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MARCH 2025

Syria Is Determined To Retake Occupied Golan Heighst, Afrin, Raqqa And Idlib – UN Ambassador

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Syria Is Determined To Retake Occupied Golan Heighst, Afrin, Raqqa And Idlib - UN Ambassador

Sputnik/ Mikhail Alayeddin

Syria is determined to retake control over other its terroritores occupied by terrorists or hostile foreign powers, according to the country’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari, during a session of the UN Security Council on the situation in Syria.

Al-Jaafari added that Syria rejects any “armed presence” and “occupying forces” on its territory and accused Israel, Qatar, Turkey, the US, the UK and France of waging a “terrorist war” against Syria.

The Syrian diplomat noted that Eastern Ghouta is about to be liberated from militants and praised efforts of the Syrian Arab Army and help from the country’s allies.

Despite being in a complicated situation, the Syrian government stays strong on its goal to pursue the country’s territorial integritiy and to oppose foreign forces operating within its borders.

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MD Ranix

God speed superheroes

jerry hamilton

He might have a small problem with the OCCUPIED GOLAN HEIGHTS. There is way too much oil there for it to be given back.

Promitheas Apollonious

Only if they ask permission, to go back any way they can to their own land.

They will not ask.

Icarus Tanović

First, they can politely ask to give back G. Hights, if nit Only Hezbolah can handle that one handed, as we’ve seen already hundreds of times.

Promitheas Apollonious

They already ask politely.

jerry hamilton

It is not only Israel that will not give it back. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cheney-murdoch-rothschild-drill-oil-reserves-syrian-occupied-territory-violate-international-law/

Icarus Tanović

My Hellwnic fri3nd, now ambassador asked politely.


sadly centcom will bomb the shit out saa before the golan or us military bases are vountarily removed

You can call me Al


As it is Syrian land, Syria can horizontally drill into it and then claim it under law.

jerry hamilton

Israel would blow it up before allowing that to happen. They couldn’t give a $h1t about international law.

Gregory Casey

I agree it is highly unlikely Israel will hand back the Golan but now that Syria has a battle-hardened Army it is highly unlikely that Israeli Defence Forces will be able to hold Golan against Syrian Forces. This will be the final piece of the jigsaw however; there are newly constructed US facilities to be razed and removed in Deir Ezzor first.


The SAA won’t hit the Golan, because that will be the end of the SAA. Look up the Yom Kippur War. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d55f9996fde3b9cf28d1fe71d82888d2ca99a0ccdf2b16fd595ae981eaa242a9.jpg


in yom ke pur war the israelis lost sinai and without USA threatening Egypt with a nuclear strike the egyptians would have taken negev as well.

in the case of syria the Israelis where close to defeat on the golan and only american airpower changed the course of the war.

in fact yom ke pur war was the first arab-israeli war when israel was close to be defeated

and you cant compare the shitte SAA of 1973 to todays Saa Hezbullah Hashd ul shaabi NDF and IRGC

israel will suffer an painfull defeat in the next conflict.


In ’72 Israel ran into the TOW, used for the first time in aggression. In ’06 Lebanon the Merkava met the Russian Kornet with the same success. The indestructible Merkava tank, was, well indeed destructible. The Israeli psyche isn’t well adapted to actually losing soldiers. They do much better kicking women and children around.


You ain’t worth my time. Read a book.


Israel has a cemetery dedicated to the tank soldiers lost to the TOW missile attack of Egypt. The fear and trembling can still be felt from this loss. The IDF is much more capable (and comfortable) kicking women and children around.


I think you meant a pro ziofag book


Revisionism at its most obvious. You think I haven’t done my research? (Rhetorical)


Let’s all trust Smaug everyone. What could go wrong?

Brother Ma

Tell me more re american airpower changing it all around in 1973 golan heights for israel. Were americans pretending to be Israelis? I did read somewhere that it was american pilots pretending to be Israelis who took out Egypt’s airforce on the ground in ’67.


i dont know about USA helping Israel against syria (because syria was an ally of USSR ) but egypt ended its pact with soviets and so the usa felt free to threaten kairo with a nuclear bomb if they dont stop advancing after the sinai was captured

so the egyptians stoped and israel concentrated itsforces against syria

Brother Ma

Thank you. I know it may be difficult for you but if you come across some references about that ,remember me please and let me have them here.☺


Check out Israeli invasion into Lebanon in ’06. Israel’s major military weakness was that they couldn’t retreat fast enough…. Hello Merkava, meet the Kornet…

You can call me Al

Old news….await the new.

