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Syria Demands Immediate Withdrawal Of Turkish Troops From Its Territory – Media

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Syria Demands Immediate Withdrawal Of Turkish Troops From Its Territory - Media

On October 14, an official source from the Syrian Foreign Ministry told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that the Syrian Arab Republic demands an “immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Turkish troops from the Syrian territories”.

The official sources also condemned the ongoing Turkish Army operation in Syria’s Idlib governorate, and called it a “flagrant violation of international law”.

According to SANA, the Syrian official noted that the Turkish Army units were escorted by a terrorist group, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), when they entered Idlib.

“The international community should pay more attention to and take firm stance in order to oblige Turkey to end its support to terrorism which managed to shed the blood of Syrian people and destabilize the region and the entire world,” SANA quoted the sources.

The official source told SANA that the Turkish Army operation “has nothing to do with what has been agreed upon by the guarantor states during the latest round of talks in Astana.” The sources also stressed that Turkey should abide by provisions of Astana statement.

So far, no clashes between the Turkish Army and HTS have been reported in Idlib. This confirms that there is indeed a deal between the two sides. HTS even redeployed many of its units to repel the ISIS attack in the northwestern Hama countryside without worrying about the Turkish Army in the northern Idlib countryside.

The real aim of the Turkish Army military operation in Idlib governorate could be to counter the Kurdish Democratic Party (PYD) and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operating in northwestern Syria.

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Langaniso Mhlobo

Double face Erdogan are back on the stage.

Solomon Krupacek

putins double face. he makes deals about syria without syria.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Both are double face because Putin sells best weapons to Syria and Iran enemies.Look the ISIS creator’s and supporters Saudi Arabia and Turkey gets S-400.While none of Russian S-400 can’t even deter USA or Israel who on regular bases attack Syrian army and allies.

Gary Sellars

Again, Russias S-400 are for protecting the Russian assets, not Syrian, there will be agreements in place preventing Russia from firing on US/Ziostani aircraft except in self-defense. Its unfortunate, but needed to set boundaries so that the Seppos and their Heeb masters can’t turn this into a shooting war and escalate massively.

Syria just needs to bide its time until the regime change war is done, then things will chnage.

Brad Isherwood

It’s Profitable and future geostrategic leverage that No One **Has any pipelines crossing Syria . Erdogan wants the pipelines…as He gets to broker on transit. Turkstream favors Russia. Iran’s not going to get any military anything from Russia that gives the Jews a stroke. Iran’s pissed off reality forces them to R&D …which reveals Iran getting near A game with Ballistic missiles ( The 100s of Klms strike on ISUS in Deir Ezzor months back. Iran can clobber the Saudis and the US Fleet. ..as both are well within Iran’s missile arsenal reach. Russia bombed Erdogan and ISUS fuel tankers and pumping stations.

We get the headlines. ….the back room/private call speaks more to what’s in play in Syria and Iraq.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Thank you for more elaboration.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Thanks for beter alertfullness.I appreciate.


Russia will USE Iran to contain Israel and Saudi Arabia! This will force them to turn to Russia! Russia has been contained by NATO! Deals will be made!

Iran doesn’t need pipes to Europe, its getting India and China!

Very hard for Iran to pipe gas to Europe via Turkey’s Kurdish regions! Certainly can’t go through Syria’s Kurdish regions!

Iran’s game is to contain Israel and support uprisings within Saudi Arabia against its monarchy!

Solomon Krupacek



u are definitely an amateur if thats why u think Russia doesn’t use s-400’s against Israel or America!

very dumb and very amateur! Don’t take offence by what I say to u…. just accept it and LEARN before u open ur mouth with such stupid comments!

