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MARCH 2025

Syrian Air Defense Forces Shot Down Israeli Warplane, Israeli Responds With More Airstrikes

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Syrian Air Defense Forces Shot Down Israeli Warplane, Israeli Responds With More Airstrikes

F-16 crash site

UPDATE: One of the Israeli pilots was severely wounded.


On February 10, the Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down an Israeli F-16 warplane after it had carried out airstrikes on what the Israeli side described as Iranian facilities from which a UAV was allegedly launched to the Israeli-held area.

According to the Syrian state-run media, the Israeli airstrikes hit “one of the military bases in the central area [of Syria], and the army air defense confronted the aggression and hit more than one aircraft.” [Local sources say that the Israeli strikes allegedly targeted the T4 Airbase, but this still has to be confirmed.]

The Israeli military confirmed that one F-16 was shot down, but said that the pilots survived the incident.

Following the F-16 shotdown, the Israeli Air Force carried out a new series of airstrikes against Syria reportedly targeting the Al-Kiswah area in the countryside of the Syrian capital Damascus. The Syrian state-run media added that the country’s air defense forces responded to this “agression” also.

The situation is developing.

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Lone Wolf

Was it shot down or mechanical fault crash … ?


Mechanical fault due too much lead in the engine and to many holes in the airframe ;-)

Igor Dano

shill, how many shekels?


he is proud wolf, jackal dano


Mixed reports at this stage – some media saying shot down others saying pilots ejected due to incoming targeting missiles – either way that F-16 ended up on ground in burning heap.


Bird strike for sure :) like the F-35 previously eh.

paul ( original )

At last ! This is good to hear and I hope is just the beginning of many such successes.


If I were ‘Coalition force’ I’d think twice before challenging the capability of Russian air-defense system in Syria. Would a single coalition plan be lucky enough to return home?


It’s Syrian not Russian although Russia may have helped.

Russia does not target Israel planes


You gravely missed my point, sorry to say.


The “Coalition force” politicians don’t care about their soldiers being killed. As long as they please their masters in Tel Aviv, that’s all that matters.


Congratulations…… take’m ALL down…… saves a lot of trouble…….


Now Israel cannot claim that Syrians are aggressors or Syria have invaded Israel. F-u-c-k Israel.

Nigel Maund

Great stuff! Let’s hope they shoot down a a whole lot more!

Igor Dano

Chazars have to leave Palestina and return to turkstans, where they come from. Some of them go back to Small Russia.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

can they just leave the planet? like for good?


It wouldn’t be fair to the ETs.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha……………best answer so far !


hahaha hehehe.. I 2nd you..!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Surely the ETs can put them out of their misery!

any advanced ET civilization wont waste such generous donation of organic material.. they will make use of them..


do you want these murderers and land grabbers to create intergalactic mess by grabbing some poor alien’s planet and claiming it their own ?


I think most Russians were glad to get rid of them and do not want them back :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Daniel Martin

Well the Israeli’s tested the Syrian pdatients for a very long time by by committing blatant aggressioen against it’ Syrian arab neighbor both directly and injdirectly through their proxy terrorist forces. What is interesting to me in this case is the timing. Until know the Syrian air defenses where kept mostly in a passive mode against Israeli aggressions, and me knowingly this is the second time that they have engaged seriously the Israelis the first time was when the alleged hit of their F-35 couple of months ago that the Israelis wrote off as irreparable due to an alleged “bird-strike”.

This downing of an Israeli F-16 comes just couple of days after the Russian Su-25 was hit and it’s pilot killed by the terrorists, is this just a coincidence or not, I really don’t know, but what I do know is that this will seriously escalate the already bad relationship between Israel and Syria it seems that the Syrians are finally determined to stop Israeli aggression and there is no doubt in my mind that they’ve got a green light for this from their allies.

It’s time for Israel rethink it’s strategy in Syria while this is still manageable because if it spirals out of control it could get very nasty for everyone, including Israel.


Russia has been quietly upgrading and network integrating the older Syrian SAM systems – the timing here may have to do with both sufficient upgrade works completed and the Su-25 incident – meaning time and response to unveil the newly improved Syrian defense capacity…?


I believe the timing is not related to the Syrian at all. Syrian air defence has been upgraded for some time and proven it’s worth some times ago by intercepting Israeli missiles and the Stork-stroken F-35 perhaps.

Israel used to attack Syria from it’s own occupied airspace or Lebanon’s. Why did they attack Syria directly by sending jets inside Syrian airspace this time? They would fully know that the Syrian AD will intercept their jets but sent it anyway to get hit. I believe they wanted to escalate and have a justification [in their own eyes and their MSM] to directly involve and drag the US into the conflict with both Syria and Iran. Notice how they “hold” Iran responsible for Syria’s answer to their clear provocative aggression.

If this incident does not escalate into direct involvement of the US within the next 48 hours, we can thank god for the countless Syrian (and perhaps Iranian) civilian lives spared, as it’s the US’s habit to hit the opponent’s civilians where it’s military proves to be capable.

Ann Johns

Timing is everything, has everyone forgotten that the americans are in israhell right now doing military “drills”. Way too coincidental for my liking.


What’s the difference between US forces and Israeli forces . Both fight the same old ways….with air Support. So Hez alone can handle both now that Hez has massive supplies of missiles .

For US planes ,Hez has no Tanks to be destroyed

So no problem


The Syrian war has shown that tanks are a liability without good tactics. I remember the SAA T72s got hammered in the early days of the war. Hezbollah knows that they’re better off with lots of antitank weapons than investing in expensive and vulnerable armour


Anti tank teams are stealthier than any tank …and equally destructive and immune to air power.

Each team keeps a good distance between themselves will negate any air power including F35 or F22

so for Assad to drive off the Americans really is no problem even without Russia who may be scared may trigger wider conflict with the Americans.

Iran has enough manpower and equipment to force US out and Iran definitely does not give two hoots to US/Israeli threats


Israel has proven that it has made its tanks practically impervious to anti-tank missles, by developing the “Trophy” “Windbreaker” system.


That is not a cure… really . Its useless in door to door city fighting … and will get destroyed very very easily.

Point is can israeli soldiers able to fight door to door against fighters who stand and fight and in fact will invite you for an embrace and go to heaven together.

Those days of Arabs running away before firing a shot is long gone ….


IDF fights smarter. It will use other means to achieve its objectives, without using boots on the ground. The will stay in their tanks, and bomb away until the place is flattened into a parking lot. Or use targeted killings, to cut off the heads of the snakes that try to kill them.


Yeah, it is probably as effective as the Iron Dome or Israeli air invincibility. Honestly, 90% of Israeli claims are pure propaganda, designed to instill fear and false claims of superiority. It’s part of their war by deception.


