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MARCH 2025

Syria And Russia Are Constructing Permanent Bridge Linking Banks Of Euphrates In Western Deir Ezzor

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Syria And Russia Are Constructing Permanent Bridge Linking Banks Of Euphrates In Western Deir Ezzor

A screenshot from the video

Syria and Russia are constructing a permanent bridge linking the western and eastern banks of the Euphrates in the western part of Deir Ezzor province. Syrian personnel are working under the supervision of Russian engineers. Russian Special Forces troops are also deployed there in order to secure the construction works.

The bridge is set to be completed by the end of October.

The report released by NTV TV channel says that the bridge is important to improve the humanitarian security in the area and provide aid to people remaining on the eastern bank of the Euphrates (most of which is under the control of US-backed forces).


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This looks like a very clever ploy as well as a very necessary one. The Yanks and their craven stooges need to be put on the back-foot. This will now allow Syrians imprisoned by the Kurds greater freedom to extract an unpleasant price from their terrorist oppressors


A permanent bridge like that in Britain would take years from inception to completion to complete, and well over budget of course:)


Likely they will use parts of the existing but partially collapsed bridge, like the SDF did in Raqqah. A year ago.


It can take longer to do that than to build a new one. The the same with a house.


A bridge 80% intact with only a part collapsed is rather easy to repair, given a basic level of technology. Further more, it is integrated into the road system. A new bridge will require integration.

You are right that an almost ruined house is often more expensive to renovate than to build a new one. Still, in Raqqah, many houses are being repaired to provide basic shelter and comfort before the start of winter.


It all depends what damage the bridge has. If the piers and/or columns are badly damaged its faster to build a new bridge as there is no need to dig out the damaged parts of the old one. If all is needed is a replacement bridge deck, I agree is easier to repair a bridge.

As for roads, with the machinery available today, a new road way is no problem to construct quickly. If no crushed rock is available , its simple and fast to crush some old or damaged buildings, or even to track blocks in and bricks with the digging machinery steel tracks.

The biggest hindrance would be any Western health and safety muppets with white helmets and cretins like that. A simple and fast way to construct a column is to use precast drainage rings and fill them with steel rebar and concrete. It works, I have done that.

Concrete Mike

We had a couple decent pontoon bridges in sept 2017 until the sdf idiots.flooded the euphrates in support of ISIS.

remember that dutch?? Of course you dont!

We know where you stand, sdf apologist, so lets hear it, why did sdf flood the euphrates over and over in sept 2017?

Turks did it too, whats your next excuse??

AM Hants

Do you remember how long it took to design and build the Kerch Strait Bridge? Leaving the world in ‘shock and awe’. We no longer have the skill set in the UK, to build anything of use. Or am I being cynical?


Yes, I agree with you. The government projects in Britain all appear to go over budget and mainly seem to benefit the ‘professionals’ with large fees, the large suppliers and the banks.

The workforce are often immigrants.

And the tax payers are obliged to pay for the projects that few taxpayers will ever use or ever be able to afford to use. Such as HS2.

AM Hants

HS2, have they actually done anything, besides spend the money? Splendid example.


Local government in NZ fits the British model…and, interestingly, the staff are studded with recent pommie immigrants of the Common Purpose persuasion. One of them accidentally gave me a freemason handshake. The “purpose” of local government is to extract money from the ratepayers / slaves for resource consents and permits. Once said permits and permissions are granted, there is no enforcement – i.e. the sole purpose of the exercise is the excise :) I much prefer the Russian model. Need a port? Build it. Man’s corrupt? Banish him.

AM Hants

Sorry we have exported our Common Purpose Ambassadors to New Zealand. They are seriously vacant, yet, lethal.

Earlier today I was watching ‘Hilary’s America’, by Dinesh D’Souza and Bruce Schooley. It was well worth watching, owing to the fact that the Clintons used the same formula as Common Purpose. When their good friend, took their advice and got involved with Uranium One, allegedly he made about $300 million from the deal, with the Clinton Foundation take a nice cut as a bonus.

‘The best way to rake in money is under the guise of charity’.


I’m sure Al Gore knows exactly what you’re talking about.


It is called government contract, period. It ain’t a shocker for a normally priced item, say helicopter for-hire to grow from 100 000 to 2 million. Of the MSM divert attention with the mantra that former colonies are the ones who bloat contract payments.


