Photo: Encyclopedia of Syrian military
In 2016, the S-125 air defense missile system celebrated its 55-year anniversary. The most advanced version of this system is the Pechora-2M, which is currently in service in a number of countries, including Syria, where these systems were for the first time dispatched in the summer of 2013.
Along with the Russian S-300V and S-400, this air defense missile system reliably protects the airspace of the country, repelling any agression aganist the country.
Currently the Syrian Armed Forces have 12 such systems, supplied by Russia in 2013.
Thanks to modern digital technologies, the Pechora-2M is capable to shoot down the most modern aircraft, including those ones, which were made by the Stealth technology. It also can destroy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in particular, strategic scouts, flying at high altitudes (more than 20 kilometers). The system, which has gotten the second life, is also capable to operate against cruise missiles at extremely low altitude (from 20 meters).
The maximum speed of an intercepted target can reach more than 1000 meters per second. The system is equipped with thermal temperature sights, allowing to conduct concealed detection of enemies.
The Pechora-2M is mounted on the Belarusian MZKT-8021 vehicle. Its 400-horsepower diesel engine is capable to accelerate the missile system up to 60 kilometers per hour.

Photo: Encyclopedia of Syrian military
This is interesting information. However, I would have appreciated some analysis of this system in the context of isreali attacks on Syria. My impression is that such attacks go mostly unopposed. It could be that the isrealis choose their targets carefully and these systems just act as a denial of airspace. I would be interested in understanding the situation better as it is something that has puzzled me for sometime.
I think largely this is the explanation that makes most sense. Regarding the system, it’s very good for its price but it’s not as good as the Buk system. Like comparing T-90 to T-72BM3.
more likely, T90 to T55AM
The israelis have modern technology and perform their bombings using long range smart bombs of various kinds, for example expensive TV-guided glide bombs. They launch them from far away, from within their own airspace. At that point it is very hard to intercept them.
In a hypothetical syrian-israeli scenario they would not be able to constantly use these bombs/missiles, they would have to destroy the syrian air defenses so that they could use more conventional weapons safely.
i suspect israel and russia have an understanding that their ocassional attacks will be ignored. though syria did shoot down an israeli F16 recently, they have much bigger problems right now. once the terrorists are defeated, war with turkey is likely, then the saudis, then its on for the golan heights. one enemy at a time… besides all this, the article did not mention that syria also has a dozen brand new pantsir systems, hundreds of modernized S200s, and also BUKs.
Was the F-16 shotdown confirmed, though?
Any wrecks?
Nothing was shot down that day …
yes, it was in the golan heights. i seen a picture of it but dont remember where it was offhand.
We can’t say for certain, but it is likely that most of the SAMs owned by Syria are facing Turkey right now. Also, in regard to the recent attack by Israel: The popeye missile is an extremely short range weapon, less than 100 km give or take, which would only allow for a response time measured in minutes. The 4 missiles were fired from Lebanese airspace you’ll recall, not Syrian, so there’s not a lot that air defenses could do.
Imagine if Russia breached Turkish airspace to bomb the jihadists and employed munitions from within its borders. Lebanon airspace need to be defended from foreign airplanes, especially if they use weapons inside it.
Nothing serves Syria to have the most lethal anti-aircraft weapons of the planets if both Turkey and Israel and whoever wants to bomb at will whomever and whenever, in the place they want within the Syrian territory without any retribution from Syria and allies. Until Syria and allies use these weapons and enforces its air space, its sky will remain the most violated, humiliated, penetrated and disparaged tan any nation on the globe.
Amen to that sir. Can’t stop spitting that exact observation every time I’ve had this discussion recently. The Syrian airspace problem is not, and has never been a question of technology and means, it’s a question of policy and political courage. Back in 2007, there was zero civil war and no such excuse as a crowded internal front overstretching the military, and yet F-16I Sufas penetrated deep within Syrian territory and bombed the hell out of a burgeoning nuclear research facility of inherently top strategic importance. It was a major psychological and moral, humiliating blow to the whole Syrian state and people. Yet the military didn’t even try to hit back in a symbolic measure. That only adds to my impression that it is indeed a question of total lack of will and guts on the part of the dominant leadership in place, going against even its own top military brass in order to avoid what they wrongly perceive as Israeli appetite for a full-on escalation and war. That’s precisely the kind of bluff that Hezbollah has understood clearly and in that regard barely lets any punches from the IDF go unanswered, even when already encroaching with other enemies in Syria and Lebanon such as Nusra & consorts. And they don’t even have an air-force. That also speaks volume as to whether Assad’s apparatus can hit back or not. Of course they can. His father regularly shot down Israeli Skyhawks on every breach of their airspace for Christ sake. The Syrian air defence network and its recent upgrades is one of the most concentrated and diversified of the Middle-East, maybe locally even on par with Iran’s, there is simply no technical reason not to take out both ordnance and Israeli planes. The day a decision is made to change posture will be the beginning of an end to such intrusion and unprovoked aggressions.
Syria had more superior anti-air systems in the 1970’s that could shoot down Israeli craft. This new era of Russian missiles is useless when confronted with Jewish jets embarrassing Russians on a weekly bases. Someday Israel will nuke Moscow, it will be a lone Israel craft and Russians will be helpless babies as they are a century behind Jewish technology. Russians have no ability to defend Syria. Israel has defeated both Russia and Syria and Iran inside of Syria. Russia is looking very very weak in the face of their Jewish enemies. http://ihr.org/
“Jewish jets”… now that was a good laugh, a bit like Pissrael’s annual threat to attack Iran.
It should goes to show that “Fortune Favors The Bold” and Turkey is bold, and Russia is too cowardly to shoot down Jewish aircraft violating Syrian airspace on a weekly bases, or to go into Turkey to fight Turkish troops are brave. Russians are to scared to go defeat their own enemies. The clock is ticking till Jews bomb Moscow with nukes, and Russia has no ability to defend themselves against Jews. https://holodomorinfo.com/
“Jewish aircraft” have avoided Syrian airspace since Russia installed S-300/400s there. Better check your facts before clicking on your keyboard.
Iskanders as well, possibly with nuke warheads.