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Syria To Confront Israeli Attacks Ignoring Tel Aviv’s Attempts To Justify Them – Syrian Envoy To Russia

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Syria To Confront Israeli Attacks Ignoring Tel Aviv's Attempts To Justify Them - Syrian Envoy To Russia

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Syria will confront any Israeli attacks on Syria despite Tel Aviv’s attempts to justify its actions, Syria’s Ambassador to Russia Riad Haddad saidi on May 20.

“Syria has its own sovereignty. Any outside aggression against the Syrian territory is an aggression,” Haddad told reporters. “Our forces, including the air defense, protect the Syrian sky and land. We will repel any aggression against Syria, regardless where it will take place.”

The remarks were made in a link to the May 10 incident during which Israel carried out a massive strike on Syria.

Then, both Syria and Russia said the Syrian military had intercepted more than half of the Israeli missiles. However, the Israeli military was able to deliver a notable damage to Syrian and Iranian forces across the country. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman even claimed that almost entire Iranian infrastructure in Syria had been destroyed. However, according to experts, this is an exaggeration.

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SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

There is a troubling Zionist undercurrent here on SF.


لا تلومهم فاحيانا تشتاق نفوسهم الى العز فيسمعون اناشيد الدوله ثم يغلب عليهم الكبر مثل ابو جهل كان يسمع القران باليل ويبكي ثم يصبح فيسب رسول الله


Howdy Hasbara Boy…. You are Losing and soon be Swimming in the Mediterranean…


tell world genocide muslim of sunni of islamic state please and save and sisters people lived in mosul slaughtered people lived in raqqa slaughtered ❤ https://youtu.be/uSOg-q9Tn5E

Concrete Mike

That’s what you get for prostituting yourself to the zionists…now you all die


My cousin Mujahid before his martyrdom and lost ?? https://youtu.be/gd_LXndeeME?t=3m28s

Mauro Craizer

Many ppl love to smell Idlibstan infighting in the morning.


Remember that he is not dead, he is a hero now and he will enjoy beautiful life in the paradise. “O Allah’s Apostle! Who is the best among the people? Allah’s Apostle replied: A believer who strives his utmost in Allah’s Cause with his life and property.”

And remember: The best Jihad for women is Hajj-Mabrur (i.e. Hajj which is done according to the Prophet’s tradition and is accepted by Allah).


A moron. Good riddance.


Killing innocents is martyred..? not to mention of killing brothers in Islam due to the fact of fake ideology uphold (wahbabism) .! Maybe you should dig back his grave and see whether did his body still retained the same like those martyred ulama that you rat digged up his grave few years back in Syria..!


Yeah I’m busy telling the World that your U.S. & Wahhabistan, State sponsored Israeli-Secret-Intel-Service-Headchopper-Mercenaries are being Slaughtered by the SAA & Friends… and more and more People starting to doubt the Official MSM Narratives… Great isn’t it? May the Bones of your Friends Bleach in the Desert in Peace…and the Vultures Filled Tummies


hehehe hahaha.. love that vultures part.. hehehe


2015 ? https://youtu.be/30oHtG9j75s


The criminals, rapists, torturers, killers, moron, insects, and liver-eaters have arrived to dole out misery, pain, and savagery.


Only thing that matters is that they follow their religion and that they help the poor and opressed sunni muslims to regain their rights and diginity back. Rest is evil propaganda to demonise them and to justify foregin invasion. https://youtu.be/wx2RPDGiW5g?t=1m21s


Up yours Daesh-Bitch… Sunni & Shia Operate United…. your biggest Talmudic Takfiri Wahhabi Nightmare just became reality… the Satanic Wahhabism Ideology is Doomed. Go Pray to your Black Box that Houses Lucifer…


Lol.. I just screwed him on the other comment section.. This retard of captagon will come up with whatever satanic fatwas of his wahbabism cult.. hehehe

You can call me Al

Are you having an epileptic fit, or just doodling ?


I ran it through Google translate. This is what came back :

” I mostly speak gibberish , for I am an idiot. Thank you for your attention. “

You can call me Al

LOL, very good, but the trouble is, I could believe it.


Yeah they don’t like what we say I guess…. why would that be?


