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MARCH 2025

Syria Denies ‘Secret’ Talks Or Negotiations With Israel

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Syria Denies ‘Secret’ Talks Or Negotiations With Israel

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Damascus has dismissed recent reports claiming that the country is being engaged in “secret” talks and negotiations with Israel.

On March 13, an official source told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that Syria’s stand on any talks with Israel has been always “clear and transparent.” The source went on to claim that Damascus has never engaged in secret negotiations with Israel.

“Everything that Syria did previously was public, and it will not be today and in future anything but public,” the source told the SANA. “Any claims of secret negotiations or talks between Syria and the Zionist entity are nothing but media and political fabrications.”

The official denied recent claims by head of the Association of Gulf Jewish Communities, Rabbi Eddy Abbadi.

In an interview with RT aired on March 11, Abbadi claimed that he was invited by Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to visit historical Jewish sites in Syria prior to the war. The rabbi also said that he personally believes that Damascus will soon follow the footsteps of the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco and normalize its relations with Tel Aviv.

“Syria never invited any Israeli figure to its territories. Rather, requests to visit Syria always came from Israeli personalities,” the official said.

Many recent reports in Arab and Israeli media claimed that Syria and Israel are in talks over several issues. One of the topics of the alleged talks is the remains of Israeli spy Eli Cohen, who was executed in Damascus in 1965.

Syria has been always transparent with any talks with Israel. Earlier this year, the country announced a prisoners swap deal with Tel Aviv. The deal was brokered by Russia.


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hold on to eli cohen for dear life – the thievery geared jews are obviously keen to get their spy back so just do not return him to the war criminals in the illegally occupied palestine.


Zionists in view of recent setbacks, political and strategic, want to give the impression they are interested in a peaceful coexistence with their Arab neighbors.


It’s all good, they will never get back the Golan anyway.


https://i.imgur.com/VTIvxuu.png?w=300 How ridiculous is it for a white Jew to claim to return to the Arab region?

Hasbara Hunter

Ehmmm…excuse me but Khazarian AshkeNazis are No Semites…and basically Sabbatean Crypto-Jews…only approximately 5% Semitic Jews left….


I do not know what you mean by “5% Semitic Jews left….”. Who are those?

Hasbara Hunter

95% of All Jews is AshkeNazi…white boys…not original Jews but converts…most Semitic Jews or their descendants will live in Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Morocco, Ethiopia etcetera I suppose…


Yes, the Arab Jews and Ethiopian Jews are Semites as are Arab Muslims, Arab Christians and Ethiopian Muslims and Ethiopian Christians.

Hasbara Hunter

These AshkeNazi were driven out of Europe after WWII, because Rothschild made a deal: the Balfour-Declaration, for American support in WWI…Palestine was Sold Out by the British…WWII was to chase the European Jews to this Rothschild Criminal Freehaven & Occupation of Palestine…because when them European Jews came back with Nothing from the German Camps their homes where taken over by other People…Thus they were herded to the Illegal Occupation of Palestine…


Genesis 15:18 is in the heart of every Jew. Remember they tell us that they are always saying “next year in Jerusalem”.

Hasbara Hunter

John 8:44 seems to be more appropriate:

YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and the Lusts of your Father ye will do. He was a Murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he speaketh a Lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a Liar, and the Father of it….


Koran [005:070] We took the covenant of the Children of Israel and sent them apostles, every time, there came to them an apostle with what they themselves desired not- some of these they called impostors, and some they go so far as to slay.

Koran [005:078] The disbelievers of the children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus son of Mary. This is because they disobeyed and strayed beyond the bounds.

Koran [005:082] You will find that, compared to any other people, the Jews and the idolaters are definitely more hostile towards the believers. You will (also) find that for the believers, the least hostile and the friendliest people are those who say, “We are Christians”. This is because, among them are many learned persons, monks and others who are not proud.

Fog of War

” 95% of All Jews is AshkeNazi…white boys…not original Jews but converts. ”

What nation did these ” white boys ” come from ? When did this mass conversion take place ? What religion were these ” white boys ” prior to the conversion ? What ethnic group did they come from ?

Hasbara Hunter

The Khazars….



Fog of War

I’m very well versed in What Khazaria is. That is why I rhetorically asked you those questions. Several points:

The Khazars are not ” white ” and have no relation to Europeans of any sort.

Look at your own map. Khazaria had nothing to do with Poland, Germany, or any part of Eastern Europe.

