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MARCH 2025

Sweden and Finland Hastily Preparing To Join NATO

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Sweden and Finland Hastily Preparing To Join NATO

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Scandinavian countries’ relations with NATO increase security crisis on the European continent.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

It seems that, in fact, despite all the warnings issued by geopolitical experts, Sweden and Finland are planning to go ahead with an application for membership in NATO. This would be a serious strategic mistake, as it would make both countries hostile to Russia, severely damaging the stability of local international relations on the European continent. There is still time for Swedish and Finnish decision-makers to reverse this scenario, but it remains to be seen whether defending the national interests of their own countries is really a priority for them.

Finland and Sweden will jointly express their desire to join NATO in May, reported  on April 25, the newspapers “Iltalehti” in Finland and “Expressen” in Sweden, citing sources allegedly close to the officials who decide on the matter. According to Iltalehti, the leaders of Finland and Sweden plan to meet in the week of May 16 and then publicly announce their plans to apply to join the Western military alliance.

Furthermore, the Swedish Aftonbladet claimed, citing sources possibly inside the Swedish government offices, that “The Government has received information from the US and the UK, in particular, on what protection and support might look like during a possible application process… This includes strong political support from NATO countries, in-depth exercises, the expansion of NATO’s presence in the Baltic Sea region, in-depth intelligence cooperation and expert support to identify and counter hybrid, cyber and conventional threats”.

The Swedish and Finnish politicians refused to respond to the news, maintaining provisional confidentiality on the case, given the strategic and delicate content of the matter. However, in previous situations, interest in the application had already been shown. Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin said a few days ago, while visiting her Swedish counterpart Magdalena Andersson, that she expected Finland to make its decision to apply for NATO membership within weeks, for example.

Furthermore, on the part of the Swedes, it is important to remember that a broad reform of Stockholm’s defense policy is currently underway in order to reverse the country’s historic pacifism and formulate the bases for a new national military ideology, in which NATO will possibly have some degree of participation.

While the possible adhesion is discussed internally and the media speculates the most likely outcome, some steps further in cooperation are already being taken. The Finnish Navy has announced the start of a series of joint military exercises with NATO, to be held between 28 and 29 April. Fleets from six countries are participating in the drills, which are taking place on the Archipelago Sea, which is part of the Baltic Sea surrounded by the Gulf of Bothnia, the Gulf of Finland, and the Sea of Aland, within Finnish territorial waters. The step is important and truly symptomatic, indicating that regardless of the outcome of the membership discussion, relations between NATO and the Scandinavian countries will inevitably increase.

In fact, it seems quite evident that for any country with historical neutrality, faced with a conflict in its neighborhood, the best thing to do is precisely to remain neutral. If the disputed interests in the international conflicts around Sweden and Finland do not concern the Scandinavian world, but the delimitation of the Russian and Western strategic environments, the only rational solution seems to be simply to preserve historical pacifism and abdicate from joining either side.

The problem, however, is that the Scandinavian countries seem to be heavily affected by Western anti-Russian paranoia and now fear that the conflict in Ukraine is the start of some sort of “indiscriminate war” by Russia against all European countries. The Swedish and Finnish governments themselves, which should have a rational and strategic stance in the face of geopolitical events, seem to act irrationally, adhering to unsubstantiated accusations and meaningless fears implemented by Western media agencies.

This argument is also supported by Erkki Tuomioja himself – a major name in Finnish political scenario, who has served as a foreign minister under several governments and remains a political influencer in Finland. He believes his country is in a state of “war psychosis”: “Public opinion plays a big role in this, but there is also this ingrained fear, which is actually fueled by our media, which is in a state of war psychosis (…)”. He is also against NATO membership: “[Joning NATO will damage the] very pragmatic relationship in terms of logistics, environment and regional cooperation between Russian and Finland (…)”. However, he fears the impact of the war psychosis on public debate: “I’m also concerned about the level of the public debate. Anybody who questions membership is being vilified as a Putin agent”.