Facts don’t lie. Since getting their backsides whooped in the last Gaza war, HamASS has been licking their wounds, and digging more tunnels that keep getting discovered and destroyed. But you’re free to exhibit signs of Ostrich Syndrome


Nobody told Hezbollah. Israel’s tanks aren’t as trick as you think


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If Hezbollah attacks Israel, then Lebanon, as you know it today, will cease to exist.

Since Hezbollah is part of the Lebanaese government, attacking Israel, a sovereign state, is casus belli for Bad A$$ IDF to make pork chops out of Hezbollah and Lebanon.


Are you serious? Lebanon 2006 proved 10 Israel vs 1 hez and lost and how the heck you can even make a dent through Hez lines let alone fully supported by Lebanese armed forces this time?

Cease to exist my foot. More likely Israel proper will be invaded as today air force counts not that much if forces are armed with ATGM and rpgs .

Look at the bare footed Houthis against the entire air force of Arab countries plus endless bombs supplied by Americans (making lots of money)… no effect.

Israel does not have the manpower nor experience in door to door serious fighting too and imagine , Iran , SAA , Hez and even Iraqis all with fearless minds attacking your small army with office workers soldiers.

So you think Hez allies will fight alone? Stop dreaming.

Give us a break .


LOL HAHAHA. I’m cracking up. What drugs are you using? Israel is shit and everyone just got to see the writing on the wall, including Israel.


He who laughs last, laughs best.

hASSan NasRATllah is living like a rat, in his underground bunker. His days are numbered. Sooner or later, Israel ALWAYS gets their target.


You got that right, he who laughs last. Well, at this point the Syrians are laughing…and the Israelis are lying their asses off. The rest of the world may not have to worry about Bibi, the Israelis may jail that criminal scum sooner than later, especially if they think he’s going to get Israel wasted…and if he keeps his shit up, that is exactly what will happen. Israel no longer has weaponry that is 1 or 2 generations better than their neighbors. Syria just showed them that even 40-50 year old design missiles with electronic upgrades can and will take out their no-longer superior equipment. Wait until their S300s come on line. Then when the Syrians can afford it, they will be moving up to S400s. Israelis will be needing a huge new shipment of coffins…and underwear for the survivors.

alejandro casalegno

Israel destroyed Lebanon two times…………and the Resistance is very alive………….


You ain’t seen nothing yet…

The difference being, that in the past Hezbollah was not part of the Lebanese government, so Israel could not destroy Lebanon’s infrastructure as retaliation for Hezbollah’s acts of aggression.

Now that Hezbollah is officially part of the Lebanaese government, attacking Israeli civilians with a rain of missiles, is enough to justify Israel destroying the entire Lebanase infrastructure, including power plants, water and sewage plants, radio and TV stations, and airports. Add to the list, anything that I may have forgotten. Not to worry. Israel has a massive bank of targets. The first 24 hours will be ones that Lebanon will remember regretfully for a long time.

alejandro casalegno

IsraelReader. “Israel has a massive bank of targets”………..Hezbollah TOO

Beirut will burn…..as many times before……..Tel aviv will burn for first time


Tel Aviv might burn in what will be a Pyrrhic victory. Not just Beirut will burn. The entire Lebanon will burn, With its infrastructure demolished, Lebanon will be back in the 1800s.


Since 2011 Washington have invaded Syria through its terrorists by using and abusing Islam against Syrian nation. Thanks to God, Hezbollah, Iran and Iraqi forces who have rescued 70% Syrian nation from Washington, Israel and Erdogan. Still 30% Syrian land is in their control which will be liberated with in next few months.


20% left in nti Assad hands, but Turks will help with that. Erdogan the biggest fool in the Syria fiasco


so true


I think the drone was a bait and got the Israeli planes inside Syria.

Don’t think Israel or US dare to escalate with Iran as if Iran escalate both would be in deep trouble

So far Iran support is just token not fully.

David Pryce

IIdoubtI if there was a drone


They have video of the Drone. And the drone is not in Israel’s hands. the proof is pretty damning against your claim.


I also have a video of a drone. What does that mean.Unless drone screams “I was sent by Iran” that “proof” means nothing. NuttyYahoo wants to paint Israeli aggression as Iranian aggression, nothing new. Blame the victim.Zionists are masters at it.


A drone went to Golan .. and it means deadly to Israel’s survival and a serious threat …. wowo .. then the F16 went in and got shot down … wow escalation to a serious level for daring to shoot down an attacking plane.

Wow what kind of logic is that?


The F16 may well be a targetable drone with no crew in it.


that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.


Actually, Israel has been doing just that with a few F-16s. But this one was indeed piloted.


You cannot make an f-16 a drone. I assume you do not know much about military jets.


Well, thats where you would be wrong. The US converted old F4s to drones. Any guess how long ago that was?


Turnign planes to drones is not rocket science . Everyone can do it. Chinese did that years ago.


Duh. Tell politicaljules.


I think both sides are testing the air defences of their opponents. I suspect the SU25 might have been hung out there as bait to see where the manpads were – and it worked – and the Israelis might be doing the same thing, i.e. gathering intel on Syrian AD capabilities


The Israelis have struck in Syria more than 100 times, without Syria being able to intercept anything. Syria will soon be asking Russia for a REFUND.


So why then are you here – attempting to assert hollow pride – the self declared ‘invincible’ IAF lost an F-16 and had F-15 damaged – wake up.


From what I know, the F-16 was lost due to human error. I can not go into details, but the IAF will be reviewing strategy will all its pilots. One thing is sure, is that it’s was not due to Syrian technological superiority.


This time they are using Iranian ones and plenty of it as usual by Iran …

Notice this time it is the Iranians the gave the serious confident warning to Israel NOT RUSSIA who prefer to keep quiet as they are buddies.

As Iran has declared to the Americans … leave or be forced out . The massive build up of SAMs surely has to do with it as they know Russia may not be in it to drive out the Americans from Syrian soil.


I don’t know where you get the idea that these missiles were Iranian supplied . These are Syrian missiles, modified with new electronics by the RUSSIANS. Syria has a fair stock of older missiles and a much smaller amount of newer types. ALL are being upgraded and integrated, which means they are tied into the Russian defense net, hence the Syrians new-found missile capabilities. The only down side to some of these missiles are their shorter range and speed. There is no massive build up of SAMs. Please show some links to support your ‘massive buildup’ of SAMs statement.


Do I have to show you black and white?

Study the facts on the ground.

When was the last time Assad/Iran said with such strong words and shot so many missiles?

Never because Assad was dependent on Russians who would not give Assad a decent SAM system but willing to sell to others ….not even Iran on the S400. Why? It will affect Israel.

Why suddenly Iran is so vocal if the missiles are not from them. It should be the Russians shouting but no Iran.