Base on your map , are you willing to concede that Kiev is actually Khazarian, as it was founded by them, and has nothing to do with Russia ?

Free man

It has nothing to do with the Golan. Russia wants Israel’s help in stabilizing the situation in Syria. And Putin wants to help his friend Netanyahu again.


Yeah, Putin prefers Bibi because he knows him better than himself. I’m not against Russia, but Bibi is bad for us and he will be gone 10 more days. No one will save Bibi now, not even Putin.

Free man

“No one will save Bibi now” – I really hope so.


Well if I need to describe the political situation here, then Bibi has no majority to form a coalition of his right wing orthodox-settlers lunatics. The Anti-Bibi bloc has a small lead, the only question is how many Israelis would go voting after 3 rounds. Last round over 160,000 secular Israelis didn’t go voting and gave more power to Bibi, I hope those stupid people realize their mistake.

Free man

Israel deserves more than Bibi.


Thanks Free Man, we do deserve better and so do the Palestinians, we must give them their own state as time is against us. Also, Bibi has fucked up the relations with Jordan, and the King only talks to Gantz not to Bibi. To put it in a simple way, if we don’t kick him out now, we will pay for it many more years to come.


Free man

Good luck.


Thanks, you also deserve better and not a fanatic Islamic regime. Goodluck.

Free man


Hasbara Hunter

Satanyahu is going to Fuck Up ISraHell….


That is like the French saying the Algerians should have their own state on 18% of Algeria. Ben Gurion said when he returned home 2,000 years later he found “occupiers”. If he was alive today, he would be humiliated when he learns his “Jewish blood” = 100% European …haha. so funny how the DNA of the Ashkenazi has 0 genes linking it to the Arab region.


Israel needs to be more secure and safe within its borders back in Poland or Hungary or Germany. The Arabs have an obligation to get rid of the aliens occupying Palestine for the sake of future generations.

Free man

“The Arabs have an obligation to get rid of the aliens” – Most Arab countries are Israel’s best allies. Only a few Arabs loyal to Iran are interested in a war against Israel. Wake up to reality.

Just Me

Desperate hypocrite trolling LOL

Pave Way IV

I’m confused about the parliamentary system in Israel, Iron_Zion. I thought Netanyahu was going to be PM until this fall sometime, and then he would switch roles with Gantz. Does that deal potentially go away after elections depending on which coalition ‘wins’? Is there still a possibility that none of them ‘win’? Would the Netanyahu/Gantz deal stay in effect then?


Hey Pave, let me explain as I know it is a bit confusing.

Gantz and Bibi had a deal to share power, but Bibi broke that deal and that is why we are headed for elections. If Bibi wins, the deal is off and Gantz will never be PM, if Bibi loses then Gantz might be PM on rotation with other candidates like Lapid, Sa’ar or Bennet. There is a close race to the PM office, whoever gets 61 seats out of 120 and can form a coalition will be the PM.

As long as there is no chosen government, Bibi keeps his seat because that is the law. Hence, that is why we keep going to elections. Right now, Bibi’s bloc is 58 and our bloc is 62. The bigger problem is that Bibi wants to pass a law that gives him full power over the courts, so he can’t be trialed. Our democracy depends on it, it’s either Bibi going to jail or a civil war.


Do you know what “BARA” means in Arabic? It means OUT unless you can tell me how a German Jew has more right to Palestine than a German Christian.

Pave Way IV

OK, so Netanyahu needs to stay PM to manipulate his way out of prison. His Arab love-fest tour seems to have been a flop in Israel. (Did he ever make it to the UAE?) He has nothing left for his usual last-minute theatre until election day, right? I can see this pushing him over the edge to start a war before then even though he has been reluctant until now. Is that a possibility? i assume it would be a false flag (his favorite) as casus belli to start the bullets flying between Israel and Lebanon/Syria. Gantz strikes me as a straightforward war monger. No false flags or diplomacy – he would just send the tanks straight back up to the Litani without apologies, right?

The U.S. deep state would support whichever side Israeli intelligence favors. Is that Netanyahu or Gantz? Reuters reported the U.S. State Department advised U.S. citizens to evacuate Lebanon and Syria, so I guess it’s war either way. If it was just no government and Israeli rioting, which side would the IDF obey, or is that too close to call? Better be on the lookout for our aircraft carriers, too. We might show up in Tel Aviv to freedomize israelis. That always goes really bad for everyone.

