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MARCH 2025

Syria Will Consider Raqqa City “Occupied” Until Army Enters It

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Syria Will Consider Raqqa City "Occupied" Until Army Enters It

On Sunday, an official of the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that Raqqa city is still occupied.

The Syrian official added that the US-led coalition claims of liberating Raqqa city from ISIS are “mere lies aiming to divert international public opinion from the crimes they committed in Raqqa province”.

“More than 90% of Raqqa city has been leveled due to the deliberate and barbaric bombardment of the city and the towns near it by the [US] alliance, which also destroyed all services and infrastructures and forced tens of thousands of locals to leave the city and become refugees,” the official told SANA.

The official added that  Syrian citizens who were forced to leave Raqqa city are now living on the roads and in camps due to the practices of “the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces [SDF]”.

Moreover, the source accused the US-backed SDF of stealing the humanitarian aid meant to save the lives of Raqqa locals, and even of confiscating the IDs and documents of the locals. Previously, Syrian opposition source confirmed that the SDF is holding refugees from Raqqa and Deir Ezzor governorates inside camps against their will.

“The quick calls by the US and the alliance for rebuilding Raqqa is an act of scam and fraud on the public opinion seeking to cover up the destruction they caused in Raqqa,” the official added.

The official went on and stressed that the Syrian government will continue considering Raqqa an occupied city until the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) enters it.

The official also accused the US-led coalition and the SDF of allowing ISIS to withdraw from the city to fight the Iraqi Army and the SAA in other areas.

This was the first time Syria releases a clear statement against the US-backed SDF and its activates. This proves that the Syrian government views the SDF as a threat now. Back on September 26, Syria Foreign Affairs Minister Walid Muallem said that negotiation with the SDF is possible.

Back then, Syrian pro-government sources worried that the SDF might understand the Syrian Foreign Minister statement as a sign of weakness. This worries were confirmed when the SDF went on and captured the strategic Omar and al-Tanak oil fields in Deir Ezzor governorate.

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Pave Way IV

Bad call. Syrian government should still consider Raqqa ‘occupied’ until every single Saudi-Wahhabi or Wahhabi-influenced cleric has left the city permanently. The local Sunnis shouldn’t object – the Wahhabi Death Cult doesn’t belong there. It’s a freakish al Saud control tool used by the Saudi state, not a legitimate form of Islam. The SDF ‘deal’ with the old warlords of Raqqa was that they could re-establish Sharia and a Wahhabi apartheid city under the SDF, as long as they didn’t kill Kurds.

John Whitehot

what’s the difference with what the Syrians stated? The SAA entering the city of course coincides with wahabists leaving it, on their feet or inside boxes.


Finally ,Assad is standing up against the REAL ENEMY but more talk will not rid the Middle East of Psychopathic U.S,, proxy for ISRAEL .

I look forward to INTELLIGENT ACTION, next.


A Jew world order government in north Syria would be very bad for Syria, the region and humanity:



Kurdish majority areas in Syria:



The Jews have pulled these grab takeovers before:


John Panelli

Worse than apartheid South Africa, but the zionazi media back then managed to manipulate us and get everyone out on the streets in protest. Where are the mass protests against Israeli apartheid? The intellectually raped public lacks even a fundamental ability to compare the two crimes . .


Yes, much of the US public is brain washed and mind controlled by the Jew msm. The evil Jew cult should be outlawed.

Tarciso Ribeiro



He sucked up to the Jews to get elected and then turned on them. Which is why they’re trying to get him out of office. They opposed him from the beginning and they hate America First and are trying to destroy it to keep Israel first as America’s primary policy. Americans are increasingly coming to view Israel and Jews as enemies, as they should.

Daniel Castro

Trump got the hardest mission on earth, it is still not certain if he is going to succeed, the good side is the zionist empire is doomed one way or another, there is no way they will keep their supremacy in the world at this point.


The Syrian government coalition plus China are a formidable alternative. With 83% of the planet’s Jew population in the US and Israel. Which rises to about 95% when you add France, Canada and the UK. Israel and the NATO UNSC P3 have been a big problem for a long time. Jews, Zionism and Israel are justifiably becoming increasingly unpopular in the US. The Jew MSM’s non stop assault on the current US administration really turns a lot of people off here.

