Two Republic of Singapore Air Force pilots walk and talk as a Royal Thai Air Force SAAB 340 AEW taxies past during Exercise Cope Tiger 16, on Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, March 7, 2016. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Tech Sgt. Aaron Oelrich/Released)
Sweden announced on May 29 that it will supply Ukraine with ASC 890 Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft as a part of its 16th military aid package for the country.
“Sweden will send Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890) to Ukraine and thus strengthen its air defense capability. Sweden will donate its entire stock of armored tracked personnel carriers (PBV 302) to support the reconstruction of new Ukrainian brigades. Sweden will also donate artillery ammunition and resources for maintenance of previously donated materiel,” the Government Office of Sweden said in a statement.
“The support package will also include the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (RB 99-AMRAAM), which can be used on aircraft and in ground-based air defense systems,” it added
Ukraine’s capability to identify and engage targets at long range will be strengthened by ASC 980 aircraft, the Swedish government claimed.
It also noted that the donation of the aircraft will entail a “temporary decrease” of Sweden’s defense capability, which will be addressed by procuring additional S 106 GlobalEye aircraft and advancing previous orders for two new GlobalEye aircraft.
The ASC 890, which is based on the Saab 340 aircraft, has a non-movable PS-890 active electronically scanned array radar made with the Erieye system which offers lower drag, but has a dead zone directly behind and in front of the plane, with a 120 degree zone of scan on either side of the airframe.
The aircraft is capable of tracking ships, planes and missiles up to 300-400 kilometers while at an altitude of 20,000 feets with an endurance of around five hours.
While the ASC 890 is a capable airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, supplying it to Ukraine appears to be more of an emotional support move.
To be effective, the ASC 890 will have to fly on lengthy high-altitude patrols near the frontlines in eastern Ukraine, close to the Black Sea or over Western Ukraine during Russian missile and drone attacks. In all of these cases, the aircraft will be vulnerable to Russian long-range anti-aircraft fire, like the R-37M air-to-air missile and the S-400 and S-500 air defense systems.
In addition, the Russian military could simply target the large aircraft on the ground using long-range ballistic or cruise missiles.
What makes these threats even more serious is the fact that the Ukrainian AIr Force has absolutely no experience in operating AWE&C aircraft.
Sweden, which abandoned its neutrality and joined NATO after the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, has already supplied billions worth of weapons and equipment to Kiev forces. All previous Swedish military aid packages made no impact on the battlefield. The latest military aid package, which costs €1.16 billion, could turn out to be the most useless.
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what a nice target. big and white. easy to hit.
hope there will be a swedish gay pilot and many swedish gay radar specialists on board.
fine we me. some might be extra motivated.
so they can ghey you in your ghey army fetish asshole!
from the maximum distance. when you see the max distance of any aad complex, it commonly mean distance for the target with effective dispersion surface of 10 square meter (a fighter) or 100 sq.m.(strategic bomber). asc 890 is bigger than fighter and has no anti-radar countermeasures (“stealth” technology). the only way to stay alive is to fly over poland or romania. but they can do it now, no need to give it to hohols.
you too. only noses are needed even you are donated double diaper from unicef.
very good bill gates didnt added plug and play for smell.
if you’re not sure what to do, doubling down on stupid is always a good idea
thats not the point. the pindos plan to use their awacs for attack inside russia..this is a “plausible” cover story .i certainly hope the russians are telling them that their awacs will become targets in this event.
what a stupid comment more related to earwax
russians are already arguing, who will get the honor to shoot it down.
sweden is blleeding money from its rear end for a lost cause. what a pity, a welfare state now used by britain. goodbye swedish standard of living. become a pawn of those back stabbing brits, and wave goodbye to your future. the brits are lower than pond scum, nobody ought to listen to those bitter british brats. but sweden does
sweden is 4 times more in gdp pr capita then russia.
its only true they are declined a little.
brits only are in problems regarding brexit.thats their own choice. i hope next election will bring needed reforms.
swede pays 4 times income tx than russian greater income wealth disparities than russia–i worship money cuz i am amerikuntized
i am moron–all swede income counted–swede pays 65% income tax—russian receives 45% income cash not officially counted—pays 13% income tax on official income—yes i am a moron liar
no id has written that crap, know nothing and when told is able to be a no learner.
normal persons here can see tax in money from 60.000 keep more to spending then then lousy 20.000 in pustinstan.
swede pays 8$ for beer at pub russian pays 70 cents
i am very stupid–i lie like all ukies deported to dumbmark
ukras living in denmark are asked to normal vacant job.