With an Israeli-Syria/Lebanon war, we will just show up in Beirut and Damascus to freedomize them instead. Then the Topols start flying, and COVID is thus eradicated. Primates are free to roam the earth’s apocalyptic landscape and eventually learn to speak.


I don’t know how those elections would end Pave, but if Bibi wins and pass a law to escape trial then we won’t be still. We have been taking to the streets for over 40 weeks now, and nothing has changed he won’t resign peacefully.

Bibi might give his orders to go on to a war, but we are not puppets he can play as he wants. My loyalty belongs to the state of Israel, not Bibi. I will not fight his dirty wars, he doesn’t represent me and many others.

Pave Way IV

Thanks, but that’s why I mention false flags – to incite Israelis to support a war because you (Israelis) wouldn’t instigate one at Netanyahu’s request. That’s assuming Netanyahu has enough willing cronies in Israeli intelligence or the IDF to set one up. The imagine the IDF would be hesitant to help him because Gantz wouldn’t want him hanging around. No clue if Israeli intelligence would favor either one or would even want to instigate a war, but who knows. I’m not a fan of any wars in the Middle East – my concern is why the U.S. State Department is quite unexpectedly telling Americans to leave Lebanon and Syria now and they’re being as secretive as possible about it. There is no mention of this in our MSM. We are also probably rotating a lot more troops into Syria via Operation Spartan Shield, so the warning may have to do with SDF/Turkey/head-choppers going at it and be unrelated to Israeli elections. Even so, it all may be a coincidence – these things have happened before an nothing came of it.


They can have their election where grandma Goldstein used to fix for them her delicious gefilte fish. Palestine is Arab land and not the land of the Goldstein’s.

J Ramirez

Bla bla bla , you keep saying that and Satanyahoo is still in power ;}


Mileikowsky aka “Netanyahu”

“But let me first say that the connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel has lasted for more than 3500 years. Judea and Samaria, the places where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, David and Solomon, and Isaiah and Jeremiah lived, are not alien to us. This is the land of our forefathers.”

But he is a circumcised Khazar with 0% genes connecting him to the Arab region and he is as alien as the Chinese or Japanese. I dare you do deny it.

Fog of War

” But he is a circumcised Khazar with 0% genes connecting him to the Arab region ”

I see you’re finally catching on.

Hasbara Hunter

Check…so BiBi Satanyahu is whacked before Tue, Mar 23, 2021 – 23:59…sounds like a perfect plan…


Bibi is eternal.

Hasbara Hunter

Can you Swim?

Captain Freedom

haha… his employers did not train him to answer difficult questions, he only likes circle jerk ;) Those guys don’t even know or care where they really originate from, they think they can stay in ME forever despite being surrounded by enemies. Just another western colony, NOTHING special aboutt them.

Hasbara Hunter

Bunch of Khazars on a World Tour….

Captain Freedom

Wonder where that tour will end…


“If you mean to ask why we want to come to Palestine, I have told you it is because we are coming back to our country.” Ben Gurion

Amazing an alien European Jew claiming to return to the Arab region but if the Gurion was alive today, he would face humiliation because the Ashkenazi DNA has been confirmed to have 0% Middle Eastern ancestry.

Just Me

View from mommy’s basement LOL

Free man

Assad will do whatever Putin tells him to do. The rest is propaganda for the “resistance” axis.

Hasbara Hunter

I’ve got some secret talks too:


Just Me

It is all part of Zionist desperation. They know the next flashpoint is Golan.


https://i.imgur.com/0Lr8sR4.jpg?w=300 By any means necessary, the rapists and the murderers must be removed from the Arab region.

Jens Holm

Heken seemes to be a polarbear.

Just Me

The real issue is that the criminal Zionist cowards are petrified of Hezbollah and trying all sorts of disinformation stunts to undermine the growing Axis of Resistance. Not going to work.


https://i.imgur.com/UFbMx3d.png?w=100 The claim to Palestine by the European Jew is based 100% on “returning home” and yet according to their DNA, they are the most alien to the Arab region having no DNA connecting them, nothing, zero.

Jens Holm


Free man

We ate today sausages of one of these with Gouda cheese . it was delicious.

Just Me

US government and Zionist instructions to hasbara trolls: Do not tweet good things about Iran.

It was Tuesday afternoon when Raffaele Mauriello, an Italian professor living in Tehran, tweeted a series of nice photos of a café in the Iranian capital titled “Living in Tehran”. The photos were soon met with a chorus of condemnations and abusive remarks by an army of CIA and hasbara Twitter trolls who accused Mauriello of being a “propagandist” and of having “close ties with the government”.