Jens Holm

Jews are not jews like that at all.


“Yes, goyim, Trump is not controlled by us”


His own son in law is a kike


Who controls who? The Jews lost the presidential election. Hillary had overwhelming Jew money and lying media support.


Both candidates result in the same outcome in the end. The only difference is one wanted to close the border as probably has more economic skills seeing how jobs have been reportedly increasing a lot.

Other than that it’s the same old bullshit, kike-controlled marionettes


No, both candidates are not the same. Trump is America first, Hillary was Israel first. Those are two completely different outcomes with different results. The Jews are trying to get Trump out of office. That wouldn’t have happened with Clinton.


Dude, the whole impeach Trump narrative is just a smokescreen.

Remember how he said he would get out of the middle east? Well, he didn’t, and nobody’s calling him out on it because of the impeachment narrative.


“the whole impeach Trump narrative is just a smokescreen”

Do you have anything credible beyond your own statements to support your contention?

You do realize that witch hunter Mueller is inditing former Trump campaign personnel don’t you?


Wrong, jews were at both sides, as always.


Their evil cult that pedophile rapes 1,000 cult babies every week should be outlawed and Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine.

Jens Holm

There are about equal amount jews at both sides.


Their evil cult pedophile rapes 1,000 cult babies every week. It should be outlawed.

Jens Holm

I can fo old jokes too, but mainly never do.

Fx arabs never wash and therefore stink more then our most dirty pigs or arabs only use watches as ignitors for bombs.


How did Trump turn against them,

He is “married ” to them in his Businesses, Family and Government.


He restarted the peace process, told them to stop building settlements, didn’t move the embassy, signed off on the Iran deal twice, opposed Russian sanctions, is trying to improve relations with Russia, is letting the Russians walk all over the terrorists in Syria, said Assad can stay, and the list goes on. They’re opposed to America First, which is fundamentally anti Israel first and anti Jew world order. It’s what he got elected on and is trying to implement.


We obviously see things differently. I see nothing substantial by him only OBFUSCATING with DISTRACTIONS :He destroyed RAQQAH and gave a “Buffer” zone for Israel’s sake in Syria against Iran -THOSE are SUBSTANTIAL ACTIONS, not fluff and stuff

I am from the “OLD” school Richard. I judge people by their ACTIONS not their WORDS

His ACTIONS tell me he is just another “USEFUL IDIOT” President, for ZIONISM and Israel

So I guess we can disagree

Frank Behrens

sure, and here´s gfrom Germany ..since 1933…guess you will love it:



Frank Behrens

yeah, and the beauty of it…there is NOTHING you can do about it..or, ever will…that is..more than writing hiding cowardly behind the anonymity the www offers you.


You’re the Jew pedophile rape cult supporter not me. Their evil cult that pedophile rapes 1,000 cult babies every week should be outlawed and Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine.

Frank Behrens

hey , look there, we found one of those bots (have to improve your algos…double-posts toooo early )


What you’ve found is the truth. You obviously don’t like it:


Frank Behrens


Daniel Rich

Hey Frank,

Here’s something to jerk off to…


Frank Behrens

don´t now…you jerk off when seeing a tank, an ambulance and a little girl? Well, who I am I to judge someone´s sexual fantasys …


Here’s from English. They pedophile rape 1,000 Jew cult babies every week, take their virginity, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage and murder them:


Frank Behrens

the truth is I wonder wether you are just a lonely hungry troll (paid or not) in his teens..or indeed mentaly ill….or somethign in between. And damn, Streicher did the job way better back then, amateur (posting memes…seesshh, yaaaawn..at least come up with something you did yourself, something new).


You’re the Jew pedophile rape cult supporter not me. Their evil cult that pedophile rapes 1,000 cult babies every week should be outlawed and Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine.


Imprisoned for Crime against Humanity MUST be the least they should receive

Michael Qiao

Apartheid wasn’t really that bad. It kept people from going poor or too rich.


Why don’t you ask to South African (black) people ? to have a better acknowledge about what Aparthied is ?