No, Steven. SF is only government-close news site. They reapaet wat tells the russian government. When ruskies went in syria, they were propagators of war, fight. i remember such articles loke “from three directions will be attacked idlib” and dozens of similar ones. now? you can read about smart weightless politics of russia in syria. i read the analysis of our intelligence service about SF. you would be surprized, which people are REALLY behind this project. at least one with active FSB connection. Some names you read are false. I know the real names with adresses.

and if we would analyze some commenters, we could be also surprized. for example tudor miron. either is useful fool, or paid disinformator. he has the tipical language of trained russian propaganda widespreaders. put his comments in taxt analyzer program and compare with speeches of putin, lavrov, or the speaker of russian government. the same vocabulary, same structure of texts.

sf lies an all articles which are not about syria. maybe also there, but sure in less amount.

so, now putin is friend of IL, therefore SF will propagate wise cooperation and acceptation of IL´s security in damascus.

John Whitehot

your lucidity is dwindling. cryptozionists and jewnazis are on their way out.


whitehot, lick my ass! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Replace ass with pussy. That would be appropriate, yet intensely disgusting.

John Whitehot



also my dogs ass! :DDDDDDDDD

John Whitehot

i won’t reply to your delusions anymore. it’s clear to me that you are a victim of sexual abuse and i don’t want to pejorate your already precarious mental balance.


I’m shocked to hear you speak about your mother that way – your fixation with anal liking is psychological gold.


he must be a jew.. hehehe as they love licking asses.. hahaha

Empire's Frontiers

The industrialists who have arranged the just-in-time production and delivery systems that keep their hundreds of millions of human machines alive have never had a tighter grip on this planet.

Wake up.

Ishyrion Av

Well, I put your words in a Israeli text analyzer and it came out a speech of netanyahu in reverse order. I was so surprised so I started to read the analysis of your intelligent service and it came out it was a power point with a picture with a bomb and a red line and something about Iraq and Iran… I couldn’t understand very well (because of their intelligence) but it was so frightful so I stopped and came to tell you. Shalom!




Hahahahahaha Fuck the Mossad….it is us Against You Boys….. And WE ARE WITH MANY…. and we are Winning…Hahahahaha


What kinda shit he’s talking about..? well.. I’m one of the fsb.. hehehe.. what’s my address then.. kihkah.. I’m sure fsb is watching him too.. hehehe.. next thing he’ll say that SF is funded by soros affiliates.. hehehe hahaha.. which in true.. lol.. hehehe


Snakeface is always speaking with Crooked Tongue… I have nothing to hide… and I bet we will not Bow to Evil Emperors my Brother…. You cover my Back… I’ll cover Yours… we prefer to go down with Honour if Necessary…that’s a lot better then living your life as a Cockroach selling your Soul for a couple of $hekels…may peace be with you…


Sure brother..! Hasbiallah A’laik


” I know the real names with addresses”.

Can you spell them correctly!! Googlemap would struggle to make sense of any written directions you provide.

“if we would analyze some commenters, we could be also surprized. put his comments in taxt”.

You don’t make any sense, with your attempts to sound informed, just stoopid.

You can call me Al

Cool, I have often wondered since I was 50, Who TF I am, you maybe able to help me out.


Erikson’s psychosocial stage model might help. Age 40-65, Generativity vs Stagnation.

You can call me Al

OH… I just wish you hadn’t ever written that.


grammarnazi, lick my ass!


Your delusional and grandiose statements suggests your whole face is immersed in that area of your body.


Craptor always with the scatological references.

Hide Behind

Only the unwary and the stupid get to naming names , The internet no matter where, outside China and Russia, are all under US and Israel monitoring. In US we have secret listings, no fly, possible terrorist list, and just plain dangerous to American corrupt political system bull crap. From some innocent grade school or chat box or you tube text or statement, years later in job interviews for any gov job is an automatic denial of employ, scholarship funds especially if anti Israel and Pro- Palestinian or Humanitarian pacafict are automatic denial. You can be dumb as a rock, or become educated to pitfalls of net.


Yes, Noam Chomsky has written extensively on the topic of the real purpose of tertiary education. Also, my generation is the one that read 1984 (George Orwell) while witnessing the technological advances that facilitate the room 101 terror it brings.

“There’s a man goin’ ’round takin’ names And he decides who to free and who to blame Everybody won’t be treated all the same” – Johnny Cash

Hide Behind

Very good look into background of this site,(ownership and dsigns)! Well said! In today’s world of internet where governments monitor and disseminate more disinfo than real info, allegiance soley to any singular site and rely upon just its info is a walk in a very dark and unknown pathway. Reverse psychology used to spot future “dangerous” to their backers cause is very commonplace. Hopefully your analysis will open some minds as to reality of world we “survive” within.