Mauriello, an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages at Allameh Tabataba’i University, tweeted the photos – pictured below – after drinking tea with his wife and daughter at a café located in central Tehran, without having the faintest idea of how such “dangerous” sequence of actions would lead to “a war” on Twitter.


The US army is now also a troll organization and soldiers are ordered to post fake stories as part of psy-ops. It is us just more crude US redneck style hasbara. It can easily be stopped by very crude one dimensional posts on Russia, Iran and China.

Captain Freedom

Pleased to meet your parents.

J Ramirez

Yes those are IDF soldiers ;}

Just Me

Kosher swine IDF. LOL


Jens Holm and his husband Trens Holm.


Palestine is only 1% of what the Jews were aiming at their conquest of the entire Middle East.

◍ Theodor Herzl Diaries – Vol 1 – Page 342 (April 26, 1896): The northern frontier ought to be the mountains facing Cappadocia; the southern, the Suez Canal. The slogan to be circulated: The Palestine of David and Solomon!

◍ Theodor Herzl Diaries – Vol 2 – Page 711 (October 15, 1898): Discussed with Bodenheimer the demands we will make. Area: from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.

◍ Genesis 15-18: I will give your descendants the land east of the Shihor River on the border of Egypt as far as the Euphrates River.



How long did it take between when the Palestinian was struck so hard, blood was pouring all over his face and then lost his life? https://i.imgur.com/1Ay0XRm.png?W=300

Arch Bungle

The most powerful army in the world.

Invincible against:

– old people – children – Teenage girls – the un-armed – third world Arab armies run by tinpot dictators and wannabe kings.

Not so much against any modern guerrilla force like the Houthi, Hezbollah or even Hamas.

Completely useless against a modern asymmetric army like Iran.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yesterday Assad issued a general amnesty for draft evaders, something the opposition has been demanding for years, And last week with Russia’s help he made up a new reconciliation agreement for the southern Governorates, that made the opposition very very happy, And a few months ago he lowered the alertness levels for the armed forces of Syria,

On top of that we have several recent allegations of ongoing negotiations between Syria and Israel, which Assad denies, so who’s lying, did RT make a silly mistake publishing the Rabbi’s unverified claims, mmm. Assad denies he’s been involved in any negotiations with Israel and he may be telling us the truth, but does that mean no one else’s been negotiating with Israel on Assad’s behalf, we don’t know because no one’s asked him that yet. I wonder what Iran would do if Assad did begin directly negotiating with Israel, blow a fuse probably.


This Israel came to exist because the Christian world believed that “the Jews” were Israelite. But today “the Jews” faced their maximum humiliation when DNA confirmed their DNA = 0% Middle Eastern, Should they not vacate without bloodshed?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t need DNA results to see if someone’s got a particular ethnicity, visual clues sometimes make it obvious, but I adhere to the Old Testaments claim that we all descend from Adam and Eve, whether we’re black white or brindle, so I don’t care what anyone’s ethnicity is, we’re all brothers and sisters under the skin, and that goes for all the other creatures on earth. I’m 56 now and up until only recently I used to call for the dismantling of Israel too, but eventually I realized that 3 or 4 generations of Jews have now been born in the new Israel, and I don’t hold them responsible for land theft. So how can I tell them to leave the homes they were born in, I’d be doing exactly the same thing the Jews you hate did to the Palestinians back in the 1950’s. Forcing Israel out of Palestine was the morally right thing to do back in the 50’s/60’s, now it’s just making the same mistake they did back then. And what about the Jews who were already living in Palestine, I think there were about 200,000 Jews still living there when the country was annexed, will you kick all of them out [if still living] and their descendants too, they’ve been living in Palestine since the time of Christ, the Romans didn’t kick them out and the Islamic Caliphates allowed them to remain, and during one period even encouraged them to come home to Palestine, so what’s going to happen to them. And with all the mixing of genes many of those descendants will now have European genes in their DNA.


The number of Jews living in Palestine when the white Jew arrived = zero and not 200,000.There were no Jews in Palestine for hundreds of years until the first Zionists arrived in 1882.