Jan Op de rand

@Gustavo: Apartheid is what made South Africa a first world country, now it’s a massive aids-ridden dump, an economic disaster, ready to implode due to political unrest and mass migration – thanks to Mandela and ANC policies. Mandela thought about wiping out the Boers but decided against it knowing fully well his country would go the same way as Zimbabwe, so he embarked upon a new strategy – and now our liberal anti-white media hail him as a hero while ignoring the mountain of dead Boers his country is sitting upon, it’s perverse. In contrast, the Boers kept everyone fed and were improving the lives of blacks as well, yet nowadays 100.000s of Boers don’t have access to welfare nor healthcare and live in slums. Furthermore, during Apartheid less than 1500 lives were lost (Boers, blacks, govt. personnel, terrorists, everyone), while in post-Apartheid South-Africa Boers are genocided – 90.000 Boers were murdered since the end of Apartheid. Yes, apartheid was infinitely better than the rainbow nation, which is a lie and will always remain a lie since diversity doesn’t work. I bet you didn’t know all that, did you?


Governments need to be judged by how good of a job that they do. Not by the political system that they use.


So correct

Jens Holm

By thats Turkish propaganda map the Kurds can be 49% in the rest of the country. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b9b4cc1c9011a52e2bbfe3f2dfaa456b6dc2bebb1f2ff30ea4671772735f9e3.png

This maps is old, but its much more like this. You have to add many kurds, arabs and others has moved to town as well as estimated Turkmens todayhas fallen est. from 1,2 mio to est. 0,7 mio. Many turkmen has emmigrated and urnanized Turkey as well as many now are real Syrians in all matters and no more “Turkish”.


You haven’t disproven that it’s true.

Jens Holm

That kind of map and thinking has been used systematicly for telling Kurds had nothing to do between Eufrat and Afrain and they had nothing to do around Al Bab.

Qabasin town there had almost 11.000 kurds and the rural districts and north of of Al Bab has very big minorites – even low populated – kurdish villages.

Other old maps say exact same thing. Maps has been for the same thing. Manbij is the same.

You take(took) Manbij Town and told there was bo kurds. That was almost true. But thats only the town. Inhabitants in the rual districts has to be counted too. So If You take them too, there are/were 20% kurds in the dry farmland. So in parts of the rural districts they are a big minority.

Turkmen are same thing. How can some of them demand the area back, when the Turkmens have left the country and sold big parts of the lilla part to kurds.

Thats exact the fanatic part of the Jews in Israel use as arguments. Those are almost all ancient relatives of Jews, which sold their proporty to locals, because the grass was greener i North Africa, Spain, Italy and out there.


Anyone who doubts Jew infestation and monopolization of control positions in Jewmerica to the detriment of the US and humanity should click on and magnify this hi res graphic and read what it has to say:


John Panelli

Exposure is our best weapon. Public apathy and an intellectually raped population are our biggest obstacles . .


The internet has been a game changer in freeing a US population force fed a diet of Jew lies from cradle to grave. Back when the Jew cultists had a msm monopoly with very little in the way of alternative media. American’s view of the world and domestic events was severely retarded by a lack of truth about Jew crime and evil.

John Panelli

Unbelievable what we will eat when they force-feed us though. The “lampshades and soap bars” that the holohaux victims were made into must keep the zionazis awake at night with ridicule and laughter. The only lampshades in the camps were the ones the Nazis gave them to read by and the only bars of soap were the ones that they gave them to clean themselves with . .


I’ve started looking into holocaust revisionism and have reached the conclusion that that’s what happened. Much of the Jew version is fiction. And you hear almost nothing about the Jew run holocaust in eastern Europe and Russia. But every year we still get a new Jew movie about what they say happened to them. Earth would be a better place without Jews. Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine and Judaism should be outlawed globally for all of the crime and evil that they’ve done and continue to do.

Tarciso Ribeiro

was he (Hitler )right…


He was a mixed bag, some right and some wrong.

Daniel Castro

Hitler suffered from the same issue of all intelectuals with iluminist ideals, excessive rationality and very little respect for tradition, he, as many since the french revolution, thought he would reshape the world according to his ideas, completely disregarding human suffering along the way, that is the recipe for tragedy.


