic roots.John Wallace could never be anti Semitic ‘cos he is pro Palestinian (the only REAL semites)

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Palestinians aren’t real semites not has Palestine ever existed before the Ottoman Empire. Palestinians are the bastard childs of ancient Greek Filistines and Arabs from Saudi Arabia


ahahahaahah John loooooooooool you killed me ahahahahah

Human kind is doomed

They fired their employees, or maybe yours also?

Jens Holm

Thats Your own selfcreated agenda.

Human kind is doomed

You don’t believe daesh is west/KSA/Israel sponsored project, you poor lad!


Nah, Israel just directs them. The US created them, Saudis pay them, Israel commands them. Most ISIS commanders are Fake Jew Israelis – thats why the balaclavas.

Wayne Nicholson

Thank to Russia for allowing the aircraft that delivered this missile to operate in Russian controlled airspace …. and thanks to the brave US soldiers in Eastern Syria who are now tasked with the very important geo-strategic mission of guarding Syria’s plumbing as well as the garrison at Al Tanf who are doing an excellent job of blocking a road from Iranians in a country of many roads and airfields.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Pretty soon T4 and Abu-kamal will be destroyed 100% by the IDF and USAF. Just wait and see, antisemite!

Wayne Nicholson

Antisemite? Show me one instance where I’ve said anything derogatory against the jews. Israeli zionists? …. all the time. Wall Street bankers? …. of course! But not one word against the Jews.

No as far as the T4 and Abu-kamal …. if you know they are going to be attacked soon so do the Iranians. blow up all the buildings and runways you like …. it’s you’re money.

Real military operations are subject to secrecy …. I’m sure you are a very important person Doctor Rabinowitz and know many equally important people in Israeli military / government circles however you are posting this information on a Russian website which calls into question either their judgement or your honesty.


Bullsh!t. They Mericunts were doing housecleaning. Taking out some state department operatives they no longer wanted to pay. ISIS – created in Langley, just another division of the US military.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Israeli Airforce planning HUGE mass airstrikes against T4 Airbase in Syria! Recently the Mullah Regime deployed Bavar-373 air defense missiles there to limit IDF activity in the region. This will NEVER be tolerated!


Bit accurate for the ‘mericans.


Weird that everywhere, where Turkey’s dogs are active, ISIS appears.

Jens Holm

Weird comment.


Taking out compromised assets. But aren’t the Daesh just amazing slaves – the do anything at all, no matter how depraved or cruel (which the masters can disavow easily), AND they are ready to blow themselves up at any moment! Wow and wow, this brainwashing is deeper than deep. But it must leave some signs or marks that can be understood by an expert which is why they have to be taken out with a ninja!

Jens Holm

The next generation by USA is very good for the climate. Soon there will come Mega bees instead upgraded by hormons and soya beans :)

So far they only seemes able to come with a several 100s a time. They have added whasp genomes, so the bees still alive will clean up eating the cadavres using no fuel and solar power.


Really? will this be after or before a combined Russian-Chinese-North Korean nuke attack on North America that will leave the continent a barren wasteland for 10 000 years?

Jens Holm

I dont know. Scientists sometimes do as they please. We will see if North America will be a kind of hot spot before that.

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