In 1920, the British Government’s Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were hardly 700,000 people living in Palestine. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews.In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine

Herbert Samuel, High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief. 30th July, 1921.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s a lie I’ve disproven many time, the Arab’s made very careful censuses and the records prove they never ever left entirely, I suggest you do some more research. And even Arab censuses stated the true number of Jews were actually probably 3 times higher than their censuses confirmed, you really need to find out more of what your own Arab records say, not just rely on English records. But even if the real figure was only 76,000 don’t they have a right to remain in Palestine, and what about their descendants, and the marital partners they may of married through immigration, I’ll bet that original 76,000 has turned into 3 or 400,00 by now, do you want to kick them out too.


According to the British census of 1931, there were 174,610 Jews in Palestine and according to the Jewishviruallibary, the total number of Jews who entered Palestine between 1882 and 1929 was 197,000. There were less Jews in Palestine in 1931 than the total number who entered between 1882 and 1929 and the reason was because many Jews had left Palestine within a year after they arrived. Therefore, these number demonstrate that there were no Jews living in Palestine before 1882 when they began to arrive as Zionists.

British census … Moslems ……. Christians …… Jews …….. Total 1922 ……………. 590,890 ………… 73,024 ……… 83,694 ……. 747,608 1931 …………… 759,712 …………. 91,398 ……. 174,610 …. 1,025,720 increase ……… 168,822 ………….. 18,374 ……… 90,916 ……. 278,112 % increase ……. 28.6 ……………….. 25.2 ………… 108.6 ………. 37.2

Jews arriving in Palestine according to Jewishvirtuallibrary 1882-1903 ….. 35,000 1904-1914 ….. 40,000 1919-1923 ….. 40,000 1924-1929 ….. 82,000 Total …………. 197,000

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve done plenty of research myself and dispute your figures outright. I like the wiki too but they don’t always get it right. But this is what they also say on the same page,

“Late Ottoman period Ottoman population by Qaza (region) In the late nineteenth century, prior to the rise of Zionism, Jews are thought to have comprised between 2% to 5% of the population of Palestine, although the precise population is not known.[30]

According to Alexander Scholch, Palestine in 1850 had about 350,000 inhabitants, 30% of whom lived in 13 towns; roughly 85% were Muslims, 11% were Christians and 4% Jews.”

So I don’t know why you say there were no Jews living in Palestine, the Ottoman era pre1850 census says at least 4% of the total 350,000 population were Jewish, that means there were at least 14,000 Jews there before the Zionists even set foot in Palestine, and apart from the indigenous Jews already living there, the article also says there were between 5 to 10,00 Jewish immigrants as well as the locally born 14,000. And I said I’ve already done my own research [thanks to RichardD’s trolling], and I discovered many of the Ottoman censuses are on line for public viewing, and they all say the same thing, the official numbers for Jewish citizens is always way less than the official numbers represent, they say as many as half or more of the Jewish population isn’t recorded in their census.


“the Ottoman era pre1850 census says at least 4% of the total 350,000 population were Jewish,”

Got link?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The same wiki page you got your info from,


Arch Bungle

Why are you engaging this professional liar? He / it is immune to facts.

He is employed to lie persistently in order to maintain the zionist narrative.

Part of the information war the zionists wage on Truth.

Simply ignore the liar.


Yes, one word to describe his lies: useless. I won’t respond anymore but if he responds to my comments, I will block him. Notice the number of questions I asked that he did not respond to.


He’s a waste of time, shabbat goys are even more fanatical zionists than their masters. He said: “their written history goes back 10,000 years”, something that not even the Jews claim, Hebrew year is 5781… not to mention the earliest written HUMAN literature in history dates from about 2600 BC (Ancient Sumer), roughly 4500 years ago.


Here are the number of times the Ottomans tried to get rid of the Jews who entered Palestine. How then did they enter against Ottoman rules?

Copy them all to your spreadsheet program and then you an click on each one easily.

1885 -07 -31 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/tmTY3QJ.png

1885 -08 -14 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/9Xfufec.png

1885 -09 -21 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/ZTsd1eS.png

1885 -09 -24 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/ffbHHKD.png

1887 -08 -29 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/19loqJj.png

1887 -10 -31 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/T0YTjhS.png

1888 -01 -28 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/B0v3BZj.png?1

1888 -01 -28 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/pQo08Tq.png

1888 -03 -02 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/xTOZPZg.png

1888 -03 -17 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/5R0qn35.png

1888 -05 -17 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/RaR4LPB.png

1888 -05 -19 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/GR5EZYU.png

1888 -08 -30 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/U2raJpW.png

1888 -09 -22 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/U2raJpW.png

1893 -03 -21 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/X1t0j07.png

1893 -05 -08 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/ySNU5ec.png

1893 -07 -05 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/BTNMWFt.png

1893 -10 -16 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/pZkMRXm.png

1894 -12 -08 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/9JozRyu.png

1898 -08 -27 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/Aa7DWxo.png

1898 -09 -09 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/unHdpgZ.png

1898 -09 -20 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/hihaECl.png

1901 -01 -14 ……….. https://i.imgur.Com/hHgJYdQ.png

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They were already in Palestine because they’ve always been in Palestine, they didn’t have to come from anywhere else.