Germany was a cesspool of Jew depravity and decay. He turned it around and made mistakes in the process.

Daniel Castro

You have very careful when dealing with the lives of innocent people, some mistakes cannot be fixed.


Yes, I agree. Especially with nuclear and other omnicide weapons.

John Panelli

What about the Zionists that destroyed the lives of innocent Germans? What the Zionist global elite did to Germany post WW1 should have been condemned by every nation on earth. It was one of the worst oppressions against a nation state ever perpetrated, resulting hundreds of thousands of deaths, suicides, broken families and millions living on the borderline of poverty and starvation. . .

Daniel Castro

You can’t correct a mistake with another mistake.

We must always fight the righteous way, Russia right now is playing it right, widespread bombing completely diregarding civilians is just plain wrong.

John Panelli


Michael Qiao

did you see the video I’ve requested to you?


I don’t have six hours right now to watch the full version. I watched the first 30 minutes of it. What I saw was well done. Thank you for that.

Michael Qiao

cool. When you’re done with the documentary, I would like to recommend you the sequel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bddH5vA9kCU&list=PLAumT9m96cNkYe7y-NZt0L1T7_wWbJLgL


I’ll budget some time to go over the material that you’re suggesting in more detail. I watched the first 15 minute section.

Michael Qiao

the first part of this? But what about the other documentary?


I watched about 30 minutes of it.

Michael Qiao

I know

Daniel Castro

Not yet, 6 hours of documentary, I will take my time.

But I can say that about him without fear, it was something of the time, a lot of intelectuals back then suffered from this excessive beilieve on rationality.

Michael Qiao

intellectuals like communists? Those guys can go to hell. Speaking of communists, when you’re done watching, I would like you to see the sister documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bddH5vA9kCU&list=PLAumT9m96cNkYe7y-NZt0L1T7_wWbJLgL

Daniel Castro

Ok, good suggestions, I love documentaries, perhaps I will watch them with my girlfriend to see if she gets shocked… lol

I already managed to convince her that our political left ultimate agenda is to destroy our cultural foundations, but she gets a long road ahead…

Michael Qiao

right, watch the first one that I’ve sent you first, this one should not be as a shocker to you, however it will be for your girlfriend, the rabbit hole goes deep.

Jonathan Cohen


Real Anti-Racist Action

Please at east watch ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ Please please. I accept any harsh judgments against what happened in central Europe, if they at least have seen the other side of the story. After The Greatest Story Never Told, I can at least rest in your opinions knowing you have seen both angles and drawn your own conclusions after a balanced look at the untold facts.

John Panelli

Mostly right, just not smart enough to know that wars are won more by political craft, media and financial power than by military force alone. He was just a nationalist, brutal at times as many militarists are, but kind and considerate at other times. His biggest mistake was underestimating his opponent, world Zionism. . .


Like most people. There’s a lot that I don’t know about the true history of WWII. I’ve seen enough credible material that contradicts the official version. To have figured out that quite a bit of it is a lie. Hitler was an extremist and fanatic. But he knew how to get things done. He built a powerful military, and wasn’t afraid to use it offensively. If he’d been less proactive militarily, and had concentrated on economic development instead. He would have gotten more accomplished with fewer problems.

John Panelli

We have all been programmed to view Hitler as extremist or fanatic, but this is just the zionazi take on him. He was not much different to any other German, except he was bitter about the Versaille Treaty and resultant brutalization of Germany. He caused Germany to experience the greatest economic miracle of the 20th century, unparallelled by any other nation except possibly post war Japan. The German economy boomed, there was no debt to International bankers and germany was considered a stable and reliable, honest trading partner by most of the rest of Europe. Hence the zionazi extremist hatred and vindictive war against them . .


My view on Hitler’s extremism and fanaticism starts with his soldiering experience as a young man. If you look at his military record he was suicidal. It was a miracle that he made it through the war alive. Having someone like that in power is scary. But he did push Germany to great heights of achievement. And ended up destroying it in the process.