the refugee incommers, which almost are children, women and a few old ones are doing well.
all has homes, food, cloth and like that. all children go to school. all women has full or partime jobs.
well its not 100% true. some women becomes teachers added ukraine language and culture.
that’s how gdp may be many times higher when you pay triple price for same goods. add debts, total and per capita. i could bet even before checking that external state debt of sweden much higher in total and per capita, because external debt of rf is about 50 bln dollars, or 2-3% of nominal gdp in dollars (minfin gov ru). external debt of sweden is over ~100 bln in dollars (riksgalden se). population of sweden is ~15 times lower. internal debt is also much higher.
2. i take i again. try to see the high tax is socialisme, because all get same level in very expensive sectors and often as free.
childcare, schools, education, hospitals, medicine, heathcare and pension. others fx are we much longer the the russians in more wellcare.
finally i add wealthy countries almost all have high tax. we are not plundered and its dedecid by voting step by step
socialism is public (via state) property on the main production funds, i.e. heavy industry, mining, electricity and communications without private property as class. only public, collective (cooperative) and personal property allowed. it comes from ideology. high taxes or low has no touch to socialism. sweden is typical capitalist country, puppet of fashington with sodomy and satanism.
there he, it or here ignore sweden has free educatiom, free schools, free hopitals, almost free medicine a descent pension.
its also ignored russias has a alternave t a x systen named c o r r u p t i o n.
operator of aad complex or pilot of a fighter will have a good bounty for such rare and expensive bird.
will the bounty be paid with stolen money?
rumor humor says they get armatas for rehousing.
i larn this from gay saxon
ground wrote that
observe how some western countries have gone full retard with project ukraine. they are in too deep, its the sunk cost fallacy. life is hard son. but its harder if you stoopid
all of them nazi germanic/viking origin, norway, sweden, denmark, holland and belgium…wonder why???
thats because all the russian history books are used for smoking.
the main reason were trade, setling and trade.
and why igore the rest. fx marija fjodorovna was a danish prices a relative almost to the rest of europe.
look up bering strait and sea – иван иванович беринг
thas right.
ukraine was made with conditions. it should only should able to defend itselv.
the are with our donations. they has no invaded any country.
ukraine decides themselves and has been a state by un many years. they are a part of europe and russia is not. thats their choises.
putin is playing with fire the more he prolong for ukraine and zelenski existance the more enemy will utilise it to attack russia nuclear arsenal sites.and dominte russia in all areas.
any nato nuclear attack under cover through ukraine.just take out belguim,germany,italy,britain,france,ukrain and guam.second move attack all usa bases in syria,iraq,jpan,south korea and turkey.
nato’s willingness to sacrifice awacs could be an indication of an impending planned attack .
so funny. a complety internal thing 🦆🦆🦆
what’s uncle sams bitch ass up to now?
as a western with full acces i see more think ukraine should be allowed to shoot in a something for something level.
i partly agree. the russian infra around ukraine should be gone many months ago.
10 russians in graves are better then one of them at the roof.
the only full access you know of is the access to your ass by many gay danish turds like you.
you are right. we has good result by including all here.
we are number one in low corruption and happines. we are more then 4 times more in gdp. we live much better and longer as well.
your low level almost makes us proud.
good that you know that i,m right. learn to write better since it makes monkeys cry.
so what you’re saying is you don,t notice corruption due to being on your knees face down all the time and happy being raped? 4 times more compared to who in gdp? selective picking of a country only looking at certain aspects? life expectation in denmark isn,t high dumbass. being proud alone doesn,t.mean much.
will they train ukranians to operate, or does the swedish goverment values so little the life of its servicemen ?
as too often you not even has acces to fx the 3 main tv channels.
how in heck any live that and tell the world so much nonsence based in nonsence.
due to many seizure work 47 years as potato farm helper i now senile
0 id has written its tail again🙈
noone can make any sense of the crap you are writing retard.
jensy says something about tv. but i don’t understand is it good to watch or not. i have over 100 tv channels, but don’t watch them for years as well as “youtube” and “wikipedia”.
most of that is a total lie.
i only told you tell fx we have secrets. but most of fully open in tv, at non censures internet, by libraies and in paper as well.
by that fx 3 sweeden main tv channels are debating about all military stuff. the goverment not even decide that.
thats highly incorrect.
incorrect in your mind which is located up your ass….that makes sense.
dude the f*ck are you talking about, are you having an aneurysm or something ?