I dare you to show me a picture of any of these Jews who were always in Palestine, you cannot do it because that was a lie.


What language were those Jews speaking? Yiddish? What were they cooking? Gefilte fish?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You should become a comedian since you’re so funny, but keep your day job just in case. :]


There are no indigenous Jews or else I dare you to provide name and link.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s been indigenous Jews in Palestine since just after the exodus, and their written history goes back 10,000 years, how long does yours.


These are Palestinian Christians. Do you have any picture for any Jew who claims to originate from that land?



“their written history goes back 10,000 years” haha really?

The earliest written HUMAN literature in history dates from about 2600 BC (Ancient Summeria), roughly 4500 years ago. What jewish written history existed 10.000 years ago??

The current (2020/2021) Hebrew year is 5781. not even they claim their history is 10.000 years old (especially not written history).

But you shabbat goys are more zionist than Jews themselves .

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I said, “and their written history goes back 10,000 years”, I didn’t say they started writing their history 10,000 years ago, perhaps English isn’t your first language. But I was wrong about how long their written history does go back, you’re right it’s only 5,781 years, I honestly thought it was a 10,000 year history, or very close to it. And the oldest written texts were Sumerian but they date back to even earlier than you suggested, 5,500 years BCE for Sumer and 5,250 for Egypt. Do you really think that everyone who doesn’t hate Israel as much as you do is really a Zionist, if you do it means there’s a lot of Zionist around, but fyi I’m not one of them.


Here are pictures of Palestinian Christians. How many pictures of Jews who claim to originate from that land can you show me? None, because they do not exist.



The French lived in Algeria for 130 years and a million of them were born in Algeria and called themselves “Pied-Noir”. Not one remains today. And the Ashkenazi who raped our women, who massacred our people and expelled 90% of the natives has no right to be there – no matter where he was born. The day the Palestinian have the power to remove them, they will remove them but considering the crimes the white Jew committed, he will flee immediately.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ll bet some French genes have remained in Algeria. When I look at the people from Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, I can see oriental genes, Latin genes, Greek genes, Semitic genes, Aryan genes, and African genes, it’s a beautiful mix. So when you kick them out will you feel guilty when the little children start crying, and they will be crying because they won’t understand what’s happening and they’re really scared. I don’t hate anyone so much that I want to make their children cry with fear, I don’t tar everyone with the same brush and lump them all in together. What’s the old saying, ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’. There was a commercial on TV advertising for a charity here in Australia, in it appeared a young Arab girl only about 3 or 4 years of age, she was hysterically trembling and her eyes were wide with fear, and to this day I still have nightmares remembering that poor child, do you think I would ever want to do that to any child, no matter what her parents had done. Stop hating and start thinking, it’ll be good for you and everyone else.


Speak on topics you have some knowledge about.

These are the Middle Eastern genetic types from 23andMe. Each people in each Arab country have DNA that is unique to that country, indicating that they are all descended from their ancestors who the Arabs found there.


Algeria ……………. Lebanon Armenia ………….. Libya Azerbaijan ……….. Morocco Bahrain …………… Saudi Arabia Cyprus …………….. Syria Egypt ………………. Tunisia Georgia …………… Turkey Iran …………………. UAE Iraq …………………. Uzbekistan Jordan …………….. Yemen Kuwait


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You know nothing about genetics, there are no unique genetic types attributable to any country or region [small isolated pockets yes], everyone’s a mix of different genes, that’s why people use these DNA test sights, to see who their ancestors were, and nearly everyone’s get’s a surprise they didn’t expect, especially Arabs when they discover they’ve got Jewish DNA, in fact I just got a big surprise myself from this article, BTW I’m half Italian heritage.