John Whitehot

“Look up the Yom Kippur War”

Right, look at the yom kippur war, rather than at the israeli account of the yom kippur war.


And look at the war between Judea and Rome, there are always historical precedents, but we are talking about now. Today the IDF is only effective against women and children, probably because of the large number of Americans in the IDF. Meanwhile Syria has a battle hardened army, Israel would have to resort to nukes, which would give Russia a perfect excuse to try out its new nukes.


Read a book, I don’t have time to write one for you.


But you did, f***wit.


The last point is of the ultimate importance.

Gregory Casey



Kill the Americans at leisure, taking the Golan heights is strategically more important.


Syria is still in a defensive posture! We have to ask ourselves, which areas are of the highest priority! It does seem like the Syrian Iraqi border and the Syrian Jordanian Border are a big Risk! Keeping this transit link between Iran and Syria is very important! But closing front lines and freeing up more forces is also important! Logistics wins wars and the Syrian army need to free up the main roads between all major cities so that forces can move quickly and freely as needed! Remember that all armies need to be armed, fed, fuelled and given medical attention! Civilians need access and business needs to flow so taxes can be paid to fund the war!

Onno Frowein

Dr.Bashar Jaafari is absolutely since the Golan Heights were stolen by the Israeli’s. This landgrabing is a common practice by the Jewish people worldwide as was the case & cause of the Holocaust in Germany. Jewish people never respected national nor international laws & got away with it for TOO LONG & it’s good to hear that Dr. Jaafari draws the attention to this illegal & brutal annexaions of land & homes by Israel in Palestine & Golan Heights. Especially related & compared to the legal – & by Referendum enforced – incorporation of Crimea into the Russian Federation?? Oh, I forgot of course that the criminals in Tel Aviv & Washington control the United Nations!!

You can call me Al

Greater Israel Project.

Spend a fe moments to watch this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XcMbTOvQs

John Whitehot

one of the few real American soldiers.

Onno Frowein

Thank you for bringing this to our attention , Kenneth O’Keefe is not only a GREAT hero but even more a fighter for PEACE who realizes that peace is IMPOSSIBLE with USA in the autocratic form it is today & violating it’s own Constitution on a daily basis. Washington is controlled by MONEY, MSM & Oligarchs & NOT the American people who want peace as well! JFK was murdered after he said that ‘ the American people have only ONE representative in Washington & that is the President! He signed his own death certificate when he negotiated PEACE with Chroetsjow instead of bombing Cuba which was against the wishes of US military-industrial complex. Today all US presidents are the ‘BULLHORN’ of the financial elite for them & the murder of people & children are just ‘COLLATERAL’ damages!


Why do they have to fight for something that is theirs? Why un, after not recognizing the “gain” of israhell is passive and has not placed sanctions or other means of punishment for the thieves?


This is a fantastic and comprehensive address of Dr. Basher Al Jaafari to UN security council. What he has said this is absolutely true. He should say this on multiple platforms without hesitation.


Can Assad win a free election in Syria now ? Can anyone honestly tell ?

Joe Doe

I would say Yes. There are not many leaders like him, leader that stays with its people during war and fight for its country. Many world leaders are cowards and will run for own safety.


Thanks for the feedback .


He won already. What are you implying? Turkish invasion? They will also go back home.


Damascus and Aleppo remains the most populated region so I’d say yes. Unless he’s appointing someone else from his power base as a compromise.

Joe Doe

Syria has full right to fight for it’s own territory and I will agree with the ambassador statement and will the right time to do it, as Syria is already destroyed,therefore Syria has nothing to loose. Israel has more to loose than Syria. However, Syria need better military hardware, such as Air Defense System, S-400 (3-4 batteries), more Pantsir-S1 and S2 (12 batteries) , more VERBA MANPAD (24 units), better Airplanes, such asS-29 and Su-30, better attack and transport helicopters and more electronics and protection gears . Syria also need to prepare legal team sue Americans and it’s allies for destroying Syria. The law sues should originate in Syria courts.


Do you really believe the US would take notice of any Syrian court judgement. The US ignores the international criminal court so this would just be for show. Why not bring a litigation claim in the US courts for extensive damage to property which did not have any UN resolution to justify it. This too would likely fail but there is nothings to stop Assad hiring the best lawyers money can buy.