Ate you to tell me Iran has no missile that can shoot down planes and only Russia has it?

In fact there were so many Attacks on Syria that Russia’s system stayed silent and got top Iranian leader killed too.

Basically Russia does not want to get involved in Israeli issues . Cannot blame them as their job is to kill terrorists nothing more.

So know this, to tackle the Israeli and or Americans, my take is that Assad and Iran have to take responsibility as Russian hands are tight.


I see after reading your drawn out post, I see that there is no link showing your statement that these were Iranian missiles, as I knew there would not be. As for the Russians, if you don’t know the agreement between Syria and Russia by now, well there is no reason to remind you. As for the missile subject, many here have already commented on the RECENT upgrading and integration into the Russian defense net of older less effective units, into much more effective weapons. If you want to continue to bash the Russians, go ahead, just know that there are very few here that believes such rubbish. Go read this article…it shows Syrian missile assets. Facts are better than blather. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/02/10/intel-drop-israeli-strike-on-syria-utter-failure/


The article did point to Syrian upgrading but does not explain why earlier it did not repulse the Israel attacks.

Only recently you start to read Syria was able to intercept Israeli missiles effectively and massively.

To be able to do this only now showed SAA must have received new equipment and plenty of it and that can only be through Iran. thru the land bridge from Iran.


“RECENT upgrading and integration into the Russian defense net”…that is the answer to your 3 paragraphs. The link showed the Syrian inventory and those that have AS YET to be upgraded. The missiles that were used were UPGRADED S-200 and 125s, very old missiles. The targeting and tracking of incoming craft is done by the Russian defense net, Iran has NOTHING to do with it. I’m sorry that you cannot grasp the information here, but that is your issue. Why you continue to dis the Russians is beyond me. It is almost like you want to put the onus on Iran for Syria’s defense response. That is the very same line the US and Israel (especially) are pushing as Israels’ excuse for attacking Syria.


A refund for what? Please take your obvious BS somewhere else, no one here wants to read your propaganda crap. What everyone got to see this time around was older (60s and 70s design) missiles taking out and damaging the backbone of western/Israeli aircraft in service today. The biggest loser is the Israeli facade of invulnerability. It is permanently dead. BTW, this is not the first time Syria has hit Israeli aircraft, this is merely the first time Israel cannot deny it. Don’t think the US doesn’t see what this means for their survivability too. If the Syrians had used their S300s, I doubt any IAF would have gone home.


Nuking your immediate neighbor is actually a very bad idea – it would result in the radioactive dusting of Isreal’s own immediate region – including water supplies and agriculture.

Daniel Martin

Agreed, this a no goer, besides it would have severe political and military imp


when did they ever worry about legality, legal to them is what ever they want it to be


When has Israel ever bothered about Illegality Daniel ? The UN pronounced Israeli thefts of Palestinian lands illegal decades ago and nothing has changed .

Panthera Pardus

war is bad for business ( unless you are a defense contractor) my personal experience of Israel and Jewish people is that they are very business oriented, quite creative and of course trying to get the best part in a commercial negotiation as everyone else (albeit with a peculiar style)

Of course I have visited only industrial area, companies, engineer and manager… I have never been in the settlement.

Now I do believe that, if a reasonable solution for the security of the whole area is proposed, the business oriented Jewish part of their society could drive the acceptance of a compromise.


The Jews think having land is way to prosperity.

Today no. The Jews should use the wealth and brains to prosper just like the Chinese in Singapore .

Using office workers soldiers to grab land is stupid . Use their biggest assets…money and brains

Peace is the way just like the Chinese in China…trade and brains to prosperity…not endless wars


Our government giving charity of US$10 Billions each year to Netanyahu party. Second there is a big corruption in Israel because Israel is a Mafia.


True.. You’re talking about what we called the Asean Jooz right..?


I have always considered Israel a Terrorist state :)


Almost the whole world does..!


They have already carried out 3 nuke attacks against Syria using smaller battlefield tac.nukes. These are the same as those used by the Americans when they attacked Baghdad airport during the 2nd gulf war. Its the same sort of nuke which was used by the Saudi’s against the Houthi weapons stores near Sanaa. There is enough literature and video’s out there, ( try trawling South Front or Veterans today ) These are basically low blast neutron weapons, but create a very powerful neutron blast, c/w localised super-heating which helped in the cases of the 2 WTC blocks, to melt/dissolve the basements and foundations, whilst creating a searing cloud of plasma gas which tore its way thro’ the concrete floors.

Hide Behind

Been aware of Us Israe using new style weaponry and even of where the science of smaller variable power tactical nukes originated, India VT site was hit by US/ Israel designed Stuxnet virus after its report of Yemen And Ukraine blast Too may Uas and Israel full time and hundreds of Israeli Intel crawlers on net. So much so if you post tens of protesters and dislikereports soo You ztube and Google go after sites, servers and individuals where it comes up Be careful


Thank you for the heads-up, but I don’t think they are interested in someone as insignificant as me.


Thats fine.But there is also no real defense against an Iranian-Hizbollah saturation missile strike that will obliterate Israeli cities. They know that.


What Israeli terrorists have done to Palestinian Arab land now this is the time to pay back. If Israel does not wanna leave Palestinian Arab land then they will be kicked out by force.


Samson option is Israeli propaganda – Israel wants the Arabs to think of it as a mad dog.It’s just a scared puppy that pissed in its pants now that Iran has come a knocking on its doorstep

Nigel Maund

This option is simply not on the table – just think, before posting, of the likely consequences of this action?


Israel has also always denied it has nukes. That way everybody can deny there is a problem. To actually threaten to use them would cause serious problems for Israel and its friends, as now they can no longer deny it it. Things would have to be really dire for Israel to start doing that. As in another Yom Kippur war and Arab armies at the brink of invading Israel. Doesn’t seem a very likely scenario.

Barry Warmkessel

Israel already nuked Israel 2 times in 2013!


Underground testing?


Just search the web:





Only if they commit suicide, occupied Palestine is very small area.

Ann Johns

They’re planning on it. They think the end of the world will get them everything they want. Listen to this maniac, he’s actually good to spy on if you want to know what’s going on with the israhelli side.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2y8BsiphQs&feature=share. At the end he talks about it.

leon mc pilibin

Do you notice the 911 time of the video.This was the neocon inside job that started all this war and destruction in the first place..This lunatic is an example of the weird mentality of zionist fake jews.

Steve Bell

Like his buddy Pence the evangelical, a deluded nut-job looking forward to the end of times. Even the Samson Option sounds rational compared to what these lunatics believe, and they are the ones who helped Trump get elected. Dangerous times indeed.


Evangelicals don’t advocate death and destruction anywhere. Any D&D is up to God.