Langaniso Mhlobo

I don’t take as an offence my son I have been through many wars as fighter and as a oppressed.I am telling you if you want to protect your supporting troop you will utilised every weapon you have to safe guard them.Look currently SAA and allies are attack by the terrorist USA support and again by Turkey’s terrorist.If their attack them then their attack by coalition or Israel or Turkey.SAA doest not have the capacity or capabilities against said countries because of artillery lost through defections.On the battlefield you as fighter looses hope and get demoralized as a result of insecurity even if you see the enemies positions.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russian as supporting Super force must stand up and firm while sticking to their guns.Wither we like it or not this particular Middle East wars were pre-plan by USA/Nato and Israel.Wither Russia or us fear for nuclear war it Will happened soon as plan.Why is USA surrounding Russia.Why is USA threatening North Korea.Why should we allow the suffering of SAA and Allies in the hands of USA/Nato and Israel.Why is Russia selling best weapons to Syrian and Iranian government enemies Saudi Arabia and Turkey.In war there is no special targets unless there is agreement.Or is Syria a weapons testing ground.We know in 19’s Soviet and USA use to support different opposing countries and used to supply weapons to check which countries weapons are the best.Why did some FSA of USA/NATO group’s resorted to heat and run.Just because their have realized the hidden agenda and therefore loose support.How many time did the sovereign Syria government requested the unevited forces USA/ Nato and Turkey to leave.But still their won’t because the have military upper hand.The big brother must force them out but again it is big brother Russia’s western colleague and friends.


The S-400’s in Syria are there for protection of Russian bases ONLY! They will never use them because it would give the USA and Israel information on their abilities! The of the S-400 were used against Israeli or US airforces then this would be an escalation of the war! This would mean many more ships and aircraft carriers etc in the region! Posturing, warnings and threats! Russia and Syria are clearly winning this war! Why would anybody spoil it by doing exactly what the enemy wants! At the moment, this war is being remembered as the war in which Syria and Russia STOPPED the US and Israel! It is being remembered as the US and Israel creating, funding and supporting terrorists!

These are all good things because it means nobody will ever trust this scum again!

But if Russia suddenly shot down an aircraft, it will be remembered for “the war in which Russia almost started ww3”

The USA and Israel would LOVE if Russia did this because it means they can Escalate to a full cold war / hot war mode! At the moment this is just a war on terror, a regional war!

Russia should never ever use these weapons against Israel or USA! Yes, other countries like Syria could but it would be blamed on the Russians for selling them!

So Israel and the USA bomb some SAA fighters and military resources! So what, its war! But they are losing! People will count how many times Israel bombed the SAA and compare it to how many times they bombed ISIS (none)!

These super advanced weapons should only be used as a deterrent! The deterrent is for Israel to not even dream of bombing Russian bases! If they do, they will be shot down and an Islander-M will destroy their air bases!

Thats why these weapons are there! Only for this! SAA are winning, they have great morale! They are beating Israel, USA, FSA, Al-Nusra, ISIS! They are champions!!!!

You are a very pessimistic person! When the SAA are winning you should be more positive!

Langaniso Mhlobo

With greatest respect I agree with you 90%.Its not about convincing me it’s about what’s happening on the ground.While you are pleasing Israelis and USA and convincing me again Israel destroyed Syrian air defence system yesterday.This arrogant forces doesn’t care wither your avoid war or not their plan is to destroy.The only country which their fear is Russia.Your point sounds like rapist should be allowed to come and rape when ever their feel like.Please don’t come and promote that failed racist judgement here.Please go and watch Manchester and Hollywood Rambo movies.


That’s because he knows better than syrians. Trust Putin and Iran, without them Syria would be lost.

Solomon Krupacek

with them is lost

without them if assad would made deal with saudis and usa, there would be no civil war.


Yeah, Assad would be juuust fine if he betrayed his allies Iran and Russia. And made a deal with US and the Saudis. Like the other leaders in similar situations he would be removed from power shortly afterwards.

Lol come on, dude. We have all seen what happens when you concede to the US and betray your allies.


Maybe even triple faced!


“War by DECEPTION” is the ZIONIST game.

Solomon Krupacek

I always told, this deal made russian traitors behind assad and syria.