We have had for a long time , governments in the UK that are essentially jobs for carpet baggers , within and without government.


I would never dream of you as being a cynic, AM. Not even in my wildest dreams.

AM Hants

Haha, love sarcasm Florian. Hope all is well.


Thank you. I am preparing for a winter that will be challenging in many aspects I suspect, AM.

What could possibly go wrong within he US geo political orbit ?

If only the earth was flat. There would be sanctuary under the mat.

AM Hants

Do believe we are getting near the end of the script. However, no doubt it will not be pleasant.


I agree and it will of course a legal minefield if one is able to defend oneself.

Even an underground shelter is not really an option, as once identified it is easy to find the air intakes etc, and even to dig them out with machinery that is abundant in the UK.

I will seek shelter with you,I think,AM. Your razor sharp wit, encyclopedic knowledge and integrity would be a Bridge too Far for the Libtarded Living Brain Dead parasites.

AM Hants

Haha, with regards the last part. Thanks for the compliment and look forward to meeting you in the shelter. No doubt, there will still be mischief to be had.


Yeah and then imagine, the only response Ukraine had was lets destroy it. I guess after shooting down an airliner full of civilians what’s knocking down a bridge.

AM Hants

Together with getting away with taking out a plane full of innocent passengers and crew. There again, not the first time Ukraine has done that. No doubt it will not be the last, sadly. Cannot wait for the day to come when the satanists, behind so much of the hate and evil in the planet, find there is nowhere to hide from their crimes against humanity.

AM Hants

Have you seen this over on The Duran?

Update on MH17 Case – Eric Zeusse… OCTOBER 7, 2019 U.S. President Barack Obama had become desperate for something to happen that would persuade German Chancellor Angela Merkel to endorse added sanctions against Russia regarding Ukraine, but I had had no idea, until now, as to what direct involvement, if any, he had had in the actual setting-up of the MH17 shoot-down… https://theduran.com/update-on-the-mh17-case/


Hear of Duran never visited thanks for that. Yeah was you read about 9/11. All the other stories fall apart as well. Guy who wrote that voted for Obomber 3 times. Quite the wake up call.


Don’t forget the badger and bat surveys. NZ is no different.


Yes indeed. In the UK, Newt surveys are also undertaken at great cost. They came twice to look at a pond I have. It cost the contractor who is going to construct a road link about 700 metres from my land about £1000 per visit.

The survey had to be done twice as the first contractor went bust and the second was not allowed to use the previous data. :)

The funniest thing is that my pond is dry and I have no newts. Britain is being governed by imbeciles.

It appears that this nonsense is a Five Eyes thing.


It totally is. I was one of the $1000 per visit minions until I tired of working for CP


Augustus “Gussie” Fink-Nottle?


Big thing here too, lot’s of regulation to follow, unless you are a psychopathic oligarch and then you do literally what ever you fucking want. You name it, hell half the time we pay for it in addition to be outraged by it.


All the bizarre regulations that are mimicked by Western nations, and by Anglo Saxon nations in particular , achieve is the employment of the unemployable in useless jobs that are themselves a tax on all of us that impact the income of the less well of the most in % terms.

Governments that promote such things as ‘newt ‘ protection at home are however willing partners in totally destroying the eco systems of far lands for the profit of the few.


great move which will allow syria cum russia to walk northwards from the deir ezzor more or less closing down the northeastern part where turkey and the morons have the safe zone which the kurds are supposed not to enter – however from syria’s perspective the kurds have just a few rights and they need to be put back in place and, lo and behold, the very same view the turks happen to envelope and that will be the turkish primary issue – get the kurds out of the hair whatever the morons say or whatever the squatters on palestinian land wish. give it some time and syria will be free from the morons and the kurds are back as tenants. and when all that is accomplished it’s time to close down the illegal settlement called israel and push the war criminals, like netanyahu, lieberman ganz und zu weiter. through the wood chipper.


Now that SDF reconstructed in Raqqah a destroyed bridge on their own, without US engineers or aid, which opened around april one, so half a year ago, now SAA will try the same? Only they need both help, instruction and security provided by the Russians

This shows most clearly which is the most capable force in that region. As the IDP’s, driven out first by IS, then by the phlethora of Russians, SAA , NDF, afghans, Hezbollah, Iranians and Iraqis etc, clearly see this too, and are now demonstrating weekly for their return and the handover of the six involved towns to SDF, and also the wider region west of the river, SAA finally has an incentive to start the reconstruction of the part of the region they occupy.