Isn’t it simply that they think that the Bible justifies the state of Israel? This is worse than the Sampson Option? Please! Can you not distort their views?


it was israhell that tore up Syria using proxy armies and I hope it is payback time


Don’t be stupid , Israel cannot use the nukes it be hanged in Hague

Behold a Pale Horse

Aint no nukes bro

Christian Gains

My SENTIMENTS completely Daniel!

It’s the expansion of this conflict that’s EXTREMELY worrisome! Another expanded conflict is NOT in the LEAST good for ANY of these forces…AND! When there’s a DRY TINDER BOX, closely set to a blazing fire, there’s TOO much likelihood for an explosion!

As well, Syria’s CLEAR intentions of responding in FORCE, {PERFECTLY understandable…Asad HAS BEEN MORE than merely patient…PROBABLY due to distracting field conditions], is NOW the STAND, and Israel had BETTER NOT miss THAT POINT!

The REAL PROBLEM is that, Israel is equally as belligerent! BUT! Without the degree of reason…they’re simply being OVERLY cautious, (OR trying to CREATE a reason for attacking???!!!), which IS LIKELY, [since Asad has the time & conditions to RETALIATE in FORCE], NOW going to give rise TO AN EXPANDED CONFLICT, which, {IF NOT CEASED}, WILL LEAD into an even BROADER Fight…and THEN the SHTF BIG TIME!!!…Something NONE of us should desire!!!

I’m THOROUGHLY CONVINCED that the M.E. has become, [OR been MADE into], just TOO much of a tinder box, and there’s just too many splinter factions, (not to mention the BIG TIME PLAYERS), too close to their enemies, for this to stop!

FRANKLY, I’m beginning to wonder IF the oft discussed “FOURTH Turning” IS ACTUALLY coming to fruition…with ABSOLUTELY no good result for the “G.P.” ANYWHERE…And, the G.P. is what I am MOST CONCERNED about!!! This is INSANITY!!!

Daniel, your LAST comment is PURE TRUTH! Israel had BETTER rethink it’s STRATEGY!!! This is NOT the time for them to try & pull off they’re insane “Oden Yinon” plan….THIS TRULY IS creeping towards CRAZY TIME!!!!????


Yes, it could get very nasty, but at the same time, it may rid the world of the nasty, racist, anti-Christian state calling itself “Israel”.


hahaha.. really..! And Russia would just stood back and watch some idiots starting a nuke war..? The Yankees can’t do a cunt if the huge squatters starts doing stupid moves.. they’ll lose the war and AlTanaf too..! I would prefers the stupid israhellis starts to insanely attack Syria.. since they put the blames on Iran..! I’ll buy more popcorns watching Haifa, Dimona & hellaviv being razed to ground by thousands of missiles..! Syria will grabbed back Altanaf while the Yankees are busy helping Putin’s friends.. which are like family to him.. hehehe


Who cares..! As that’s the best they do when they can’t get thru on any argument/s..!

Hide Behind

TECHNICLY TACTICSL NEUTRON WEAPONRY IS NOT CLASSIFIED SS NUCLEAR WARHEAD BY UN ND EVERY NATIONal and Uzn treaty agrees. Wondering if you recognize rationaldiscussion.


Top notch for your comment Daniel.

Overwatch D.VA

This is not the first time Russia retaliate against covert Foreign Powers operating in Syria. Remember the incident back then where NATO jets killled syrian soldiers on a convoy ? right after that the Russian launch cruise missiles from mediterran ships to unknown targets near western syria , and allegedly it was an intel listening post manned by Saudi, Turk , Israeli , US/UK intel operative..

Remember the death of Deir er Zour general along with visiting Russia commander ? right after their death , the russkies launched Cruse missile taking out ‘certain’ targets ..


Russia condemned Israel for retaliating agains Syria.

Overwatch D.VA

israel break so many international law for decades when it tramples the sovereignity of it’s neighbour’s airspace … now they screamed rape when a single unarmed drone entered golan height ?? golan height is not israeli territory , it is syrian land stolen by israeli..


The Golan Heights is now Israeli territory. The Arabs are victims of their own STUPIDITY. People don’t realize that starting wars has consequences; including the possibility of losing territory to the people you attack.


That’s why you have unending wars until the day were your advantage on air power is negated using new methods …… Houthis bare footed also can fight it.

The world is changing and now Assad even dare to take on Israel NOW. He must have is reason…. Well as as usual Leiberman still arrogant…

Let’s see how he can implement his arrogance of interfering with Syria.

Let’s see . Assad seems confident , why ?


Hmmm. ASSad confident? He really should be buying extra underwear. Intestinal incontinence is a real bummer. Israel has attacked in Syria 100 times, and Syria has been impotent to stop Israel. In the last attack, DOZENS of ani-aircraft missiles were shot at the Israel planes, and they were unable to stop the Israelis. ASSad should be asking the Russians for a REFUND.


Yeah…ask those in Israel about intestinal incontinence. It was probably running down both pantlegs of Israelis when they saw all those AD systems heading north…especially after an old outdated soviet era missile took out one of their vaunted F-16, made an F-15 unusable and damaged two more. You really need to stop reading those right wing Israel rags for your info, you embarrass yourself. This mission was a complete flop. It was every bit the failure as the 59 cruise missiles the US launched. The takeaway here, since you are too brainwashed or too plain stupid to realize or admit, is that the days of US equipment superiority is over and done. That’s why the Turks, Saudis and many others are buying Russian, not American. Ding-dong the witch is dead, the wicked old witch….

Overwatch D.VA

yes yes, hows the weather at tel aviv mr hasbara ? landgrabber shouldnt bark arrogantly lest they get kicked again like during 2006 where IDF soldiers call their mom from their mobile phone and cry..


I’m actually a 5th generation American Jew. Learn how to write proper English before you comment.

So let’s remind ourselves. 51 years ago Israel captured the Golan Heights and the West Bank. Since then, the Arabs have tried several times to take them back and wipe out Israel. Thank God, UNSUCCESSFULLY.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

Overwatch D.VA

poor hasbara troll , acting like grammar nazi now ?

world is turning , time is changing , israel today is weaker than israel in 1970s.. their military never face shooting opponent and yet they spread propaganda of the might of IDF , which proven false after the defeat of Israel in lebanon 2006 war..

do go on mr hasbara.. try to change your posting pattern so your posting time are not syncronized with tel aviv working hours..


The Nazis had poor English grammar. You must be one of their students.

If you bothered to check, I post around the clock. Thank God I’m not poor. I make more money in one WEEK, than you probably make in an entire year living in some “odiferous” country referred to recently by our President DJT.

If Israel is weaker than in the 1970s, then why haven’t the Arabs reconquered the land they lost due to their stupidity in 1967? They had over FIFTY years to do so.