Faced with this scenario, the issue seems simple for Scandinavian countries: defend strategic interests and cooperate for stability in Europe or join paranoias, assuming a hostile posture towards Russia and harming continental peace. It is a choice to be made.


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hans raus

Welcome finland and sweden. Russia is fcked. Why nobody want to be in russian sphere of infuence? simple anserw, russia= poverty and economic stagnation.

What is nato?


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Russia Fucked militarly ? … Economic Stagnation ? … FACTS: (1) Russia military is way stronger than all europe togheter (i’m italian). (2) Ruble increased in value to Dollar n Euro by a little margin from the beggining of the M. Operation in Ucraine. (3) The real stagnation is in my country. Come, join me.

hans raus

Well, first visit russia and stay there for two years then you will see what stagnation and poverty is- russia outside of moscov is not very different than african cities. Trust me, you could miss italy sooner than later ;) Russian army is weak and failed invasion in ukraine proved it, no need to explain because whole world can see it now.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

I’ve stayed in Russia so I know you’re full of crap “Hans”. Most of Russia’s small towns are more livable than crime-ridden western shit-holes like London, Birmingham, Paris, Berlin, Rotterdam, Washington DC, NYC, Chicago, Philly, LA, Detroit etc etc. Since 80% of Russians live in the western part of the country anyway, it’s little surprise the rest is mostly empty (60% is completely unspoiled by man).

BTW I also live in a typical liberal-western nation, so I know for a fact we’re in no position to call others “stagnant”. As a westerner all I ever see is the cost of living going up, wages never keeping up, housing becoming a privilege, eroding free speech, an unending flood of impoverished 3rd world migrants and more of my money going to pointless causes overseas (like Ukraine).

Last edited 2 years ago by SnowCatzor
jens holm

You dont live in Europe at all and has never been here.

You are not even able to look up sober statistics about us. The best reliable data for Russia is made by CIA. They mainly are true even biased some.

If not You never has been in Russia.


Never said I lived in Europe, but I certainly have spent time there. Lol, CIA statistics are garbage.


As I said before in your previous comments, YOU’RE FULL OF CRAPS ! I have relatives living in Crimea for the last 3 years, there’s no poverty and people in Crimea are well aware of the false propaganda that the WEST MSM are telling. People LIKE YOU ARE BRAINWASHED AND TELLING LIES.


21% of Russian population still don’t have indoor toilets.


Obviously you must have one in your head,that is really amazing,sewer goy!

jens holm

His way of using statistics makes me smile. HIP HIP Elgar.

I wonder if he knows how many You have outside.

jens holm

Is it because they only has one room.

John Tosh

Do the homeless in the streets of New York city have toilets? If so please tell them to use the restroom whenever they urinate. Half of downtown smells like Urine from people urinating around street corners.


How much they pay you brainwashed idiots .and Crimea belong to Ukraine.

John Tosh

You are a liar…. I was in Africa 8 weeks ago. Their economy is improving with the help of China. The rot you see in the homeless situation of the US cities and other places in Europe (which you cover up with your fake News Media) is not that bad in Africa or at least they handle it better.

Africa improved so much, your little NATO G7 decided to expand terrorist activities all over Africa just so you can hold them back

Your time in the sun is coming to a close just as it happened to the ancient Roman empire.

Prepare for it.


There will come a time in Africa where so many people want to emigrate there, that THEY will be turning Western people away.


The only way I see this ending is a Nuclear Winter


The White race will kill itself by brotherly fighting and Africans and Chinese will have the ashes. There IQ is high enough to make nukes but not as high as the Chinese. Briljant move from them.


Herald is fullovit,sweden dont need nato,they need real world stability fkn drr cia

NATO is laughing at you

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha




black water exposed,cancel has been cancelled,completey.https://t.me/ukr_leaks_eng/191 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,fekn losers!