Has the thought that Erdogan does what he likes ever crossed your mind? He’s an opportunist and acts how it fits him, he attacks kurds, means he gave the middle finger to US, we all knew that Erdo supported and still supports Nusra, why would he suddently turn against a useful and capable group of fighters that’s like cutting his own fingers. Do you think that he turned his back on his other “partners” completely? Once US makes him a good offer he’ll come back on his four legs and will forget all about that coup and that Putin helped him to stay in power.


If Erdogan did this on his own, he also scr*wed Russia and he found out in 2015 that is not a good idea for him. Now that he has problems, escalating, with US too, who is going to want to be friends with Erdogan and play games with him?


I don’t know what kind of agreement he has with Russia exactly, besides the

de-escalation and non relevant for this post economic deals but how i look at this is that he doesn’t want a kurdish entity next to his borders, PKK and all, few years back he was doing ethnic cleansing in Turkey and US didn’t do anything they only pulled the coup after he “switched” sides, i am not sure that US will intervene if he starts to kill kurds in Syria, he secured his postion by jailing and prosecuting most of the opposition so the there won’t be any coup this time, wordt that he can get from Nato is some barking from the impotent Eu “leaders” and some bad looks from US, they will just have to accept it, US has invested too much time and effort into Turkey to let it go that easily over some bedouins,Turkey is a valuable asset of strategic importance with proper army and infrastructure, after a few years they will be best friends again.


Mabe, maybe not.

In this, only time will tell. For the sake of th region, I hope Erdogan will hav his wings clipp

Solomon Krupacek

erdogan is coward, he would never cross the syian border without russian permit.


doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have own business to take care off

Solomon Krupacek

own busines = dont cross syrian border

alex, alex, you fanatic ruskie (russian is normal guy, ruskie = stupid fanatic vodka drinker), it has no sense to make advocate for putin. the whole earth see, who is putin ;)


The whole world can see, everyone knows , those aren’t really arguments :) Maybe you are the one who is deluded along with the majority of inhabitants, you seem to be pretty straight forward and don’t have any clue of world politics, nor human behaviour :) Probably not your level anyway, maybe you should just let it go :) Do something useful, heard that there some dirty toilets in western europe :)


Russia even condemned this move and are now talking about withdrawing the S-400 deal , doesn’t look like the Russians are traitors.

Solomon Krupacek

ergogan would never send turkish troops without russian agree. turks are in northa aleppo with russian blessing, now in idlib.

Kawa Asinger

Solomon Krupacek is right! Putin is a zionazi! ??


Sometimes I think that Turkey and Kurds are both united underground and their mission is to take land from Syrian nation and linked with Turkey.

Wagner schmit

6 days ago from rob the fool It’s better for Turkey to keep themselves away from any terrorist organization funded and armed by America, NATO and Israel, for example FSA, HTS (Al-Qaeda), ISIS (DAESH), SDF, PKK etc. Like Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan and Russia, Turkey can send their own army to Syria and Iraq that is no problem but if Turkey join any Terrorist group mentioned above then Turkey will be in direct conflict with Syria and their allied forces which may create instability in the region. If Turkey government have good relations with their neighbours then borders between Turkey and surrounding countries will become insignificant. I mean the whole Middle East will become as a one united country with multiple states then nobody can break them. HAHAAH

Kawa Asinger

Nah bro, Putin is a Zionist. Because he didn’t do as Ayatollah Khamenei wants. That double faced zionazi! ??

Jens Holm

Some might send You some clorin to clean something up.


Syrian government needs to increase their army strength. For this they need extra 300 well trained army force. Syrian electronic and print media, army functions and seminars in each city and town can play good role in this. They should have to make it easy and attractive for Syrian nation to participate in the security of Syrian nation, Syrian land and its integrity.


The chlorine was purchased to maintain the many ISIS swimming pools in the desert ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4c3babad8b5932da4d125cc036b677a4d67797d84b274865507fce57b01835c.jpg

Jens Holm

No need for any formular. Any shchoolkid can make it. Tell me more about You low level in it.


