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Sweden Calls On Own Citizens To Prepare For War

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The Swedish government is to start sending instructional brochures to all 4.8 million households, providing some information what to do in the case of war, according to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.

Sweden Calls On Own Citizens To Prepare For War

The 20-page brochure titled ‘If Crisis or War Comes’ will be sent to the Swedish between May 28 and June 3. The pamphlet with simple illustrations reveals the threats, which the Sweden nation is facing nowadays. Among them are a military conflict, natural disasters, cyber and terror attacks.

“Although Sweden is safer than many other countries, there are still threats to our security and independence,” the brochure reads.

“If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.”

Sweden Calls On Own Citizens To Prepare For War

The head of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, who prepared the pamphlet Dan Eliasson stressed the importance of this document and the necessity “to prepare ourselves”, according to the Daily Mail newspaper:

“Even if Sweden is safer than many other countries… threats do exist,” Eliasson stressed. “It’s important that everyone has knowledge of what can threaten us so we can prepare in case something serious occurs.”

In December 2017, the Swedish Defense Commission published a report titled ‘Resilience‘, which presented military proposals between 2021 and 2025. According to the report, it was recommended to invest 400 million euros per year to modify the military and civilian defense systems so the nation could stand a blockade for three months.

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Michał Hunicz

Well, they are at least trying to prepare…

Poland is a demilitarised nation.


Who is to invade Sweden?


Right. However, to be nasty, you can also ask, if Sweden is not invaded already? ;-)


mmmm, Yessssss :)


The Vikings always came in without Knockin’ in other countries too… so they shouldn’t cry to much about “Invaders” in their country now I guess…you reap what you sow…


Noo! Not invaded, just occupied. :-)


Russia, Sweden fears russian invasion.


They’d pursue nuclear deterrence if that was the case.


That would increase tensions with russia in my opinion not remove the risk of invasion


If they want a real resistance that’s the only way.


Take Ukraine for example, they hate the russians and pretty much hostile, they don’t seek nuclear weapons because that would lead to preemtive strike by russians and possibly large scale war what do you think?


The Swedes have the IQ of a swede if they believe Russia is interested in taking over their country.


In case of Russia vs Nato scenario sweden might be seen as enemy of russia as well..


In Case of a War between NATO & Russia…. it’s gonna be Nukes… there are enough Nukes to cover the whole Earth with Nuclear Fallout… so basically everyone will be involved in a War…. Enemy or Not…


There will only be a conflict with NATO if they start it.

However Russia will end it and NATO will have a defeat they deserve.

Sweden would be well advised to stay neutral as before.


Russia is recovering from decades of insanity and evil, not to mention the destruction that the helpful American advisers helped to cause after 1991. Who in his right mind would think that the invasion of Sweden would be a smart economic or preemptive move on the part of Russia? Invade and prosper? Is that how the NATO geniuses characterize Russian thinking?

I guess any stupid idea becomes just part of the acceptable status quo if you hear it enough. Just think about it. Obama had the Social Security number of a dead man and his birth certificate was an obvious forgery but politicians and the press just came to accept that. Oh, of course. A stolen number and a forged b/c. Ho hum.


” Invade and prosper? Is that how the NATO geniuses characterize Russian thinking? ”

This how the US ,EU and many other nations have gained the wealth of others. They know no other way that one sided trade or conquest.

However the costs of failure are now more likely than success for the US/EU etc as most of the defenceless nations have been pillaged.


It’d never happened before. In fact, as far I know, Swedish invaded Russia a couple of times.


Finland or Denmark I suspect :)


You forget Iceland. They wish to block establishment of the Nordic Crescent from Norway to Newfoundland. If that sea bridge is ever solidified, Iceland will be in a very precarious strategic position.


Iceland obviously needs to buy a fleet of F35’s to be protected :)


All ex-Warsaw pact nations are defenseless according to orders from our masters in Washington. When our masters were in Moscow before 1989, USSR at least kept us well armed.


But streams of money still line their politicians pocket.


Poland is a demilitarised nation.