RU military is being ass kicked in Ukraine already.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaFree To $tink,hehe


Citizens vote with military passports

For Your all information… minority Finish people want’s to join NATO. Majority don’t. Politician want’s join NATO and so do officers of Finish army. Politicians don’t ask people what to do because we can vote “wrong answer”. And that’s the basic situation in Finland. Most of people want’s to live in peace with Russian and make business with them. That all.

So, now when NATO-horny politicians want’s join Finland to NATO, Finish reserve soldiers has started to return their soldier-passports back and resign of all military action. Including persons who have bee in Finish army and French Foreign Legion. People has been woke up to see there is no question of defend Finland. Question is drive petro-dollar advance. And advance of globalists. And main stream media doesn’t speak about this. Finish soldiers swore to defend independent and impartial Finland. Now You understand… Finland is part of EU and it’s defense alliance. Laws and orders comes from EU. And now we age going fast to NATO. That’s the brake point.

This is clear sign to Finish politicians. Now we wait do they understand or not. Or do they continue to pulls jaws in leather jacket.

Well, when conflict starts with Russia after joining NATO, how much soldiers are in Finish army? It is maximally ~820 000 person in totally. 180 000 with active officers. minus those people who has return their passport. What do You think, how many hours conflict takes? One or less than one?


That is true, a minority of Finnish people are media-brainwashed and support Nato.. Finland has become a colony of UK and EU, Br. Commonweatlh companies have robbed the Infrastructure of this country. We dont have real elections, even the EU vote in 1994 was rigged. Treasonous sold out politicians, and the Finnish birth rate now is lower than in 1850’s notorious death filled hunger years. That is a fact. Sanna Marin looks like swedish reality tv princess Sofia and has not even been voted to be a prime minister, the previous one got sick and almost died and had to withdraw. Näin on perkele!


There is only one news paper in Finland, owned by Sodoma Oy, it is like Pravda in Soviet Union. The truth, yeah. It is full of Nato propaganda and fake news.

We still have access to Southfront and Tass. But RT and Sputniknews are censored. Freedom? Yeah, in my ass.


Those sources that deliver only military propaganda are being limited, that is true. But you can access vk without issues and the rest of the world.

(Ibet these common name “Pertti” and “Juha” are from St Petersburg.)

Ex officer

I hope so. That means Russian has understand situation of Finland and they has discovered “Only eliminate politicians we can continue live together as earlier”. I bet next politicians are bit more careful when they give opinions about NATO.


Loads of Russians dont have indoor toilets. Do Finns have outdoor toilets now? They had a much higher standard of living.

jens holm

Sanna Marin is elected according the constitution for Finland by the Parlament.

You put the bananas in where they should come out.


Nope. >60% of finns want to join Nato, according to all opinnion polls of the population. Only 12% is against Nato.

Citizens vote with military passports

You are wrong. Only impartial vote where every citizen has opportunity give their voices, only 36% of voters say YES to NATO. rest was against.

After then we can read all-global media percents You mention. But now one has ever hear where the gallup has made, or who has participated to them. All in all… I haven heard not a one gallup where some “normal people” has take part.

If You ask from politicians or Helsinki-westend, You get different answers than rest of Finland. Never the less… There is growing amount people who vote their military passports. There You can get truly result.

And then You can order more NATO-groups to Finland defend Finland of them behalf. After all, that’s the marketing speach “NATo troops, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Norway are coming and defend Finland with us”.

jens holm

You even lie about GALLUP.

They say 65% in support. Do we have to print or tatoo it up in your behind:



WHY would anyone vote to join NATO? Do they want to steal what they lost in the war eighty years ago? Is Finland a vassal state of the EU US? Can you make me some pulla and send it/ oops where did that come from.

jens holm

The artikle writer is very visible in the last three lines. Finland is only 180.000.

But we are the the addiction. .


kiitos Its good to know these things. DEMAND a referendum on joining NATO. In five years or ten years time even the pro NATO military may have very different feelings about this.