Empire's Frontiers

It has seemed apparent for quite awhile that SouthFront is a Russian operation.

Not simply from the .ru email addresses that would appear on videos, but the general message, contemptuous writing, and links with other subversive media outlets that seem to display the same bias.

However, that doesn’t really matter. Whether it’s the Russian capitalists, or their western cousins, they’re all the bad guys and you’re not in the league of villainy, slave.

Now get back to work, your propaganda-absorption break is over.

You can call me Al

Where the hell, do you get that from. Please, just a hint.

Ron Rushburg

Brain dead Zionsit stooge. What a twat posting a photo in uniform and with your rank, etc. Do you think that impresses anyone here? Fuck off and commit suicide with all the other PTSD losers!


Why does it trouble you, Steven? Has it not occurred to you that the whole reason for the war in Syria is that Israel allied with Saudi Arabia to take out the Syrian government. Originally, when the US forces went into Iraq, they expected an easy victory followed up by an easy victory in Syria, then Lebanon, then Iran. Having achieved that, the Sunni Muslim Extremists could be turned on Russia and China. Israel wants the water resources of Southern Lebanon, but Hezbollah has been able to keep them at bay, and the IDF is still smarting about those defeats.

Is there anything good about Zionism? Why should we give any support to Zionists? Can you, without reference to the Bible, give any good reason why the area that the Romans called “Palestine” should be ruled by European Jews rather than the native population of Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and the small number of Jews who have lived in Palestine for centuries?


No worries Merijn my brother’s watching them very close.. he has all the data base for our disposal..

Expo Marker

Israel has become more provocative after receiving a guarantee of unlimited US support by Donald Trump.

Syria needs to teach Israel that it is not invisible, and will receive a bloody nose if it thinks so.


Fact is Israel want to show they are still a force to be reckoned with in ME… by using air power now largely negated by air defence .

What else can Israel or US fight with ? Tell us.

Hundreds of cruise missile hardly did any damage for prepared army …

You can call me Al

Their noses !!!?.


AND, any enemy of Israel only need to take out 3 sites: Tel Aviv, Haifa, Dimona to destroy Israel economically and defeat them militarily. and Iranian conventional missile barrages can accomplish that in a matter of days. Even HAMAS closed down Ben Gurion international airport for 3 days – and that is an enemy with its hands tied behind its back.Their army are a bunch of baby killers and can never stand up to Hizbollah even, never mind combined Hezb + Iran +Syria. Israel KNOWS only ONE thing, its a matter of WHEN, not IF they are destroyed completely.


that’s the reason they’ve been buying up land in Patagonia, to the utter dismay of the Argentinians who hate these terrorists with a vengeance. the whole world actually hates israel by now


They are looking for a place to Find their Refuge….the Evildoers should be chased and persecuted Worldwide… these Psychopathic Massmurderers should find No Peace anywhere… Convict them for their Crimes & Seize their assets


always this zionist bs. say it as it is.JEW.One cannot be a zionist without being a jew. Talmud: ALL NON JEWISH MEN ARE GOJIM ALL NON JEWISH WOMEN ARE WHORES

Thomas Wolsey

Tell that for the evangelical christians.


Comment of the year!

You can call me Al

mmmm that is only one half of the argument, the other is “not all Jews do not agree with Zionism”.







>>>>>>> and so on and so on.

I am NOT an anti-Semite.

I AM an anti-Zionist / Zionist government killers.


The Zionists are atheists. They don’t believe in God. Israel is an atheist terrorist state. They don’t have humanity. They have murdered Jews in Germany called it holocaust. They went to America and murdered Americans. They murdered Jews in Soviet Union and called it Holodomor. They invaded Japan and murdered Japanis. They invaded Vietnam and murdered Vietnamis there.

Zionists are a big security threat to the whole world humanity.

John Eldorado

just look at those foreskin eating pedophile clowns


This Sounds Like an Upcoming War with IsraHell…Create a Ring of Fire around Syria… Shoot Every IsraHelli Mosquito from them Skies… the Time will Come when a Devastating Blow to IsraHell will be SEEN as Completely Justified by the Entire World…First Mo’ Muscles…

Thomas Wolsey

I hope you are right. However Iran and Syria has no power enough to defeat Israel and US. Russia and Turkey just bark and not bite.