Trying to prepare for a non-existent threat is still stupid and, as one or two here have pointed out, ignoring the threat right inside one’s homeland in the rear area is worse.

It’s hard to know which country will crumble first, France or Sweden. Both have electoral majorities who engage in pure delusional thinking. Every single governmental action is positively the wrong action. Swedes are deliciously stupid but the French have an arrogance the Swedes as a whole don’t have, it seems to me (though of course the leaders are soaked in arrogance and malice). So I think it will be France that sinks first.


Sweden has been invaded and is being destroyed internally by Israeli operatives who are flooding the country with illegal aliens. What does the Swedish Gov do? They concentrate on meaningless preparation for phantom enemies while the enemies are eating away internally with the Zionist Trojan horse.


Yes, plus: – the name of the migrant who wrote this had brochure says it all: Dan Eliasson… Don’t look further – the Russia is actually on the contrary the only country which could save the Sweds from the destructive mass-immigration with which they are raped and restore their dignity and self-determination. This is why tribal people full of hate like this Dan Eliasson hate Russia and people outside their tribe.


Yes, the Zionist Swedes in power are seeking to obfuscate the immigration disaster that threatens the established cultural and stable life in Sweden.

Swedes do tend to be rather odd though. Holier than thou comes to mind. :)


The Swedish author Stieg Larsson is a good example. He was a nasty little leftists who supported the Expo Foundation and left an unsigned will leaving all his property to the communist party. It went to his father and brother no doubt to the chagrin of his feminist partner.

He was obsessed with exposing the “right wing” and racists but thought nothing of the destruction of Sweden by the leftist multiculti fanatics. The Swedish title of his book in English, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was Men Who Hate Women. Again, a laughable distortion since the Swedish hypergamy can justly be seen as organized “female” hatred of men.

Sweden is a mortally sick society for a thousand reasons.


I would agree with all of that. I met a couple of Swedes last year who are friends of some English friends of mine. They were pleasant but living in a Cult Fantasy in my opinion. A fantasy that has been changed forever by mass immigration of aliens.


If there is any war in Sweden, it’s already started by their own government against the people.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

“It’s important that everyone has knowledge of what can threaten us so we can prepare in case something serious occurs.”

Obviously, the flooding of Sweden with wogs and Muslims is not “something serious.” That’s perfectly normal and OK. It is Russia, who has no designs on Sweden whatsoever, that is the “threat.”

Well, when you have a country “governed” by females, and commissared by The Tribe, what can you expect?


Why would Russia attack any European country? Russia has more landmass than they can govern fully, already. They have fertile soil, oil and gas. They have a high tech know-how industries. I think they instead wish they could trade freely with an independent and truly free europe. But we have the mafia terror organisation NATO to thank for the current situation we are in. NATO, the miltary wing of the power that be: Zion, Banking, Military industrial complex, most media, and so forth. If you want to know what NATO is really all about: Search the www for: COLONELS WIFE TELLS IT ALL. Enjoy, or get scared.


Oligarchs need no friends or peers. Their ranks split between overlords, accomplices, vassals, and slaves.


My problem with these people is that if those ‘Muslims invader’ break the laws you people should withhold them and held them accountable instead of playing victims. Seriously though it drive me crazy.


A lot of Pussies in Europe these days…”A Lot of men more concerned about their Looks, Appearance & Haircuts these days…but if a woman on the streets gets harassed, they keep staring at their iPhones like nothing happens….Brave PS4-Warriors….

Thomas Wolsey

Who would invade Sweden? Sweden has nothing of value.


white women and children to be taken, even raped by predators? social security , medicare? weak feminized males = good dhimmi slaves? no dirt, piss and shit on the streets?


They make good Axes….lots of ore


WAR started on Sweden ,as in all Western countries, in 1947

They are simply to Blind, DEAF and DUMB to know it, as are Americans


Why is it written in english?


Pray tell ? Look the original sites.


I did it’s true

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Too late the Islamic conquest of Sweden has already occurred. (Swedes took absolutely no notice of previous pamphlets)


Yes Europeans have grown too fat and stupid to defend themselves against invasion be it real or imagined. Sleepwalking into nuclear war ? Sure.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Sleepwalking into being second class citizens within their own home countries and potential victims to U.S./UK – orchestrated, globalism.