NATO : North Atlantic TERRORIST ORGANISATION. It has always been and it will be as long as it is controlled by the CABAL/Globalist criminals of this World. Since YOU ADVOCATE FOR THIS TERRORIST ORGANISATION, YOU’RE AN ACCOMPLICE OF WAR CRIMES, meaning YOU’RE A CRIMINAL, A GERMAN NEO-NAZI , KLAUS ”hans raus” SCHWAB. That fits perfectly for you

jens holm

Its more then that. Some of the crimals control heaven and hell too.

In heaven You will only get 36 virgins. They are men.

In hell You will get 72 and never sleep. The vacasions are 10 minutes.

Scientism Is A Cult

Hans, you are either one -stupid- motherf*cker, or are a demon-worshiper who revels in the coming blood and death.

Sweden and Finland, up to now, have seen the value in remaining neutral.

After nearly 80 years of declining to join the Globalist Death Cult (personified by “NATO”), they have decided (or rather, the skinsuit wearing demons that maneuvered themselves into control of their “governments” have decided) that it is time for a mass blood sacrifice to their “God” (Ba’al, aka “The Annointed One”).

The Evil Ones never forgave Russia for siding with America against The Crown (which they did no less than three times, once when they officially recognized America after it threw off The Crown overlords, the second time in the 1860’s when it honored the still in effect 1858 Russo-American Alliance and blocked a British armada that was bent on attacking the vulnerable and divided America.

The American government is on good terms with Russia. It is the evil, perfidious, war-mongering little squatting swamp-nation called “The District of Columbia” that seeks to make war upon Russia.

Read that again. The 1858 Russo-American treaty is still in full force and effect. America has been at peace since 1814. Despite the best efforts of the hijackers (Rome and The Crown) to portray Americans as evil and rapacious, we have been victimized, treated like Hessians (cheap mercenaries for the crown), abused, poisoned, and killed.

The world is watching, and is waking up to what is really going on.

If the people of Sweden and Finland are still capable of rational thought, they will reject being sacrificed as a blood offering to the ravening evil that seeks chaos and death for all but the demons and their familiars.

jens holm



You must be suffering on some mental sickness, doring covid restriction two years ago we didn’t have important drugs for old people in Germany because the China stopped exsport of main drugs in EU ,i also already explained that any parts or most of parts for industry and production in Germany are Imported from China ,also vectoring-dsl carrier Routing is made by Cisco/Juniper broatcom-chips and CPUs ,russia doesn’t need to take Chipsets from US companies, they are using russian made CPUs like Elbrus or Baikal for industry, carrier Routing, serves and so forth.


Also so called german major brands for heating system ,Vaillant, Viessmann Brötche, are made of 90% foreign parts

jens holm

Thats the whole point. It everywhere. Things are outsourced getting the things as best to the price.

Even You have a small mobile phone from anywhere, there are parts from 50 countres.

You dont get the system. Rheunmetal sell canon barrels to the whole world.

Denmark not producing a single car are registrated as car exporters. That because we produce a lot of specific parts of German cars.

The world is not as it used to be and You assume. Its a world market and not some kombinate, kholkose or sovkose.


Elbrus and Baikal both sucks, you better invest in some risc-v.


Hey where is the referendum? They are democratic right? So why the Finland puppet said no referendum ever? They are showing their true nazi autocratic colors right now.

And you are cheering for them like an idiot.

jens holm


jens holm

Only against our enemies :)


I’m American and we want nothing to do with an opponent that can punch back. We are the world’s best army at whipping up on punching bags. We really showed Libya and Iraq. Iran? Nah we have other commitments…


Western nations and especially the US are drowning in a whirlpool of debt.


Russia is going to be a central Asian country by the end of the year. Just change the name to Putinstan already and get it over with.


Nope Emperor Putin to you,wheres your respect?

jens holm

That very opitimistic.


Time to heat up their saunas with a few Kinzhals.




Why not? Could do with less khazar askenazis

jens holm

Their DNA cant even be found.


Game of thrones. Intentions are everything.


What’s Russia smartest next step?


Kill Pudin


Putin will be Emperor you must accept this,he will also kill the killer and look better than ever too.