The answer is, that even stupid Arabs understand when their backsides are whooped. However the problem is, that they tend to forget rather quickly, and every few years need to be reminded again.

Overwatch D.VA

You are nothing but a hasbara who post during tel aviv working hours.. spreading lies and deceit all over internet as per your tasking as israeli astroturfer.

there’s better way to make a living than constantly peddling lies and propaganda from an apartheid nation..


Israel will do what it needs to do to protect its citizens.


By attacking a country that has not attacked Israel since 1973?…and supporting Terrorists that kills you and I woyhout second thoughts.

No wonder the source of world problems come from you guys.

You have the right to protect yourself by attacking others like Syrian soldiers killing terrorists?

Come on


Syria is no innocent saint. Syria has been supporting terror against Israel since its inception.

Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.


Which terror . Let me demolish you anytime


“State Sponsors of Terrorism” is a designation applied by the United States Department of State to countries which the Department alleges to have “repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism”.

The countries currently on the list are Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and SYRIA.


By your reply , forget it. Looks like I am debating with kids.

Hello, US does not represent the world. Just because Iran supports Syria , it’s none of US business and Syria is a legal country under the UN , stupid. Russia supports Syria, so Russia supports terrorism? While US supports ISIS and terrorists in Syria is not?

Forget it.. don’t need to reply. You are kid level


I’m a 5th generation American. I hope that you don’t live in my country.



Overwatch D.VA

i dont know if it is possible to track relevant news , but for one who follow russian moves in syria, one notice that pattern of retaliation which are not publicized..

syrian perspective got many interesting links and news if one can ignore the wording


Americans and Israeli politicians engage in static analysis. If we do this then that is the end of the matter. Well, other people do not have infinite patience and tolerance and they also look at the world differently. I’m an American and I cannot stomach the arrogance of the smug fools who determine “U.S.” policy and throw away every advantage and precious resource possible and cause such death and destruction. If I were a Russian I would be apoplectic at seeing one of my fighters brought down by a MANPAD missile foolishly and recklessly provided by the U.S. or one of our coalition “partners.” Thus, no one should be surprised when a bullet or a rocket arrives thanks to “anonymous.”

Overwatch D.VA

Theres plently of American , including military veterans and ex intelligence people who kept warning people about the incredible amount of neocon / pro israel / warmonger in US leading bodies..

Read Sic Semper Tyranis , a blog maintained by ex DIA ex Green Beret combat vet Col Patrick Lang , or Read Phil Giraldi’s blog , an ex CIA who constantly warn US citizen on the deep israeli influence in US govt..


Thanks. I read both sites with interest. I respect Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley a lot. A stark contrast to the arrogance on FoxNews about the evil Russians. If they put up a rotating red beacon on the set it wouldn’t be clearer that they are disseminating rank propaganda.

Overwatch D.VA

it took certain amount of humility , will and intelligence to escape from decades of western MSM propaganda , and not many american people are aware or even care about the truth anymore.. they all just parrot the MSM as if it is truth. Majority of american public never know or want to know the truth about american govt and the bloody hand it wield for decades , while potraying itself as defender of ‘democracy’ ‘liberty’ ‘human right’s..

the reality ? unless you are american or european or those nations under american vassallage like Japan / Southkorea / Australia / NZ / Canada , you dont have the rights as a human being and you are ok to be killed by american ‘democratic’ bombs ..

who in this world weep for the death of innocent civilians killed in america’s endless / perpetual war all across the world ? no one cares because they are not considered human


That Russia retaliated was because many of their soldiers were killed.

Not because many Syrians were killed

Overwatch D.VA

many russian soldiers killed … what crock is this … another MSM propaganda ? i saw this fake ‘100-200 russian killed by NATO bombing’ news tag all over the net , as if someone trying to push in this fake news as real.. and the clincher ? the usual suspect (hasbara trolls) all pushed the same crap all over the net..

Overwatch D.VA

Nuking your close neighbours is like taking a dump on community swimming pool.. it will make the pool unusable for everyone including you..

btw the enemy have Chemical / Biological warheards , not pretty if those are released on the beautiful cities of occupied israel..

David Pryce

Usually hezbollah send out. statements but all its allies have signed this 1⃣ so Israel no. they beb targeted


The blatant aggression of Syria against Israel was recorded on film. The syrian drone is in Israel’s possession. The downed F-16 and injured pilot is further proof of syrian agression.


An F-16 to respond to a UAV? That seems a bit disproportionate.


Especially an unarmed UAV .


Since Syria and Israel are in a state of war, Israel therefore has every right to destroy anything in Syria that threatens it. When another nation is at war with you, you’re allowed to attack them.

Daniel Martin

Typical hasbara comment completely detached from facts or reality, no need to expand.



Resorts to name calling because he has no coherent response. I guess the truth hurts.


Reply with kid’s logi


Anyone know why SAA said they’ve completed operations in Idlib ? I mean the Terrorist are at their breaking point. I also can’t see another huge front only to clear Deir ezzor , perhaps but idk , just really curious

jason sixx

Bloody turks. But theres daraa, ghouta, dumayr, and homs pockets left


Kremlins plan.


Israel has the illusion that Syria is it’s province. It is not Israel and finally it found out the hard way


The zionist invaders call the parts of Syria (Golan) they occupy (since they invaded them) and the other parts they indirectly occupy through their jihadist terrorist groups “Israeli” airspace…


Shoot the whole gang of satanic bandits out of the Syrian skies.The Synagogue of Satan.


Can any of the Putin fans explain why has not Syria been provided with good SAM systems like the S-300? These acts of aggression by the zionists would have been severely limited..But no, they have to rely to Soviet era systems so that Putin and Lavrov can play their dirty games..


Wait for florian geyer or tudor miron. They explain you, it is therefore, because Putin is wise.


Any action of Putin-or rather inaction because he either reacts slower than Ran-Tan-Plan or usually does nothing-is the epitome of wisdom that the 7 sages of Antiquity would aspire to..


What is it about the Syrian government foot print grows every day while the regime change foot print shrinks that you have a problem with?


I am not convinced that is the case..But even if it is, what would be wrong with Russia meaningfully arming the Syrians? I mean Putin is willing to sell S-400 to Turkey and Saudi Arabia apparently but not to Syria or Iran?


Then disprove it. You sound like a real ingrate.


What should he disprove? Your off-topic straw-men rants?!

He raises a valid point: Syria ought to have had a working anti-air and anti-ship defenses a long time ago! Where are the S-300 systems which Russia promised to Syria a long time ago?!


Are you going to pay for them?


The Syrian government gaining ground every day with or without some anti aircraft missiles is hardly a straw man argument or off topic. It’s called winning the war.


