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Syria Accuses Turkey Of Breaching 1998 Agreement, Supporting Terrorists

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Syria Accuses Turkey Of Breaching 1998 Agreement, Supporting Terrorists

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In its first response to the recent Turkish statements about the Adana agreement, Damascus said on Saturday that it is still committed to the anti-terrorism pact that was reached in 1998.

A source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that the country is committed to Adana and all anti-terrorism agreements. However, he stressed that Ankara has been violating the agreement since 2011 by supporting terrorism in Syria and directly occupying parts of the country.

“The Turkish regime should commit to the agreement and stop supporting, arming, financing and training terrorists and should withdraw its military forces from the Syrian areas it occupies so that the two countries can activate the agreement that insures the security and safety of their border,” the source added.

Under the agreement, Damascus committed to prevent terror activities against Turkey. The agreement also included terms on cooperation in the fight against terrorism and establishing a monitoring committee.

Earlier this week, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin called on Ankara and Damascus to engage in direct talks on the Adana agreement in order to address current threats. Putin’s mention of the agreement was immediately welcomed by the Turkish President.

“There is nobody who can say the agreement is no longer valid. Quite the contrary, Mr. Putin points out that this agreement can be crucial for our struggle against terrorism,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday, according to Ahval News.

While Erdogan didn’t clarify if his government is indeed willing to discuss the issue with Damascus, he publicly said that Turkey may use the agreement to justify a military operation in northeastern Syria.

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Research Paper: ISIS-Turkey Links 11/09/2014 11:25 am ET Updated Sep 08, 2016 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF HUMAN RIGHTS Research Paper: ISIS-Turkey Links By David L. Phillips



Anybody has recent news on negotiations between Assad and Kurds please?* Manbij situation and all the rest? I would appreciate it very mach…thanks in advance!


1998 Adana Agreement between Syria and Turkey Informative (Syria sheltered PKK groups from 1984 to 1998 due to Hatay issue and Turkish dam projects on Euphrates. In the summer of 1998 Turkey threatened Syria with total war, Turkish Second Army got mobilized and a Turkish four star general read the final ultimatum to Syria on the Turkish-Syrian border, asking them to stop their support to PKK.) – In this deal, everything is against Syria and signed it under the threat of war. From 2011 until now Turkey trains, finances, equips terrorist organizations ,relinquishes Syrian territories, steals the country’s wealth, funded by the EU so long as it maintains refugees and threatens everyone. Turkey entered Syria to regain territories that lost to the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.

Kelli Hernandez

Erdogan is illegally occupying Syria on behalf of Israhell and the US. Without Turkeys help in allowing terrorists to flood into Syria this war would never have gotten off the ground. Get OUT Erdogan? The time

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