Push to conquer east (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia), north (Sumy) and south (Odessa, Kherson, Mykalayiv) and then stop. Once conquered just make a new state and let them run them self.

Poland will “help” Ukrain out by “securing” (conquering) the Galicia region. I doubt that Orban will have any appetite to go after Zakarpattia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Loras
jens holm

Hard to accept those many Russians in that state.

jens holm

There is none. Not even 144 million adoptions will help.

greta thunberg

No surprise there, it was only a matter of time anyway: Sweden and Finland are more woke and more pro-NATO than most Americans. The most indoctrinated ‘liberal’/globalist cucks in the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by greta thunberg

Finland maybe,Sweden no, are too powerfull for the mi6 like russia,they all know it all too well!


Makes you wonder that a state of Swedish “democratic” caliber will not even put joining NATO on a referendum ticket?


Putin will nukes first 3www has come to pass disaster 4 the world 🌎 who knows who will survive


Russia will live,satanic sodomite usa is doomed just like eugeddon GOD WILL DEVOUR usa!


3WW has begun




Mass-media stoked war-psychosis seems a good description. Or mass-hysteria. Finns have forgotten their history, they only seem to remember WW2, which was bad admittedly, but it was world-wide conflagration, and all people’s suffered! (As it was, only three European capitals, that partook in hostilities, avoided foreign occupation in WW2, Moscow, London, and Helsinki!). They also remember that Russia was communist. That’s about it. What they don’t remember are all the good things they got from Russian rule – since Vienna Congress. Compared to Swedish rule Russian rule was much less oppressive. Under Russian Empire the Grand Duchy of Finland became the 1st country in the world to give women full political equality, they could legally use Finnish language and Finnish names, Kalevala was compiled and Finnish national-romanticism blossomed. In short Finland became a nation, rather than an enslaved colony. When Russia turned to bolshevism (was captured!) Finland became independent country and did not join the Bolshevist experiment, and that must be a plus given what a horror show it was. After WW2 Finland had a good and pragmatic relationship with Soviet Union, and trade flourished. After 90’s Russia has been on a continuous upward trajectory economically and most other ways. It has been utter foolishness to not be on fully friendly terms with Russia and flirt with Nato. But it is their choice. They will regret it. In a few years time people will ask what happened, and why are the Russians so rich! Psychosis makes bad choices. The Finns should think about this rationally and carefully, and listen to the tree under which their house is built!

hans raus

,,why are the Russians so rich!”’

Nice joke, standard of living in russia is one of the lowest in europe based on all data . On other hand, standard of living in finland is high or very high.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

After a Sarmat visits, I don’t foresee good standards of living. Not wise to join an alliance in the middle of a hot war with a nuke power, dumbass.

jens holm

They has been run over by Russia themself several times. Russia has take vital parts of Finland and they have had to sign restrictions as if had taken land from Russia.

They feel the Ukras better then many.


dumb comment

jens holm

He is right.

Who name themself as whore. Its ok with me if, You are a good taxpayer as well.

jens holm

Hitler was a painter too.


Finland under Russian rule had a significant autonomy, Finns were more much more loyal than let’s say Poles. Russian rule in Finland was definitely better than under Sweden. They were poisoned with russophobia after 1921. when they slaughtered thousands of their own people, including families of everyone suspected to be communist. It was basically a fascist country before Germany. Interestingly enough, Mannerheim himself was a loyal Russian imperial officer under tsars.


Yes, basically Russia is about to fully regain its position in the world as one of the great powers – a bad time to start hostile attitudes for anyone, but particularly if you border it! If Finland joined the SCO (soon to be most of Asia) it would guarantee a good economic future for the next 100 years. But leaders are morons these days. They are captured or blind.

jens holm

You forget Poland was and own state 1000 years ago and sometimes a very big one but also in the middle.

Even before that they were in very big tribes. Being divided and gone as state makes hostile opinions.

Finland was no statemaker itself. The part You could name as state was the crusader land by the swedes added Swedish upperclass feudalisme. The rest was in their own very spread out thin populated way.