im afraid so. some moron easy can copy my visible name.
in write normal stuff – i thing.
i llustrate by using you name:
and now im back or could we donald duck or ahmed the terrorist.
many names here are the same 2-3 persons.
your stupidity stands out though it is impossible to copy.
his condition is way worse. there is no treatment.
it is regional war thanks to nato.
at least you seemes to have one clean nice hand.
yes that must be something you don,t experience much since yours have shitstains from spreading those cheeks apart. but you are correct….the other one is bloody from smacking your mom.
the noose is tightening around pooh-tin’s neck…heheheh
we use potato to lure 9 year boy to basement
nuts not by me.
what? you lure the boy to show him your nuts? you are one sick person!
stating the article russia doesn’t mind any amount of military equipment support to ukraine since nothing is useful.
they get spanked telling some the russian equipment is no good.
1000 lying comment about us reward them with 1 kopek for trade with us. the main attruction is absalut vodka from sweden
i lick amerikan diek
turd also tasty from amerikan gay hillbilly
finally jens succeed at something
my entire life is fail
we now so much about jensy and can write whole book. this will be a book about psychiatry, heavy mental disorder and 0 iq.
you are very small. that book will a addiction to goat farming or skinny 5 legged bears
if they are donated, it means that “ukrainian” ha ha forces will allegedly pilot them therefore shoot them down.
not at all. he pilots always enter after the airplanes are shot down.
it saves many lives.
they are only two options with this. 1. they think letting ukrainians use those to target russian planes while flying over poland and romania will not count as nato involvement while keeping the nato umbrela over those planes to make them invulnerable to russia as long as they stay in nato territory
2. they believe the russian air defence and air attack forces will be diminished enough that ukraine will soon be able to operate them from ukrainian air fields.
there is at least one more. the f16s can start and land at many roads and be hidden camouflaged there.
of course they they only can get fuel, sidewinders and ammo there.
to me it make sence they go to fx poland and romanian for check up and repair only
but the question is lets say in a iran/ israel or norh korea/ south korea war if iran/ north korea attacks israel/ south korea and then their planes would fly to russia to rearm and repair would the western world still see russia as not involved in the war? at some point the west will be officeal legal part of the war and the entire premisse that nato forces are safe in nato and international territory while target and command the attacks on russian forces will be gone.
nothing you say makes sense. go back to your gay basement dungeon
this is why russia needs to act and stop talking about red lines and other rubbish. the other side has become so brazen it’s only a matter of time before they give the ukrops tactical nukes.
you still dont get it. russia already has the peak level as well as you still ignore ukrains and helpers are not sitting duck.
and you are right. putin right now again proudly are sliding.
that makes us slide as well fx by less ukrainans restrictions. i have changes. we remain kind …
russia already has the peak level??? what? gibberish again…
“putin right now again proudly are sliding.” your brain is seriously damaged.
that makes us slide as well fx by less ukrainans restrictions….🥴🥴🥴
“i have changes”
noone wans to know about your multiple sex changes that turned you into a self satisfying unicorn who likes to get violated by anything that draws breath.
my goodness gracious, golly gosh fat cat how noble of the majesties. nothing ulterior in their motives.
again those will stay in the sky a few minutes.
i worship money was helper on potato farm 43 years–now zero id
sweden instead of being nazis again and trying to fight russia should focus on their internal problems and the coming civil war.
scandal gay cuckhold fully amerikuntized
russia has to go into the “israeli mode”. just kill off anything, anywhere, any time, with any means. nato may look stupid, but they are not! don’t get fooled. forget the rules, this about the extinction of the whole non-very black world population. no, there is no second chance. good luck, you are on your own.
believe me the policy russia has on the ukrainian front lines is working and working very well it’s drawing in the nato forces to the meet grinder and destroying them in large numbers! don’t extend supply lines keep it simple and it works!
the swedish are scum bags anyway all mouth and no action. somalia migrants have taken over stockholm and malmö with out a shot being fired! what a rubbish country sweden has always been if you happen to run into any swedish people in the street or in a bar like myself for example spit in their face they are scum
sure dawarish, ur idea showing ur civilised manners, reminds me of tomb’s rampant rape glorifications. once russian flathead,always a flathead. ur kind cant help urself and never evolve.
it’s a win win for the swedish saab industry since a) the swedish government, exceptionally daft as it is, has paid this and will pay the one that will be purchased as the replacemeny. the idiocy of the government is palpable and this is the evidence of stupidity!