Iraqi army have discovered over 100 barrels of Chlorine in Tal Afar today that ISIS have used in war against Iraqi armies. 15th Division Engineers also dismantled 3 IED factories. Israel have given formula of chemical weapons to ISIS, Al-Qaeda and to other terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq to murder Syrian and Iraqi nations. Israel are butchers.


Ever heard of internet? All there.


Dutchguy: Did you hear? Mayadan has been liberated by SAA ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ff94513c388dc784fe118c42fe70228887b0f02852eb9494599395ede541697.jpg


Read about it. Good for them.

Hope they can hold it against ongoing couterattack from IS.

Tactically, IS was not smart counterattacking the pont of the SAA advance as it is there where the best units, weapons are.

IS should have attacked the flanks, cutting the front off from supplies, reinforcements. Hit the flanks at two, three places and once cut off, they can take on the frontal zone.

However, SAA can profit from that mistake.


You should check the news more often. ISIS tried this tactic along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor road, and suffered huge loss in men and material, this is why Mayadin fell so easy. Great news don’t you think ! :)

Gary Sellars

You serious? I ‘spose the IS assault on the DeZ-Palymra road didn’t happen?….

HATOstani clown.

Jens Holm

That to.


Very easy to manufacture this gas from limestone (Calcium carbonate) with HCL, a common acid, w/o sophisticated equipment, this is source of many false flags on Syrian govt. (not in reality by govt., but rather, by terrorists). Fake sarin attacks have been suggested to be that of chlorine gas based on medical examinations by CZ specialists (this was a subject of conversation of CZ and SK friends some months ago when last false claim was made).

Several such factories also discovered in Aleppo used by the other terrorists, really, they are all the same.

Jens Holm

He is far out. Its even a copy paste. Could be its inchinese too.

Jens Holm

You even copy paste it. ISIS has no need of any Israelians to make clorine gas. Its quite easy. Almos everyone can.

The problem is spreading it, thats why its prooved that 20 of 27 gas attacks only can be done by Assads in Syria.

Clorine can be taken out in the air in big quantites by barrels only when the wind and the terrain is for. It seldom is.

So therefore its usually is only possible to kill more then few by helicopters and airplanes. No need for Israel for it. No need for false and evil dirt from You about it.

Blame Israel for, what they do.


Good to hear from the Syrian government that Turkey’s newest invasion , ” has nothing to do with what has been agreed upon by the guarantor states during the latest round of talks in Astana “.


To little to late. The Turks entered on behalf of upkeeping the peace-agreement. So what the Syria gov’t is saying is that they ”Signed with turkey to kill all civlians” and not keeping peace.

This actully exposes the Syrian regime as being sectrian gov’t and not legit. Turkey has stopped the fighting up north and that is why they was called in but not to just butcher the civilians as the Syrian regime wanted.


And you want to call this new area Porkistan ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbe647b775a011d08d68d629db18a0ca9be4c05da647a16d0c93258af6cd1155.jpg

Gary Sellars

Hey thats mountains new GF… he and his brothers Cleetus and Billy Bob so love to snuggle up with her on a cold night.

Jens Holm

I wonder if our many pigs can live by garbage comments about Middle East if we brush their teeths 5 times a day.

Gary Sellars

Pfftt… hillbilly spouts his usual anti-Assad nonsense…. not legitimate gov? Oh puh-leease….

Butcher civilians? STFU moron… Assad reasonably expected the Turks would fight the AQ affiliates, but instead they make agreements and avoid conflicts with them.

Syria not coming back? Just watch subshine and learn a few things about stupid Seppo arrogance and how the rest of the world doesn’t have to listen to you cunts anymore….


Lmao. If you think Syria is coming back it’s equal to as believing in Santa claus. There is more chances that the Levant(Sham) or Zion returns rather then the old form of syria.. That one died period. It’s not coming back.

The Kurds will likely create bases and form a new country on the eastern side of the euphrates. While the Southern front and nothern front of FSA rebels could join each other to form a new country or join respectively turkey and Jordan while Israel takes the occuppied Golan heights.