Er…………Hallo? Do you think that the R.F. is going to sell the same spec S400 to what are enemies/fair-weather friends ? The devil is in the detail bro’, don’t judge a book by its cover. The S300/400/500 et al are all systems, and the Turks or the Saudi’s will not be getting the same systems that the R.F. use. Period. Secondly, if I was the Turks or the Saudi’s I would not be going to a potential enemy to buy sophisticated AA systems, when they could be switched off at the drop of a hat ! Still, what do I know, the Turks are cowards,thieves and bully boys and always think they know better, the Saudi’s are plain daft sand niggas with money to burn……………damn fools the lot of them.


that didn’t answers those questions up there..! Putin is not an angel..! I’m hoping for the same answer as well.. you speaks as though ur from Antey Corp… hehehe


Not really; he clearly addressed the malfeasance of the Russian government in relation to Russia’s partners and natural allies. First reneging on the supply of the S-300 systems to Iran, then even dastardly blackmailing Iran after Iran wanted to bring the case to the International Court of Arbitration.

While Dmitrij Anatoľjevič Medveděv’s government was responsible for it, it was a clear indication that the Russians might be insidious, treasonous scumbags who simply throw their partners and allies overboard for no good reason.


It was a UNSC sanctions issue.

Robert Duran

Why do people keep saying this…It wasnt because of sanctions. The Russian said it wasnt the right time under pressure from the US. They described it as an “act of good faith”.. this wasnt about sanctions


“U.N. sanctions prevent Russia from delivering S—300 air—defense missiles to Iran, a Kremlin official said”



And the Yankees are not being sanctions for whatever they sell or gives their weapons to.. lol..! And still Putin plays by the rules/book of international.. which shows how superior that mafia nation is.. Remember this.., Russia is a chained neck bulldog, not a bear..! And you should also check who’s Putin’s inner circles are too


If you want a better understanding ,you need a better insight into Russian politics. More-over the reason the Russians reticence, was due in part to the split in opinion between the Pres. and his Primeminister. Medvedev was towing the oligarghs/ jewish lobbies line, who are a serious loggerheads with Pres. Putin/ F.M.Lavrov foreign policy and the whole Syrian adventure and its satellite components of Turkey and Iran.


You speaks well.. I 2nd you..! it is what the alternative MSMs doesn’t speaks about.. hehehe.. Putin is now Semitic.. lol..! we’ll be called anti semitics. just by questioning what being observes for the past 7yrs..!


:) Putin is focused on economical interests of Russia.


Very True https://en.actualitix.com/doc/maps/wld/world-map-public-debt-by-country.jpg


This is nothing. Has nothing common with health and capacity of economy. Russia did not modernize his industry in the last 3 decades.


It has everything to do with the health and capacity of the economy.

This is a bald face lie, and you know it:

“Russia did not modernize his industry in the last 3 decades.”


No country can have prosper economy if their national securities are threatened and surrounded by enemies aka partners.. lol..


I know. But Putin does not know. I dont know, what see ones on this C-category KGB agent, oligarchs puppet?


Yes.., He’s just like any other puppets..!


WTF ?????????? he has a country to oversee, Billions of his own countrymen and women and children, what do you want ? the shirt off his back ?????? Don’t ask him or us what he will do or should do, look to yourself and ask how you can help the Syrians…………..


I am doing my best..Putin has 150(inside Russia)+~50(outside) million Russians to care indeed. And he reacts extremely slowly to the provocations or direct attacks that they face-like in Ukraine..


…………….So you understand the consequences if Putin reacts to provocation in the Ukraine ???????????


Yes, there wll be none. Besides, I am talking abut the 2014 events. He should have acted then..Now ukraine is a finished deal


Porky Porochenko doesn’t see it that way………………the war continues unabated in a guerrilla-type conflict. There is no doubt that the R.F. has supplied a huge quantity of arms, and the Chechens a huge amount of manpower……………….but as I said the war will continue until the Septics have finally accepted that there is nothing more they can rob, steal or rape from the Ukraine. Putin is not stepping in because he knows that the Ukr. will eventually die economically, its in the early stages at this time. The Yanks will want to keep a military presence there as they have plans for at least a dozen bio-weapons labs, so its in their interest to keep the unrest going. The Septic forces are those under the control of the Pentagon/zionist cabal, so unless those mercs are cut off from money, they will be there for a while. They are a greater threat to Europe than Russia. ( Septic tank = yank )

John Whitehot

explaining it to such a fucked up mind would be a waste of time and keystrokes.

In any case, it has to do with Syria being in a bloody civil war for years and having to make priorities, with the process of acquisition, installation, integration and training of such complex systems in their air defenses being unfeasible at the present.


O.K., I do not consider engaging with such a fucked-up mind to be a waste of time and keystrokes, so: you are trying to say that the clerks and the whole bureaucracy, including anti-aircraft military specialists, would be more useful as cannon fodder in front-line battles??! :-o


Don’t be a donkey, have you not been following , I mean REALLY following what has been happening to Syria…………? Where do you think the regime is going to get the money to finance a multi-million dollar deal ? This war is bleeding Syria to death in ever way you can think of. Russia, Iran ,the Hezbollah allies who have stood steadfast, cannot be expected to drop anything and deliver their peoples into a new war. Each supports by degree;s and gives what it can afford to do, The sheer amount of work that is involved to build a single AA suite by the Russian constructor ALMEY ALMAZ. but moreover the demand, has risen by a factor of 10 and its increasing………. A.A. has increased the size of its manufacturing facilities by 4 fold……………and they know that it won’t stay so for long………….. So production cannot keep up with demand, hence the refurbishment of the SAA’s S200’s by the most cost-effective means .

John Whitehot

“you are trying to say that the clerks and the whole bureaucracy, including anti-aircraft military specialists, would be more useful as cannon fodder in front-line battles??!”

What went wrong with your brain?

I’m trying to say exactly what I’ve said, once again replying to people that ignores anything about air defense but has to pick up every possible occasion to vulgarly criticize Russia, or Syria, or whatever country opposes the international criminal organization they are paid two cents to be their whores.

Also, has the doubt that Assad and Syria have never asked to buy S-300s and 400s ever crossed your opportunistic crippled minds?

You make me vomit.


