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Suspicious Assassination Attempt Targeted Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi (Video, Photos)

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Suspicious Assassination Attempt Targeted Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi (Video, Photos)

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On the night of November 7th, an unidentified drone struck the residence of Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi located in the International Zone of Baghdad, which houses government buildings and foreign embassies. Iraqi military claimed that the Prime Minister was not injured as a result of an “unsuccessful assassination attempt.”

Two government officials said Kadhimi’s residence had been hit by at least one explosion. Some sources claimed, two explosions were heard in the Green Zone. According to security sources, six members of Kadhimi’s personal protection force, who were stationed outside his residence, had been injured.

The minor damage was reported. Several windows and doors were knocked out and the shrapnel hit nearby vehicles.

Following the attack, Mustafa al-Kadhimi assured that he was not injured and called for calm and restraint on his Twitter account:

“The rockets of treachery will not discourage the believers… The steadfastness and insistence of our heroic security forces will not falter as they work to preserve the security of the people, achieve justice and enforce the law. I am fine, praise be to God, among my people, and I call for calm and restraint” the publication reads.

Suspicious Assassination Attempt Targeted Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi (Video, Photos)

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Suspicious Assassination Attempt Targeted Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi (Video, Photos)

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Suspicious Assassination Attempt Targeted Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi (Video, Photos)

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No group has claimed responsibility for the attack on Kadhimi’s residence so far.

Some reports blame Iranian-backed militants for carrying out the attack, as it came amid protests in the Iraqi capital over the result of a general election.

The day before, not without provocations from pro-Iranian groups, clashes with the police took place in the International Zone, during which 3 people were killed. In turn, the aggravation occurred precisely when the officials met to agree on the creation of a government without the participation of pro-Iranian forces.

The strike was not likely aimed to kill or injure the Prime Minister but was a message to him.

At the same time, the question rises why the drone was not intercepted over the Green Zone.

Last year, the increased attacks against U.S. and coalition forces prompted the U.S. military to deploy C-RAM [“Counter-rocket, artillery and mortar”] — which could fire 3,000 rounds of 20-mm high-explosive tracer rounds per minute to protect Baghdad’s Green Zone, which houses the US Embassy as well.

The C-RAM was not activated the last night. 

General Tahsin al-Khafaji, the spokesman for the Joint Iraqi Army Command, has already claimed that an investigation was launched on to determine why the C-RAM system did not work during the attack targeting the Kazemi House.

In its turn, the US State Department has already issued a statement, calling the attack on the residence of Iraqi Prime Minister an “obvious terrorist act” and offered assistance in investigating the attack.

Weird circumstances of the attack arouse suspicion that the drone strike could be a provocation aimed to discredit the Iranian-backed militants in Iraq.


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Lone Ranger

CIA in overdrive mode..




Anyone you don’t like is “CIA”.

Lone Ranger

Or Mossad. And Im usually right :)


“And Im usually right :)”

Only in your mind where your “proof” amounts to being a “psychic”. You “cannot be wrong” and think anyone you disagree with is “an agent”. And yet you can never prove me wrong, you childishly insist the opposite and behave like a child as you probably are one anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by Frisian

Why People Dislike Jews: https://bit.ly/2ZY3wDU You’re the ones in overdrive. https://i.imgur.com/WUM725x.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dbhzDNc.jpg

Last edited 3 years ago by Frisian
CIA did it

100% US destabilization stunt.


And who would replace him? Someone identical to him?


it was false falag by US force how come CRAM not working in green zone and Drone fly freely . US terrisot knew about it . it was intentional. tey want to create civil war between PMU and iraqi force. many of the bathist army personal aand officer are in iraqi force it should be dismantle and kadhimi should be removed from the post. parliment should be dismantel

The Objective

Unbelievable! If the Iraqis were to heed your advice, there’d be a civil war before the end of 2021. Kadhimi and his supporters just don’t want Iran controlling Iraq like it does Lebanon. Are you claiming that Moqtada Al-Sadr is a Baathist?

Hatari Hanzo

Terrorist country Iran for sure,no second thoughts.

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