There shouldn’t be any Biting…. When you Bite you should rip out the Laryngeal Prominence of your Opponent in one Bite…


Maybe you can tell us how US/Israel is able to defeat Syria with Iran as backer ..

Try if you can …


If uncle Sam can’t do shit to Iran.. what can you expect of uncle sholomo..! They just barks and barks all the way..!

You can call me Al

Only need a few decent size missiles to hit though ?.


Just send thousands of missiles straight to Haifa, Hellhaviv & Dimona as Dimona will do the rest of the job in a blink of the eyes.. and i guaranteed the world will be at peace..

You can call me Al

Hand shook on agreement……

Can I have a few war ships as well.. please, pretty please LOL

Ron Rushburg

A co-ordinated, unexpected and massive missile, shock ground troops, and fighter plane attack from Hizbollah, Iran, Syria, and all their related militias could wipe out Jevvish military before the US could help. First they need to negate Jevvish military intel (which is very good BTW).


Merijn is 100% right.


“””However, the Israeli military was able to deliver a notable damage to Syrian and Iranian forces across the country. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman even claimed that almost entire Iranian infrastructure in Syria had been destroyed. However, according to experts, this is an exaggeration.”””

“notable damage” consisted of a few buildings destroyed (from released pictures) from 100 fired missiles. Sounds similar to the BS narrative from FUKUS when they fired 103 missiles and all they hadn’t to show for were a few bestroyed empty buildings.


Assad can talk but chicken to use those Ballistic missiles.


Jews used surface to surface missiles to attack Syrian positions, why can’t Syria use Tochkas to attack Golan Heights or northern Israel?


Israeli terrorist state is not invisible or stealthy. It is there and can be targeted anytime to dismantle it for the peace and security of the region.


Russia has let Syria down, to put it mildly. After promising in 2011 to deliver S300 systems, Russia recently did an about-face and said it will not be delivering those systems anymore.

Is Putin scared of Netanyahu and Trump after all that bluster during his State of the Nation speech on 1st March? I am starting to believe he is, particularly since he is remaining on the sidelines even though Russia wants to be the go-to party in the conflict.

Brad Isherwood

More like ….Go to the Party (Syria torn apart after Libya)


Putin gets bases and an Arena to test MIC weapons. Putin/Netanyahu open Bromance. …what’s with that? Now Shia Crescent is blocked. ..gee…..how’d that happen ? : ) Jews can dance….but they will Not**!….be getting Greater Israhell

Syria Partitioned. …Colonial Sykes Picot agreement …return to take back what was. Lafarge and Macron will get ahead of China on concrete and reconstruction. France even gets back it’s French Connection Opium racket which CIA and Turk Gulen organization had run with Afghanistan decades prior.

Putin has to look like a justified hero to some degree to please public which consents to Russian bases in Syria. So….Putin only fights certain ISUS/Takfiri….and not the Real masters of ISUS, ..that being US,Israhell and Saudi Arabia.

Iran’s next….anything goes.


If Putin & China Are in the Plot to take Down Iran and Install the New World Order in that Fashion… because there still is this Story about China becoming the New Empire running around inside my head…If it will be Treason, the time has arrived for Humanity to Unleash a Worldwide Revolution… No More… No Less…let’s See What the Facts will show us…. and perhaps Humanity likes to be Controled, Chipped like Cattle…& Ruled by One Great Emperor…and become braindead Zombies…

Hide Behind

What massive strike by Israel? It was a limited tactical strike with stated, and accomplished , objectives; One that for all the Syrian bull crap they could not readily respond to. If anything it was more a warning of what Israel can do to Iranians and Syrians whenever they want. Syria has nothing at all to fight against Israel, he’ll Israel has slaughtered both Iranians and Syrians for last couple years and all Syria , and Russia for that matter, does is talk out their asses anout, well maybe, someday, we will stop crying and go tattle on Israel to UN. Syrians elites will not commit suicide by overly responding, for they know Israel could wipe Damascus, what’s left of it today, off face of earth forever.


It doesn’t look like the Syrians are afraid of bombastic threats from Zionist shills like you. The evil Jew blood sucking baby raping cultists are watching their Yinon plan proxy regime change terrorists being destroyed every day by a nuclear and conventional superior military alliance that’s entrenching itself on their northern border. And that just hammered 10 IDF military positions in the occupied Golan with multiple rocket launchers and guided missiles.