In the SDF part reconstruction of the regions agriculture has reached the point where there is again a sizable cotton harvest, with one of the five collection points aiming for 50k tons of cotton. Others not known to me.


In my opinion the prime reason for the Russians to help with the bridge , is to prevent the US bombing the bridge as they have done in the recent past in the same area.


Is it a coincidence that exact at that same spot there have been weekly demo’s against SAA , Assad and Iranians?

I think not.

It seems your reasoning is faulty as to why russians are helping. It might be the reason for the security, but not for the help.


Security and help in this context go hand in hand.

As for the weekly demonstrations by the ‘Rent A Mob’ that lived with ISIS for years, its not surprising that the US is the paymaster.

You can call me Al

Off topic slightly.

Iraq – same ol, same ol – https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/10/the-us-led-coup-attempt-in-iraq-may-further-weaken-that-country.html


Another Color Revolution it seems. I would think that Russia and Iran will help to defeat the Israeli/US attempt to usurp the elected government of Iraq.

Keeping nations poor is a US/UK strategy that has worked for hundreds of years.

It is time to break that strategy and China must also get involved in Iraq, even with the current HK crisis.


the US only knows how to blow things up, not to build them… Alas!

any nation that wants to build up their infrastructure should turn to the russians and chinese for advice and aid, they have know how, technicians and money and aren’t wasting trillions blowing up countries and bridges and razing whole cities..

exactly as FG says, the russians are there to make sure the US or its punk allied terrorists doesn’t blow up another thing

Tudor Miron

You better shut up about Raqqa. Situation is simply disastrous there.

Jens Holm

I dont think You know much about that. Half of the people are not there, and You have to compare with other hard destructions.


If they were so capable they wouldn’t have lost Dier Ezzor and the towns that seceded from their terror operation.

Concrete Mike

What about the rest of raqqah reconstruction? Only a bridge?

I havent seen 1 picture of anything rebuilt in raqqah, last i heard there still clearing rubble and finding people, the whole place flattened by a batalion of marine artillery. I remember the press.gloating about the quantity of ammo marines dumped on Raqqah.

So please show me some raqqah reconstruction.


Poor Assadophyles can hardly stand facts. . Pity gu(a)ys, your loss.


You poor retarded assadophyles. You really do not have a rational and factual response to the facts in my comment other than show your dislikes.

Be a real person and reply with facts or reasoned response. The fact that you are all unable to either says enough. Morons.

Jim Prendergast

This will be a great relief to those Syrian Arabs in the East and allow enhanced communication with Iraq and Iran.


Read the map. All roads out of the pocket of SAA east of the river end at SDF barriers. The connections could be there, if SDF allows.

Tudor Miron

Dutchy, you better pay attention to what’s going on on the south. “If SDF allows” I will suggest that you put it this way “if SDF exist”.


We are not speaking about what you want but as the present is. The present is as I say.

Tudor Miron

Looking at current states rather than at developing process is a sure way to disaster. But who I am to tell something to terrorist/traitors/usa lap dog.

Jens Holm

To me the disaster was mismanegements by Assads during decades making no sensible reforms fertilizing for different kinds of uprises, which could be fertilezed by others – and not only USA(+Israel).

I only see Iranians are bringing in death and destruction for Syria mainly by Israel but supported and zccepted by USA and Russia.

Thats no new thing and has been going on since muslims once disputed about “What was written”. Well before that it was like that too.

Only mongols made a break in 1258 – BY DESTRUCTION.

Concrete Mike

Lol that last sentence was scathing lol!!! Ouch


I know who you are. A respectless fool.


The present is that you’re a Yinon plan axis of terror supporter.

Jens Holm

Thats right. The military made zone is a fact. Minor Tudor is not allowed to know and think like that.

At least I have not heard him demand Assyrians or Persians to take over and not even the French or Osmans :)

Jens Holm

You must be blind or worse. Its a military line. All at the SD side can cross to Iraq and Iran if they wish and avoid control.