“Behar and colleagues have remarked on an especially close relationship between Ashkenazi Jews and modern Italians.[4][6][7] Some studies show that the Bene Israel and Cochin Jews of India, and the Beta Israel of Ethiopia, while very closely resembling the local populations of their native countries, may have some ancient Jewish descent”


People migrate and interbreed all the time, archeology and genetics tell us all the people living in Europe 10,000 years ago all had very dark skin but also had blue eyes, most of them still have blue eyes but there aren’t too many dark skinned Europeans anymore.


and nearly everyone’s get’s a surprise they didn’t expect, especially Arabs when they discover they’ve got Jewish DNA,

You have no source and this is pure nonsense unless you can also show me people who have Muslim or Christian DNA.

ancient Jewish descent

There is no Jewish descent fool, show me where is the “Jewish DNA” for Dershowitz.

Italians have significant Middle Eastern DNA and the Ashkenazi got only zero. The Ashkenazi got not Italian DNA and vice versa. Stop wasting my time with your junk science.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

No Italian DNA in the Jewish population or vice versa did you say, but that’s not what all the best geneticists are saying now, they’re actually saying it is both vice and versa. The Jews may have originally ‘originated’ from the same place most modern Italians originated from 7,500 years ago, and also say the Italians have made a major contribution to modern European segments of Jewish DNA. The statistics you posted make me laugh, the articles I’m linking elaborate on what your posted data claims is 98.5% Ashkenazi Jew, they explain that probably means a lot of them have the same DNA origins as modern Italians do. Here’s the articles and links,

“The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East”.


“But the study also found strong genetic ties to non-Jewish groups, with the closest genetic neighbours on the European side being Italians, and on the Middle Eastern side the Druze, Bedouin and Palestinians”.


“A groundbreaking paper published in 2000 by Harry Ostrer, a professor of genetics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and University of Arizona geneticist Michael Hammer showed that most modern Jews are descended on their male side from a core population of approximately 20,000 Jews who migrated from Italy over the first millennium and eventually settled in Eastern Europe”.


“A close genetic similarity between Ashkenazim and Italians has been noted in genetic studies, possibly due to the fact that Ashkenazi Jews have a significant European admixture (30–60%), much of it Southern European, a lot of which came from Italy when Jewish diaspora males of Middle Eastern origin migrated to Rome and found wives among local women who then converted to Judaism.[46][47][48][49][50][21][51] More specifically, Ashkenazi Jews could be modeled as being 50% Levantine and 50% European, with an estimated mean South European admixture of 37.5%. Most of it (30.5%) seems to derive from an Italian source.[52][53]

A 2010 study of Jewish genealogy found that with respect to non-Jewish European groups, the populations which are most closely related to Ashkenazi Jews are modern-day Italians followed by the French and Sardinians”.



The Algerians lived in France for almost 60 years and millions of them were born in France. And the Algerians who raped French women have no right to be there……


Immigrants to France Algeria 823,500 — Morocco 771,300 — Portugal 618,200 — Italy 286,500 — Tunisia 283,800 — Spain 247,700 — Turkey 246,300

There are no immigrants to France from Arab countries except from their North African colonies that the French brought for cheap labor. Stick to what you know.


Ridiculous !

You pretend that the jews withdraw from Palestine but won’t admit that North Africans, Africans should turn home, should leave Europe as well.

Cheap labour 🥱 Lol

Most of your compatriots all over Europe are living on welfare


“Stick to what you know” LOL…If he did, he wouldn’t be posting much. Reminds me of Americans with the same BS. Askenazi’s invading and slaughtering Palestine=OK. Invited Africans who procreated in EU=Bad.


Yes, just because they have offspring born there does not make them Jewish…it makes them Israeli. They’re still frauds and every Jew in Israel knows it. They’ve been trying to get rid of the guy that certifies a person as Jewish or not because he will not certify Askenazis as Jewish. Strange how the actual Jews living in Palestine pre-’48 got along with the Palestinians. But as soon as the Ashkenazis showed up…


There are millions of Palestinian Muslims and Christians in the world today but ZERO Palestinian Jews. Please explain that.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well that’s hard to explain but I’ll try. Why would a Jew living in Palestine before it was annexed prefer to describe him/her self as a Palestinian Jew after it was annexed, example. Why would a Christian Spaniard/Visigoth family living under Islamic Rule in the 7th century, still call themselves members of the Umayyad caliphate, centuries later after their territory was liberated from Islam. It sort of doesn’t make sense anymore to call yourself a member of the Umayyad Caliphate, you either return to calling yourself a Visigoth or call yourself a Spaniard. And all the Arabs that remained after the Caliphate was ejected don’t call themselves members of the Umayyad Caliphate anymore, they call themselves Spaniards now.