Not potential by your standard you already are a victims. Globalisation is unavoidable and for that matter for now the European only taste the benefit being more industrially and technologically more advanced. Only recently when the bottom half of the competitors catching up the competition felt tougher than before. Protectionism wouldn’t work. People need to advance and that what’s these ‘elites’ busying themselves lying to us and increasingly restricting us hinder that advance.


Sooner or later the nationalist parties of Europe will come to power, whether by force or democratic vote. They will be supported by the majority of the population and will only rise to power by force if their Jewish deep states prevents them from winning by rigging the vote, in fact this has already been accomplished a number of times throughout Western democracies.



For now i think the best condition if we can return into time where liberties ≠ anything permitted including abnormal behavior and democracy ≠ left vs right. Dumbed down that rather than sit down and make a pointy arguments and rhetorics to political opponent they would attack the opponent character instead.


It’s as they say, never judge a book (or video) by its cover.


I’ve been Bloody Preppin’ for War for a couple of years…. and the Swedes start now…? Wtf… the War is almost over… and the Swedes start Preppin’…….who’s gonna put up the next war then? Aliens?


Who will defend Sweden in case of war ???


God. I am not sure whose God though.


I bet for :

1. Real Swedish = 90% 2. Swedish non-jew immigrants = 40% 3. jewish swedish = 0%.

Isn’t that Reagan who say that he didn’t see a lot of jewish name returning from Vietnam. XD.

Ciccio Serry

Translation: The war is coming, join with us to dead in a stupid war against Russia and China.


Don’t have to sign me up for that shit…thanks

northerntruthseeker .

The Swedes have already been invaded… By all of those illegal migrant workers flooding in from Africa thanks to Jew Soros who is working at getting every European nation destroyed..

I am wondering what kind of drugs the Swedish government in Stockholm is smoking now?


The European Governments Want those Immigrants… they need them for their 2% Economical Growth a Year… Europe needs something like 1.6 Million Immigrants a Year because Europeans don’t reproduce that much…so the E.U. Opened the Gates to Europe for Everyone…take away the Middle Class in the proces, because people should not have that much money….


They deliberately influence all whites to keep our birth rates low through increased taxation, living costs, and social engineering. Meanwhile they offer Muslims grants to support as many children as they end up having, some cases included giving Muslim men up to four apartment suites and the necessary social welfare to afford to look after four wives with 4-5 kids per wife.


And who is to blame for this Status Quo?… the Muslims or Our Governments…


They even deport African and Islamic migrants from Israel to Germany and elsewhere in Europe.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa2904cc5a045190689bbb599c707258dda36feb23e0a89d21260ca9c3a0bce6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c194b90682278ae45c9051de6b847f9c61872d659e690a0aa15f5549d8a9f65f.jpg


IsraHell are a bunch of Fascist Kid-Killers…. that alone is a good reason to get rid of’m… not even talkin’ about the other 326 reasons…




Barbara Specter — a great gift to the world. Thank you, Barbara, for stating the Jewish agenda so clearly.


If there’s a discriminatory law or treatment you have your duty to change and fix them. I say this over and over again that if there’s a discriminatory use of forces against black or other minority you have a duty to stop such behavior by the authority not because you stands with these minority but because such behavior may and will be exercised against yourself later on. And sure enough that’s a fact.


Minorities are given special privileges (except for Asians), while the majority (whites) are being attacked in media and academia.


I’d say return into written and mutually acceptable laws. It all should be clear then.

Samantha Green

He is right on one point, which is that equality is essentially impossible and therefore only slave owners can be free.

Samantha Green

Reproduction serves no economic purpose and is NOT in any way needed, which is why nearly all rich nations are rich because they have ABORTION RIGHTS! which are threatened by the immigrant vote, and prosperity with it. Childcare and school is far more expensive than elder care.


Wrong, in addition to taking care of the elderly and sick, the retired and soon to be retired workers must be replaced by young workers and there must be a bigger room of economic growth so a larger number of workers is always needed. This is impossible if couples don’t reproduce and this can really endanger the economic and political security of nations, take Japan for example.

