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Syria: Radicals Unleash Carnage Undermining HTS Leaders’ Guest For International Recognition (Videos, 18+)

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Syria: Radicals Unleash Carnage Undermining HTS Leaders' Guest For International Recognition (Videos, 18+)

Abu Mohammad al-Julani

Days after the fall of the Assad regime, Syria tries to rebuild. A transitional government led by Mohammed al-Bashir (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham appointee) would govern the country for the next few months. The main and obvious challenge facing the new authorities is to stop the atrocities in the country.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Nusra Front) unites many groups, ranging from the so-called ‘moderate opposition’ to the radicals. The leader of HTS, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, is trying to show reasonable political behaviour.

This attitude is very different from what we saw four years ago and before. Today, his rhetoric does not correlate with his violent extremism before. He argues that the country needs peace because people are tired of war, and therefore the country is not ready for another war and should not be dragged into it. This is what al-Joulani said in an interview with Sky News.

Al-Julani (HTS leader) and al-Bashir (HTS-appointed Prime minister of the Syrian Interim Government) have a good example to follow. This is the Afghan Taliban. In the 1990s, this organisation carried uncompromising radicalism on its banners. After 2001, the Taliban began to concentrate relying solely on the local population in its fight against the external invader, the United States. The Taliban transformed itself, gaining strength from within Afghanistan and forming its own, as yet unofficial, power vertical. By early 2014, the Taliban were already functioning as a full-fledged state within a state. It is unclear who is in which state, whether it is the Taliban in American-occupied Afghanistan or the besieged Americans in Taliban Afghanistan. After coming to power in 2021, the Taliban focused on nation-building and international relations with its neighbours. Yes, the country has severely restricted women’s rights and generally imposed Sharia law. Similar rules and regulations are in place in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf monarchies. The Taliban, amazingly, have gone from being a source of trouble to a pillar of security in the region. Drug trafficking from Afghanistan, for example, has fallen many times compared with the period of the US occupation.

Apparently inspired by the success of the Taliban, the leader of HTS has publicly stated that he is against ethnic cleansing and the destruction of entire religious communities.

There is a strong nuance to this, however. The HTS, let alone the SNA (Syrian National Army, previously the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and also known as the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA), is not a monolithic Taliban. It is a multitude of regional groups with different visions and motivations under the umbrella of HTS and SNA. Worst of all, it is the many different adventurers, mercenaries, criminals, sadists and perverts who joined this alliance. The latter, not born in Syria, had been deliberately recruited through the efforts and money of Israel and Turkey.

In recent days there have been numerous reports of massacres coming out of Syria. They are being carried out by extremists who have no regard for their central command. All the more so when crowds of locals are hungry for bloody spectacles. This is the East, this is the usual millennia-old practice of revenge against neighbours, but not by their own hands, but by the hands of aliens.

They shot Alawites in the Al-Rabiya farm in Latakia province just because of their confession. The perpetrators call those killed “Nusayrite pigs”.

In the countryside of Homs province, militants proudly reported purging a village of its Alawite population. “Allahu Akbar, Maghawir al-Sham! The village of Nusayrite has been purified,” a voice says.

Within 24 hours, clips of brutal massacres were circulating on the Internet. The victims are mostly Alawites. According to the militants, they were the backbone of Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Horrifying images from the city of Manbij have been published. Militants of the Syrian National Army (SNA), not only loot and rape the local population, but also shoot wounded fighters of Kurdish units in the hospital. In the video, the war criminals are communicating in Uzbek. Separate remarks in bad Russian can also be heard. So, these are militants from Central Asia. Such scumbags are not all in the ranks of the SNA, but there are many of them, one in three. They feel hatred for the entire population of Syria, because they have come for booty and experience, and nothing else interests them.

To prevent violence, Abu Mohammad al-Julani has ordered military units to leave the cities. Most fighters are likely to obey the order. But it is not certain that all will. Fighters from radical groups within Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, and even more so from the Syrian National Army, may defy the HTS leader’s orders. This is a serious destabilizing factor not only for Syria but for the entire region.

Note that the Americans are probably aware of this and are therefore almost silent. The same goes for the Arab monarchies.

The situation has been aggravated by the fact that the State of Israel intervened in the Syrian crisis, despite the fact that the leaders of HTS and the Syrian ‘interim government’ rejected the idea of a ‘March on Jerusalem’. It was an ideological pillar of many militants. Not the thugs who marched for lucre or the bigots who could only shoot the wounded, but those who were truly motivated by the idea of ‘liberating Jerusalem’.

Clashes between some militant groups and the Israeli army are inevitable.