But he wasn’t alone and had strong public and institutional support internally. The Germans were no doubt terrified, horrified and disgusted at what the Jews were doing in Germany and eastern Europe and wanted no part of it and protection from it and followed Hitler who cleaned up Germany and shielded them from the Jew’s criminal insanity to their east.

But Hitler over played his hand and shouldn’t have been so aggressive militarily. If he’d been more conservative he could have protected Germany with their strong military. Without getting involved in a world war.

John Panelli

Good point buddy. But I am a skeptic in regards to this. If Hitler had been more conservative, for instance by not invading the Soviet Union or Poland, the global elite would still have squeezed Germany into destruction. Germany would have ended up a European North Korea, with Hitler and his cronies viewed in much the same way as Assad, or Kim Jong, or Gaddaffi, the mad dog of Libya. There was no easy way out for Germany. If she fights she dies, and if she isolates, she dies. Either way she was dead. Hitler took the same gamble as did the Japanese when they attacked pearl Harbor and American possessions in the near East. Ultimately, it failed, because you cannot fight a global war, with a regional military, no matter how powerful that military may be. The glaring lack of heavy bombers in the Luftwaffe was testament to Germany’s lack of preparedness for a global war. Hitler tried his best to make peace with England and France, but it was rejected. So what options did he have left? He was forced by circumstances to “roll the dice” and he lost. Now Germany is a vassal state of the US empire. A guilt-ridden shadow of its former self. Germany’s intense anti-semitism and holohaux denying laws are testament to her pitiful subjection to the global oppressors . .


Hitler was expansionist beyond what Germany lost after WWI. Austria and part of Czechoslovakia had already been annexed and Poland was being pressured to give up land before the invasion that started the war. German economic growth was unconstrained before the Polish invasion.

I understand the German 30s and 40s version of the current Russian position that they’l never fight another war on their own land. But they were a long way from that, and with strong economic growth and technology progress. It’s questionable the extent to which Germany would have been reigned in by opposing powers as you’re suggesting.

Germany could have supported eastern European nations as a buffer against Soviet expansionism and been in a much better position diplomatically following that tact.

John Panelli

Germany could have done things differently, it’s true. But when you are dealing with the Zionazi international cabal, you can never win. Besides, what buffer countries would you be suggesting? Poland?, Bulgaria? Romania? Hungary? And what would these countries do when the global manipulators put financial pressure on them, in much the same way as the US puts embargoes on any country that deals with Iran, Nth Korea or Syria? It’s really not that simple.


He’d already beat the Jew cabal economically, just like Putin has. War may have been unavoidable eventually, or maybe it wouldn’t have. The more time that the Germans had to build up their military, the stronger it would have been to deal with foreign aggression.

The Germans were ahead of almost everybody technology wise in most areas, and would have had nukes in not much time. If the disc craft reports are true. They also had that going for them.

I just don’t see the need at the time to start mixing it up with the French and British. And invading Russia, not surprisingly, turned out to be suicidal. I would have done things differently. With a power house economy and strong technology growth. There just wasn’t a need to get into a major war with all of the neighbors. It was foolish.


That has been my personal experience.


I have said before but do not remember the source that Hitler, too, was an agent of those who would destroy Germany. His generals realized he was destroying Germany but were not able to stop the destruction of Germany and they did not know he was an agent fulfilling his mission.

John Panelli

Hitler suffered from the same sickness as Winston Churchill; the frustrated desire to be a great military leader. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, neither of them was. Churchill because he got so many of us Australians killed in Gallipoli and Hitler because he thought he knew better than his generals and consequently failed to conquer Communism by defeating Russia. We have lived with the effects of these mistakes ever since . .


Gallipolli and most of the WW1 battles were probably just a ploy to exterminate more goyyim. Hiram Maxim (a very strange character) should be researched – his motivation for developing the machine gun is very odd. Basically he sold a death machine to both sides. His ethnicity is also very odd… worth looking into.

John Panelli

Israel was admitted into the United Nations as a member state in 1949 (UN Resolution 273). It is the ONLY nation that has ever been admitted conditionally. Israel had promised to accept and abide by the terms of GA resolution 194, which promised that every Palestinian displaced would be allowed to return home and to their homes.