Great idea, a litigation in US courts for damage to property and loss of use. This would at least bring it to the attention of the American public.


I agree with you JD, but what court would rule against the US of Arrogance? If one did rule against their one-eyed asses, who would enforce it? War is the only path unfortunately.

John Whitehot

“However, Syria need better military hardware, such as Air Defense System, S-400 (3-4 batteries), more Pantsir-S1 and S2 (12 batteries) , more VERBA MANPAD (24 units), ”

Perhaps you could convince Syria to ask Russia for those systems, if they only gave a fuck about your opinion on the matter.

jerry hamilton

This is why the Golan Heights will never be returned. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cheney-murdoch-rothschild-drill-oil-reserves-syrian-occupied-territory-violate-international-law/


Now, other than the typo error in the word “Heights”, the Syrians are talking my language and that of my Irish Rebel Brethren: “Syria Is Determined To Retake Occupied Golan Heighst, Afrin, Raqqa And Idlib – UN Ambassador”

I can see the Israelis shaking now and it looks good on those Pychos


Oh, yeah. Great. The SAA couldn’t resist getting some street cred by looking like they’re going to hit Israel. We all know thats not happening ever.

You can call me Al

That is hat idiots like you said on day 1 of the US paid uprising, then the emergence of ISIS and then the Yanks settling in. Wake up Sony, times have changed.

You can call me Al


That Guy

Syria still needs to recover from this war, then they can go for a push, but yet not alone, they need Iran to participate in this war to ensure victory. Combination of guerilla warfare and classic army tactics aided with years of experience and battle hardening, in addition to drone and missile technology, will be really hard for Israel to defend against and might achieve victory for Syria and Iran.


In order to fight a guerilla war with the Israelis they need to have a force present on the Golan itself, with local support. Which the SAA hasn’t had since they lost it in 1967. And the SAA will still have a LONG way to go before it can even hope to dream to take on the IDF.

That Guy

There is a Syrian population that is pro SAA in Golan, but still I doubt that they would be of any use since their number is not that great.

True, Syria alone can’t take on IDF, but Syria + Iran can.


I respectfully disagree. Iran lacks the means to support Syria militarily and logistically. Otherwise the Russian intervention would not have been necessary in the first place. The Iranian armed forces are hopelessly outdated, much of their hardware is still from the days of the Shah, and the nuclear deal prohibits countries like Russia from selling them their latest. And even if they did the Iranians do not have the means to send and support a large expeditionary force to Syria. As again witnessed by the Syrian war. Plus sending such a large force to Syria to fight Israel would be hugely unpopular in Iran. The current support to the war in Syria is already unpopular with most Iranians.

Which is why Iran prefers to use Hezbollah instead. Dead Hezbollah soldiers do not cause public dissatisfaction, just like in the US dead mercenaries don’t make headline news either. But even Hezbollah lacks the means to fight Israel offensively in the kind of war that is needed to take back the Golan.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love nothing more then for Syria to take back the Golan, I just do not see it happen in any realistic scenario other then out of the fantasy realm. Hell, I think Syria would be extremely fortunate indeed if it were to manage to restore control over the rebel held areas along the Golan, as Israel seems hell bent on maintaining these as well as some sort of a buffer zone.

That Guy

Makes sense.


They still have nuclear. But if they did use them then anything goes against them too including chemical weapons. And they’ll have to declare themselves to be in possession thus a legitimate first strike target.

FSA - Democratic HeadChoppers

Why would a video related to Syria and UN have a screenshot of a Fortnite match? WUT?


Zionist scumbags get out of Syria and the Middle East altogether. You have overstayed your unwanted illegal presence.Leave or be forced out,your genocidal warmongering agenda has come to an end.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Always a well spoken UN Ambassador Dr. Bashar al Jafaari in making informed and point worthy statements when dealing with west controlled UN. Calling out some western nations in their collusion with these terrorists in Syria in promoting an regime change from within now.


When their common sense failing the sanest man in the room would look 2-4 times more intelligent.

If a man diaagree with non contradiction law beat him until he admitted that to be beaten and to not be beaten is not the same things.


First, try to recover Kurds (USA-puppets) area. If you can do this, then, try to recover Turkey-taken area (including Ibil). If SAA succeed doing this, then, it is possible to think in Golan highs.


Probably the ISraeHELLi army will be among the best by Pampers protect army’s in the world !

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