It made no sense for Russia to rule most parts of it. The only big plus was acces to the Baltic sea and some nikel mining. But nikel mining was reached by Murmansk or Archangelsk.

jens holm

The Russian relations was no Stockholm swedes there.


RU bought 10% of Finnish exports before 2014. So, clearly RU was poor and useless as business partner.

cosmic dwarf

If anyone was wondering how exactly the incompetent, emotionally childish “elites” of the modern West were going to flush everything down the toilet – because it’s been clear for a while that this is what they’ll do – then this is worth watching closely…

jens holm

You see nothing. We are able to see everything. We know more about russia then the russians do.


It’s not paranoia when they “are” trying to destroy you!

What a crap article. Does it even make sense if you drank deeply from the Putin koolaid?

“seems quite evident that for any country with historical neutrality, faced with a conflict in its neighborhood, the best thing to do is precisely to remain neutral. If the disputed interests in the international conflicts around Sweden and Finland do not concern the Scandinavian world, but the delimitation of the Russian and Western strategic environments, the only rational solution seems to be simply to preserve historical pacifism and abdicate from joining either side.”

So says Putin, bow your head and know you place as as Russian slave state!


dumb comment

jens holm

Rasputin is correct.

Russia is not the center giving us any sunshine. Its for too many years has been the opposite. Thats goes for the people livin there even tey are not allowed to know that.

jens holm

Thats the slaves right to decide nothing and insist.


NATO is satanic. Proof is everywhere


At least it does not attack European countries, unless there is genocide happening and UN ask for help.

jens holm

I hope You feel it well. We have made a hell for 144 mio for You. Soon a big vakuum cleaner is comming to take You away – ha ha.


Sheep-like morons, enjoy becoming targets in WWIII then.

Bigg Chungus

This is what you get for putting women in charge (both nations are led by women). Rationality? Forget it.

Maybe their half-African children can be rolled over by a T-72. All skin colors smash the same.

jens holm

Those countries are doing pretty well. They even are able to replace them, if they are not good.

Denmark also has a female Premiere Minister. She is elected because she was the best choise. She makes mistake too.


it is shameful that finnish media and some politicians are riding the ongoing events in ukraina to impose in an antidemocratic way the western military alliance to their own people. Real finns are neutral for nature!


Yes you are absolutely right. Most finnish people would like to stay neutral. There are fake polls showing majority support joining Nato. But people are not allowed to vote on this matter and that explains a lot. It will be our puppet government decision.


There is no time for referendum. FI has smaller army than UA has and Putler’s plan is clear. Alliance must bbe formed as long as the RU bases at the border are empty.

One can form a “irti NATOsta” -party for next parliamentary elections and see what happens.

jens holm

The Russian dwarf decide none of this.

If so he will be met by the whole Nato army.

jens holm

Be a faked poll Yourself. You are absolutly lie Yourself.



There will be no peoples vote organized in neither Finland nor Sweden about joining Nato. Schwabs and Soros puppets in both countries will make the decision. Not the people. You can show whatever kind of propaganda polls but the vote would be honest. You know it, I know it and everybody with half a brain cell knows it.

jens holm

The antidemocrasy was attacking Ukraine with its democratic elected President and Parlament.

The main supporter for Finland in Nato. is Putin. When even the very calm people of Finland react something is terrible wrong.

50.000 has died in Ukriane. There are destruction for billlions.


https://twitter.com/MrKovalenko/status/1519823102317891584?t=gSsIoCc6JyPBmgPmznlcCg&s=19 USA to boost their support to Ukraine.


Erkki Tuomioja is a senile old USSR fan with a great hate vs USA.


I’m not sure is it even necessary for Finland and especially Sweden to join NATO. It might be possible that USA is now destroying once so good Swedish military industry.

jens holm

I dont think so. Its for important political reasons. None here will ever accept he threats by Russia. Countries are on their own and decide their connections and try not to harm others.

For many years Denmark has not been connected well with DDR, Poland and the Balitic states. We have met a big wall with all kindss of nasty things.

