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MARCH 2025

Syrain Defense Ministry: US-led Coalition Bombed ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot In Deir Ezzor Province

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Syrain Defense Ministry: US-led Coalition Bombed ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot In Deir Ezzor Province

The US-led coalition’s airpower targeted headquarters and chemical weapons depot belonging the ISIS terrorist group in a village near the city of Deir Ezzor yesterday evening, the Syrian Defense Ministry has said in a statement appeared at its website.

According to the statement, a toxic cloud appeared as a result of the airstrike, inflicting major casualties (“hundreds deaths”) among civilians in the area.

The Syrian Defense Ministry said that the incident confirmed the ability of various terrorist groups to obtain, to transport, to keep and to use chemical weapons.

The Syrian military emphasized that it does not possess any kind of chemical weapons and does not use them and warned that terrorists could use chemical weapons again in order to blame government forces.

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So, will the US admit to this bombing or somehow blame Assad as reports of civilian deaths roll in?


“It’s their fault for inhaling….”

Dustil schmit

No because if you look at location it’s BS since the likelihood of thousands of people being in that tiny village is zero.

AR-15 for ARII

Assad’s lies are becoming ever more ridiculous. Clearly, panic is setting in.


Those that believe the wests accounts are truly in a panic…ever since the failed attack on the Syrian airbase. No amount of lies can prove a ‘successful attack’ as per the US military: “All missiles hit their target”…they must have been targeting ditches and donkeys.

Dustil schmit

And those who follow blindly the other are just as bad. You both are BAD apples.

Bill Wilson

Those that didn’t hit the airbase were probably sent out into the Syrian Desert to take out key bridges and culverts that spanned deep wadis which would render them unusable to ISIS. Nobody lives out there except at a few locations where water is available so no civilians would be around to report on their destruction. ISIS won’t mention it but some of their recent attacks in that region may indicate that’s what happened. A few hours after the missile attack, ISIS attacked a SAA outpost in the west that’s a short distance from Lebanon and did battle the defenders for quite some time before being driven off. One would think that their efforts would’ve been better spent attacking to the east along the highway south of Palmyra to drive SAA forces back to the city. Then there’s the more recent mass suicide attacks way down at Al-Namph (sp?) which is real close to the Jordanian border. Seems to me that those ISIS fellahs have found themselves trapped and are trying to punch their way out of the country.

Jonathan Cohen

If you are saying the missing Tomahawks targeted ISIS and not SAA, then that means I am right that the minimal damage to SAA was intentional on Trumps part, and intended merely to fend off impeachment by McCain, and certainly not to offend or threaten Russia.

Gary Sellars

Be silent, jihadi cockroach


Where did you see the term ‘thousands’? I call BS on your comment.

Dustil schmit

Ask SAA since they seem to think this is a big village.


Article says “hundreds’… Don’t inflate numbers to support your argument.

Dustil schmit

Yea and the likelihood of hundreds drying is zero.


Fine…Let that be your comment/belief, but lying through exaggeration only weakens your argument.

Dustil schmit

No my point is that it has to be a big city for hundreds to die or cramp and all together. only 86 died in the town (pre war 50,000) in the so called chemical attack so that backs me up.

Jonathan Cohen

SDM says “hundreds” not “thousands”.


What I seriously do not understand, is with S200, S300 and S400 switched on and the fact that Russia has withdrawn the flight safety agreement and switched off the red phone, how did the US and allies manage to achieve that strike? I understand they seriously want that part of Syria, owing to its strategic importance, but, how did they manage to achieve that strike?


Well, S400 and S300 are there to protect only RuAF and not SyAF so direct conflict can be avoided, also USA strike didnt do much damage bcs base was operational few days later and most of aircrafts were evacuated, USA has already big part in Syria and that is SDF.


Syria is not going to give up that area, it is too important, to give away to the local burglars.

Dustil schmit

Russia gave it away. If Russia had strong ties to both SAA and YPG there would never be any US bases in Northern Syria. Now Russia is trying to swipe YPG from US that is not going to work unless they get offered something.

John Marks

I suggest the Russians support the Kurds’ wish for autonomy within Syria, given that the Turks have shown themselves completely treacherous.

Jonathan Cohen

It’s about time abortion rights Russia supported abortion rights YPG along with abortion rights America to bring abortion rights to Syria. I would like nothing better than to see Russia and America outbid each other for YPG support. YPG deserves trillions of F-22 and T-50s to use or sell.

Jonathan Cohen

It might be worthwhile though to pull out in order to sic ISIS entirely on the US while SAA crushes HTS/AQ in the West; which the US seems to be protecting. At least if the last ones out can defend their own escape.


Thanks as that also makes sense. I just hope whatever happens, it involves the least loss of life.

Jonathan Cohen

However I’m more watching for SAA to go on the defensive near Palmyra for the same reason; to transfer forces and crush HTS/AQ.

John Mason

Maybe the meeting with Tillerson had something to do with it, could have told Putin that CW are stored in a village near the city of Deir Ezzor and got Putin’s permission to destroy it. They did have that meeting behind closed doors.


What has raised my hackles, is the fact, just after posting, a troll had replied to another post, mentioning this. Hoping to spin it as a good way to get permission to invade Syria. Plus the area, is so important to the US, considering the air cover they gave to ISIS/Al Qaeda, last year, when they took out the Syrian Forces.

There again, I wonder what was said, behind closed doors and what evidence was shown. Russia, is always thorough with how the collate their intelligence and just how it can be used? So hopefully you are right. ‘Get rid of those CWs now, before we really take off the gloves’, so comes to mind.