On 10 December, Israeli battle tanks were seen 20 kilometres from Damascus and Jewish special forces raided groups in the suburbs of Damascus (on the night of 11 December they moved 20 to 40 kilometres from the Syrian capital). Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that he intends to take strategic positions in Syria in order to secure his country’s northern borders.

Could these Israeli actions have any impact on stopping the massacres inside Syria? Obviously not. They will only contribute to them. The Jews do not have the forces and means to occupy Damascus. Neither do the USA, Iran and Russia. But for some reason the Persians and the Russians and the Americans and even the Turks are not trying to conquer new territories in Syria with their troops, but the Jews are.

Any action by external powers to occupy the territory of Syria will contribute to the growing terror inside the country. And then outside.

This is what happens whenever there is a violent change of power. It happened in France in 1793, in Russia in 1917, during the Arab Spring in 2011, many times in Latin America and always in Africa.

Al-Julani promised to find and punish all Syrian Arab Army and Mukhabarat officers involved in torture and war crimes. Such an approach is understandable. But all forces in the region practised it against their ‘enemies’. This means that if you have taken over a country and want to establish a just system and consolidate your power, you have to punish everyone according to the same rules, both your own and those of others.


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it was just a matter of time, islamists always behave like that. if the kurds, alawites, and christian groups, don’t want to be oppressed, they better break away from the syrian caliphate.

Last edited 3 months ago by Phariah
i told you so

too late you filthy you. your filthy islamic hts-nsa-fsa frankensteins are going to get rid of your filthier pkk-ypg kurdish swine and rojava.


hahahahaha .


none are more depraved than a torah zionist jew. the ass of the dirtiest islamic jihadi is cleaner than the mind of the smartest torah zionist


did you go out today or just didn’t take your medication?

zzzzombie talk!

Karl Pomeroy

wake up, braindead fool. start thinking.

Niccolo Machiavelli

as long as the “dirtiest islamic jahadis” are busy killing each other, the “torah zionist jews” can just sit back and watch – and order more popcorn……


muy cierto, desde venezuela estamos atentos a los hechos.


if they kill the kurds and kill the americans and the israeli invaders thats what they should do. not the alawhites christians and sunni syrians.

Karl Pomeroy

i’m afraid the christians are in real trouble.


the century of humiliation of the arab muslim nations continue. weak and divided, killing, torturing one another, all for a few dollars from the west. there is no hope for them. none.


chrislam will hopefully save them .so they say .something like that at any rate .

milos obilic

savagaes….. killem all


they know two words allahu akbar. not a very rich vocabulary


here the ” christians ” have a mantra too ,it goes ; eat s# it and die c%# t .


jajajaja jajajaja el odio los va desaparecer a todos….mientras los intereses económicos en europa eeuu e israel comen y beben en sus grandes banquetes


i think they mean “quest” for recognition, not “guest.”


i wonder what happened to the 4th and 25th divisions of the syrian arab army.


maybe they had holidays due .?who knows they certainly seemed to get a very clear path to victory in damascus didnt they?


stfu, how bout that.


good question.


kurdistan is kaput forever.


the truth is the light of the universe. the light creates day and night sun and moon east and west silver or gold. every sound every word uttered is energy which is immutable and manifests into the universe as light .we are energy it is immutable . ” and there will be no time ” after this world falls away and there is no more night .ever .the end .


ps ” in my end is my beginning ” the motto of mary queen of scot’s . and we shall all live happily ever after .except those in the lake of fire. choices .


btw an interesting little video yesterday exposed how pure light ,laser light causes diamonds and rubies to appear as lumps of black coal but every gem described in revelations that forms the new jerusalem explodes into magnificent spectacles of lavish colours .undescribably beautiful .. in ” the spiral journey of man ” as the bible says .


lol, terrorists are destroying syria and israel is occupying more and more parts of it but the turkoid brain can still only talk about kurds.

White Gandalf

yes, as predicted: the war has just really begun. there will either be a massacre of at least tens of thousands of people, or those people will have to organize a new army in the same footsteps as assad before to protect them from those bloodsheds. however it works out, a long lasting civil war is just starting, and its victims will marginalize those of the assad governance times.


it’s all a nightmare repeated over and over again. century after century .


” make an end ” grand duchess anastasia of russia .

captain hohol

leftists enable it thinking their politics do anything, yet all it does is encourage violence in arabs.


it seems the crisis in syria hasn’t ended after all. a new article has been posted on threatwatchers.org discussing syria’s future from an alternative perspective to america’s or russia’s.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheEel
Karl Pomeroy

who said the crisis was ending. it has just begun. i’ll check out threatwatchers. never head of it.