Israel also knows that Iran could wipe out Tel Aviv + Haifa and Dimona in a single barrage of missiles and there’s NOTHING Israel can do – WHY do you think Bibi is getting so excited and for the 1st time in Israeli history, the US has a base in Israel – ‘cos NuttyYahoo’s fearing the next phase – The retaking of the Golan.


Predictable diplomatic rhetoric. I see why Putin phrased his statement about ‘foreign troops,’ it was his way of saying that an increased Russian presence is out of the question.


Syrian airspace has been closed to the IDF who now stay out of it and launch their attacks from outside of it. And are having to deal with retaliatory strikes on IDF positions in illegal Jew occupied territory.


There are those who say that only a UN Chapter 7 Resolution can be used to authorise military force for it’s implementation. That isn’t the way that I read the UN Charter and ICJ case law. Yes a Chapter 7 Resolution clearly contains provisions for implementation by military force. But that doesn’t mean that a Chapter 6 Resolution can’t also be used to authorize implementation by military force absent a Chapter 7 Resolution. I think that clearly it can be in the instance of clearing the IDF out of the occupied territories, and securing the occupied territories, if regional parties decide to do that using 2334 and other applicable resolutions:

“Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali related that during a press conference his remarks about a “non-binding” resolution started a dispute. His assistant released a hasty clarification, which only made the situation worse. It said that the Secretary had only meant to say that Chapter VI contains no means of ensuring compliance and that resolutions adopted under its terms are not enforceable. When the Secretary finally submitted the question to the UN Legal Advisor, the response was a long memo the bottom line of which read, in capital letters: “NO SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION CAN BE DESCRIBED AS UNENFORCEABLE.” The Secretary said, “I got the message.””

– Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter –


Mauro Craizer

So, Mossad proxy leaving Yarmoulk, oy, vey! Gojim knows!

Joe Dirt

Who gives a shit how many missiles you “intercept”, objective destroyed means mission accomplished.


They’re not helping your Yinon plan regime change terrorists who’d rather take bus bus rides than die for Israel.

Joe Dirt

Can you confirm…the minds of people? How do you know these soldiers wont get recycled?

Promitheas Apollonious

they will get recycled, to dog and cat food, mixed with khazar blood in the cat food variety.


The only place left is the pocket west of Dier Ezzor, after that it’s to the border areas and then over the borders. If they can get out. If not, it’s off to prison.

Joe Dirt

I can’t wait to see what the SAA has planned for East of the Euphrates…where 100k Kurds are rested and waiting…


90% of that area has non Kurdish majorities. So there are a lot more Arabs than there are Kurds. Most of whom probably don’t want anything to do with being part of a Kurdish secession state.



Is this what you do for a living?

John Brown

when more then half of Israels missiles don’t reach the target the objective is not achieved, unless its a nuclear missile strike.

Joe Dirt

Are you naive or just not reading the article? You can tell this is Russki propaganda due to the poor English.

“Then, both Syria and Russia said the Syrian military had intercepted more than half of the Israeli missiles. However, the Israeli military was able to deliver a notable damage to Syrian and Iranian forces across the country.”

John Brown

Israel was not able to inflict any significant damage proven by the fact that Syrian army advances against Israel’s puppet allies ISIS and Al Qaeda did not slow at all after Israels failed strikes. If Israel had been successful as Israel claimed such offences would have had to be halted. Any one with any functioning brain can figure that one out except you. You sound like Gerbels when he said the Germans were winning the battle of Britain. The proof was the Germans having to call off the battle of Britain and their invasion as well.


I am still not buying the damage claims by Israel. They showed a few photos with light to moderate damage, nothing overwhelming. One, I could not see any on the before and after photos. Since then, almost 2 weeks ago, not a peep from them. The IDF is in the same boat as the US military, it is rotten from within. Sooner or later it will all come out. My 2 cents on this. I wish well to all.


The brave Hasbara warriors fight the only way they know how, with a keyboard a coffee and a bagel. But back in the real world Syria has defeated the US/Israel/UK/France/Saudi Arabia invasion of Syria. They waffle on endlessly about how an Israeli sneak attack destroyed a derelict car in the back streets of Damascus because that’s all they have, the supposedly inferior Arabs beat the master race, where it counts, on the battlefield.


Really curious about how many have left Israel since they officially lost at least one plane. Now the missiles hitting the Golan Heights. I am betting their courage is reflected by one way tickets. OUT.

Their young people are talented at killing starved kids, battle hardened, pissed off Syrians, not so much.

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