John Mason

doubt you have hackles…..I think Putin gave a way out to Tillerson and save face to the US. You are right, it would have escalated and turned nasty especially if the UNSC was shown evidence that the US was behind the CW attacks.

Jonathan Cohen

They could still have arranged permission to bomb ISIS even without knowing about the chemicals.

Do they have advanced AA in Dier Ezzor? or just in the west?

John Mason

AA – alcoholics anonymous?

Jonathan Cohen

Anti Aircraft.

John Mason

OK Jonathan, wasn’t being a smart arse. Russia has AA stationed throughout Syria, mobile units.

John Mason

Good you brought that up. They would have had the OK from Syria but what is interesting that amongst all of those building packed closely together the US planes only targeted the one building that housed the CW. Confirms that the US knew all about it. Now Russia can use that plus the civilians killed to their advantage. Rather clever having the US confirm their involvement and at the same time condemned themselves as supporting CW.


PS, that also explains why the MSM are not on the story 24/7.

Wahid Algiers

Only the Russians in Syria have S200, S300 and S400 to protect their own assets and NO agreement with the Syrian gov. to protect Syria.

Dustil schmit

They been striking ever since the “airbase attack” you think they going to stop targeting ISIS I don’t think so.

Jonathan Cohen

That’s why Syria’s best way to retaliate against Pence for the airbase attack would be to move forces west and leave ISIS to fight the US; while SAA crushes HTS/AQ with everything.

Bill Wilson

LOL! Those SAMs have limited range and that part of Syria is only strategically important to ISIS since that’s were they’ve been fleeing to make their last stand. I serious doubt if ISIS is telling the truth about the casualties and what was actually hit. Sounds more like a attempt to get the crybabies in the West to call for a halt of all aerial bombing in Syria to prevent more civilian casualties. Those are to be expected during shooting wars.

Jonathan Cohen

Syrian Defense Ministry is believing ISIS reports???????

Keith Smith

hundreds of civilins dead apparently?

Dustil schmit

That is the BS part I can believe the rest.


I can’t believe you changed the ‘hundreds’ to ‘thousands’ in your other comment.

John Mason

Bit suspicious to carry out an air strike not far from Syrian troops and especially what has recently occurred in Idlib. Idlib incident has unravelled US support for terrorists using CW and must have known that terrorists in a village near the city of Deir Ezzor had CW and didn’t want the terrorists to use it and incriminate the US even further in their diabolical schemes. Hence on that building was targeted and civilians again are victims.


They are indeed destroying the evidence before any UNSC team is sent on the ground to investigate.

Dustil schmit

Or could of been built pre war and had chemicals in it and ISIS took them and Russia told US and then they bombed it. Or just plain BS because ISIS would of already used it on Deir Ezzor already.


Man, when it comes to biased sunglasses… if you don’t believe that the US is in bed with the other supporters of the head-choppers…especially after all the exposure and actions that prove the connection, I doubt you would believe it if you witnessed it first hand. I’m an American I totally believe it.

Dustil schmit

If you believe everything Russia tells you are just as bad as those McCain supporters. I’m an American and I believe both sides are full of so much garbage up theirs. There is no one perfect in this war and if you think Assad is a saint is just as bad.

Basu Deb

One question anybody can ask, why is the USA in Syria? What is the motivation?

Dustil schmit

Defeating ISIS apparently, and don’t give me that Russia is doing that since Assad seems to think Western Syria is more important.

Bill Wilson

Russia is only interested in retaining their naval base on the coast or they would’ve sent in more ground troops.

Jonathan Cohen

They also don’t want the Saudi gas pipe that would enable Europe to back Ukraine.

Jonathan Cohen

Both Assad and US are moving slowly against ISIS hoping to sic ISIS on the other.

Bill Wilson

To assist the Kurds in eliminating ISIS since the SAA had their hands full elsewhere and to keep ISIS in check in the southern Syrian Desert.

Jonathan Cohen

I only hate Assad for banning abortions; no other reason. Same for Hussein, Khaddafi, Iran, and now Israel. However I have additional reasons to hate Saudi Arabia. I hope YPG nukes them all.

Jonathan Cohen

Dating way back to 1980s Afghanistan, sure, big mistake. but most covert factions have seen their mistake after 9/11. A few Saudi connections might remain but not much; and US domestic politics is hunting them down. Most Americans would cheer if Russia bombed Saudi Arabia like Trump promised. Fewer, but still many Americans would cheer Iran for doing so. We certainly wish Russia had stayed in Afghanistan long enough to prevent 9/11.

John Marks

Syrians, don’t get distracted about all this emotional crap about chemical weapons. You won’t win the media war: they control almost all the press. Concentrate on capturing the East Ghouta pocket, lifting the siege of Deir-ez-Zor and pushing the jihadis out of Hama. The western press can yap all they want (they will anyway).

Gary Sellars

Yep, give them the Aleppo treatment…

Let them yap, while you kill the terrorists and liberate the territory…

Jonathan Cohen

And use chemicals. McCain is a hypocrite after using depleted uranium, which kills more civilians than Sarin by far.

Alessandro Albore

No any reaction…….Seems that it’s a Fake News till now…

Bill Wilson

It is fake news cooked up by ISIS.

Jonathan Cohen

Why would Syrian Defence Ministry believe ISIS?


The Russian military should bomb the US airfield IMMEDIATELY. It MUST have been a chemical attack ordered by Trump. We have ‘ Social Media evidence’ that give is a Highly Certain Degree of Certainty’ that Trump is worse than Hitler and ordered this cowardly attack :)

gfsdyughjgd .

I hope Russia is going to fire 59 iskander missile tonight on USA base.If not then Tillerman informed the Russian before the incident and give Putin a briefcase full of USA dollars.

Adumbratio a.t.a.

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