…I’m not a Putin fan, but I think I can explain. Modern Russian AD has to be a multi layers system that works in conjunction with top of the line fighters – several dozen of them. SAM systems alone are sitting ducks that can be easily taken out with saturation attacks by stand-off ordnance. You need to have it supported by fighters – otherwise you end up with Iraqi and Libyan scenario and a lot of fancy clips of smart bombs smashing into radars and equipment. But top of the line network – say several brigades of S-300s backed up by BUK M3s and Pansirs together with infrastructure, communications, spares and several 1000s trained troops to operate it cost upwards of 10 bn USD. And even if you find that kind of money – Syria doesn’t have it, maybe Iran or China, but I think they are already paying for Syrian war effort – it’s virtually impossible to set it up in present conditions. First thing the rebels did in 2011/12 was to gut Syrian AD network – especially around Damascus and west Qalamoun along the Lebanese border – precisely the gap through which IDF attacks. Plus you have Idlib and the whole 1/3 country east of Euphrates as virtual AD black holes. And in the unlikely event that you find the money, set up the system, train the troops and start using it – how are you going to supply it? Because it will spend 100s of missiles in weeks of heavy combat. Through the Bosporus? You mean Erdogan would be Ok with Assad controlling his own airspace and being able to shoot down TAF planes at a whim…No my friend, what the Russians have done in Syria in geo-strategic and logistical sense is a bloody miracle contrary to conventional military wisdom. They supply their own force plus the whole Syrian army with supply lines running through enemy controlled territory (Turkey, US and Israel) all the while winning against the people that control those lines. In that situation you can’t afford to clobber all the people you’d like to clobber…


That’s all true if you segregate Russian and Syrian systems. But they’re integrated. What’s being sent up from the Syrian part of the system is watching through both Syrian and Russian observation and communication systems.


…I agree. But in the present state of things you can expect the Russians to help Syrians take down an occasional F-16, a drone or two and some cruise missiles. Current Russian AD system is not enough to take on the Israelis full on, not to mention the whole CENTCOM…


The Russians can shut down the IDF conventionally a lot faster than many people think. They’ve got basing agreements with Egypt and now Lebanon. There will be no shortage of MIG-29s if they’re needed. And it isn’t very far from southern Russia itself to Syria by air.


…that means all out war with Israelis and of course the US. Just what the Neocons are hoping for. Russia will not risk it for the sake of Syria I’m afraid. They don’t plan for it and they don’t have the money or enough modern hardware to do it. As for Egypt those wimps are bought and paid for buy Saudis – their economy and military over all depends on Saudi handouts in oil and cash. And if you forget about facts for just a moment – you’d need a gargantuan logistical operation to set up an air-army in Egypt and a large fleet to guard your supply lines from Israeli and US navies. That kind of effort takes months to set up…


The US has no mutual defense pact with the Jews and they’re unlikely to get one. Russia can do so much damage to Israel so quickly that much of the IDF would be neutralized. If the baby rapers start poking the Russian bear with a sharp stick, they’l get a smack down sooner or later that they’l regret. Which is why they avoid it.


Since when does the US military need a legal basis to attack anyone…If Russia decides to hurt Israel all the AIIPAC sponsors of US politicians will go berserk and demand action – and more “aid” of course. And the neocons have already prepared the US public for the confrontation with Russia.


They went berserk in 73 and it didn’t do them much good. The baby rapers are a lot less popular with most Americans outside of the DC beltway and a 50 mile radius of NYC than the lying Jew media tries to mislead people to believe. Getting involved in a war in the middle east with Russia over Israel would go over like a lead balloon with most Americans.


…and since when does the US establishment care what the people think… And how will the regular US citizens express their anti war feelings – you think CNN will cover unbiased a genuine anti war movement without branding them – Russian trolls…remember how many standing ovation did Bibi get last time he spoke in Congress… US people are “represented” by pay-to-pay corrupted individuals and AIIPAC is doing most of the paying…


Obama tried starting a war with Syria over the chemical weapons false flag. And the public opposition at legislative offices was overwhelming and almost unanimous. The incumbency is into getting reelected all of the Jew money and media lies won’t do that if they have massive public opposition to what they’re doing.


…to be honest it was the opposition in the UK Parliament that prevented Obama to start war, because he would have had to go in alone…But Mad Dog Matiss and all of the US ex-generals that serve as diplomats now don’t give a rats ass about UKs or anybodies support. They want to take on the whole world alone – nuking the opposition along the way. That’s why they’re pushing the whole “winnable nuclear war” story and policy of nuking even non-nuclear enemies with “low-yield” ordnance…And the news US public is receiving is – Russian collusion, Trump sleeping with a porn star and feminism…US citizens are officially in the state of war with at least 8 countries plus a few dozen NGOs without having a clue about it…


Trump won 85% of the land and counties with America First, not Israel first. That hasn’t changed, Trump has. Most Americans have had it with the Jews and their neocon insanity.


…even if Trump was genuine during elections the deep state made sure he’s occupied with Russia Probe and constant MSM attacks to make good on it…And US elections come every 4 years when people can choose between 2 wings of the same party…Most Americans have had it with the Jews and Neocons but are powerless to do anything about it. The elites made sure that policy is swayed by amounts of cash so large that regular people don’t have a chance to take part in decision making process. Haim Shabban for example – can and does…


The midterms are every 2 years, and whether it’s gun rights or America First, if it’s important enough, it overrides the Jew’s control grid. But they regroup and reassert their control. They need to be gotten rid of.


…you can organize elections every 2 months and it still wouldn’t make any difference. How much does it cost to get elected to a State Congress – 500 grand? So you need at least 5 million to get to Federal Congress. And if you manage to get there without having to bring down an incumbent that’s already bought by Zio cash, they give you a pledge to sign that you’ll always vote in Israel interest. And funny part is – it’s all completely legal. Imagine having Congressmen sign a pledge they’ll always vote in environment or anti global warming interests – big money would find a way for Supreme Court to make it unconstitutional somehow. But creating laws to benefit a foreign country and getting millions in return – is patriotic somehow…


The baby rapers just had a bunch of their planes shot up over Syria, I don’t see the US doing a thing about it.


To summarized it.. Putin are always in bed with that psychopath nut&yahood..! Most would only look and observing Dumper trumps inner circles but not Putin’s.. which are of the same kind..!


No. Putin decided to take action in the Middle east in order to support Russian allies and to defend Russian interests. In order to avoid a world war he uses his military might as well as diplomacy to achieve his goals. And that means talking to everyone. For example in mid 1980s Hezbollah kidnapped some Russian diplomats and KGB kidnapped in turn some Hezbollah operatives and started mailing their body parts to the HQ until they released the Russians. And today Putin arms and trains sons of those Hezbollah people. Not because they like Hezbollah, but because it’s in Russian best interest to have strong Hezbollah in Syria and in Lebanon. And strong Hezbollah is the biggest Israeli nightmare. You really thin that Bibi’s friend would arm, supply and train Hezbollah? Russia turned the tide in Syria spending relatively small amount of money and with few casualties operating from a strategically disadvantaged position compared to the rest of the actors. And they are still the only side that can say they are winning…


Yeah.. after almost to 4yrs when all the major infrastructures damaged then only he decided to help..? Russia only started when they knew the war which Syria had been fighting will escalate into Russia that would jeopardized Russia’s national securities..! and of course to save guard its port and base in Syria..!


