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MARCH 2025

Sweden To Supply Ukraine With CV90 IFVs, Archer Howitzers & Additional NLAW Missiles

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Sweden To Supply Ukraine With CV90 IFVs, Archer Howitzers & Additional NLAW Missiles

A Strf9040C in Swedish service. By Wikimedia user (Jorchr)

On January 19, the Swedish government announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth 4.3 billion Swedish crowns ($419 million).

The new package includes 50 CV90 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), an unspecified number of Archer self-propelled howitzers, additional NLAW anti-tank missiles as well as mine-clearing equipment and assault rifles.

“Military support for Ukraine is absolutely critical,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said at a press conference. “Ukraine’s wishes in terms of what they want carry a lot of weight in our decision.”

The CV90 can carry up to eight troops in addition to a crew of three. The IFV is typically armed with the 40mm Bofors L/70 autocannon and a 7.62 mm Ksp m/39 machine gun. It’s basic armour provides all-round protection against 14.5 mm armour-piercing rounds. The Swedish military has more than 540 CV90s in service.

On the other hand, the Swedish military operates 48 Archers only. The howitzer system is made of a FH 77 derived 155 mm/52-calibre howitzer mounted on a modified Volvo Construction Equipment A30D articulated haul truck 6×6.

The howitzer has a firing range of 30 kilometers with slandered shells and up to 50 kilometers when firing American-made M982 Excalibur precision-guided rounds. It features a fully automatic magazine with a rate of fire up to 20 rounds in 2,5 minutes. Some observers believe that Ukraine could receive up to 12 Archers.

Sweden To Supply Ukraine With CV90 IFVs, Archer Howitzers & Additional NLAW Missiles

A deployed Archer howitzer. By Wikimedia user (Ibaril)

The last key part of the new Swedish military aid package to Ukraine, the NLAW, was developed in cooperation with Britain. The missile is guided by PLOS [predicted line of sight] with fire-and-forget capability. It has a range of 1,000 meters only and can penetrate more than 500 mm of rolled homogeneous armour.

The NLAW can be preprogramed to attack its target directly or from the top. Ukraine has already received thousands of NLAW missiles from Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Sweden To Supply Ukraine With CV90 IFVs, Archer Howitzers & Additional NLAW Missiles

A Ukrainian soldier training with a NLAW missile. Source: the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The new military aid package represents Sweden’s largest contribution to Kiev forces since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine around a year ago.

The Swedish move came amid ongoing efforts by the United States to step up the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine ahead of Spring, possibly to support a large-scale counter-offensive against the Russian military.


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Get ready for more dead whites lool allahu akbar

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

dude, you dont even sound like a Black person, so get lost

Last edited 2 years ago by Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

You name just screams skitzo. i don’t sound black because I’m typing not speaking dumbass.


The history should record who is responsible for this madness. Sending more weapons, crossing more redlines, we are getting closer and closer to WW3.


Nato didn’t invade Ukraine yet it must be natos fault loool . Russians expected the war to be easy think again white bois.


“bois”, seriously?! Somebody recently posted that your English is too good for a Black African and now you are faking some mistakes, lol. You aren’t fooling anybody here whitey. Try harder, but hey how is the weather in DC today?


I’ve just look down my pants my 12 inces says i’m definitely not white.


The Swedish government are setting their own people up for a major response in the event that this conflict expands! Any country providing arms and munitions to a belligerent during a conflict is not only taking a side but is actively involved in the conflict. The Swedish nation will in time pay a price for their governments involvement in arming the regime in Kiev. As for most of the ordnance being sent to Kiev I’m sure that a good proportion of it has already been sold off and the pockets of the few in Kiev are full of US dollars……..


Pootin won’t pick an equal fight with Nato just look at Russia invading the poorest country in Europe.

Proud Ukronazi Azov

we are the poorest country in Europe, but still better than your primate aids jungle. Here, some bananas for you ape


Aids bananas and apes wow very original you got anymore 😂😂

Proud Ukronazi Azov

oh sure, Ebola, monkeypox, etc.


😂😂 only the poor get ebola and monkey pox


For somebody whose interest is supposedly that of a black person in opposition to whites, you sure do a pile of cheer-leading for the Ukretards. You are such a silly white incel


I’ve always had soft spot for the underdogs. No you.


Whatever you say, Lanza.



Chris Gr

Poorest country in Europe = Bulgaria


The internet says otherwise. Dumbass looool


All the countries supplying weapons preach equality ,freedom ,human rights ,non violence, competition and fair trade yet in reality they all commit murder to steal more resources , money and commit oppression of others while not allowing other political viewpoints to exist.


No state has done more killing than the US in the last seventy-five years.

V for victory

What is that maddness, that Sweden shut down its neutrality to send up to 10% of IFV and 25% of SPG to Ukraine? That’s even MORE than what many NATO members has done before.


Have we won? Not yet?! F***, what are we waiting for?


No, it’ll be nine years in April that your ATO has been trying to conquer Donbas.


Nice target practice for Russians


Two can play at that game there are millions of Somalian migrants living in Sweden. Russia should send them pistols grenades and whatever else to cause mayhem on the streets of malmo and Stockholm

Last edited 2 years ago by Bobo

The Americans would love that. Every single satrap of the US empire wants internal instability so that they can implement states of emergency. The US is still in the same state of emergency from 9/11. Every president renews it, every year. Other vassals and satraps likewise exist in permanent states of emergency to protect the state from “terrism” as Li’l Bush calls it.


Yes your correct my friend

Natalie Biden was 13

Nazi Kids are manipulating the likes again, lol


Loool looks like I have overran this comment sektion with my bot army..

Where is commie Clyde?

omg beef i love you you are alwyas so right..


I hope my pseudo intellectual analysis was welcome too, when do I receive the foodstamp?

jens holm

Wait until I call My freunds I know fromthe pedofile forums.


Bots? I just know what buttons to press. Loool nice try clyde

Last edited 2 years ago by Beef

Lanza, are you responding to your own posts? That’s some sad sock-puppetry, even for a white incel like you.


yes indeed

Isser Harel

Russia should save one MERV especially for the families of that country who are behind this support for an army that shells civilians and children. After all fair is fair. Yes outright Racism is terrible in the west: unless it’s against Russia then every possible form of Racism is perfectly acceptable.


Russia has been reserved, to say the least and that is the observable situation up to now. Bakhmut and Soledar is a warning what’s to come once half a million Russians hit the ground at once in different battles over Ukraine. It will be a slaughter, I’ve heard it phrased but Russia has given all the warning and; as much time that will be given. Clearly a 1000 Ukrainian and Natostan soldiers a day in that cauldron is a huge stress on it’s military.


Sounds good, let’s see how it works out against now seasoned russian ground and air forces


This is so disgusting. Our government said we had to join NATO and end 200 years of neutrality super quick without any referendum and without making it election issue because Russia so dangerous so we need US protection immidiately!!! And thankfully Turkey has been blocking it so a year later we are still not members of NATO. HOWEVER, the government does exactly everything they can to provoke and harm Russia, even thought we are not members of NATO. So government (we had change of government in between btw, but no difference, new government same as the old) is full of shit. What is really going on?

Well, what is going on is that USA has completely taken over power in Sweden. And what USA wants is to provoke Russia maximum, if Russia invaded Sweden that would be a dream come true for USA. The OUTRAGE, poor defenceless neutral little Sweden victim to Russian aggression, buhu.


I fucking hate Americans and British people now, at least the ones that support their evil disgusting government and the evil disgusting empire. I sincerely hop Russia wins this war and that the disgusting Anglo Empire go down in flames and revolution and death and destruction.

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