UN membership for Israel was a big mistake that the UN has spent 70 years trying to correct. The Jews have shown themselves to be untrustworthy and a people to be avoided. There should be UNCRC, UNHRC and ICC investigations of Jew mass rape of 1,000 cult babies a week as part of outlawing their cult and cancelling their UN membership.

John Panelli

Have you ever read the Talmud? It says it is acceptable to have sexual intercourse ( rape) with a 3 year old child, because they are apparently so young, that their hymens will keep growing and they won’t be affected by the experience . ..


I’ve read enough of it to know that it’s a sick and twisted perversion of the bible. Which is why the Jews refused to translate it and tried to hide it from non Jews for thousands of years. It’s anti Christian, anti humanism and anti golden rule. And is a primary causal factor of the Jew problem.


Rothschild money and Rothschilds don’t ask permission or care what is legal or what UN said.


I bet your favourite movie is Inglourious Basterds eh


I skipped it in the theaters, but now that you mention it. I may watch it on the internet.

John Panelli

Worst movie I ever saw, only eclipsed now by the other rabidly zionazi production; Dunkirk . .


It’s a revisionist bit of dreck. If the holohoax bothers you, give it a miss.


That was the impression that I got from the previews, which is why I skipped it.


Wait a minute, of course German soldier (nazizs) committed war crimes, to all people (russian mainly, greeks, polan, french, english, jews,…), but jews try to show that ONLY THEM were victims, and the number they presents is highly inflated to make impact to gentiles-goyim people to have pity for them. Of course, there is a strong manipulation of the event and numbers, but it happened, not question about this. I am accord with historian revisionists those number and event must be checked with a strict scientific point of view, without bias (not jews bias, not anti-jews bias).


The fire and atomic bombings of German and Japanese cities by the allies were also large scale war crimes comparable to what other belligerents were engaged in.

John Panelli

Not one Jew was gassed to death anywhere in Germany or the occupied territories. Jews were heavily persecuted, many killed and large numbers incarcerated as prisoners of war, but there never was any state sanctioned program to kill them in gas chambers, let alone turn them into lampshades or bars of soap for German consumers. Dozens of highly qualified, internationally accredited scientists have researched and investigated the supposed scenes of the crimes, and almost without exception they have come to the conclusion that mass gassing of the jews was all but impossible. Experts on cremation have also testified that it would have been practically and logistically impossible to even burn a fraction of the dead bodies. The whole scam was a farce and a lie from beginning to end . .


Ever read the nurnberg transcripts you pityful excuse for a human being?


The ones extracted under torture and execution?:

“How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war

The German SS officer was fighting to save himself from the gallows for a terrible war crime and might say anything to escape the noose. But Fritz Knöchlein was not lying in 1946 when he claimed that, in captivity in London, he had been tortured by British soldiers to force a confession out of him.”


John Panelli

Coming from a lineage of German- French Jews, we know all about the holohaux you idiot. Sure looks like they intellectually raped you so completely, that you are now experiencing a form of “stockholm syndrome”. Btw, don’t just read the Nuremburg transcripts, get a brain and research the topic thoroughly. You might just be surprised by the results . .


He’s aware of it and doesn’t care.


The Nuremburg convictions were secured by torturing German prisoners to the point that many of them took their own lives. The prisoners were not given a fair trial or any representation. Ever read what Eisenhower did / allowed to the Germans after WWII? Oh, and get this, the Dutch royal family (you know, royal dutch shell) were selling oil to the Nazis during the German invasion of Holland. Go revise your own history.


You could call the board a little stacked…


Load of BS and sectarian propaganda.

Seems the grapes are sour.

Most likely Assad and SAA are getting desparate from the – unconfirmed – news that SAA got huge setbacks aound T2, in Dez city and along their eastward drive towards Al Bukamal. There must be something correct in those reports.


Post them up and let us take a look at them.

Solomon Krupacek

dont hope; YOUR news are fake


TALMUDIC TERROR AND TORTURE https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/talmudic-terror-torture-michael-walsh


Daniel Castro

We’ve been fed with this BS, “ohh… SAA will fail… you’ll see!” for a long time, and all it happens are some small setbacks and small terrorist desperate offensives to save face.