You make no sense. If there is a Jew who originated from that land, we need to know who that is since there are no known people who claim to originate from that land who are Jews. Here is a list of well known Palestinian Muslims and Christians and none of them are Jews. If you are aware of a Jew whose origin is Palestine, please provide name and picture and link.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you kidding?


Colonialism and genocide is never acceptable. The Zionists are trying to erase ancient Palestine. Almost 90% of the Zionists have dual passports. They simply do not belong there.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

People like you don’t belong in civilized society either, but you’re still here. I complain about Iran treating the Syrian Sunnis nearly the same way the Israelis treat the Palestinians, and I get abused for it, so lets talk about double standards.

Just Me

This is nonsense. BTW, Iran is moving to an ultra nationalist phase after the next elections. The Guardians Council just approved the popular young general Saeed Mohammad as a Presidential candidate. He holds a PhD in civil engineering and has extensive regional experience.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes and he’s going to rip off the Iranian Government and sell off all their assets to the IRGC, that’s not what I call Nationalism, it’s doing the same thing the Burmese/Myanmar military is doing, consolidating all of Iran’s wealth and power with the military, BIG BIG MISTAKE. In Australia my Governments have privatized many Government assets and utilities and I’ve complained loudly about it, but if they tried to sell those assets to the Australian military I’d chop their heads off, and then stick them on pikes as a warning to others. The Governments of a country should run the economy and the military, if they don’t all you have is a military Junta.

Just Me

Tell that to the US police state. There are soldiers occupying the Congress and Washington DC, unlike Iran LOL

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Even though I’m not American I supported Trump [not about Palestine], and his people just recently tried to liberate the Congress from the Tyrants, sadly he/they failed, so sadly I can’t LOL. :[


Frankly, the demented fool Biden is far more dangerous than Trump and he is totally beholden to the militarized Jew controlled US deep state. Expect more US and Zionist wars and terrorism now. The only thing that scares the Zionists is death and destruction in Occupied Palestine, so they would prefer that US soldiers die for them. US already has over 3,000 soldiers in Syria and ISIS is under their protection and has been rearmed and rebranded.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why are you telling me the same thing I’ve been saying, what’s the point.


Nice to know. Israel is entering it’s final days

Peter Jennings

Divide and conquer tactics. The isreali apartheid regime only wants to be friends when it suits them. It suits them to send as many assassins to Damascus as possible. They seem to have the same problem with agreements.

No one is under any illusions about the isreali apartheid regime. They may try the Turkish admin next and remind them of the good old days when they had a caliphate and ruled half of Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes they may be trying to divide Syria from Iran, but it’s their stated intention, no secret there

And I think they’d prefer to send assassins to Tehran.

Yes they do have a problem with agreements, but that hasn’t stopped the Arab League making some new ones with them, so maybe Assad should too, he might even get a good deal with Russia’s help.

I don’t think they’ll be doing that while Erdogan’s in power, maybe after he’s voted out.


This is what the International Jews have planned for us. From the Oded Yinon Plan.

The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently. Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unquiet areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today. Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.




Who are the good Jews? Oh, those are the ones that say Palestine does not belong to the Jews but both to the Jews and the natives. Most people are not surprised by this statement because for some odd reason, they believe the white Jew was returning home. But imagine a bunch of French carrying banners that say Algeria belongs to the French and the Algerians. Then they would look strange because they were saying the invaders have as much right as the invaded.


there are no good jews, full stop!


https://i.imgur.com/O8GvIyX.png?w=300 They were looking in countries inhabited by non-Europeans to remove their white Jews to.

J Ramirez

Syria will never negotiate with ISISrael ;}

Just Me

The Zionists are scared in their diapers of Hezbollah strength and they know that Golan is the next front and are desperatley trying to sow disinformation to weaken the Axis of Resistance. If anything, Syrian position is now hardening and the Golan front will be active soon.


Frankly, this is just wishful disinformation as the Zionists are trying in earnest to goad the US idiots into a swan song war with Iran.


pls note, there is and there will be no negotiations with the jews in palestine – just complete destruction of anything and everything they have built on the illegally occupied palestine and then complete annihilation of the thieving and murdering scum they are. anything else?

Arch Bungle

The IDF in training for Iran:



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