Samantha Green

Japan is fine, except that it is still too crowded to feed itself with it’s own farmland and oil. But Japan will be fine soon enough, unlike Syria, which has far too many babies.


U clearly don’t think of he long run, the economy of Japan and growth is expected to suffer because of low fertility and in 2050 the population will drop from 131mill to 83mill they’ll be needing forreign workers and immigrants wether they like it or not


Japan, Social Engineering & The Blatant Depopulation Agenda:


Jews: https://imgur.com/a/ERw8t

On the Genealogy of Feminism: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KASqrYJRIsWa/

Ashkenazi Jews (80% of Jews worldwide) are 40% more prone to schizophrenia than non-Jews:


What Jews actually believe:


Full Version:


The Kabbalah:


Other information:





Videos regarding the JQ and “From the Pale to Palestine Parts 1-2”:

Demography is Destiny Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqw5slcerhEHL262yforI9Q/videos





One of Robert Sepehr’s blogs and Youtube channels:


Atlantean Gardens: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0gkKMGpCgyun7OoEOseryg/videos


If all these immigrants leave sweden for example, i think the economy will be in trouble and services of elderly sick might become worse, lots of jobs will open up but no people will fill all of them and so economic troubles, but yeah the pure white super race is in “danger” or whatever…


Their economies would be better off without those unskilled immigrants, more of their own people would end up being employed and poverty would shrink; not only because of the deportation of Muslims, but also due to more jobs being available to their own people (Germans, British, French, etc in all of their own respective countries).

This means that the deportation of all Jews from Europe, Oceania and the Western hemisphere is necessary. I recommend first placing them into refugee camps guarded by armed guards police, then proceed to invading Israel, abolishing the IDF, and then deport all Jews and 3rd world immigrants in the Western world to Israel which should become a melting pot where they will be forced to know what it feels like when they are on the other end of the stick.



U sure do have some interesting plans for the future don’t you? And no not everyone is qualified for a specific job, so not every job will be filled if all immigrants were to be kicked out

Samantha Green

Jobs going to swedes is not even half the benefit. the main benefit is that Swedish NATURAL RESOURCES would then go to Swedes.

Mattias Dahlström

The migrants, especially those from Somalia, are a net drain on the economy. Some do work in elder care which is useful when he wants to come back with his buddies to beat up a 92 year old woman to steal her valuables. One example; of single arriving “children” in 2006 7% had a normal income 10 years later – everyone was on welfare, or some kind of government assisted pseudo job. Sweden either needs high IQ immigrants from countries with a compatible culture, or high empathy women from compatible cultures, or encourage swedes to reproduce themselves and stop apologizing for who they are.


Then why does government accept people if only 7% of immigrants end up working while 93% do nothing but live off welfare? U sure about these numbers? If true then that’s just dumb tbh

Samantha Green

Reproduction is useless since school and childcare is far more expensive than elder care. Plus the immigrant vote is a major threat to ABORTION RIGHTS!


Is abortion a right? It’s more like an abomination. Muslims used to castrate their slaves so I suppose that’s how they’ll handle the problem of “unwanted pregnancies” in their new slave population after they kill off most of the original owners of the land.

Samantha Green

Yes abortion is THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT, and castration does far less good when only a few men can father millions of babies, enough to destroy the galaxy.


That does it. I’m calling the hyperbole police.






** Sweden is safer than many other countries **

Just don’t mention those grenade attacks on the police and those no-go zones where firemen refuse to go without a police escort.

The pamphlet is a joke on its face as Sweden is in no danger of a foreign invasion. Howevvvveeerrrrr, it works as a disguised call for native Swedes to be prepared for war to rectify the ghastly mistake that was made to throw open the doors of Sweden to third-world savages and invaders. Still, that assumes that there has been an awakening on the part of native Swedes which is an absurd assumption.

Anh Quốc

Funny. Ain’t they already having a crisis of immigrants swarming the place throwing bombs and grenades at police, raping woman. Then why no war against those immigrants started yet

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