Don’t be thick. Who was sending ammo and replacement hardware for 4 year. And don’t forget that Assad was controlling 70%+ of territory in 2014 and that included Idlib. He had all the “moderates” on the run to the point that even western media declared war over and Assad winning. But when Zios invented ISIL and stared pouring billions into Al Qaida Russia reacted in less the a year – which is about the time you need to plan this kind of complex operation…


Hello.. the war started in 2011..! by 2014.. most of the major infrastructures are gone..! before 2014 there’s only Hezbollah and the Iranians helping covertly at start and Russia participates in 2015..! This scenario is exactly like Libya except in terms of Syria Russia decided to participate due to national securities or maybe as a testing grounds for their new weapons to sell.. not sure which one though..lol..! hehehe.. but the facts is.. Russia does not give priority to ally like the Yankees does even when their allies are terrorists..!


It’s Russia that railroaded Obama and screwed up his plan to pull off Libyan scenario in Syria in 2013. If it wasn’t for Russia no amount of Iranian or Hezbollah support would’ve make any difference. Russia is a bear, but much smaller then Soviet union ever was. And Putin is playing the New Great Game better then any Soviet leader ever did – apart from Stalin, maybe. He is well aware of Russian limitations and strengths and manages to counter most of US moves with ease…

alejandro casalegno

Hrky75. i did read a lot of reports, but……….exists a DIRECT connection between Russia and Hezbollah in Syria????


There were reports of Russian instructors being in bedded with Hezbollah units. But even coordinating major operations with Russian officers served as a military university for Hezbollah officers. In addition Hezbollah received a lot of hardware Russia delivered to SAA without Moscow protesting even just for the record…

alejandro casalegno

Hfky75. Thanks man. I read reports of the Spetsnaz and the Hezbollah SF, The “Radwan” regiment fight side by side in Aleppo, if are true, is the best “school” for the resistance!!!


Just imagine Russians teaching Hezbollah ATGM and light arty use combined with small drones recon and targeting. And then imagine IDF walking into ATGM and mortar fire 10x as deadly and effective as the one they experienced in 2006…


yesss.. You’re damn right..! Straight to the point..!


Russia is a friend and ally of Israel.


…then why does it keep thwarting Israeli plans in Syria for the better part of this decade…Russia doesn’t officially brand any country as an “enemy” or an “adversary” – but partners – and that includes even US and Ukraine…That doesn’t mean they don’t defend their interests against their “partners”… That’s how grown up countries possessing professional and capable diplomatic service behave…


Russia has its own interests in Syria, contrary to Irans support to Hizbullah. But Russia would never infringe on Israels security threat as they try to do to the US, such as meddling in US politics. My point is Russia would be more committed to Israel than to Assad and Iran.


Russia did assist Assad in downing the American made F-16, but that move was against the US for assisting rebels in downing the Russian SU-25. It has more to do with arms trade. Russia just found the perfect time and Israel will probably forgive Russia and move on.


They’ll starts calling us all anti Putin.. just because our brains works perfectly.. I think Putin is Semitic now.. lol..! I’ve commented something like your statesments too..! Where most of the advanced weapons are in the wrong hands which are not even an ally..! Hehehe.. so much for their putinist.. lol


Also being highly speculative – but potentially this could have been a baited trap. Send Iranian UAV to northern Israeli border – wait for standard Israeli aggressive response – then paint and launch at IAF F-16 from the now Russian upgraded Syrian SAM systems. Loud message telegraphed that there is a new engagement paradigm…?


Indeed highly speculative – but like to table all scenarios!


No new paradigm. Inbetween were 3 waves of IL attack. 1 in dep land, in central Syria. And the syrian AD had no chance. As germans say: einmal ist keinmal (one times is zero times). When we will see, that the syria AD shoot down 8 out 10 IL planes, this will be a new paradigm. ;)


You are the anti-Putin guy, and now appears you rather pro-Israeli, your profile becomes clearer.


You are more and more stupid.


I was thinking that too. Something similar was done by the Iraqi army in 2003 against dozens of US Apaches with good success.

However, truth be told, they probably just got lucky with their AA this time.


Live long Syria. Well done. Shoot down more Israeli aeroplanes inside Israel before entering into Syrian air. Syria has full right to shoot down Israeli, US and Turkish aeroplane and protect Syrian civilions from Israeli and US terrorists.


Since Syria and Israel are in a state of war, Israel therefore has every right to destroy anything in Syria that threatens it.


Today it will be very sad day for Netanyahu.


May this be the 1st of many evil state planes to go down !


This was their best F-16I and most advanced. What a waste of US taxpayers money.

Overwatch D.VA

what are you complaining about ? america exists to support israel , american money should and must be used to help israel to the last dime , no one cares if an american citizen got hungry or poor or destitute as long as israel got help from US govt.

remember Trump’s campaign motto , Make Israel Great Again


It’s on boys and girls and it could escalate rapidly. Zios will try and blitz Syrian AD network with massive strikes and try to intangle US too. I hope Russia, Syria and Iran are coordinating the efforts. And boy how a couple od BUK or Pansir launchers in the hands of Hezbollah would come in handy today…

Mr. Alwaysbanned

yes, it could turn into a very bad situation


The baby rapers have had their bluff called.

jason sixx

Yes!!! Their arrogance tho … “iran responsible for this act of breaking israels sovereignty “. You are the ones in syrian/iranian allies airspace DUMMY


Israeli Drone Crashed in Lebanon http://www.uasvision.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Sklylark-crash.jpg

andy l

This is the best news I have heard in a while – you cant say the Israelis didnt have it coming with years of attacks on Syrian territory. Nothing like a bully getting a bloody nose!


Since Syria and Israel are in a state of war, Israel therefore has every right to destroy anything in Syria that threatens it.


Now Israel cannot claim that Syrians are aggressors or Syria have invaded Israel. F-u-c-k Israel.


When another nation (Syria) is at war with you, you’re allowed to attack them.


The terrorist headquarter (Israel) is begging for war because Israel dreams for greater Israel.


Fake News.


Syria has the unquestionable right to defend its people and its sovereignty from Israeli aggression.


Well done! http://l450v.alamy.com/450v/hr0mmy/russian-president-vladimir-putin-and-defense-minister-sergei-shoigu-hr0mmy.jpg


Seems Syrian air defenses finally improved to the point where they can shoot Down an F-16.

Export sales of F-16s will plummet.

Hassadnah Abraham

Russia must sell s 400 and s 500 to Syria immediately


Are you going to pay for them?

John Whitehot

s500? why not the s600?

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