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MARCH 2025

Syria Hands Over Two Unexploded Cruise Missiles To Russia Found After US-led Strike – Russian Media

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Syria Hands Over Two Unexploded Cruise Missiles To Russia Found After US-led Strike - Russian Media

FILE IMAGE: AP Photo/Hassan Ammar

Two unexploded cruise missiles have been found by the Syrian military after the April 14 US missile strike on the country, the Russian state-run news agency TASS reported citing a source in the Syrian Defense Ministry.

According to the report, these cruise missiles have been handed over to Russia.

“Two cruise missiles that did not detonate during the US missile strike on Syria overnight to April 14 were found by the Syrian military. Both are in rather good condition. These missiles were handed over to Russian officer the day before yesterday [April 17],” TASS quoted  the source as saying.

The source added that these missiles had been “sent to Russia by plane” on April 18.

It’s important to note that TASS has obtained no official confirmation of its report from the Russian Defense Ministry.

On April 14, the US, the UK and France carried out a massive missile strike on Syrian targets justifying their move by civilian casualties in the alleged April 7 chemical attack in the town of Douma. The Pentagon said that the three countries had launched 105 missiles, all of which hit their targets. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Syrian Air Defense Forces intercepted 71 of the launched missiles.

Furthermore, Russia says that the Douma chemical attack was starged. The US-led bloc says that the chemical attack was carried out by Syrian government forces.

Journalists Found Boy Filmed In White Helmets’ Douma Chemial Attack Video. He Did It For Food

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Gregory Gregory

Love it! As the orange buffoon would say “perfect”


And of course they will deny it initially and later demand that Syria/Russia gives back their missiles! Just like their RQ-170.


How can or dare the Syrian army takes US top secret super accurate as Trump said and gave them to Russia

That’s worse that white helmet “chemical Attacks.

This calls for another strike .. watch out .



Law Se

Yeah they had more sense than to listen to trump

Promitheas Apollonious

good one thank you for the laugh.


They were indeed Smart and realised that Trumps attack was illegal . It was then that the missiles artificial intelligence realised that the missiles could be held responsible for their actions under a proposed US law for Artificial Intelligence ‘beings’. The missiles then decided to land in a field . :)


They tried to turned back in revenge for being illegally detained on the ship, but ran out of fuel on the way back :(


We will learn more of this story in the coming days I am sure.:)

Tudor Miron

As preasoners of war they will be held in good conditions and provided shelter and attention. When time comes they will be present at new Нюрнбергский процесс where Humanity will judge this scum that we have as the leadership of western world. That little Syrian boy from that flase flag video should also be present. All of them.


Will they be given Pancakes and syrup for breakfast or buckwheat Tudor?

Val Shadowhawk

LOL!!! Good one!!


Smarter than Donald. But that’s not hard.

Wahid Algiers

They were to intelligent to explode.


Electronic jamming system was smarter.

Law Se

Ha ha why do you Americans go to such lengths to transfer technology to Russia when a simple email with schematics would have been far simpler…


I guess this way at least the American manufacturer will still get its money while doing so.


How to transfer old tech that can easily shot down?

No more like it is good to know what chips or system it is using to jam that old missile.

US has nothing to offer to Russia in this area .


Exactly – if unexplored high probability they were electrically jammed. This would be excellent opportunity to study exactly which sectors of missile operating system affected.


Russian technicians can strip them down for anything useful!

Promitheas Apollonious

based on their performance as well the fact that are 80s technology, they are only good for a laugh and nothing else. I dont think russians will find anything useful just confirm what is already known. That the missiles are more intelligent from the ones who send them.

Tiresia Branding

is not correct. All the missiles are constantly updated in their electronics part s. Reverse engineering can reveal the last navigation system, sensors use, radio communication bands, crypto algorithms ecc. All these informations are precious and useful to upgrade elecronic countermeasures systems


They could well be the new Stealth Missiles though.

Promitheas Apollonious

could been, IF the americans actually had stealth technology and not a marketing scam.

Ivan Freely

VLO (i.e.stealth) cruise missiles do exist. I don’t believe the US used them on this attack.


They make it a stealth missile because they can’t make it hypersonic. Such missile would be expensive with inertia guidance as their main guidance system because it can’t uses regular data link for preserving the stealth aspect. And we can already see how reliable the inertia guidance system from the 59 barrage before.


Also, one or two of them could be of French or British design. A slight chance, but if so it would be of newer design.

Tudor Miron

Lol! “more intelligent from the ones who send them.”

leon mc pilibin

They wont find anything SMART about them,but they will be even more useless by the time the Russian techs are finished examining them,lol.


And share it with Iran :) Afterall Iran shared the drone they took over a few years ago:)


I don’t think there’s much to get from these. Mostly a number of small gimmick and miscellaneous parts that may made using different material.


Don’t think it’s that simple design for a 1.4 millions dollars missile Good to know what’s inside


Money simply can’t measure up their potency in the USA anymore.

St. Alexiev

These are the The American Reusable Multi-Purpose Cruise Missiles.

Concrete Mike

Brought to you by the makers of the Patriot missile, Patriot missiles, so good if they can’t find a tagrget they come back to launcher.

Jean - Pierre Cromphout

Intelligent american missiles who does’nt explode !

Jean - Pierre Cromphout

Good for an inverse deployment !!!!!

Tiresia Branding

That’s because are much more intelligent than Haley, Bolton or McCain.

leon mc pilibin

The poor things got lost.

St. Alexiev

Trump has to ask for them back, after a slight repair he will be able to fire them again

leon mc pilibin

F;;UK;;US: israhell,saudi,and all their puppets.