Yes, people held vain hopes for a long time that SAA would grab the oil fields on the eastern bank of euphrates, but those were under USA control a long time ago, as ISIS was always on the pockets of zionists.

I have much more respect for an outspoken jew like that mountain guy, at least he is realistic enough to acknowledge they lost the syrian war, you on the other side sound just like a brainwashed SJW western cuck.

The zio-jihadi in Syria is over, get over it… now, if Israeli will themselves attack to save their zio-terrorist kurds, that’s a completely different issue.

Tudor Miron

It seems that it’s you, who is desperate :) Keep dreaming about independent Kurdistan built one the same basis as Israel?

Solomon Krupacek

assad is in deep shit. he will be alone against usaf and iaf…


Tudor Miron

Both rbc and kommersant (that rbc is reposting in this case) are media outlets established under US control (Eltsin time) and are clearly anti Putin and pro US. Sane people here know that this jew media is full of BS. PS: Solomon, it seems that you know Russian? :) Your envy, hate and jealousy towards Russia is entertaining for us but painful for you (even if you don’t realize it). Let it go. Deep inside you love Russia :) don’t suppress it.

Solomon Krupacek

slow down. also shoygu told several days ago, thewar is over. so, i will not take easy this news.


He said that the war against Isis is coming to a conclusion. He didn’t say anything about all of the other opposition elements.

Tudor Miron

If you hope that Russia is going to leave Surya with no help than you’re simply don’t understand what’s going on :)


This is what the linked article quotes the government as saying about the article’s unnamed source’s information:

“The Ministry of Defense of Russia said that there were no plans to reduce the grouping in Syria, and Dmitry Peskov, the presidential press secretary, stressed that “such solutions are not being announced.”


I did some research on the Dennis Wise Hitler and NWO videos. I think that I have a more favorable opinion of Hitler and Germany now than before. Viewed in the context of the horrors that the Jews were carrying out in eastern Europe and their efforts to do the same in Germany. The actions of Hitler and the Germans that supported the Nazis make a lot more sense.

Being an American we’re shielded from these truths by the lying Jew media, academia and politics. Few Americans understand the depths of Jew crime, depravity, criminal insanity and evil that the Germans were facing and that America could face. America should succeed with dejudification where Germany failed by outlawing this evil pedophile rape cult and supporting action at the UN to implement this on a global basis in conjunction with delisting Israel and replacing it with Palestine.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The US does not liberate. They did not liberate Europe, they conquered it. They did not liberate Korea, they conquered half of it. They are of course not liberating Syria, they are conquering it.


Very good Syria stand about its city.


‘ “More than 90% of Raqqa city has been leveled due to the deliberate and barbaric bombardment of the city and the towns near it by the [US] alliance, which also destroyed all services and infrastructures and forced tens of thousands of locals to leave the city and become refugees,” the official told SANA.’

This statement by Syrian FM has very interesting implications. That the leveling and depopulating of Raqqa, essentially due to bombardments by US Marine artillery units, is a part of larger US policy for north east Syria. The implication being, destroying the Arab city and dispersing its Arab occupants, significantly expands the territory for the Syrian-Kurdish, and thus the US presence, into Arab Syria.


Ethnic cleansing is nothing new. But whereas it was invoked as the ‘humanitarian’ rationale for NATO to repeatedly attack Yugoslavia throughout the 1990’s, now in Syria, the same western leadership and its MSM mouthpieces are notably and absolutely silent about Kurdish actions in north Syria – because it is now being done by their YPG partners. This rather neatly illustrates that all that ‘humanitarian intervention’ against Yugoslavia was both selective and fraudulent all along – it was simply aggressive and self serving Geo-politics under a fraudulently benevolent name for public consumption.


NATO and Jewmerica have zero credibility in my eyes. 95% of the planet’s Jews live in the US, Israel, France, Canada and the UK. That’s what most of the problem is. They’ve hijacked the UNSC NATO P3 to advance their global hegemony Jew world order slave government project to the detriment of the host nations, the planet and humanity.

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