Karl Pomeroy

no, threatwatchers is on the wrong side of the issue imo. against assad, against russia, for turkey. very bad combination. don’t go there.


blah blah .as if they wanted to stop stalin murdering tens of millions of civilians who knew too much too.its all the same game plan. mercenaries for money .etc names names names. smell the roses.


religion of peace, my a@@


its not the religion. its people without religion


yes, judaism and christianity…both frauds, both war mongers and instigators. were it not for american christians, there would be no israel and no wars.

Niccolo Machiavelli

actually the american christians are not instigators, merely useful idiots. the powers that be ran out of useful idiots in their backyard (europe) so they opened operations in the americas. all roads lead to ….. (you figure it out)

Malcolm Z

its a matter of time that there will be a war between pro turkish hts & sna againts pro nato sdf&fsa…

Sultan of Anatolia

gentlemen, this is a revolution so this kind of behavior is classic. everything everywhere in the world is like this every time. that’s how human beings are.

The Kurd

only classic behavior for turks and their jihadi scum. kurds didn’t act like this ones they took over arab areas, even after what isis did. the shia arabs of iraq and their iranian allies when they took over kurdish or arab sunni areas.

Sultan of Anatolia

i am talking about a revolution at the level of an entire country, a sudden change of regime. you are talking about a conquest of localities. they are very different.

don’t make me believe that you are as white as snow, that you are little angels. i am very well aware of the ethnic cleansing that you were doing in syria. i could talk about the “kampanya”, the torture within the pkk itself. you do horrors to yourselves. it’s crazy

The Kurd

you mean those fabricated videos which even hts claimed to be false? turks and their jihadi scum did the same thing when the took over afrin or other kurdish area. u guys till this day deny the armenian genocide. bunch vile shameless uncivilized disquieting creatures.


not fully true what you state. i remember very well the so-called “driller-boys” numerous shia death squads ethnically cleansening whole sunni arab regions in western iraq. these scum from badr brigades and others -they backstabbed the true iraqi resistance, and slaughtered large amount of sunni population in most brutal way, kidnapping tens of thousands of innocent sunni civilians and killed them via drilling holes into the heads of these alive people, till dead.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

human nature is what it is. it is predictable, repeatative and receaches the highest levels of phycopathy when “god” is invocked. any sensible syrian should leave the country since they now live in hell.

Oreshnik Therapeutic Services

only moron amerikunt believes in “human nature”

Mr. Nobody

where will they go? no one wants them. sorry to say, but assad fucked them all. he left them to die. could have had his brother run the country in his place.


this nation is a disgrace and is not worth saving


fake and gay jihadists….this is the western world view. actually, i prefer to call them fake and gay jewhadis


sick behavior indeed. its sadly what happens when countries fall apart. zionists and western intelligence agencies thrive off sowing hatred. its what gives zionism a reason to exist. you need to think deeply about it. zionism needs anti semitism and jihadism. they go hand in hand.

Last edited 3 months ago by hasbarats

🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Oreshnik Therapeutic Services

taliban sodomy failed senile dima


horrific terrifying inhaman acts carried out by savages. inhuman savages. these terrorists need to be dealt with. this is what the g7 and nato supports and condones over assad. and the west is discussing removing them from the terrorist sanctions list, just laughable. g7 nations and white helmets are no better than this, nato us and isr drop bombs from the sky killing while distancing themselves from the killing horror they are carrying out for their so called democracy.

Last edited 3 months ago by peacenoworiginal

there is no democracy. there is no international law. there is no human rights. there is no values. there is no free markets. there is only savagery and pretenses. the west invested in pretenses more than the rest of the world put together. the pretenses of the past 80 years have collapsed in a matter of years, to expose the savagery that was always there to begin with

Keyboard warrior

where is this finnish b*tch janne something that kept telling us this wouldn’t happen!! well it is!! isis is in their blood those. this weird f*cked transcription of islam should never exist!! so janne. this is your dream country!? then go fu*king and live in it!!


never put your faith in a finn…especially when they trade neutrality with servitude

Niccolo Machiavelli

…like they did in the great patriotic war. they were the first to voluntarily sign up with the moustache man.