In the bordercontrols we have been met by hostile looking soldiers and police armed with machineguns towards us but mainly for none should escape from the Communist paradise.

Ukraine and Belarus should be as open or closed as they decide. But they 100% are the deciders.

Because Ukraine is poor and not one of us we supportt them as singlecoutries as well at it goes. Its a UN coutry. We know not all of them are nice persons.


Muhammad your Prophet

Putin the terrorist cockroach will now be credited for expanding NATO. Because nobody wants a demented freak like him invading and murdering civilians from other neighboring countries. Putin just gave NATO a far greater purpose. What an absolute moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

that you are soros troll

jens holm

You are a whore. You not even comment him.

John Peterson

Sweden will not allow its citizens too vote WTF DEMOCRACY EG?


The parliament and government of FI and SWE are democratically elected, therefore legal to do it.

jens holm

Its by their constitution. In sweden they can decide things like this like that.

They any time can make an election and by that see if things change.

In Denmark the Parlament has decided there will be a public yes or no to Our membership of the smal EU army.

But that was not needed. They choosed to.

We try to elect people we trust. If we dont we replace them and hope for something better. Thats why democrasy work. The opponents always has hope. By that they dont uprise smash chairs and windows.

If they do and gets elected, they have to sit on the floor and with wintercoat in wintertime if they are not in jail. .

Citizens vote their military passports

And exactly this is the reason why finish people vote with their “feets”. The resign themselves from army reserve and let politicians, who made decision, handle the army of Russia.

Today’s gallup says 85% of finish people (including women) vote for NATO. Major increase within one week :D Well, it’s good for them. Soon their have to answer the call.


Neutrailty, should be the main plattform, since any norDick cooperation went down the drain and instead chaged national suverenity to nothing but a nation destoryed from within by a pack of rotten WEFfed Bitches, and dont even understand the case when the UssA claims this is about angering Russia, mere pawns, yup, just as the equally stupid Polaks, not surprising, but never the less and with Romania and Moldova, remarkably run by the same rats teached in the WEF cargo culture, and now wants their piece of the cake. By the way, both MSMs are owned by you know who.


jens holm

Sorry. In only understand the peace. I like peace.

peter mcloughlin

Each dangerous escalation is reciprocated. Each addition moves closer to WW III. There is widespread amnesia of history. The past can show us the future: but no one wants to look. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/

Jean de Peyrelongue

Why those two countries want to join NATO ? Sould a war occurs bewtween Russia and NATO, they would be on the front line. Theirs leaders have to be crazy to align their country with one party and not stay neutral. Their country have nothing to win in a war. How can theirs leaders trust the Empire of lies ? Are they totally corrupted or stupid idiots ?

jens holm

Its told over the whole wide world which reasons they have.

Putin did it by invading a neutral country. The moron are still there. For sure they didnt invent the compas and modern warfare.

jens holm

There are no such geopolitical experts.

A gamechanger could be giving Finland back the land stolen by WW2.


Hey iny and American and I think I can speak for just about all of us. I am so happy that Finland and Sweden are going to join NATO. We all hope that when war starts Russia will bruise their knuckles pounding these proxy war fodder nations in the face before we have to engage with Russia. We are perfectly comfortable with war with Russia destroying your infrastructure and heritage sites. If you lose a large percentage of your civilian populous, well war’s a butch. Meanwhile while that’s happening me and my family are going to Disneyland in California. Kill a Ruskie for me and sorry about the loss of your wife and kids. We appreciate Finland and Sweden sacrificing them and their nations so we can vacation on the beach. Cali is really nice this time of year, if you live through this you should give it a try sometime. Well gotta go, Walmart is calling. P.S. please slow Russia down until July so our gas prices don’t get too high, I don’t need the extra cost driving to Cali, my ford expedition gets pretty crummy gas mileage with all three air-conditioners running. Toodle-oo… P.S.S. I appreciate your sacrifice from the bottom of my heart, keep your heads down.

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