The only way out is Balkanization..

Assad survived in this war but lost nevertheless to the Kurds, Turks, Israelis. So at the end of the day. He only survived destroyed his country. He will have to build that shit and use money.

Even economically the country is over. economically it’s over


To little to late. The Turks entered on behalf of upkeeping the peace-agreement. So what the Syria gov’t is saying is that they ”Signed with turkey to kill all civlians” and not keeping peace.

This actully exposes the Syrian regime as being sectrian gov’t and not legit. Turkey has stopped the fighting up north and that is why they was called in but not to just butcher the civilians as the Syrian regime wanted.

The Southern front in Daraa should also either join Jordan Or the northern front and the southern front can create a new country.

While the Kurds can form a new country in the eastern side of the euphrates. Syria died 2011. It’s not coming back ever again. Perhaps as the levant or Zion but not as the old syria


Mountains: It seems your software is repeating the same thing over and over! You should talk to your Langley tech about this!

Brother Ma

Mountains is a turcokurd in league with zionatoyankistan.

DJ Double D

This noise should be made before they entered not after. For months , it’s been reported of Turkish plan to enter Idlib and no word from Syrian government to this effect. Now after they entered, the Syrian government suddenly woke up from sleep. Either this is a PR move or utter Ignorance.


Erdogan is not to be trusted ! We all know his past history in Syria :(


This is just a public relations stunt.. It is not like Syrian government did not know to which region Turkish military was going to be deployed to and Idlib has also been occupied by the so-called rebels for a long time now as well..

Which means that these matters had already been talked about and agreed upon between the parties both in Astana and through different diplomatic and military channels..

Therefore, it is impossible for Syrian government not to be informed about such information as well.. Their statement is understandable too.. Because a “legitimate and a sovereign” government “must not remain silent” to the presence of a foreign military on its soil as “principle”..

Recently, Syrian government stated that “they might debate the possibility of a federation with terrorist Pkk/Pyd/Ypg” as well.. But it does not mean they will hand over the most fertile territories where electricity and other natural resources are located to U.S.-backed proxies in disguise of the so-called SDF..

At the end of the day, the removal of Pkk/Pyd/Ypg from Afrin serves to the interest of Syria’s territorial integrity too.. It will prevent the formation of a terror corridor and unification of the so-called cantons, which would eventually lead to partition of Syria by the U.S. and Israeli backed proxies and the long term plan is to unite northern Syria with Barzanistan (KRG) in Iraq.

The statement complains about military vehicles, tanks and troops.. Well, how else you can enter a warzone? With unarmed, civil officers riding bicycles? It also states that the deployment has nothing to do with Astana but does not explain why..

It was also Erdogan himself who said “we are in contact with our neighbours, including Syria” two weeks ago in a speech.. So, Syria’s statement is just politics.. What matters is not the words in front of cameras.. It is what happens on the battlefield and behind closed doors..


Turkistan was never foe with Al Qaida brothers.. Their aim are the Kurds. I think Russia agreed on the deal in Astana to set some pressure on the YPG/SDF and the US

Kawa Asinger

Only a short time back everyone here was calling Russia the saviour, and now they are double faced because they protect their own interests and not the muzzrats. ??

Jens Holm

Actually they promised to keep Assads safe and not to retake all Syria. I think thats their perspective. Seemes like the use Afrin as some kind of buffer too.

Kawa Asinger

I know, but try to explain that to these emotionally biased commentators.


Sad. Once Turks take over, Turks never leave. Turks took Hatay in 1939, N Cyprus in 1974, N Aleppo in 2016, now Idlib in 2017.

The race is on between SAA and Turks to reach Idlib City first. Whoever gets it rules Idlib Province. Turks may as well rename Idlib as “New Turaco”



One point that was missed: The deployment of turkish troops relieves terrorists of defensive duties thereby freeing up resources to conduct offensive operations against the SAA elsewhere like near HAMA… Get ready for a big blowup soon…

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