The Kurd

suddenly very quiet now. anyone with a one braincell could have predicted this. just to think of, these are just a selection of the many disquieting videos that have popped up.


we all knew this would happen.

captain hohol

and leftists will turn a blind eye because in their minds literally anything is better than an anti-woke leader.

leftists are truly satanic filth of the world.


everyone blaming everyone. in truth many mistakes were made. assad was cornered by other arab countries that bought his military off to not fight. those that didn’t flee will wish they did. russia and iran both failed as well to provide security while israel continuously attacked. assad failed to upgrade training for his military as suggested. israel, u.s. and turkey did their best to destroy assad. hopefully israel will now be engulfed in this violence, along with u.s. and kurds.


and soon the same things will happen in lebanon for the last time and i hope iran brace themselves inside for the coming of their cowardice pezeshkian is a disaster


say hello to syriastan!


tak toto podporujú usa, turecko, izrael. oni boli tí čo chceli zvrhnúť assada. tak, že tieto zverstvá sú aj na ich rukách!!! mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!!


eu, uk, us izrael will have to lift economic sanctions against siria. now there guys are in power. sairian people say this is bether than asad. ok, wish you a good jihad sirians and turks


nobody should ever expect sanctions to be reversed. even if they claim, they are teasing. once you impose sanctions, there is no going back. putting them back on is all too easy. nobody should be fooled by this game. just tell the americans to fuck off. that is all they should do. who needs americans? they are useless. muslims should help fellow muslims.

Last edited 3 months ago by hasbarats
Niccolo Machiavelli

trump still “has the oil”…..

The Kurd

i read that the usa was considering to remove hts from the terror list? what the hell man, if these jihadi scum are not terrorists, then who the hell is?


your “allies” are. sleep in the bed with filthy dogs. you get fleas. you see what i mean by kurds always making dumb decisions. the americans like the duplicitous british snakes and jews, cannot be trusted. ever. ever ever. what do you think of iraqi kurds?

Last edited 3 months ago by hasbarats
The Kurd

your oversimplification is just annoying at this point. so was assad a fool to thrust putin, who made a deal with erdogan which led to all of this or does suddenly that logic not apply anymore? the only thing preventing a genocide against my people are the americans, so yeah we rather keep them as a friend.

Niccolo Machiavelli

“to be an enemy of america can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” — henry kissinger

The Kurd

the kurdish region of iraq is the most stable and prosperous region of whole iraq and an inspiration for all kurds. our wish is to see this for all parts of kurdistan.


that is why i asked you. iraqi kurdistan has good relations with turkey. take a hint from that

The Kurd

u dont see the bigger picture. turkey is against any form of self determination in syria. they were hostile towards kurds in iraq at first as well. calling barzani a tribal leader which they would not talk with. they have about 20 mil kurds within their own borders and fear they will demand the same rights. if kurds in syria get those rights, guess who is next.


the kurds are still pro israel and pro for the zog regime stealing syrian oil and never gave back the land to assad and supporting the americans. they are in it for them selves. i hate all these fake states equaly yes turkey should have been divided as the treaty of sevres. what i want to see is every muslim stated united to wipe the juus from the fsce of the earth and anyone who dousnt commit to this is the enemy and a trader


our greatest enemy to man kind is the jews its always the jews they are the serpent seed they are responsible for each and every war in history they are behind communism and capitalism each and every genoslide they deceive they lie they cheat they kill. they are behind every self destructive agenda in the west and pornography and sexual slavery. its time to destroy them for once and for all and save mankind from the satanic scourge that is judaism

Last edited 3 months ago by Adolf
The Kurd

man stfu with your antisemitic bullshit. the jews never did my people any injustice. if u have problems with them then go fight and leave us kurds out of it please.


kurd: you are very not knowning i guess, but don t worry. i am not here to accuse or call you names. maybe you really dont know what up with jews and why god-fearing and upright every nation and people on earth are in danger and their enemy.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

maybe just watch this short video where jews themselves tell what they are and what they do and plan for you and me. vid 1: http://surl.li/feqwvs and here even more, one of their most prominent and international famous rabbis telling its students about what to do and how to conquer earth and enslave and kill all none-jews, see vid 2 : http://alturl.com/aydh7

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

you speak the truth brother


and thats the problem your a shabbks goy trader you help israel in its genoslide against the palestinians against the syrian people against the lebanese people you kurds are traders because of you turkey took over syria. you should have defended syria along side with assad against all its foreign enemies.


yet you kurds let the american in and gave the oilfields to them and allowed them to bomb the syrian army you are backstabbers i hope that at the very least the turks will erase your fake state from the map so syria can be a unified state within its borders. alot has to be done to rebuild it both intellectually and militairily so it can properly defend its self against zionist aggression


the jews have aided trained armed and supplied your fake state because they want to use you to protect their flank they want a shabbosgoy kurdistan on the euphrates that gives israel free reign to ethnically cleanse all of syria west of the euphrates and annex it for their greater israel. you kurds are thus traders and i hope the turks will erase your fake entity from the map its a cancer on syrian soil


gaddafi army is much better than syrians rebels

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