There are old caravane paths, which are very visible from google eart aswell as old maps. You can find water, if its oly for thirst.

The main probpems seemes to be Assads, which until now have blocekd for refugee supply by UN by the Assad territory and maybee because of ISIS as well.


May I commend you on your excellent English, Tudor. Your English was very readable a few years ago and now you could hold your own in any English speaking country. The only improvement I would suggest to “Dutchy, you better pay attention “, would be :- ‘Dutchy, you would do better to pay attention ‘ etc etc.

I feel shamed that I am too dumb and lazy to learn Russian, Tudor. Bravo.

Tudor Miron

Thanks for your help! If my English did improve, it’s because of your kind directions. And…you’re too kind :) As for your Russian – come over hear for a couple of years :)


I would actually like to move to Russia. I have a few ties here though and I am getting old.

” here “


Hey moron, It’s Syrian territory, people go around the road blocks every day. It’s your Yinon plan terrorists who bombed all of the bridges in the first place.


Your namecalling shows who the real, moron is. You retarded fuck.


You’re the Yinon plan axis of terror supporter, not me.


Your heros.


Jens Holm

But they dont support ISIS but did.

Jim Martin

Perhaps that is his only ‘skill” picked up working in the pet shop against “little animals” that could not speak back?


Trucks will not be able to traverse the desert or will be picked up by patrols. Simpleton.


It’s an open “border”. The river is the only barrier and the bridges being put in are correcting that. Trucks and people traverse the desert without being stopped every day. Your Yinon plan terrorists can’t be everywhere all of the time. Syrian government coalition personnel and equipment are all over the NE. It’s only a matter of time before Kurdish Israelistan is one more has been in the Syrian war. Just like all of the other territory that the axis of terror that you support has lost.

Jens Holm

If Assads are as You declare, there would be no ISIS there at their side or/and crime by smugling.


If the Syrians can’t stop all of Isis, then the SDF has less chance of stopping Syrians.

Jens Holm

There are many players in those oppinions.

I dont hink its about SDF. If Assads kind of fenced Idlib, they would have miitary forces to clean the rest for ISIS and a few leftovers.

By that it made sense to resettle at least most of the refugees in Jordan as well as Lebanon, so they could rebuild and make their own food.

That would help UN, EU and other contributers a lot.

As it is now, most refugees by very good reasons are muslims. Its very difficult adding up fx the frin refuf´gees, the Rohingas and many many Bangla Deshes, which has settled in India.

I agree taken out ISIS in Syria and Iraq is a combined operation. It should be done as well as possible on both sides of Eufrat (and Tigris).

Apart from losses both Assads and SDFs would be stronger. But I think its very difficult to compare strenght adnd its change having ISIS in tose 2 zones opr not.

Facts are Assads are much stronger but for sure will have nig problems defeating SDFs with no Russian(or Iranian)help.

Assads has almost everything against themselves being very lousy apart from their seize. So – as I see it – Assads might take most of the territory but not easy and by loosing a lot of stuff, they cant replace. They also have a very bad logistic system.

So its about others. If USA is still there with a few active supporters, Assads has no more chance then icecreme in a hot hell. Russians say they wont help Assad in that. Iran might help and they have many unimployed spendablesfor it.

Danes has – out of context here – given 7 mio dollars mainly for minesweeping in SDF.


In fact, trucks are very easy to follow given the few rare choke points, the bridges. In fact, modern trucks can be followed to the meter on telephone apps. They just need a chip in the truck. Standard for any transport company in the Netherlands.


Syria isn’t Europe. And there probably aren’t a lot of SDF around anymore.


Ever hear of a look out? There’s 50 miles of open desert that’s flat as a table top east of Dier Ezzor. The Syrians are through there every day. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9dda6fbffd8f93ef0e7c0708e7c62d542b4ac9ed705f030ce9c279b8529e6729.png

– Syrian Civil War Map –


Jens Holm

The point about is written. Its about very long support lines for any kind of help from the outside. Assads systematicly has blocked that.

True all is not blocked

Concrete Mike

So assad blocked supply line for isis terrorists and you complain its a bad things?

Ole fuck your stupid today, stick to econimics matters will you, you look less stupid that way.


And you think nobody will notice anyone traversing those 50 miles?.


Not all of the time no.


Who’s next on your Yinon plan axis of terror hit list? Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya?