FUcK;;US: israhell,saudi,and all their puppets


Good that they didn’t explose. These missiles surely contains deplated uranium.

The west wants to drop deplated uranium in Syria just like they did in Iraq : to kill Syrians genetically.


Russia should send them back to the U.S. with a bill for doing the necessary repairs. With a full “satisfaction guaranteed” , of course.

Kire Stojanovski

This explains why Russia missed two missiles while counting them and said 103 instead of 105.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Yes, that’s what thought too.

Ernst Lindenberg

True. I was wondering why that 103 and not 105.


Centcom are demanding their property is returned to them!!

chris chuba

If it was one of the fancy JASSM’s that would be bad news for the Pentagon.

Turnabout is fair play I suppose, I heard that the U.S. got a boat load of the latest Soviet era technology during the Yeltsin era, especially in the air-to-air missile area.


Na, they would have sent another missile to blow it up otherwise. Probably only useful as a trophy.


I don’t think they can track missiles that accurately, if they go off course. It’s just shoot, forget and presume it hit the target. Even if they can track it they’ll never know precisely enough were it fell to shoot another one after it, unless they barrage the whole area costing 10s of extra missiles.


It’s not they can’t tell it’s that they can’t be sure. If their signal disappear after it lands on target they’ll assume that it detonated correctly while there’s always a possibility it being a dud.

Sergey Tokarev

First Lavrov said that he had ‘irrefutable’ evidence that the British staged a CW attack in Douma, even though evidence he had was logical and circumstantial, leaving room for plausible denial. Now we see a claim of two unexploded cruise missiles without a video. I am disappointed.

St. Alexiev

ask Putin a question, at the next press conference

Tudor Miron

You can do better?

Sergey Tokarev

I hope so. We are always in a spotlight, and we should be careful in our claims and in wording. It is great that we now have a boy who was filmed in White Helmets video for food. However, there is no incontrovertible evidence of British involvement. Regarding these two unexploded missiles – such claims shouldn’t be done without a video.

Tudor Miron

Honestly, I’m not sure if those missiles exist :) Even if it’s just an example of Syrians trolling US – it is priceless. They have a sense of humor.

Sergey Tokarev

If 1% of our news is fake, and 99% of the enemy’s news is fake, we are on the same moral ground, and given their overwhelming media advantage, they will capitalize on that.

Tudor Miron

I agree in general, but it is more complicated than that. For example – this news are not “our” but still it works in creating overall informational backfround.

Anja Boettcher

However, their propagandistic fakes are completely useless:

A brand new poll has just come up in Germany, after all these pro-US and anti-Russia media discourse went again Goebbels-like after the recent Scripal allegations and US-led criminal attacks on Syria.

The poll has been conducted by FORSA, which is in charge too of the most prominent polls in the context of elections in Germany.

Who is the largest danger to world peace? Trump: 79%, Putin 13%, both 8%.

Are you afraid of Russia? Yes 17% , No 87%.

Good relations to Russia are important for us. Yes 94%, No 5%

We should do everything to make Russia feel as part of Europe: Yes 68%, No 26%

For the current east-west tensions is responsible: the US 50%, Russia 25%, the EU 7%, all three 8%

Was it right that Germany now sacked Russian diplomats? Yes 23%, no 69%, don’t know 8%

Which kind of foreign policies should Germany aim at? – clear western orientation with close ties to the US 6% – solely European cooperation, considering as well Russian interests 89%

That’s clear, isn’t it?


Just when you think that the US couldn’t have screwed this up any worse than they did, they do.


I reckon further proof that the ‘all missiles made it to target’ bullshit was just that. And probably further proof also that Russian EW jamming was active that night.

Tudor Miron

I love that little cherry on top. After they found that boy from falseflag video now they pass two missiles to Russians – new, smart and what was it?… nice! nice missiles, how could I forget.


hi moscow rat, you can put some stickers on them. this is your job. putting russian stickers on western machines :DDDDD

Joe Doe

Russia should not hesitate provide S-330 or S-400 and should deliver such weapons to SAA ASAP and announce loudly

Kell McBanned

Mmm I hope the Russians pull those apart in an EM isolated environment. The smuggling of computer chips etc to the Iraqis by the US which when installed dropped their air defence network comes to mind. Remember the story of the Trojan Horse.

Good they have some examples of US tech just be carefull pulling them apart and what you plug them into, could be they didnt explode for a very good reason.

Miguel Redondo

You can be pretty sure that the russian experts who handle this hardware are aware about this.

Kell McBanned

Hope so.

Ernst Lindenberg

Use Linux. Just like Russians are doing. Me too.

Hell Sing

Alot of good came from this strike, after all. The Syrians shot down most of the incoming missiles while securing two in the hands of the Russians, and now in the future, the cruise missile will no longer be considered a grave threat anymore.

Real Anti-Racist Action

This is great news! This makes me very happy. After Russia examines them, perhaps they would be so nice to loan one to Iran for about three months to examine also.


you are stupid. there is no better weapon than russian weapons. yanks can copy the ruskie armory, not ruskies the americans.

Feudalism Victory

Need photos maybe some serial numbers? Otherwise this means nothing.


tRump will probably expand sanctions if Russia doesn’t return these missiles to the US ZOG.

Mo Richard

This was a really bad idea…This operation. Everything has fallen apart and is hurting the perpetrators even more than the victims . No more denial of shot or jammed missiles. Idk if these were the new, smart and nice bombs Trumpino was talking about. But The feeling here is like a small rat in the middle of a dark room and then the light suddenly turned on.

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