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Syria Lowers Army Readiness Level For The First Time In Nine Years

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Syria Lowers Army Readiness Level For The First Time In Nine Years

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President Bashar al-Assad has issued a command lowering the Syrian Armed Forces level of readiness for the first time in nine years.

The command, which was issued on January 10, lowered the level of readiness at several army branches as it follows:

  • The level of readiness at the army’s administrative headquarters was lowered from 66 to 33%
  • The level of readiness at the army’s administrative branches and sub-branches was lowered from 80 to 50%
  • The level of readiness at the Syrian Arab Army was lowered from 100 to 80%
  • The leave of readiness at the Syrian Arab Navy was lowered from 100 to 80%

The level of readiness at the army’s medical service was not lowered as it is currently supporting the country’s efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new measures should allow the army to release thousands of soldiers from service in the near future. Those who will be kept will receive more day offs. This will improve the morale of Syrian service members.

In the last few years, the army released tens of thousands of soldiers and reserve officers from active service following a series of military achievements in Syria’s northern, southern and central regions.

The decision to lower the Syrian military’s readiness reflect an improvement in the overall situation in the country. The move also confirms that the Syrian military has overcome the human resources shortage, which was a serious issue in the early years of the conflict when the level of readiness was first raised.


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Servet Köseoğlu

The decision to lower the Syrian military’s readiness reflect an improvement in the overall situation in the country.



turds getting smashed out of the fkn way.

Servet Köseoğlu

it has nothing to do with Turkey cheap boi,check Usa+kurdish factor again.

Furkan Sahin

Mustafa Sarigul is hero

Rhodium 10

Only SAA Tiger forces beside some militia units like Palestinian Al Quds brigade and SSNP far right militia are useful to fight vs terrorist…all else are useless…

Furkan Sahin

everyone is against Assad who believes that without Assad there will be peace in Syria lol haha they are just brainwashed if Assad falls there Isis will come back again


are you a turk and if so why do you turks not control the mess at home instead of causing troubles for your future because you certainly created a hatred that is mixed of old grudges against ottoman empire and modern grudges against turkish terrorism which causes large parts of lebanon syria and iraq to utterly hate turkey and also of course africa was shocked and disgusted i remember well how a friend from zimbabwe talked about turkish slave trade organ trade and such things and i had to put a line on turkish government and people for him and explain how you are not all nuts like the headchoppers

Furkan Sahin

I am not a smart Turk like the others I live in Denmark I was born here and I follow Denmark’s culture and rules system I do not watch Erdogan media maybe very rarely and I do not want to be brainwashed like the other Turks who support Erdogan and ignorant people who do not know about war


turks should fix first of all their government and second they should kick out all the western bankers they are parasites and they will leave turkey as an indebted emptied out mess and after it fix your relations with the islamic world and with africa


if turkey wants to be something other than provinces of a supra governing body or an army of dead people running into their last battle than it should start acting way way more mature

The Objective

Good news if this is a sign that the Syrian war is coming to an end. They deserve peace after years of war under dictatorship.

The Objective

Good news if this is a sign that the Syrian war is coming to an end. They deserve peace after years of war under dictatorship.

Free man

Peace in Syria is still very far away. The SAA fails to deal even with ISIS in central Syria. If Russian forces had not been stationed in Syria today, Syria would have disintegrated.

Furkan Sahin

but Syria is better than Somalia Afghanistan and Libya today

Just Me

Syria despite 10 years of US, Zionist and Turkish terrorism is far more peaceful and secure than US or most of Europe. The government is now looking at reconstruction with Chinese, Russian and Iranian assistance.

Furkan Sahin

Syria will not be peace without Assad returning Isis Hts Fsa Isis will create war that country when Assad leaves

Furkan Sahin

If Assad loses war it becomes more chaos and more destroys it I promise you I know politics a lot

Free man

I agree. But that doesn’t change the fact that the SAA is very weak.

Furkan Sahin

SAA are not weak they are ok army but Gaddafi’s army is better than them you must also remember jihadist the whole world is against Assad in Syria so they also have many thousands of soldiers it is not easy against them

Just Me

But, but, BUTT LOSERS….

Ashok Varma

They certainly are, they have barking nonsense for years.

Ashok Varma

You should be happy to know that Indian-Iranian cooperation is at its peak. India today delivered a number of port cranes to turn Chah Bahar as the most modern regional key hub and link with China’s ONE BELT. It offers India unfettered access to Central Asia and Afghanistan, by-passing the Pakistani terrorist failed state.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a35ea3dc3fe3fe3a098d82975d810a6600ac20aacc2a1aa88e4b3160b72b0ea1.jpg Indian manufactured cranes being placed at Chah Bahar mega port.

Free man

I support India. I support Iranians as people. I oppose the Iranian regime. You seem to support the Iranian regime only because they are Shiites like you and even though they oppress Shiites like you.