First I do not know what a Yinon is. Second I do not have a plan. Third, I have no terror hit list. Fourth, you might have one. Fifth, you name a number of failed states or who are about to become one. I can add Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, any number of Sahel states, Is it a coincidence all are muslim states?


I think that you’re well aware of what the Yinon plan is and what role the Syrian and other regional wars play in it.

Jim Prendergast

This will begin the earnest integration of the various local communities, and they will be enriched by the “belt and road”.

Concrete Mike

If SDF allows it, hah, you will see in a day or so you will be begging SAA to reconcile, as Erdogan and his chums seem on their way to pay you a visit.

I suggest reconciliation immediatly the wisest choice for peace. With Russia as guarantor of any deal, i feel the kurds will be safe. Posturing and aggressive rhetoric will get you nothing.

Peace and cooperation with the reste of the syrian nation is at hand, take that hand ,NOW!

Bill Wilson

Enhanced communication? There’s nothing but desert in Eastern Syria and Western Iraq with only a few improved roads crossing the two. The SDF and SAA have been sharing control of the border crossings into Iraq for quite some time so have an agreement to keep Iraqi PMUs from crossing.

Jens Holm

It seemes You not even know where the comming bridge is.

Jim Prendergast

Do you mean to say “It seems that you do not even know where the coming bridge is”? Perhaps you should use https://www.grammarly.com/ Precision is important if you are trying to express yourself. The “coming bridge” is in Syria, on the road from Damascus to al-Hasakah and Mosul and on to Tabriz.

Jens Holm

I am sorry.My grammer isnt the best even I write a lot.

But mycomment was enneeded if the fellow did know, where bridges are ir was.


The first very serious step by the Syrian government. That bridge changes everything.


I am assuming this has to do with the reports of incoming Turkish operation against PKK. I am guessing Turkey and Russia made a deal and will make a joint assault against PKK. Turkey from the north, Syria and its allies from the south. Hopefully I am right.


yep that would be my guess as well. the question is what are the yanks going to do and I doubt it will be an operation solely directed against PKK. more against the entire kurdish movement in the northeast and that the safe zone the americans insisted to set up (in order not to break up NATO) is a ruse to keep the kurds in place, which turkey won’t like one bit. there are 25 to 30 million kurds and to give them room for different kind of shenanigans is sheer stupidity and that is a view shared by syria by iraq and by iran.


Whatever it is yanks decide to do; its a win-win stuation for Syria. Will yanks go to war against Turkey? Even the yanks, most of whom are detached from reality, won’t do something like that. Turkey is a brutal power house; not a mice to mass around.

I am assuming they will support PKK as best as they can (weapons etc.) and put economic sanctions on Turkey. PKK gets crushed; Turkey under economic sanctions will need Russia even more!

All in all, its good news for Syria.

Lazy Gamer

It is more of a race. Now who would the US instruct as a greater target for the SDF? lol Would the SDF gamble on US support?


Gamble? What we call SDF is basically a bunch of ignorant, poorly trained Abdullah Ocalan Vision slaves. They are not different than ISIS. They will die beleiving they are fighting for an “independent Kurdistan”. They don’t have the ability to think otherwise and do something else, such as a reconcilement deal with Damascus.


This is wonderful news, it’s exactly what needs to be done.

AM Hants

Good news, I do like Russian bridges as the Kerch Strait Bridge comes to mind.


I’m sure the Russians understand soft power as well as the Chinese, and building things always works better than blowing them up.

Xoli Xoli

Russians are specialized in bridge building.Very fast and quick.Their invented river crossing bridges before world war1.

Jens Holm

Many others did. The experts were the Nazi Germans and not Russians at all.

It wasnt even in the the mind of Stalin and the Russian Marshalls and Generals, that germans could take Kiecv in the Stalin line by crossing Dnijpr from south 1941.

Many others has done that in 1000s of Years before vikings and mongolians were mixted and went to be Russians.

How can You ever write that crap . Romans from Rome did that as routine almost anywhere, they needed it.

Toronto Tonto

Russia cannot build shitt , the desert dwellers of Syria may be in charge there ..



Concrete Mike

You know deserts well, its the perfect metaphor to represent your sex life.


I am sure that Toronto Tonto has an excellent sex life with himself,Mike.

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