Furkan Sahin

India regime is better than Erdogan


Not a good move,the job is far from finished.

Just Me

Syria in 2010 had a very large standing army of 250,000 and 4,000 tanks and was geared to fight a conventional Zionist attack on the Golan and Sassa plains. With Iranian ATGM and drones, the situation has changed and only a tough specialized force is needed as most of the heavy lifting is done by Hezbollah and Axis of Resistance fighters. The SAA is now a very accomplished COIN force.


I agree with you 100%. They got a long way to go. We frequently read about these ambushes and highways closed, etc. You got SDF occuping government land along with Turkey and their radicals. That country can kiss Putin’s ass that he came to their rescue.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I sort of agree but there is a silver lining to the dark cloud, this will free up the 4th division and other units that have been focusing on the southern Governorates suppressing internal dissent, and allow the SAA to fortify it’s battle lines against the Turks in both northeast and northwest Syria, and more importantly allow the SAA to focus on Isis.



Jimmy Jim


Just Me

Syria is safe thanks to SAA steadfast defence and the unwavering support of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and the Axis of Resistance. VIVA Dr. Assad!

Ex-Turkish Foreign Minister calls on Turkey to conduct direct talks with Syria and a quick withdrawal

Furkan Sahin

i vote Mustafa Sarigul next election

Just Me

Anyone is better than the idiot Erdogan who has done immense damage to Turkey and caused problems from Libya, Armenia, Syria to Iraq.

Furkan Sahin

but do not count on it one can be like Erdogan again one never knows you have to be careful anything can happen but Ataturk party candidates will never be like Erdogan but the other parties that are Islamic may do it like Erdogan

Ashok Varma

Turkey needs a change of government and shed religious extremists, just like India does.

Furkan Sahin

agree India is better system than Turkey


I don’t know if this is the case, but ALL Syrian young people (men and women) should be drafted after they finish an equivalent of high school after they turn 18. The Russians, Iraqis, etc cannot fight for their freedom. The Syrian people should fight for their freedom. Get those young men and women out of their tighty jeans and into military fatigues. Act like patriots and fight for your country!!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Volunteering young Syrian school leavers to fight wouldn’t make you popular amongst most Syrian people, they’d ask you to volunteer instead.

Lazy Gamer

Syria and Russia are in a wait and see approach with the incoming US administration. It seems Russia cannot force the issue between Turkey, SDF and also Iran with Israel. Personally, waiting for Biden or Erdogan or Netanyahoo to move is a disastrous policy as the number of possible actions are greater than what they can anticipate.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That when you go on high alert, not lower alert levels.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, I was feeling very anxious when I made my bold prediction yesterday, I really didn’t want to claim the secret meetings between Syria and Israel were probably a precursor for an Iranian withdrawal from Syria, but today I’m so glad I did have the balls to say what I believed, todays story does everything but confirm my prediction was spot on. IF THE SAA ARE STANDING DOWN ALERT LEVELS IT STANDS TO REASON THE IRANIANS WILL TOO. Which means they have no more reason to stay in Syria. :] But with the moderate opposition [terrorists] in Idlib taking pot shots at the SAA nearly everyday, the M4 agreement still not in effect, the Turks attacking SDF/SAA/Russian positions in Ar Raqqa and Al Hasakah, Darra, Quneitra, and As Suwayda “spiraling out of control”, and Isis still running amok in the central deserts, is there any valid reason for the SAA to stand down it’s readiness and capabilities, NO THERE’S NOT, NONE AT ALL, IN FACT THEY SHOULD MAINTAIN REDINESS LEVELS AND INCREASE MILITARY CAPABILITIES, that’s what any other Nation would be doing in Syria’s place, but Syria’s actually standing down alert levels, mmmmm. There’s ONLY ONE REASON for this new announcement, it’s confirming what I predicted yesterday, the Iranians are going to pull out and save face at the same time. Thanks SF you’ve just made my day, it’s the last thing I think should happen, but you’re announcement has certainly made me feel a lot more confident that my prediction was accurate. So bye bye Iran, thanks for all your help but we can take it from here now.

I’ll make another minor prediction now, and my prediction is that even if the SAA do stand down alert levels, and the Iranians do start pulling out as I predicted, the Russians won’t pull out, they’ll actually maintain their presence and capabilities for a while, and then they’ll start retraining and equipping the SAA like they never have before, which is exactly what I want to happen, I hope I’m right about this prediction too.

cechas vodobenikov

anglo/franko wahabbis ruined Libya, Iraq etc…tried to ruin Bolivia…these moralized zombies learn morality from piranhas…they are horrified that Syria, Iran others reject their repubblika de pornogrphia w bad porn star prez Harris and her BDSM basement slave boy biden

Fog of War

Giving up already ?


This is clearly a Behind Doors Agreement. Lot of the details aren’t given to us, the unwashed masses.

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